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Everything posted by firefly333

  1. There are 2 sides you can book for izumi. The hibachi the op asked about is stir fry, choice of meats and veggies and he does a show kind of thing says 8 seats around each stir fry table. Separately if you look in your planner it says there is izumi sushi side and they have a lot of other choices other than sushi. Set price sit down meal is 3o.99 but cheaper to book ahead in planner. Take a look in your planner at the menu. Personally I love the poki bowl, that green seaweed salad, poke that has the regular tuna and also salmon though I ask for no salmon. And fried rice ..lots more than I can ear. 1 small, 2 large entrees and dessert. Also you can order ala carte which isnt in your planner just individual prices to take out.
  2. As mentioned it's so nice to not have to pack up I'd accept a cabin not my first choice rather than have to change cabins the morning of change over. Read the whole letter they leave on your bed for instructions on change over day. I missed there was a b2b lunch in one of the Mdr dining rooms. Almost always some fish I didnt much like branzino or similar name. Always seem to offer short ribs I do love. Some have 2 some have had 3 choices of appetizers. Grandeur had one dessert, yes or no. Bigger ships might have 2 or even 3 choices but it's a good menu. Sorry I missed it my first few b2bs after covid. Read the whole letter, not just meet in the ,lobby at 9 or 930 or a dining room, wherever ... read the whole letter lol. My last couple on harmony we met in a conference room and customs came onboard to check our passports so we didnt have tk get off.usually you have to be lead off, get your cards in the terminal and be ,read back on. Varies from ship to ship, time to time. Should have been great to not have to get off the ship. One leg we had 2 stowaways and finally even though they gave us new cards for the next week they finally had to lead us off and the whole crew scearched for a whole hour to find the 2 pax who thought they could hide. You do have to click off the ship and theh know if you didnt get off. On harmony theh brought in a thing where we coukd click in and click out to the conference room. Or the computers shut down on JS another time.
  3. My doctor told me too to stay out of the sun and I'm still cruising. Imo it's impossible to cruise and not get some sun. You get off at a port and of course walk around. You are going to get some sun no matter what. I'm with you, not changing my life, just being more careful and trying to not get sunburned. I have that irish skin which used to be freckled that is more prone to skin cancer my doc says. Try and get checked every 6 months. Most skin cancers if you find them in time can be frozen off in the doctors office. If I had none that visit they used to allow me to freeze off one skin tag, but last time now dont even allow that much. My policy is small co pay. My dad retired from NASA and back then Medicare wasnt so big and they chose a private policy which later in his life, each place burned off was a separate charge. There was only 1 private policy they could get as the years went by. To change over to Medicare he would have had to pay back tomage 65. At age 89 or 90 we inquired and he was told there woukd be a additional $1200 a month payment on top of the Medicare insurance payment to pay back to age 65. He lived another 13 or 14 years, so it would have cost even more to change to medicare. He had hip replacement t and his insurance only covered 90 days. If he had Medicare instead they would have paid 6 to 12 month of rehab. We took him home and he never was a good eater. By then he was on a feeding tube we had to manage on our own he had for about a year after that rehab place. They also got his blood thinner pills tripled once and he went into a coma. Nice new rehab place, looked really nice, but the help were working b2b 12 hour shifts and somehow his blood thinner pills got doubled up and he then had to be hospitalized and they called us in and didnt think he would live but he did eventually wake up from the coma. He was 89 at the time and was just there for PT after hip replacement. He used to be a electrical e engineer for NASA and when he woke up he had this whole plan in his head about how to rewire all the phones in the hospital. So funny he woukd wake up thinking about wiring and technical stuff... we were so happy he woke up and coherent. .. in his own way. My mind too works in numbers and numbers sequences. I admit I'm terrible at anything social. I find it hard to make friends. I want friends but forget names but can remember their phone numbers. Anyway I'm moving out today to the condo. Going to have the beds delivered today. I looked at sofas and love seats but cant make up my mind. I like soft soft soft. Leather looks more classy but I think I prefer material or cloth or microfiber. My cousin ssays I already paid to ship my old junkmsofa and love seat might