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Sharon in AZ

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Everything posted by Sharon in AZ

  1. Good evening everyone from a hot Tucson. It’s 104 at 6:45pm! I read the Daily a bit disjointed today so might have missed something. I started reading on my iPad and after lunch read on my phone. Only now did I realize I missed an entire page. Annie @marshhawk, hugs to you. Joy @Seasick Sailor, that rock is all craggy and rough. No wonder your gash was infected. I hope it heals quickly. Debbie @dfish, WOW, your cake is beautiful. Sorry it’s dry. I made a German Chocolate cake once that turned out dry and the only thing I could figure out was that I might have over baked it. Thanks to everyone who posted pictures of the port. Bruce @aliaschief, how wonderful to have Monaco as your last port before you disembark your world cruise. I remember going there in 2000 and walking through the port area where all the yachts are. Have a good evening!
  2. We have a Sago Palm and it’s never done this “bloom”. Probably because it’s so dry here. Or maybe there are different types. I didn’t know that they were poisonous to dogs!
  3. Good evening from this baby boomer. There’s a new Master Chef with different generations and it’s hard to keep up with all the “Gen’s”. Gen Z, Gen X. I like the name of our generation. Thank you again for thinking of Blue. I’m so glad he’s better. I loved the pictures of Vanuatu. I too think of Survivor. Prayers for Terri @Cruzin Terri’s DH Jim, Joy @Seasick Sailor, Annie’s @marshhawkDH Chuck, Debbie @dfish, @ottahand7, Jacqui @kazu. Oh gosh I hope I didn’t forget someone. Have a good night everyone!
  4. Ann, no he’s a dog. The new doctor was wonderful and was able to get enough to do a urinalysis and it was normal. He’s actually a lot better today, amazing after only 3 treatments of the ointment. Thank you all for thinking of him. I know it’s not a normal topic but our pets are our babies! Sorry if it’s been TMI.
  5. Wow Annie that’s amazing! You truly are a cat whisperer.
  6. Thank you Lenda. Thank goodness it isn’t an infection but he does have some irritation so he’s on some ointment. Doctor was new to us and very young! She thinks he might be incontinent. Oh dear.
  7. Good afternoon! I got so excited when my new phone arrived. But it turned out to be the wrong one. The rep ordered the wrong size, I ordered a plus. So it’ll be a few days. Craig decided to get a new one too. I am taking Blue to the vet later this afternoon. I think he has a bladder infection or UTI. We’ll see. Not sure how they get urine samples. I changed our menu for today from pizza to the Olive Garden take home entree I got yesterday. They are just $6 and enough for two. Thinking about you all!
  8. Good morning and Happy Tuesday. There is a heat dome in the west and that’s why @LambKnuckles forecast looks so bad. Also really bad is California. Our area will be later this week. Be safe everyone! Yesterday DM had an appointment and we went to Olive Garden for lunch. It was really enjoyable. After I dropped her off I ran errands and ordered a new iPhone. I should get it tomorrow. I really need one. Mine is so old that I am unable to download certain apps and I really need it for the new car. Craig might get one too since they were on sale. Good days today. I wish I had cats, I really miss having one. Awareness about protecting children is important. I like the MOD but ask for it scrambled together and usually get chopped bacon, spinach and cream cheese. If anyone remembers The Good Earth restaurant it’s a take off of theirs. The dining room on a BHB does a good job when I order it. I don’t like it when the ingredients are just inside the folded omelette. Pennie @Nickelpenny, I got the itinerary change for next year’s cruise and will have to do some research. Right now I’m more focused on my August cruise. Annie @marshhawk, I’m enjoying reading about the kittens and would love to see a picture. And how do you teach a kitten to purr? I always feel like I’m missing commenting about people so please know I think about everyone when I’m reading your posts. Prayers for those in pain and going through rough times. Have a great day everyone!
  9. Good morning and Happy Sunday. It’s a bright sunshiny day and should stay that way for a long while. All good days, although I never knew who St Erasmus was and St Elmo’s Fire. Now I can’t get the song out of my head. Craig buys the Carpano Anticia vermouth occasionally. It’s more expensive and fancy. He uses it in his Negronis. BTW, keep your vermouth refrigerated. Since it is like wine, It helps keep the flavor longer. It’s more technical than that but you get the drift. I’ll pass on the drink, the meal, and have never been to the port. Bon Voyage Karen @luvteaching! Happy retirement to @Horizon chaser 1957’s DH!! Terry, safe travels home today. Have a great day everyone!
  10. Are you in a BB or BC guarantee? You might call your travel provider and see if you can change to an A instead. Those are on deck 6. I had an A guarantee last year on the Volendam and was very happy with the location In 6131 and don’t remember any vibration.
  11. Sandi, this is horrible. How the grandson could ever live with himself and could ever look his grandparents in the face again is beyond understanding. However things like this happen. Some people don’t have a guilty conscience. Hopefully the grandson will get the help he needs to turn his life around.
