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Everything posted by cruisestitch

  1. You think it had to do with Noises on Beyond?
  2. As the review you read stated, it does happen. I don’t think anyone can tell you any sort of statistic about how often, however. If the assurance that you can always open the window is important to you, perhaps the infinite veranda is not the best choice of stateroom for you.
  3. On most ships, the shows are at seven and nine with a possible late night show at 10:30. It does vary sometimes however I have personally never seen shows that start at 6:30.
  4. I think if you will listen to the video, you will hear that it is more than creaking and groaning.
  5. I never do it on the app. They will take the photo at the terminal so I don’t need to bother
  6. But it might just be numbers —- a few hundred zeniths vs. thousands of Elite and Elite Plus
  7. See post #8712. There were 17 in 2022 and seven last year.
  8. If the main reason you are booking, the retreat is to take an early tender to Santorini, it would be much cheaper to choose a regular stateroom, and then just book a Celebrity shore excursion that leaves first thing on arrival, go over on that early tender and then ditch the excursion.
  9. The balcony is small but the room did not feel any more or less cramped than others
  10. As far as I can recall, this is the first time, Celebrity has missed the deadline for posting the power up😢
  11. There might be a later shuttle but it would only be an hour or so later. Either way you will be at the airport for a long time, unfortunately. Any of the guest services staff on board can see what your options are for you.
  12. No, and actually there is no way to reserve entertainment on Celebrity.
  13. no there are also the “hull” or “cove” balconies, which are real verandahs
  14. You may think that a missed port automatically leads to a refund of port fees but that isn’t how it actually works. port fees are constantly going up and down. It’s possible that the other ports you are visiting actually have increased fees. When that happens, you would not get a refund for the missed port. also, some ports charge different port fees for passengers of different nationalities. So one passenger might get a refund for a missed port’s fees while another passenger, on the same cruise, wouldn’t. it won’t be any different on any other cruise line.
  15. 2 points for inside and ocean view. That’s total. Not per day. Length of cruise doesn’t matter. Similar point structure for the other classes of stateroom. 3 points for verandah, 5 for Concierge, etc
  16. Your understanding is not correct. There is no prohibition on bringing soft drinks on Celebrity
  17. Sometimes the topic in a zombie thread is no longer relevant. A newbie doing a Google search finds the old topic and doesn’t realize that they are re-opening a moot issue, like Cookiegate. To avoid confusion the mods may delete the thread.
  18. Each nation’s laws regarding the possibility of joining a ship late are different. What has been denied in Canada May be allowed in Greece. All you can do is fill out the applications and wait. Your travel agent should be helpful in that.
  19. I believe that the OP is inquiring about the bottles and set up package, which is one bottle of liquor and six cans of mixer.
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