as well take my time making up my mind. It's so complicated to think about. If I order from online they deliver it downstairs. By myself I cant get it up to my unit. My neighbors I've met I'd say more than half are older than me. Dont know how to plan delivery, hire help for the exact right time. The guy who painted and cleaned has grandsons who I could hire but 45 minutes away. And then add in I'm required to give this guy ray 24 hours notice to pad the elevators. My mind is so feeling confused right now. I know now it was stupid to ship the, for instance rooms to go charges $89 to deliver but wouldnt pick up the old sofa and chair. This matress bed guy his guys will pick up. But now it could be more than another week before my moving truck comes. Maybe not even next week. I think they should have told me clearly the 12 business days starts not the day of pick up, but the day I picked for delivery. He said well he couldnt promise delivery last friday. He should have said the 12 business days starts counting from last friday, the picked delivery date. So now it could be not even by the end of next week. I'm kinda mad theh didnt mention how they calculated the 2 to 12 days, no its business days, no it's not from the date of pick up, it's from the date I selected for earliest delivery.. I've spent 11 nights now in hotels. Communication is a fail. I still plan on buying new living room for future but my cousin says take my time but finding helpmto not just deliver but also remove the old set is a problem. Btw i would never normally shop at rooms to go but it's currently in the same parking lot out on the main road where I'm currently staying. I just went in to see how soft the leather sofas were and look at choices. Like quite a few have a thing in the middle of the love seat for cups and ubs charging. I dont want that blocking up the love seat. Some have electric motion and some manual levers for motion. I dont know if one lasts better than the other but i want motion. .. my mind is still so dizzy from decisions. Maybe no one but me would move across the country alone knowing no one there that can help with small things. I'd like to know about where you can fish if my bil comes for instance. My condo is posted no fishing allowed. .. but one step forward. I'm moving to the condo today, beds being delivered.
  4. I think it's a great list. My only comment would be that 3 of the free places mentioned are basically similar or the same. The 3 places mini bites or wipe out cafe and fresh are free mexican and each ship for unknown reasons has a different name for basically the same place. All are basically located in the same place, toward the aft below the WJ. A long time ago wipe out cafe had snacky type food. I went in and I dont eat that kind of thing. I dont eat hot dogs or their free hamburgers. So they changed the menu to the el loco fresh Mexican chips and dips and such like the others. Kept the name but changed the menu to mexican which i personally like better. I like some afternoons to make nachos mid afternoon for a snack before dinner. It opens late on pkrt days like 3 or 330 pm. But is a very similar menu just the name was never changed. I did oasis twice back when it was new so that's why I remember the old menu vs the new Mexican snacky type stuff now. My friend said he actually asked why black beans and not refried beans. He was told because there is a pay mexican restaurant on that ship who has dibs on refried beans, so the free mexican serves black beans. There was one other item like this but I am not that picky, I like beans either way. Great list I agree. Though imo 3 of the included places are basically the same. Great resource. These 3 are basically the same location and menu, just depends on the ship. I did hear icon has fresh tortillas and a bit better than the rest. I know I'm being nit picky. Nice to have a list where you can see the name of the place on each ship. Thanks for doing this list from me too. Someone was asking on harmony and I couldn't remember the name was mini bites on harmony. The name doesnt even sound like a place to find free mexican stuff.
  5. Sorry if I forgot but is this a new house you bought to renovate and move into or one you inherited? I know I should remember and see all the work you are doing but cant remember why you started remodeling.
  6. I had some that was still pre cancerous on my upper lip. They froze the heck out of it. My GP said he didnt think it looked like cancer to him. Skin doctor said yes but still can use that thing that freezes off the places if they havent grown too much. She did it about a week before a cruise. It made my upper lip pretty much die where the cancer was. I could feel it was hard, gp was wrong. Freezing it,then it's all gone and no cream but as it dies off it made it look to me like I had heres. I was kinda embarrassed to be eating in the Mdr,that people would think I was diseased. Thenskinnwas definitely hanging off my upper lip a week or two but got rid of it.
