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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Good day everyone. Not much time this morning as we are going to the market and shopping with our Executive Chef. Should be interesting and fun. Some of the items he purchases will be enjoyed at a special chef’s dinner tomorrow night. We arrived in Tahiti yesterday after a very short sailing from Moorea. Only a few miles separates the two islands. Still hearing discussions from locals and several guest aboard that we may encounter a cyclone next week. If that’s true we may miss a couple of ports of call. Segment two ends today. Seeing luggage in hallways is exciting knowing we can continue on this outstanding adventure. Last night’s guest entertainers tribute to Billy Joe was good but I was struggling and in need of sleep. Headed for coffee and will post a few pics from phone in a bit. Have a great day. Bruce
  2. Moorea is so beautiful. Tomorrow we start our third segment in Tahiti. We should be there within the hour and will overnight. Local and buzz around ship there is a cyclone in area next week. We’ll see. See you next month. It has been a fantastic cruise. Bruce
  3. Thanks ships doctor is changing dressing every day. Has not asked for cabin# or name so maybe professional courtesy.
  4. It’s just wake up time here in Moorea, French Polynesia. Our tour yesterday just overwhelmed us with the beauty of this island. I had an accident yesterday that will keep me out the water for awhile. I was on my verandha and didn’t open the sliding door completely and I brushed the door jam upon rentering and literally ripped a large portion of skin off my left arm. Finally I had to go to Medical Clinic and get a proper dressing and bandage for it. It was another evening of dining around the pool. BBQ lamb chops, chicken and hundreds of side choices. We then had a Polynesian band and dancers entertain us. Today we are taking a drive tour around the island. Tomorrow Tahiti and I believe another overnight. This island has to be one of God’s masterpieces. So beautiful and will share some photos. Thanks for the report and postings. Bruce
  5. A few pics of our visit to Favaraka yesterday including the curious shark.
  6. Good morning. This morning we visit Moorea and an overnight stay. We are touring the island, having a festive lunch and snorkel. Our day in Favaraka was fairly short so we let the locals entertain us with music, dance, and some arts an crafts. They gave us coconuts to drink and I swear the coconut must have weighed 15 pounds. It was hot so we went over to the lagoon and went swimming. I got a small scrape on my leg from coral which attracted a shark who wanted to know what was bleeding in its lagoon. That ended swimming. Returned to ship via tender and had lunch. Dinner last night in dining room and then enjoyed a high energy show put on by the ships singers and dancers. So much energy and talent. I’ll post some pics from yesterday in a bit as they have not transferred from phone to I Pad yet. Have a great day. Coffee awaits, Bruce
  7. Our Azamazing Day in Fakarava, French Polynesia was not so amazing but the locals were friendly and happy to see us. It was hot so we went for a swim. That was refreshing but the small coral scrape I got on my leg attracted a shark to arrive and check out what was bleeding in it’s lagoon. That was the end of swimming. We really did not have enough time here to plan much of anything. Marty the piano man onboard did a great tribute to Sir Elton John last night with the ships orchestra. That show was followed by a couple of songs from the guest chorus then Roy Asst. CD put on a great show of old time rock and roll classics. Having a great time no matter where we end up going or not going.
  8. Per Google there has been a population boost. Now a whopping 1,600. Awaiting to tender but have to wait for guest disembarking in Tahiti as their face to face immigration check is going slowly.
