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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Good morning though it’s 9:08 PM Wednesday here. Just got back from tonight’s sunset then dinner at resort. One more sunrise to witness which means a 4:15 AM wake-up. We also did over 4.00 miles of walking today. Today’s temp got as high as 42C and the bugs were swarming. One more day and we will be taking a direct Quanta’s flight back to Sydney. Tried to set up a quick meet with Rich as Volendam is in port but our previous arrangements to meet our Aussie friends will most likely not see it happen. Off to bed. Yesterday’s Daily had some late photos posted and here are some of today’s Kata Jgura was the featured rock formation of the day. Hike up a rocky incline into Kata Jgura’s gorge. Been busy now need sleep with early awakening tomorrow. Pictures of sunrise and sunset and hiking into the gorge. Good night from the outback. Bruce ”
  2. Our side trip to Ayer’s Rock has been great. Temps have been up to 40C and the pesty flies have been swarming. Return to Onward Friday. Sunrises, sunsets, BBQ under the stars and the stars of the show Ayer’s Rock and Kata Tjuṯa have been amazing. Kangaroo at BBQ was pretty tasty along with beef, chicken, sides and lot’s of wine.
  3. Some photos of sunrise in Park, our trek to view of Kata Tjuta.And idea of swarming flies and our hike up rocky terrain into the gorge of Kata Tjuṯa We then visited the Aborigine Culture Center. Taking a break from 38C heat and flies. Will return for another sunset view tonight.
  4. Up at 5:00 for early breakfast then head to Ayres Rock for a couple of short hikes. One in the gorge and another short trail at base of rock. Last night’s BBQ was pretty good and even the kangaroo was tasty. They also poured unlimited wine. Stars were beautiful and guided presentation with laser pointer was good. We then returned to resort and Straight to bed. The flight here, 108F temperature and the pesky flies had taken their toll. Getting our walks in early before it gets too hot. Bruce
  5. Long but exciting day but we are turning out the lights at 10.07 PM. Five o’clock wake up for hiking around the “Rock!” walking around in 40C heat can wear you out. Goodnight. B.
  6. Made it to the resort outside of Ayer’s Rock Park. It’s 105 F. We are at the peak of insect pest season so glad we brought head nets. They don’t bite but are just petty as they swarm around your head. Just barren bush country. Has not rained in two months. Australian BBQ tonight which is an excursion out in the bush under the stars. Skies should be spectacular with little light pollution. It’s also going to be hot.
  7. Just awakening after our overnight stay in Melbourne. Stayed at airport Holiday Inn and nice facility and service. Food was hotel chain but not bad. It’s shower, breakfast and shuttle to airport for flight to Uluru. Tonight we have a BBQ under the stars excursion. Thanks for the report. Rich and I came close to crossing paths yesterday as they were in Melbourne. Today they are in Hobart. Have a great week. Bruce
  8. We are doing on our own. Just a tip look into when the insects swarm. We have mesh head protection with us. Supposedly the bugs don’t bite but you won’t be ingesting them. We booked flights, hotel and rented car.
  9. Our Azamazing Evening was last night. We went to the Hobart Music Hall and enjoyed a performance by the Hobart Symphony. A grand evening. Today we are leaving the ship and flying to Melbourne. Stay overnight and tomorrow fly to visit Ayer’s Rock. We will rejoin Onward in Sydney. Yesterday we enjoyed visiting four vineyards and especially enjoyed walking on stable ground without dealing with high seas.
  10. Well you’re all up early. It’s ten PM Sunday here and we just returned from our Azamazing Evening for this segment. We were bussed to the Hobart Concert Hall and entertained by the Hobart Symphony Orchestra. A wonderful evening of enjoying the string section of around twenty very talented musicians. It’s early to bed for us as we are flying to Melbourne tomorrow and having an overnight stay and then flying to our three day diversion trek to visit Ayres Rock. Could be a shock as temps during day are over a 100 F. We will rejoin the ship in Sydney March 1 in time to celebrate another birthday. At least I hope so.🤞🙏 Today we toured four wineries which pictures have not yet synced with I Pad. We were berthed next to a large Virgin ship this morning and tonight upon our return to ship we have a large Princess ship. Couldn’t see the name in the dark.We look like a dwarf! Thanks for the Fleet Report and postings. Bruce
  11. Not sure why when I post a what’s happening of our cruise it gets surrounded in controversy. We spend a lot of time planning and preparing for our cruises. I’m not responsible for those who don’t have a clue how the system works. We have witnessed folks on these segments that have missed dinners by the pool, entertainment events etc. just by not reading The Insider or not understanding what the event is. We ask to see menus in advance, we investigate and seek answers to our questions. We do our homework. We share our knowledge with other cruisers. “Hey did you know you could do this?” We don’t care what other’s are having for dinner other than asking how’s that dish and maybe choosing it? We spend a lot of time embracing the knowledge we receive here on Cruise Critic. Others have the same opportunities. it’s their choice but frankly I’m not going to loose any sleep over it. Maybe the best way is to just not post what’s happening in the first place.
