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Everything posted by SeaShark

  1. Good for you, but just because you've never run into an unexpectedly high bar bill doesn't negate the fact that others have, and that this has caused others to clamor for an inclusive package instead. Good luck to you in finding a cruise line these days that doesn't offer a drink package. I hope that you find what you're looking for.
  2. Sometimes a cabin category is sold at a low/bargain price. As a trade-off for the lower price, you give up the option to select your own cabin. The "sail-away" rate is an example of this. You can get around this by selecting a category that is not being sold under this condition (iow, pay more $$$). Sometimes demand for a category might exceed expectations before unsold cabins held by TAs are released. When this occurs, the category will also go to guarantee status and you will not have the option to select your own cabin. However, if you happen to be working with one of those TAs that is holding unsold inventory, then you would be able to select a cabin from the ones that the TA is holding. The concept of the guarantee cabin is certainly not new. Here is a Cruise Critic article that you might find interesting: https://www.cruisecritic.com/articles.cfm?ID=337
  3. Nothing wrong with your opinion. Nothing. Not everything is, or should be, for everyone. There has to be different strokes for different folks. Some people love the buffet, some people never eat there. Some people go to every bingo or trivia, lounge act, etc. while others wouldn't be caught dead there. Some people wouldn't sail outside the Haven, some wouldn't sail without a balcony, and some wouldn't be dragged out of an inside cabin. Nothing wrong with any of it. People should be able to do what makes them happy. We have a whole thread here complaining that people like what is going on in the atrium. 🙄 Sheesh, if the atrium situation bothers you, then simply do something else somewhere else. If the atrium is so unbearably overcrowded, then simply go where all of those people aren't.
  4. Yeah...and remember the days before drink packages when people complained about their bar bills and said they just wished the cruise line would charge them a little more and make the drinks "included" instead? I guess you have to be careful of what you wish for.
  5. Is it just me, or can't we just say that something didn't meet our expectations? What is it about Cruise Critic that brings out the extreme drama with "chaotic" and/or "dysfunctional"? We can't look at food and say "I didn't like ____", we have to go to "inedible". When we want to be negative, a "tip" becomes a "bribe". 🙄 Do we describe things with extreme language hoping that people will "settle" for something more in line with the truth? Or do we use extreme language as a means to sway opinions when we aren't sure the facts will do it on their own?
  6. Unless you yourself were there all morning or all afternoon, just how would you know who did or did not move from their seats? If you saw people, then you left and came back and saw the same people, you wouldn't know for certain whether they were there the whole time or if they themselves left and came back while you were gone.
  7. Both? Can't be both. You either see the problem sitting or you see the problem standing. You can't do both. It almost seems like you are more interested in pot stirring than finding a solution when you won't even define the problem. Have you suggested a better location that is available at the required time that will hold the number of people that would show up? Perhaps you feel NCL should just offer less likeable entertainment so that more people will pass on it? Or maybe security should position themselves at the entrances and only let X number of people in and then close it off? What do you suggest?
  8. What exactly do you see as the problem? a) Are you looking for a solution to all of the people standing and watching the shows while you are occupying a chair in the Atrium? or b) Are you one of the people standing in the Atrium and you'd like to find a way to get people out of the seats so that you can have one yourself?
  9. I'd be interested in seeing these as well. Especially the menus.
  10. Its not MSC...Cruise Critic has them on pause. CC was the one who was collecting everyone's information and contacting MSC, so they need to start things up again. I suppose that someone from CC will need to reach out to their contact at MSC with a "Hey, we're ready to restart the M&M on our side, are you ready?" email to get the ball rolling. Maybe everyone should start contacting the CC mods and asking them to do so...🤷‍♂️
  11. "coronary abrasion"? Don't you think that's a bit over dramatic? Although, tbh, probably not as over dramatic as "amazing". Even at the suggested minimum wage of $15/hr, $2 only gets you 8 minutes....not sure that is the level I'd call "amazing".
  12. Ahhh...I would appreciate it if you would explain that to my bank the next time a payment bounces. 😲
  13. Wait. Now you're saying it's new? I thought it was "new old stock"? Why are you constantly redefining your terms?
  14. I like this post. This shows every worker on the ship what they could get from the marketplace once they provide enough extraordinary service to earn five tips. It gives them a goal to shoot for.
  15. 👊☠️🐴 Emoji all you want. I'm just here for the flail.
  16. New old stock might be a nice name, but it still is different than new (hence the need for the different name). You can have a 2017 Automobile that has never been driven, but that doesn't make it "new". And given that you are a professed uber-user of this currency, I think you wouldn't make a rookie mistake like not being able to tell the difference between new and 5+ year old bills. I was surprised that you, of all people, missed a very obvious fact. And no, I don't think they have a person putting bills in serial number order and banding them. I think that is all done by machine. Why do you ask, do you think I said that people did this?
  17. You know better, those are definitely not new bills. Likely more than 5 years old tbh.
  18. What is the problem we are trying to solve? A) Are we trying to figure out how to give Haven perks and amenities to someone who hasn't paid for them? or B) Are we trying to figure out how the family can spend time together for dinner? Seems like you could join her in any of the many specialty restaurants on the ship or in one of the main dining rooms for dinner. No fuss. No muss. No problem. And no additional fee required.
  19. Actually, the old story is still there. What was linked to at the start of the thread was an excerpt of the story...which is actually published as part of their online magazine. It is the excerpt that was edited to correctly read "best" instead of "biggest".
  20. Interesting to see that Cruise Industry News has edited their story and completely moved away from the "biggest cruise line" angle.
  21. Interesting to see that Cruise Industry News has edited their story and completely moved away from the "biggest cruise line" angle.
  22. Of course you implied it. Why else would you share without responding to an ask? The entire "point" here is that the "I never _____" or the "I always _____" statements are, tbh, crap. You just happened to step in it. The whole "your results may vary" comment actually proves the point. If your results may very, then relating one's own experience becomes utterly pointless, because "your results may very". Might as well just answer "yes", "no", and "maybe" to every question. All the bases are covered and one answer is bound to be right.
  23. And who gets to decide when "as soon as possible" is? There will always be someone whining that they should have let them know "sooner".
  24. Ah...the "I never..." argument. Just because you "never had a problem", that means that everyone else will be the same, right? I can honestly say that I've never known anyone who carried a $20 in their wallet for the traffic stop. Even though this statement is 100% true, does that mean that your statement about the $20 isn't? So, you're going to dismiss people's opinions by judging them as "silly"? Can't you make a point without demeaning labels and name-calling?
  25. That is one way of looking at it. One might also argue that the points are not being raised in a convincing manner. It's the whole "glass half full or glass half empty" argument. The answer can depend on whether you're drinking or pouring.
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