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Everything posted by cruisestitch

  1. I remember when Luminaewas first introduced and the advertising said it would be open for lunch every day. But then it wasn’t and there was quite a kerfuffle over it. So being closed on port days is definitely not something new.
  2. I believe you are mistaken. It was never open for lunch on port days.
  3. It isn’t well known, but you can use a credit card the shops. I have done so several times.
  4. I agree about the first night, but disagree about the last night. I appreciate the effort your husband goes through to follow the dress code.
  5. I believe it is still listed under the elite plus benefits. Something odd going on?
  6. I don’t have a picture, but as with most things, it will be too much for some couples, not enough for some couples, and it might even vary from day to day depending on who is working in the kitchen that day
  7. I think you are confusing questions. The title of your thread asked if evening chic is enforced on the final night. The final night is not ever a chic night. It is always a smart casual night. Both dress codes say no shorts in the dining room or specialty restaurants
  8. That would violate PVSA unless the ship would return to LA.
  9. Why pack them? Follow the dress code and wear them to the dining room. then you can go put them in the suitcase, change into shorts, put the suitcase in the hall in plenty of time, and go to the show. or go to the buffet
  10. Maybe give each child a budget and they can decide what they want, two sodas or a Mocktail, a mocktail or a fancy hot chocolate, as examples. Remind them that the price they see on the menu doesn’t include the gratuity which they will have to allow for in their budget.
  11. Here are some specifics from the FAQ under Guest Conduct Policy
  12. 20 is not necessarily an adult on Celebrity https://www.celebritycruises.com/faqs/manage-plan#cruise-ticket-contract
  13. What do I think? I think they made the limitations of the products that they were selling clear. There was no trickery involved.
  14. Best in what way? Sweetest? driest? Most tannin? Least tannin? Fruitiest? ????
  15. Here is the Celebrity policy on that. The kids room would have had to be adjacent or directly across the hall
  16. Might have but at the time nobody knew what records he or she had access to
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