  7. I agree with you sea dog the hits just keep o coming. I used to play a lot of tennis and have had lots of MOHS, lasted time was above my knee and she said they dont do MOHS there because the scarring wouldnt show. I also have done the radiology on my left hand. It still ,ewves a scar and is white with red blotches around the white. ... and that takes a LONG time to do. Meet, then meet to map, then 8 weeks of low radiology and check ups. It took over 3 months and imo still is pretty visible. If you find a cream that removes skin cancer, please post to my attention. I dont always get to every post but if you post to my attention I'll see it. I for sure need to see a dentist. I've a,ready done 3 implants. The first time the metal was still co sisdered rare and I know was well over $17k for one implant. Then I had a problem between 2 teeth and complained for a year or 2 to my dentist, who just prescribed antibiotics and couldn't find the abscess. So 2 skinny implants in that hole. If I could find a way to stop this getting old I sure would. I've always had teeth issues though. And the moving truck news just keeps getting worse and worse. I finally got a hold of someone who called the movers, who are in bkytin beach, not that far south of me. When they were packing me up he asked when I could have the movers and I said last friday, give myself a fee days I thought. The girl today said the 12 business days doesnt start being counted until from last friday, the day I said I'd like to move in. So count 12 business days starting AFTER last friday. She said she thought maybe by the end of next week, but could even be the weekend after this one, before I know, and then could be like the tuesday after next week on tuesday. That's 12 business days after last friday. I'd have picked a sooner date had I understood just how long it woukd be, but she thinks maybe by the end of next week they will deliver. I was counting from the day of pick up, not from the day I said I'd like it de,ivered. I've quit being as stressed as I'm getting a lot of rest, but I thought no later than Wednesday next week .. add 4 more business days. I guess there is a place where I could have and should have read to understand their terms better. 2 to 12 days didnt sound so bad especially when I read here eczema (sorry cant spelll) said she got her stuff in 2 days. My stuff and mostly antiques I've had 50 years is out sitting in south florida in 100 degree heat. Like a 300 or whatever napoleon table with marble top, my end tables are all antiques. I sure didnt have a clear understanding of how they counted days to arrive. And hoped it was closer to the 2 days than 12 business days. She said something like if they dont text by june 14, contact them again. .. yea right. How did these folks get 9.9 out of 10 on reviews? Google showed them to be the highest rated moving company. I paid almost $3500 brokerage fee and they cant hire more phone help? I tried several times and kept getting due to the u usual call column theh suggested I leave my number for a call back. The 2nd time I tried to just wait it out and gave up. Easily 2 to 3 hours for someone to call back. At least I know they have my right phone, as I just gave up my land line last week on Monday. So some still have that phone number too. Its sure a good thing I really wanted to move to see the ocean and water, not dallas. I was sure by next week surely I'd have my stuff, but nope, could be later. So far a very expensive education in how NOT to move. Throw away anything you might not want and buy it new. Cut things to only treasures. I think they should say to you the date you pick you say yiunwant to move in might be when the 12 business days start. I dont want to threaten them with a bad review, they might treat me even worse, but so far I'd say 2 out 10, not 9.9 out of 10. Let's hope the heat isnt hurting the antiques. And I still have not homesteaded the house for my sister, waiting on her hubby to snail mail a copy of her new ID. I filled out the form jan 1st this year! it's like come beat your head against this wall some more.
