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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Our view from breakfast in the Pinnacle plus a bobbing sea turtle.
  2. Earlier I posted food pics from last nights Master Chef Pinnacle Dinner I was sure they posted but don’t see them? Service and presentations were spot on but we were somewhat disappointed. The shrimp were dry and mushy as was the lobster. Filets were offered at only medium or well done and also were rather blah and also dry. The quality of food was better at Canaletto’s Master Chef dinner. So will try and post the food pics again. Excuse if it becomes duplicates.
  3. We had a nice day in Puerto Vallarta and surrounding area. A clean, safe quaint city at the foothills of the Sierra Madres. The setting for a movie classic The Night Of The Iguanas. After visiting some iconic picture spots and Our Lady Of Guadeloupe church we traveled out of town where we eventually left the highway for a dirt road up a bumpy hillside until we got to what could be best described as a lush oasis. Pretty setting were the chef led us through making our own salsa and guacamole. I added some habanero to my mortar and pestle lava bowl and my extra spicy salsa and fresh guacamole were great with my chicken tostadas. The tour also included a tequila tasting of their various brands and margaritas flowed during the visit. Second time doing this excursion. Fun time. Have a great Saturday and weekend. Thanks for the reports.
  4. Good morning. Turned clocks back again last night so we are now on West Coast time. We attended the Pinnacle Chefs Dinner last night. It was well attended the food was beautifully presented but we were not wowed. The shrimp were bland and mushy, the lobster flavorless and dry. The filet was only offered medium to well done and it also had a dry tasteless texture. Others maybe enjoyed but the Canelleto Chefs dinner won hands down. It’s Salsa Salsa Excursion today. We enjoyed yesterdays’s excursion which I will share separately as phone and pad have not synced yet. Here is s some food porn from last night’s dinner.
  5. This morning the Concierge’s computer showed 68 cases but the Captain’s sail-away report this afternoon he stated 24. So only way that could be is if we had quite a few cases early in the cruise and they have tested negative and quarantine has been lifted? Oh well. Headed to Pinnacle Chefs dinner.
  6. Yes, We did it last visit and enjoyed so doing it again. Tomorrow in Cabo we are doing the Salsa excursion. Again a repeat but lots of fun.
  7. Last night we had 48 confirmed Covid cases and this morning 66.
  8. Yes Covid is still with us. Currently on a cruise not Azamara with 48 confirmed cases and heaven knows how many are hiding minor symptoms. Crew that face guest are masked. Still optional for guest. Quite a few of us are masking up but many are not.
  9. Good morning everyone. This will be our third visit to Puerto Vallarta. We are booked for the same excursion we did on our last visit. Short walking tour, board a bus that eventually takes us up to a very small complex at elevation where we will have a chef walk us through in making guacamole, salsas and our lunch. Of course tequila flows and hopefully will be as much fun as we had last time. Last night was another dressy night. We originally were booked to eat in Canelleto but just didn’t want that heavy a meal so ate lightly in MDR. Meals have been consistently good with outstanding service. I will say that the desert offerings have been few and rather blah. Will be heading to Neptune for a coffee and Continental breakfast as our excursion is set for 8:30. Have a great day and a special HIGH FIVE to all who make the Daily special. Bruce
  10. Sorry to hear that about your Mom and her husband. Another case for having trip insurance. Hope all works out. Let us know.
  11. Well all crew facing guest are masked but most guest have decided to toss the dice or many never listened to Captains noon hour report. Everyone received mask in their mail box should be a hint. If 47 are positive how many have some symptoms but are not requesting testing? We are complying as when this cruise is over we will be sitting for grandchildren for a couple of weeks.
