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Everything posted by c-boy

  1. Soul survivor of the Ming dynasty one bottle left... 🤔 I'm thinkin' bout it ..lol.
  2. Last night was Crown Grill adventure... Nothing against California but. I'm glad I brought my own wine.
  3. Best meat pie I've eaten this trip Lamb and rosemary at Wattlesbank in Richmond .
  4. Mexico city #1, 😆. All the time I've spent there never had given me a feeling that it deserved #1.
  5. Notice how my camera focused on the ice cream cone. Somewhere in the background is Jo at the abandon ship sale.. 😕
  6. This day was about scenic cruising 🛳 And it was beautiful. One of the most spectacular coast line's we've viewed. Now course set north , northeast . 20231124_163415.mp4
  7. While in Hobart the ship picked up a naturalist/historian, and currently her soft friendly Australian accent is making a presentation over the p a. It's 0800. I would get out of bed and pay closer attention but, I consumed too much wine last night to give damn. Reminds me of my college day's 😄
  8. So while out and about, I noticed these lobster 🦞 pots are eco-friendly.
  9. reminds us of home, but even more beautiful. We're going ashore on one of my wife's secret / I can't tell you excursion.
  10. A relaxing evening, enjoyed our dinner meeting and conversing with new friends. (they didn't want their photos taken) ... Oh and wine 🍷 !
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