  8. This thread is also the first time I heard about flamingos. I've always ,liked them, though not to the point I would decorate my yard with then. This thread was rhe first time I've ever read they too have a double meaning. Such a educational thread :)
  9. I agree though usually I prefer mysteries. Especially on a cruise I choose very light weight reading. I'm chatting and looking at the ocean not wanting to read something hard core with lots of characters to keep up with. Well I feel like I'm getting a look at how the other half live. There are 3 extended stays in this area, only 1 listed as premier suites. I asked last night what that means. I was talking to a father living here with his 6 year old son for the last 5 1/2 years! I am so surprised how many people live here all the time. He works too, not homeless. He says a apt would be around $2400 plus utilities and here runs about the same except it has a work out room, a upgraded laundry and their kinda lame breakfast which seems lamer by the day. And if he moved into a apt then he has to pay utilities. A couple of guys yesterday who been here a year are heading back to texas. This is like condo living for those who cant afford this area. I do feel secure and the police drive thru regularly. Still no word on when my movers will arrive. Last week they said if no word by june 6 then reach out to them again. I just emailed them again. I dont even know my stuff is ok and didnt get wet in the storm. About $3500 just the brokerage fee and they cant even locate my stuff and tell me it survived the storm? Nothing? Google said 9.9 stars out of 10. I've rate them about a 2 so far. I did get a text from my next door neighbor who is watching the house asking if she should call my bil. About the badly smashed fence. I said my buyer called sunday and told me about it, it's a tree from the next door new neighbor on the other side whose tree fell and badly smashed the fence between us. I got 3 people plus the buyer watching the house. Closing still set for june 15, I sure would be happy if it were sooner. For some reason from what I hear this area in particular was hit worse than others. Maybe because it's a older area and the trees are older and taller, idk. Sitting here in florida it's hard to know how bad my area was hit. I know bonnie is up a few suburbs north of where my house sits and idk where george is exactly. Sometimes no news isnt good news when you are waiting to hear when your stuff will arrive and is it ok, did it get wet. Was it actually a tornado that went thru my area. Yesterday I priced out a nice sofa and loveseat. I want them to pick up what I shipped so I dont want to order living room furniture yet. The beds will be delivered tomorrow. Without a table it's going to be hard to see the tv sitting on the floor, the tvs are small. My old house was tiny. Its lucky I decided to bring the tvs with me. They said I had to have the tvs in boxes. One tv is so new I have the box but I'd have to screw off the legs, so it was just easier to stick them in my car. That's all the furniture I brought in my car. At least tomorrow I'll have a bed to sleep on. I went by to look at the living room stuff the sales guy picked out for me and laid on the bed again I picked out and still love it. I asked why the headboard and frame I picked out was so much extra over others he would include without extra cost. The mgr said look here, this wood is all one piece. Its solid wood. I still dont think its cherry. Cherry has reddish overtones, this looks more like mahogany to me, like what I already have. I still like it but doesnt look like cherry to me. ARGGGH I'm so tired of waiting and no information from the movers. 9.9 out of 10 ratings my foot!
  10. I rarely check prices, but last night I checked on a couple cheapies, explorer 5 days out of PC which I admit is royal, price is now down to about what I paid 6 months ago, about $650 total solo. Plus they are now throw in some extra obc to entice you to book. I'm still in the middle of moving. Sitting at a hotel now for 10 days and no word on when the moving truck will arrive. I can tell you who NOT to book with. I actually was so stressed out I didnt board my 7 day mariner cruise and was a no show. Everything costs more these days. I moved some antiques I've held onto for 50 years, this and that kind of thing, 50 boxes of quilts plus my mom made and 1 bedroom of furniture. I wish I hadnt bothered to ship my sofa and chair, it would have been cheaper to replace and buy new. They estimated under $7500. Movers got there and said now the price is over $9k if you want your bed and dresser stuff on the truck. I could have replaced all my old furniture for less than the cost to ship. I've promised myself I'll never move again. Bought some chicken tenders in the deli section. 8.99 a lb. Everything costs a lot more than it used to, it's not just cruises. A pre made salad in the publix deli 8.99. Plus or minus. Having crossed the country and buying stuff on the road, everything costs more. I can still find some solo shorter bargains, on older ships. Used to be able to find carnival last minute for like starting 399 pp. Under 1k off season. Now there doesnt seem to be a off season. I'm about to check carnival prices for fun, but until the moving truck arrives or I at least have some word when to expect it, my enthusiasm for cruising is at a all time low. Not cruising fault. Next time I'll throw away my furniture and just ship knick knacks and save some money. It's been 10 days and they cant tell me anything but the moving company will text 24 to 48 hours ahead. I could write a book about now on price inflation.
