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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. About a ten hour drive?😎 I’m not sure about his moonshine. I’m more curious what he’s been smoking!
  2. Funny! Remember our visit from a bear last Monday that scattered our trash all over. Today I found another shredded bag in back yard. The bear must enjoy caffeine highs as it opened up our discarded Keurig pods an ate all the coffee grounds from many pods.
  3. Upper left corner of your screen click on the little book mark. You’ll see history click on and it will ask last hour day or all time. Click on all. You won’t loose anything but you most likely have to sign back in to CC.
  4. I couldn’t wait on this one. This is for all of you dog walkers.
  5. Good morning. Talking to some neighbors yesterday and one of them had seen a bear on the street the day our trash bin was upturned. So we now know the culprit. When I was in Australia I referred to a Fanny pack and was quickly reminded that it had another meaning over there. After being told their interpretation we never said it again! Yesterday we went to Whole Foods as Sue needed some items she couldn’t get at our regular stores. While there we bought a beautiful USDA PRIME rib eye which we grilled and shared last night. Great steak. Expensive yes but we had a great meal and a ton cheaper then if we had gone out to eat. We have a cool front coming through and it’s currently 53 F. Thanks for the reports and post. Have a safe and great weekend. Bruce
  6. @marshhawk I have been saving that GIF for a long time. It’s all fun.
  7. @Quartzsite Cruiser Great Meme’s!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 😁
  8. Our problem with the dance group, when you cruise a lot; is how many times do you have to watch same show? BBC Earth, how many times do we have to watch the snake siege? Lincoln Center musicians received some pretty high wages and one has to wonder was the decision to not offer full time performances a cost reduction decision?
  9. Good morning! Another great sleep. You may remove me from celebration list. I had my celebration. My middle name is my father’s first. Actually saw quite a few phone booths in France last Fall. Received my pneumonia vaccine yesterday and no side affects or soreness. It’s currently 72 degrees and overcast and Alexa told me that there is a 54% chance of rain this morning. That Alexa is so much smarter then Siri! I have been to Tonga but not today’s port. I have nothing planned this morning but a haircut is well over due. Next week I have an appointment every day. My Sue will be leaving next Friday to join a couple of her sisters and go on a cruise on the MS Rotterdam. They took advantage of the free inside cabin offer. Upon her return it will be a short break before we both head back to Port Everglades and board the Eurodam for 19 days. Thanks to all who make the Daily special and have a great day and weekend. Bruce Carl
  10. I agree with another poster that the recent decision about Lincoln Center not being full time probably did not give enough time to change dry dock contracts and changes to that area. Too bad as there could have been better venues and utilization of that space.
  11. Slept in. We had a lovely evening last night and she cooked us a fantastic meal. Little different having a guest cook but she wanted to do it. The meal got changed from shrimp and grits to shrimp scampi pasta but it was still great. Today I need to prepare for our small group Bible study tonight and go to CVS and get updated on a pneumonia vaccine. So being late I’m going to enjoy my coffee and start my day off by reading the Daily. Thanks to all who make it possible. Bruce
  12. Graham, I know you’re asleep and don’t get up but the picture of the pizza looks rather unconventional. What type pizza was it?
  13. Thanks folks and I just checked My Health App and all my lab work this morning was normal. We really enjoy the My Health App. If I didn’t have the app I would have had to wait until my doctor’s next Wednesday. Ask if your medical facility or clinic uses the app. It gives one a very quick peace of mind or knowledge.
  14. Lenda thanks for the pictures. Brought back great memories of our port of call visit. To All. Just received a call from my Doctor’s visit of a week ago. Drum Roll Please! I’m still cancer free from my bladder cancer of six years ago! 🙏 Of course, always the possibility it could pop up somewhere else but will deal with that at another time. Dinner party with our dear friend at our house tonight and she’s doing the cooking. Her famous shrimp and grits. So good and the shrimp was harvested last night. Thanks for all the contributions large and small to today’s Daily. Bruce
  15. They are now called Dressy Night. Don’t see many folks wearing tux or formal gowns. The minimum dress for men is a collared shirt. Some suits and sports jacket with tie or open collar. If you like to dress up do so just don’t be surprised or upset that the standard of dress is all over the place and differs slightly from cruise to cruise. I was addressing more on your post subject title.
  16. Good morning. I’ll be short as I’m fasting with no coffee because I’m headed to our hospital to have lab worked accomplished for my doctor’s routine checkup next week. No coffee; I could be grumpy but that’s just not me. Later, but here’s today comics page of the Daily. Thanks Bruce
  17. Can’t wait for next years but I’ll be far away somewhere on the World Cruise. Think they have Sonny’s BBQ in Hong Kong?
  18. Lunch with a view on the inter-coastal waterway at the Bay Cafe. Two fresh red snapper piccata plates ordered and tomato gazpacho. Oh yeah a bottle of Fume Blanc.
  19. Well lost our connection to CC and I believe @RedneckBobcaused it with all his rapid thank you’s!😁 Bob one post saying thanks to all is sufficient. Plus you’ll upset Graham if you get more post today then he does. He’s a salesman and has to meet his quotas. Just kidding. Did anyone else loose connection?
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