  12. 🐇 🐇 🐇 Welcome to June! Good morning and Happy Saturday. It should be 101 today and I’m planning on some pool time. What a long quote. Good days and Craig used the Heimlich and saved me after I choked on a large vitamin. I found out that you can also do it yourself by using a chair. It’s a memory that I won’t forget. Pass on the drink. What is a squared wine? Not been to the port. I like egg salad but don’t keep bread around so hardly make it. Today are mustard chicken leftovers. Ice cream for dessert. Bon Voyage @Mr. Boston! Congratulations on your new home too. Ann @Vict0riann, I’m sorry about your biopsy results and hoping the lumpectomy is soon. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, your new golf cart is cute! I like the black too. Have a great day everyone!
  13. Good evening! I checked the temperature at 6:30 and it was 99 and then checked the pool temperature and it was 85 so decided to take my first dip of the season. It was delightful, cool but once in not too bad. The weather forecast looks good for more pool time. I’m not sure why some doctors/providers are reluctant to sign off on FMLA. When I broke my hand in 2019 I asked the orthopedic doctor to sign FMLA papers because I was out of PTO time since I was part time. He said that I wouldn’t need it, that I could still work. Goodness, I was constantly typing, how could I continue to type and keep up? I had a cast and limited finger movement with that hand. He ended up signing it since I was out of PTO but I could tell he didn’t want to. It came in handy for appointments and I ended up figuring out how to type without two of my fingers. I’m sorry it’s been a struggle for you. I can see how having appointments would reduce your work hours. How a doctor can’t understand that is crazy.
  14. Good morning and Happy Friday. It’s hot and here to stay. I don’t know how Pennie can survive without the AC. We do keep it warmer usually 79, sometimes 78 if I’m cooking, and you get used to that. Overnight I have to have it on 74. The pool is still too cold but maybe this weekend I’ll test the water. Ann @Vict0riann, Happy Birthday to DH Pat! And to you—prayers for your results. Don’t worry too much about them, remember these are radiologists looking at them not your doctor. The doctor I worked for would often not even look at the written results until she reviewed the actual films. I’m passing on the MOD and drink and wine. I’ll probably never get to the port. We are having leftovers today and tomorrow. The days are good. Hearing safety is very important. When I was first starting in the medical field I worked for a large ENT group and learned so much. I wish my DM didn’t have hearing issues but it runs in the family. Going to a family reunion was like going to a shouting match. @erewhon, I’m happy to read your test results were good. Graham @grapau27, thank you for the pictures and videos of the NS. I love hearing your voice on the videos! I hope you are feeling better. Elizabeth @Haljo1935, maybe I missed something but I haven’t read you talk about work lately. Did you retire? I hope your shoulder issues get better and you can book the cruise. Your rains and storms sound intense. Have a great day everyone!
  15. Good afternoon! I made mustard chicken for lunch and it turned out to be more involved than I expected but turned out really good. I’ve never been to College Fjord. Not sure if I ever will. I have made a similar MOD and it’s always a hit during the summer. Mine is more like the last recipe. Happy Birthday Jacqui!! @kazu Enjoy your special day! @GTVCRUISER , Happy Birthday! I enjoy your San Diego pictures! Have a great day everyone!
  16. First make sure to change the number of guests to one and continue because it defaults to two. The HIA comes up because you have to select either with it or without it. Then you should be able to continue with checking various prices. Solo Pricing can be all over the place. I check online first but get the final price through my PCC.
  17. Carolyn @Cruising-along and Debbie @dfish, I had never experienced the memory test until DM’s physical last month. It was her first time taking the test—at almost 95! She was so irritated during the test because the questions seemed silly. I thought that the questions were ridiculous and not at all what should be asked. Of course she knew the day of the week, she had the appointment on her calendar that she looks at every day, plus she chooses her meals ahead of time from the calendar type menu the center puts out. Anyway, I’m going to suggest to her to ask them not to do it again. At this point I think her memory issues are mostly because of her hearing.
  18. Happy Birthday Paul @P&PNH! And belated Birthday wishes to your DW!
  19. Ann, I should have read ahead first!! Lovely tiara and what a great group of friends to celebrate your birthday with!
  20. Good evening all! Craig and I spent a lot of time cracking crab today. It was from my monthly seafood delivery. So after that I made Cajun spiced crab over polenta. Other than eating it plain with butter it’s my favorite way to eat it. I also got more done on my Zuiderdam cruise. Wow, airline prices have gone up. Ann @cat shepard ~~ Happy Birthday!! You are one year ahead of me. Did you get a new tiara? Happy Anniversary @Horizon chaser 1957!! Graham @grapau27, I hope you and Pauline are feeling better. Have a good evening!
  21. Totally understand. Let us know if you book. The roll call is nonexistent but we’ll have our own Daily one so we can meet up.
  22. Elizabeth @Haljo1935, you mentioned that you were interested in booking the B2B Zuiderdam cruise for August 24. Are you sailing with us?
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