  11. True but imo they also should let you know they changed the cabin you picked. It didnt occur to me to check the cabin number on my boarding pass. Some love those 4Js at the front where you supposedly can go out the side doors out onto the area in front of your cabin. Maybe because it was too windy but they kept those doors locked my entire cruise. And the sf was much smaller than what I'd booked. If carnival changes my cabin send me a email. Leave me a phone message, or give me a slip when I board. The door was propped open so i walked in and unpacked. All im sayijg is sure they have the right to change anyones picked booked cabin, but i also think that i should have the right to be notified when I board. That's ok, we can disagree. That's why I quit using that pvp. She agreed with you, I have no rights to be notified the cabin I picked was changed. If it was a gty fine, but that was a cabin I paid to pick far in advance. I knew it was close to 220 sf and the cabin I got seemed like about 150 sf or smaller, couldn't even put beds side by side it was extra small. My pvp position was carnival might have seen previously I'd asked for a shower chair, I'd travelled with a hc sister. So they might have thought they did me a favor giving me a tiny hc cabin that half had a bathroom with a roll in shower for a wheelchair. The fact my pvp had zero sympathy for me not being notified and only kept repeating same as you carnival has the right to change your room without notice. No sympathy. So I got rid of her. I want a agent who can at least see my side, which I see you dont either.
  12. I can now make a pretty tight fist, almost normal. No word yet from the movers. It's the waiting that drives you crazy. I really am surprised a moving company has no idea when the moving company will be leaving from dallas. The fee upfront is just a brokerage fee to hand you over to the movers. It's nice out to sit in the evenings here. I'm still at the extended stay premier suites. Some people love here full time so it's like a community staying here where they already know each other. Some say they cant find affordable rentals, first last and a months rent, cheaper to stay here, they dont have 3 months rent saved up, or mold re mediation, their insurance is paying for them to live here. Another says in her wheelchair it's hard to find a place where she can just wheel into the shower. I've got a stupid question. Every hotel survey asks me for a eco rating. I must be stupid but how would I know if a hotel is eco friendly. What am I looking for at a hotel that woukd make it eco friendly. I just check the box and say sure, but I really have no idea if a hotel behind the scenes is eco friendly. Are they asking about how the hotel does laundry? What would make a hotel eco friendly? A certain kind of furniture. I really dont understand the question. The kind of little tube of shampoo they give me in the shower? Wouldnt that be a demerit, plastic is bad? That little boutique hotel I stayed at in Tallahassee I said wow the donuts were so good. I saw the same kind of mini donuts in publix. They are Krispy creme donuts. No wonder they tasted so good and I'm sure a million calories. Enjoy those grandchildren while they are young. Life is too short.
  13. Before covid muster you had to meet witha bunch of others. Now it's mostly on the app. You have to click to listen to the 7 loud horn blasts in case of emergency, maybe dont do this while sitting in your hotel lobby lol. Also another little short movie about how to fasten your life best. Then when you go by your muster station, just check in and they check off your name. As soon as I board, i go to settings, and connect to royal Caribbean onboard so all the activities show. Some stuff doesnt show until you do this. Also I didnt change to airplane mode and a gazillion of data I had saved up on my tracfone disapeared. My fault. App quit working on my tablet so now I have to use my cell phone. Still learning. Now wifi is from musk's starlink. The older ships arent much better but a ship like wonder now has something like a router in each cabin. You can stream wirelessly on wonder if you know how to stream. The older ships still need a hdmi cable. A lot of the changes are better.
  14. The latest ingot assigned was at the port. At the port inside where the porters work out of the ain guy has a list of everyone and their cabin number. I had to go to him once before I was allowed to check in and he has the final list. He gave me my cabin number and then I could take it back to check in and was allowed to check in. I did book the cruise late though. During covid they sometimes were blocking off corridors for covid. I had booked a 1A with the two port holders, which I like because it's a larger than usual cabin for the money. I got a slip of paper at the port and changed to a deluxe ov which was a oce upgrade. Another time I booked my favorite port hole larger cabin and went in and unpacked and noticed a paper addressed to someone else. I had already unpacked. That was hard to explain why I unpacked in a cabin not mine. With no notice whatsoever I was changed toma tiny HC 4J. Much smaller, so small the beds had to be end to end and a wheel in shower that took up a lot of the cabin. At night the black out curtains had to be closed for navigation. I think they should have notified me if they changed my cabin. This was before covid. I used to like my PVP but she continued to say carnival has the right to change your cabin without notifying you. She has 0 sympathy that I unpacked in the cabin I booked and then had to explain to get access to get my stuff repackaged. After that I rarely booked with her. Ii also now use a TA. I want someone on my side. I've had some good and some bad gty. Good imgot pool deck, my favorite. Bad, below the kitchen, not the dining room the actual kitchen. Noisy. On the older ships the bunks came out of the wall and had wooden braces. Now they come out of the ceiling. Once solo ingot one of these quads with the wooden braces. Was hard to read in bed. Carnival seems to love to surprise me and give me just any cabin they happen to have.
