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Everything posted by SeaShark

  1. The OP, for one, has not...so exactly what is your point? Are you saying the OP had no business starting this thread because he hasn't been a fifteen year old girl within the last twenty years?
  2. I know, right? People come here and find a discussion forum with a wide and varied amount of opinions when all they really wanted was a support group!
  3. Think it through...when NCL makes a corporate level decision of course there is a "why" behind that decision. Do you really expect that, once a decision is made, that NCL has someone ensure that Cruise Critic knows the "why" behind their decision?
  4. Now you get it, if you guess or just flat-out make it up, you can argue whatever you want.
  5. As much sense as the (already disproven) premise that the number of assigned cabins doubled. So sure, why not, we can just make up our "facts" as we go. Question: Steward starts work at ##:##am and finishes at ##:##pm. Has their work day doubled, or are they still doing 1 day's worth of work?
  6. Well, I would argue that "cruising way too much" IS a life! That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  7. Actually, this was a staff idea...not Kevin's...and it was also chosen because it is a play on "Oceans"
  8. The Epic would like a word... "Breakaway" was a term used by then CEO Kevin Sheehan's family to describe a vacation while he was growing up. This was the actual "source of the term".
  9. Very true...couldn't agree more. One point to add would be: "how many kids"? In this case, there was one, but what if it were two, three, four...? How many minor children should be allowed to just "sit with their parents"? A line has to be drawn somewhere.
  10. Which isn't a problem given that he only has to do half of the work per cabin...
  11. Interesting that the stated reason for the unhappiness is the number of assigned cabins and not an increase in either the amount of work or in the length of the work day. Assign 8 cabins, 30 min service twice a day is 8 hours of work. Assign 16 cabins, 30 min service once a day is still 8 hours of work. (Numbers above are illustrative only, and are not intended to accurately reflect the exact work load of a room steward)
  12. Again, I'm sorry, but I feel like there is either information or context that is missing here and that make this hard to understand for those of us who were not there at the time. Reading the quote above, one would think: Hostess: Good Evening, Welcome to Teppanyaki, may I help you? Guest: Yes, we have a reservation for three people. Hostess: OK, but your child is NOT allowed to go in the restaurant. I can't image that this is what happened, but this is what was described. I find it difficult to understand how or why the Hostess would just declare that your daughter is not permitted to enter the restaurant. Some relevant details are missing here, while other, non-relevant, details are provided as I'm certain that the fact that your daughter is smart, beautiful, and slightly shy has nothing to do with this issue.
  13. I'm sorry, but you lost me right away. How can your daughter both "share without issue" AND "eat off the kids menu"? Is she sharing what you ordered, or are you eating some of what she got from the kids menu? And FWIW, it isn't new or hidden, in fact it is plainly posted on NCL's website
  14. The answer is really simple...people, in general, are more likely to complain than not. This is why you see the "complaint department" but not a "compliment department". Think about the big picture...THOUSANDS of people are onboard for each and every Breakaway sailing. When you see "a lot of unhappy people" think about how many there are vs how many people are happy and simply saying nothing.
  15. Google is your friend. Here is one example where NCL did this very thing: https://consumerrescue.org/cruise-fiascos/cruise-line-do-not-sail-list-banned-from-cruising/
  16. If you're doing anything "wrong", it would be jumping to conclusions on me. You had this great insight as to how the cruise line could easily and obviously fix their issue...I'm just stunned that...given your obvious industry insight...that cruise lines aren't banging down your door in an attempt to hire you. Your ability to understand how the industry works has to come from somewhere...I just hate to see it wasted.
  17. No...I get that. What I don't get is how it is you're not putting together slideshows to convince boards since you speak from a point of expertise. You could be making bank with your great ideas and insight instead of wasting it pontificating here.
  18. Well, if you really have a way to "easily make the information more transparent", then by all means...sell it to the cruiselines who should all jump at the chance to benefit from your expertise. If what you claim is true, then any company adopting the practice wins because of the multiude of grateful customers they will have as a result.
  19. Maybe the issue is trying to divine a solution when there isn't even agreement on the existence of a problem that needs solving. Could say this about a lot of things...sales tax for example...yet we all can go to the store and survive without the same level of trauma that the service charge brings to allegedly informed cruisers.
  20. Its hardly difficult...and certainly not "as difficult as possible". You simply can't do the slightest cruise 101 level research without becoming informed about service charges...its an industry standard. Heck, this entire thread started as a result of an article comparing service charges across the industry...with that kind of info, "difficult" is the wrong word. NCL is $20 pp/pd or $140 for a 7 day cruise...easy as pie to add that to the price when shopping...we all received those math skills at the elementary level. If is really presents such a problem, simply ask your TA for options with the total out-the-door price listed. Any TA worth their salt will happily provide that info.
  21. While this might be your opinion, there is simply no way that you know what it is that entices "newbie cruisers that NCL is trying to attract". That aside, people looking for the lowest advertised price are not going to be NCL's market as evidenced by the fact that NCL doesn't offer the lowest advertised price...a number of options exist with lower advertised prices.
  22. They are just as aware that there are other cruise lines as you are aware that there are other guests.
  23. We all have to live within our budget. However, if you are to the point where you are worried about nickels and dimes, perhaps it is time to consider a more affordable cabin category.
  24. So your TA just started back in the office in Jan and that justifies her not properly informing you? And you pay for this service? No wonder you need to seek answers online...I'd be asking for my money back.
  25. Both signs that your choice for a PCC or TA was a poor one and something that you should change. Question #1, of course, is why your PCC/TA didn't completely explain your booking to you at the time you made the reservation? Or why didn't you ask what it was you were buying at the time? You should know what the promo codes are before you hand over your deposit.
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