  9. Going to be a beautiful day in Fakarava, French Polynesia. A tender port.
  10. Morning folks. We should be arriving in Fakarava in about an hour. It’s a beautiful blue sky day and very smooth riding Pacific. Just 6:00 AM here. Though not an issue until April everyone is discussing what is going to happen when we arrive in the Red Sea area of our voyage. Are they going to cancel or redirect with a new itinerary. It is what it is and we will just enjoy our now time. Sounds like our third segment that starts in Tahiti will have an increase of guest onboard. We are hearing 630 guest whereas we have 593 at present. We have had a GI bug going throughout the ship. It’s not Noro but there have been enough cases to warrant no self service and the pool and hot tubs being shut down. There is some good news that we have no Covid cases at present. We have met some fellow cruisers that were quarantined with it earlier in the cruise. We enjoyed our dinner in Prime C last night which is the steak house specialty restaurant. We had the chateaubriand which was very good followed by performances by our piano player tribute to Elton John and our Asst. CD Roy singing old Rock and Roll classics. Great shows. Coffee time. Enjoy your hump day. Bruce
  11. Just waking up here on the vast Pacific. Looking out our window I see beautiful welcoming blue skies as yesterday was rather gloomy. We ate in Discovery MDR and enjoyed some very nice fish that the chef purchased in Pitcairn Island. We then enjoyed some time in Living Room (Crows Nest) listening to the Filipino band. They are very good with a large array of songs. Today is another sea day before our arrival in Fakarava tomorrow. They have a big Azamazing Day planned for us. Will have to wait and see but if it’s anything like our Azamazing Evening in Cozumel it should be great. As much as we enjoyed cruising on the Prisendam this has been like cruising on a Prisendam on steroids. Again the activity and entertainment offers us so many choices. The singers and dancers work along with CD and Asst. CD so there can be multiple events going on. While some of you are contemplating lunch I’m headed for first coffee. Have a great day and thanks to all who make the Fleet and Daily report possible. Some pics from Pitcairn from a fellow guest. Bruce
  12. Nice to hear from you and encouraging update. Enjoy that upcoming cruise..🙏
  13. Captain Carl and crew did a great job of getting many folks ashore to visit Pitcairn Island despite large swells. Several locals came out to ship to sell some wares. Only around 35-40 now reside on this very remote island and there are no young children. Most of the residents are close or already being pensioners which brings up question whether this is last generation? The lady who gave a presentation on life on island was a descendate of Fletcher Christian. One of our fellow guest asked our Executive Chef Sri if he could do an Indian Rice Table. Voila it happened and 10-12 of us enjoyed an authentic and delicious Indian dinner. We now are turning our clocks back an hour every night. Tomorrow we’ll be on Hawaiian time. Two sea days and we will be visiting Fakarava where an Azamazing Day event is scheduled for this segment. There has been some gastro type cases onboard so self serve has been stopped and pools and hot tubs shut down today. Hopefully, these measures can put a stop to it. So far cloudy skies and a slight swell makes for smooth cruising today. This has been a wonderful cruising experience.
  14. Great job. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  15. Yes, they did and they told folks about the lengthy delivery times.
  16. Good morning. Now on Nome, Alaska time and tomorrow Hawaiian time. Body is trying to catch up. Last night ten of us dined on an Indian Rice Table and our Exec. Indian Chef put on a feast for us. So delicious. A guest we are friends approached Chef Sri if such a dinner would be possible. As usual the answer was yes when do you want to have it? Delicious and authentic. Some locals from Picairn came aboard yesterday to sell some of their wares and goods. Bought Sue a necklace and the lady was a descendent of Fletcher Christian. She also did a presentation on onboard about life on Island. They work hard but seem happy. The school is closed as there are no young children and most of the residents are aged and becoming pensioners. Could this be the last generation? Time for coffee Outdoor’s looking over the vast Pacific. Have not seen another ship in days. Have a great week. Bruce
  17. Roy, We have the Star Link stronger WiFi service. Yes we have been able to worship live through our church’s on line service. Now that our time zone locations are changing that’s getting harder. Our church does record services so we have that option. First segment they had a non denominational service which was probably lead by a fellow guest.
  18. Tender operations are going but conditions are of such that we have elected to stay onboard. Meet some of inhabitants who have come in aboard and setting up a market. If one goes ashore one has to climb a steep half mile climb then another half mile down to see anything. No facilities, places to sit etc. Think we will get more out a lecture and meeting the natives here onboard. We are not disappointed and not sure we would get off in perfect conditions.
  19. We are still awaiting a decision whether we can go ashore. In the meantime here are some photos of our dinner on deck last night and our morning sunrise this morning. Our dinner was even highlighted by a slight rainbow. They seated us with our nearby neighbors so we could meet those in cabins near ours.
  20. We have arrived Pitcairn Island of HMS Bounty fame. Very few people have seen this. Captain is taking tender ashore to check conditions. There are no facilities here and really nothing to see unless you climb up higher. There is a higher swell than anticipated.
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