  15. I have cruised on carnival quite a few times with a special needs sister. Once we almost got separated after the theater. We were waiting in a crowd and a elevator came the opposite direction and she just followed people onto the elevator. I feel so lucky I saw it just in time to rech in and grab her and pull her out. One thing we finally started doing was I could lewve her sitting in the buffet and tell her not to leave. When I would go back to the buffet she always seemed to draw a crowd of helpful older ladies who would sit and talk to her and get her food and this worked out best for us. I tried to teach her even and odd numbers and descending and ascending so she might learn how to find our cabin but my om said I was being mean to her and made me stop. I was just scared. I'd told her if we got separated to ask someone to take her to guest services, but I'm not sure she could remember to do this. Sometimes you just have to depend on the kindness of other pax. Not all disabilities are 100% obvious to the naked eye. I think it would be awesome if cruiselines camemup with some mind of tracking device or way to cruise with pax who dont have the same IQ as people assume. They might look normal but maybe arent. Royal closes the buffet between meals. Carnival doesnt which was a big plus for me. There is a reason I made diamond on carnival and took so many carnival cruises.
  16. For reasons idk I too have seen some better princess prices for solo ot of Galveston. Also MSC currently seems to have the cheapest prices. . Though as you said it may not be going out of your port ... yet but they seem to be expanding. First I heard they are building a 4th ter final in Galveston and now I'm reading they will be building a new terminal in port Canaveral so they are for sure expanding. Royal has more new ships coming which expands their capacity. Icon just barely started and utopia will be new and coming to do short cruises out of PC. With so much more capacity coming online eventually how can prices not eventually start to come down. Also you need to look at how each line prices what you want to book. For me carnival is often more expensive than royal. For a while royal was always cheaper than carnival because unlike csrnivalmtheir loyalty rewards make a huge difference. Group rates on carnival are nothing special but on royal I have gotten some totally awesome deals for group rates. You cant see royals group rates but even a solo cabin I can get group rates thru my TA. So between group rates, then I get $250 off as a diamond +, then as a solo I get 25% off the total cruisefare. At 340 pts it says 50% off the 2nd pax, but it's the same as 25% off the total cruise fare. I love carnival and their journey cruises are awesome, just same as you unless you gamble carnival is often higher priced than other lines. That's my issue. Only royal gives me as a solo a discount and 2 loyalty pts per night so it's faster to get higher in their tier. Blerk always says carnival doesnt have to buy peoples loyalty, some people dont care about peice and will book the same line. I look at price. I'd rather do more cruises on the same $$$ amount. I'm with you carnival lately has cost more than some like msc or princess. I'd like to try HAL but dont want to drive. My friends say HAL has really good food. I'm more into food than trivia. Each line is playing different pricing games since covid imo. People are saying they can book celebrity for less than royal, group rates, for 2 pax, not as a solo.
  17. Idk about all but rcl changed many connecting room to a different category. Before covid for instance all the insides looking into the promenade were PR category. Now they are listed as 2 different categories. I had booked one not connecting as a PR during covid and the ben and Jerry's sweet came available and I couldnt just change to it because it was now a different category as a connecting PR category and I'd have had to pay the new higher rate. When I booked both connecting and non connecting were the same category. Like other categories, I booked a corner aft as a regular balcony, now they have some ew name like sunset veranda. @Ourusualbeachcan probably tell you which categories to look for that connect or dont on the ones that changed .. or as someone said the deck plans show too.