  12. It’s a start Roy. Good for you. Small steps lead to long steady strides.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  13. Maybe we should consider that cruise lines order products that are in demand; if there is no demand why fill the stores with products that don’t sell. That being said, I do hope they have my favorite Boone’s Farm onboard Journey in June!😉
  14. A happy ending and a great reminder to purchase some type of cruise insurance. Thanks for sharing.
  15. From what I have read, one of Star Link objectives was to bring reliable service to remote place. We’ll find out early next year when we are on a world cruise ship with Star Link service. Today on Eurodam WiFi speed is at snail speed as we sail to Puerto Vallarta. First time it’s been this poor.
  16. Captains noon hour report. The MS Eurodam has 47 cases of guest with Covid. Symptoms have been very mild but though not mandatory very suggestive to wear mask. We did cancel our wine tasting for today which we were up in the air whether to do or not prior to announcement. We will elect to don mask when in public areas and movement around the ship. The ships internet is so slow today. First time it’s been this bad during entire cruise. Bruce
  17. Good morning. Just woke up and got through the night without cold medicine and no symptoms. We had a very nice visit yesterday in Huatulco, Mexico. Started as a bus tour but was mainly a walking tour. We sampled several types and flavors of Mescal Tequila, dipped local bread in chocolate and yes sampled tasty roasted grasshoppers. A quick walk through a beautiful church with a beautiful blue and painted ceiling. To each their own but I hate tours where people are more interested in shopping than touring. Always have to wait for them and the tour gets behind schedule. We just are not shoppers and we are trying to get rid of our junk not buy more. The tour took us to a restaurant overlooking the beach and we had shrimp tacos. Enough food that we ate lightly in MDR last night. Received an invitation to attend what we heard was the first Mariners lunch which we will not attend. We are going to a premium wine tasting today. @JazzyVVanessa thanks for filling in with the Care and Celebration list and may you have a wonderful and well deserved cruise. Here’s some pics from yesterday’s port of call. One interesting tidbit about Huatulco is that over a 1,000 Canadians tend to spend their winters here. Clean and safe town and Cartel is not active in this region according to our guide who is a school teacher who loves her city with a passion. Thanks Sandi and all who contribute. Meme’s to follow.
  18. IMO and experience it’s not that standards have dropped but the availability of products has. New and in some case shortages of crew also have impacted the industry. Winery and distilleries having problems attaining glass bottling. Poor winery growing year resulting in shortages of champagne, plus population drank it up in the pandemic, causing shortages. Many times, post pandemic it’s not the cruise lines problem that you can’t get a favorite product. it’s the company struggling to keep up supply and demand and shipping delays. A cruise line can only serve what they receive. Here in CC we have seen that entire pallets of fresh veggies being rejected as not acceptable. Not a business you can always run to local grocery store and stock up. Recent cruises I couldn’t get Crown Royal on a cruise and river cruise. The crew reply was no matter how many times we order just can’t get it. However, it is onboard the cruise I’m presently on. 👏🏻👏🏻 Web site issues according to IT friends probably could have been addressed and fixed before implementing but I yield to patience and understanding as we have almost two hundred days of booked days on Azamara. Frustrating yes. Confidence overrides.
  19. It’s the dry season and as soon as May rains come the trees will turn green with new foliage. More pictures on tomorrow’s Daily. Walking around in 93 and humid heat warrants a second shower.
  20. We are just arriving in Huatulco, Mexico. First impression is it looks dry or maybe new foliage has not sprouted on trees yet. We’ll see.
  21. Good morning everyone. Better to be under the weather then under the ground. Between Mucinex, Day Quill and Afrin Spray I’m feeling better or maybe it was the wee dram of whisky! Not sneezing, coughing so I believe I will go on today’s excursion. A walking food tour! We chose sleep last night over going to see Boy Band Evolution in main showroom. Tonight Tom Hanks A Man Called Otto is playing twice in showroom. Last night was Orange Night and I believe we saw more folks dressed in some form of orange clothing then ever before. We’ll be headed for breakfast in the Pinnacle. Will probably be a lite meal in order to keep room for food tour. Thanks for putting me on Care List but I can be removed. Thanks everyone and have a great Hump Day!
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