  12. Our last night time change of an hour back makes it possible to post here on our Saturday 9:51 PM. The Tasman is calming and after clearing customs in Holbart, Australia we have an excursion planned. It has been a very rough passage at sea depending on one hand holding ship to move around but awkward when no place to cling too. Went to a special Captain Cook’s Dinner tonight and the menu was themed upon places he visited. Extra cost but so worth it. Instead of usual coffee it’s time for bed and will soon be Sunday. Some food porn. Bruce
  13. Tonight we enjoyed a special dinner in Aqualina which was the Captain’s Cook’s Dinner featuring different menus from his Pacific travels. Same cost as Chefs Table but individual seating throughout the venue. Another culinary offering on the Onward. It was offered to all guest and was a wonderful dining experience. What a great cruise.
  14. The Onward is rocking today with waves as high as 20-22 feet. Captain states they should be some easing some after 4:00 PM. Hobart, Australia tomorrow morning for an overnight and Azamazing evening.
  15. No need for supplements. One just has to ask. Don’t need a second alternative menu which would have more alternates then main menu. For instance, one night in Discovery they had pasta with Alfredo sauce. I asked could I have a red sauce. The waiter checked with chef and I was served pasta with marinara sauce. From Discovery to specialties they try to fulfill your reasonable request. Obviously some items need 24 hour notice especially if they are frozen. Some things from previous menu may no longer be stocked. Also depends on Chef.
  16. Thanks Lenda. Butler gave us extra hand towels that we wedged between handles. Seems to have worked. Definitely has been quite a ride.
  17. Yes, we used towels/pillow and the desk chair. Waves have increased some waves reaching over the bow and couple have gotten onto promenade. My E Term motion sickness pulsating band has worked as advertised. The forward elevators have been shut down. Captain just came on waves have been in 6-7 meter range but should start decreasing around 4:00 PM but we still be rocking all night until we make it to Hobart for a two day stay. On day two we are leaving ship for a few days to visit Ayres Rock. Will return to ship March 1 in Sydney.
  18. Made it through the night and will work on getting through the day. The Tasman Sea is living up to its reputation. Bouncing around like a cork. Captain said yesterday that these conditions would continue until at least 4:00 PM today. First time we forgot duck tape. Could have used to keep closet doors opening and slamming. I may skip coffee and just stay in bed. Enjoy your day. More later. Bruce
  19. Keep in mind if you give either specialty restaurants a twenty four hour request notice in advance they will prepare you something not on menu.
  20. No. On Onward as we get closer to Asia they will close Prime for a couple of days and will serve Chinese food in there. Culinary team is offering many options on this cruise.
  21. Friday morning and we are at sea after a beautiful day of scenic sailing in Milford Sound. We are headed into a stormy low pressure system and the Captain said it’s going to get worse. By Sunday we may be experiencing twenty foot seas. The ship is already tossing but fortunately we are headed straight into it. As we entered Milford Sound yesterday it was overcast but soon turned into blue skies. The crew went out of its way again treating us to different kiwi inspired cocktail's and appetizers. As if we need more food or drinks. Whatever another item checked off bucket list and Milford Sound was worth the wait. Time to get up and stagger to Windows for coffee. Thanks for the reports and post. Bruce
  22. Just going to bed at 10.00 PM Thursday (soon to be nine PM and as Captain stated ocean is starting to to pick up. It’s part of a long voyage.
  23. Graham good morning to you. Just setting our clocks behind an hour on this Thursday evening. Headed into a low pressure system on our way to Holbart, Australia. Very rough seas ahead and by Sunday possible 6 meter seas aka 20 feet per Captain. Beautiful day in Milford Sound.
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