  18. I'm so sorry to hear this. My cousin went thru this and had his removed.,he said it took a year to recover so he could go normally. I was just with a friend a few weeks ago and I didnt hear until I was leaving he is a 100% disabled vet from agent orange and not having the cancer removed or chemo. Idk why his decision, it was mentioned just as i was leaving. When i get settled from moving im calling but this isnt going to be a easy solution. I feel so bad from hearing how hard recovery was for my cousin. I'm more worried about your cousin than you losing your free play, taxes and fees are refunded.i wish your husband the best and a good solution. I can only imagine how worried you are.
  19. Huge co congratulations to your grandson. He must not only be s art but a hard worker. Feel proud, you deserve it.
  20. Oh no that sounds terrible. My first house in the dallas area had poison ivy. I hope you can get rid of it in your yard. Not just on you. I wouldnt want you to get it again. I'm up awake thinking of all that kind of stuff ahead of me, finding a doctor for instance. I see a area above one of my eyes where I had cataract surgery and the skin turned bleached out looking idk if I should worry about, and finding a dentist, and the post office. Made it this far, now tonight having a bit of a panic attack realizing my furniture I spent so much to pack doesnt fit the condo at all. I hope it goes away on you and that you can get rid of it so you dont get it again! It is lucky you could get in right away and see a skin doctor. I hope tomorrow when you wake up you are less swollen.
  21. Yea I think this is a good point. Also the reason earnings 1st qtr this year were up 40% was compared to covid prices a year previous. Prices are no longer going up up up. I've seen plenty of posts on roll calls to check your price, prices have dropped. The only reason for 40% yoy was compared to covid prices. Those days are gone. Maybe star and wonder still going to be high, but too many posts of price drops on harmony and older ships. CNBC had some news on ccl today but I couldnt catch what they were saying. Too many routes to coco cay if you ask me. This last drop none to Bermuda? Have to do celebrity. People are commenting on deals to the new adult beach close in. Almost giving it away. Compared to covid prices of course earnings are up a large percentage. Now that's gone. Or almost, when you compare to prices a year ago. I'd like to buy more shares, but not at 155. There was also some insider selling at 140, tells you it's getting toppy. And the consumer is showing signs of getting tapped out., the only thing running is nvda because it has the AI chips everyone wants. I'm not saying sell, just cautious, wouldnt buy more this high. I'm a hold, not a buy, not a sell, a hold.
  22. Well I do have pillows and a quilt with me, but he is also including everything. I picked out 2 sets of beige sheets, 2 queen size pillows, 2 mattress covers. Idk what all but a whole pkg. He also sells living room furniture but I dont think I can do a big set in there. One side are those glass windows out to the balcony, opposite side is a wet bar right where a armchair could be. He said he will send his guys to look but a love seat on the other wall couldnt see the tv. His sister works at rooma to go so I went down there just to look at styles. The problem with them is they woukdnt pick up the sofa and matching chair I am having shipped. I did plan on replacing it, but the living room to me because of the sliders on one side and wet bar on the other side, I dont know but need to think about it. He said his guys will measure and maybe have a good idea. Rooms to go will not pick up what I am having shipped so that's a problem. I dont want 2 sofas in there. This guy where I bought the beds said his guys will pick up my old sofa immshippijg and the matching chair. Its comfortable but time to replace with something that looks better. But he is giving me mattress pads, and sheets and big pillows, idk but he had to help me carry it all out to the car. The refund for this hotel doesnt sound worth bothering about so I said let's just do this move on friday. And his guys will look at the living room. I dont see a way to put a 2nd loveseat where it can see rhe tv, though I guess I should get 2 matching pieces for company. The living room shape is hard, between the sliders to the balcony and the stupid wet bar. His guys will measure.
  23. I was on harmony and someone decorated for xmas. Someone changed them to swastikas for last xmas. I'm a bit leery of door magnets. Kids steal them. Someone on my oct roll call wants to organise size a gift exchange and just leave a gift at someones door. I am a no, leaving a gift when you dont even know when they will be around seems like a bad idea. Meet somewhere, not leave them at doors whenever.
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