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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Sometimes I felt like a hermit during the past almost 3 years, especially living alone. Many here will salute Cat Day. I feel for those who battle psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Very good quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I like Roy's meal as well. I sailed past Colon on my PC cruise, but didn't stop there. It's sunny and almost 60, after starting at 39F today. A good day to work outside, but my street leaf vacuuming doesn't start until Wednesday. I'm doing decluttering, ebay stuff, and paperwork tracking medical expenses. @richwmn Congrats on reaching 5 star status! @rafinmd Good to hear the news that you don't need to see the Radiation Oncologist again! @Quartzsite Cruiser I'm glad DH got to rehab yesterday. It sounds like he's got his work cut out for him, but I'm sure he's motivated to get back to full functioning. Thanks for the Colon photos. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I can't believe that treatment at the VA for DH's bloodwork! I'd have been sooo upset. @kazu I'm glad you made it safely to Barcelona and that DSs and BILs did too. @0106 Thanks for the important reminder about World Stroke Day. @smitty34877 I'm sorry to hear that Tana is having a hard time and that appropriate assistance is not easy to find. Prayers for DH on Tuesday. @lindaler Wow, that bike ride sounds like a recipe for disaster. Good for DS for helping out. @marshhawk So cool about the composer patron! @aliaschief Enjoy your last full cruise day. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  2. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I will certainly celebrate Statue of Liberty Dedication Day; it's my favorite iconic sculpture. I visited as a student, went for the rededication weekend in 1986 for her centennial, and have several small sculptures here in the house. Chocolate is a close second love! Plush animals are fun. Awww on the quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish), but take the drink and wine (if someone buys for me). I have been to Chile, but not Coquimbo. It's cloudy here, but not bad temperature wise. So far no reaction to the vaccines other than some arm soreness. I went to see the Ortho doc this AM for my 2nd Synvisc knee injection. Only to find out there was a shooting not that far from where I was at the medical center; we've been having a rash of shootings, some with innocent bystanders struck. Something needs to be done! @luvteaching Good to hear DH is making progress. @marshhawk Sorry to hear of not enough job hours. So sad that Jesse is having such a tough time; you're both good friends to Penny. @rafinmd I hope the infection is clearing up. @summer slope Good luck with the YF shots. @0106 I didn't know that. I've never read the Winnie the Pooh books or seen animated versions. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the photo of Sadie! I love her expressive eyes. And the port photos of yours and Lenda's. @aliaschief Thank you for sharing your river cruise with us. @smitty34877 Praying that the cardiac cath comes out well for DH. @dfish An exciting day! Safe travels to Michigan and good luck on Monday. @Cruzin Terri I can't believe the insurance company is being so uncooperative. @Quartzsite Cruiser I'm glad DH will get transferred today. @HAL4NOW Great photos. @ottahand7 I'm glad DH is feeling well. It sounds like he'll have some work to do to get back to normal functioning. @Copper10-8 Thanks for the memes! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone. An old scanned slide from the 1986 festivities
  3. Bon Voyage and have a wonderful time! Thanks for taking us along with you.
  4. Well, I got my vaccines. But before I knew what was happening, I got both in the same arm! I'm sure it'll be fine and I can sleep on my right side as that arm won't be sore. @dfish Good to hear that you'll be able to move right in to the new place. Things are happening fast now! @kazu Sorry to hear about BIL's health issues. I hope he can go on the cruise after waiting for this trip for so long. @summer slope Good luck with the YF shots. @Quartzsite Cruiser I'm glad to hear DH is able to be transferred to rehab today. Meds can sometimes cause a fever. Great photos. @Vict0riann Thanks for the photos. And yes, to more. @HAL4NOW That's a scary story! @StLouisCruisers It's nice to hear that Linda is now home. @USN59-79 Wow. And thank you for your service. @rafinmd Thank you for the photos, Roy. @Rowsby Beautiful sunset. Safe travels tomorrow. @grapau27 Thanks for sharing your birthday dinner photos. @Sharon in AZ Keeping good thoughts for Blue's health.
  5. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. A salute to black cats. I'm not a storyteller. Thanks to the Navy! The meal looks good. Pass on the drink and wine. I like Roy's meal as well. I haven't been to Da Nang. It's cool and cloudy so far today. I go to get my flu and bivalent vaccines soon, then maybe a stop at the big box store. Today we're remembering the 11 innocent lives lost during the tragic shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue on Oct 27, 2018. @grapau27 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a great time at dinner with Pauline and Sarah. @aliaschief Thanks for the photos posted from your cruise. @Quartzsite Cruiser I hope DH is fever free today and will be able to be transferred. @smitty34877 Continued prayers for Lou's test results and for Tana. @rafinmd Good to hear that your health system and health insurance reached an agreement. @ottahand7 Prayers that this will be the last surgery needed for DB's knee. @cruzn single Sorry the cruise is not meeting your expectations. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  6. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I had mincemeat in the UK and it was tasty. I will salute the Deployed and horseless carriages. It's also national pumpkin day! Good quote. I like the meal and drink. Pass on the wine. I haven't been to Phu My, Vietnam. Finally home again on this dark and rainy day. Traffic was awful. Anyway, I have some med changes, another doctor to see, and I picked up my redone glasses. All this took up most of the day. Flu and variant vaccines tomorrow. Fun times! @dfish It sounds like you're making great packing progress. @*Miss G* @AncientWanderer Welcome home! @cat shepard Hopefully a good report from the Dermatologist. @smitty34877 Prayers for no major Cardiology issue. @StLouisCruisers Great photos and thanks for Lenda's too! I'm sure it helped Amy tremendously to be surrounded by family. @Quartzsite Cruiser Oh no on DH's fever and the transfer being off. Glad that his Covid and flu tests were negative. Prayers for the fever to disappear overnight. @ottahand7 So sorry to hear of your DB's continued issues post-op. Prayers for him. @Seasick Sailor Good luck to DH with all those appointments everywhere. @marshhawk Wow, 40 calls an hour is too much! Small steps on the quitting and don't beat yourself up if you backslide, just keep going. @kazu I hope the inspection was relatively painless! @aliaschief Thanks for the pictures. Lovely dinner setting. @sailingdutchy Great photos! @durangoscots Hoping that Bandit gets good reports on his biopsies. @summer slope Sorry your doctor doesn't want to give the exemption. And ouch on the cost of the shots! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  7. Why is NA shown coming into port now? Nevermind. After 2 refreshes it finally showed her docked.
  8. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I won't be howling at the moon tonight, nor be a punk for a day. Hat's off to artists. Excellent quote. Yes to the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Ashdod. It's our final sunny, 70's day. Rain and falling temps tomorrow. I'm finally feeling better from my weekend GI treatment. I'm doing some cleaning of lace curtains and need to get new shades for one of my 3rd floor rooms. Tomorrow will be injection day and a Neurology appointment. @Cruzin Terri Condolences on the loss of your dear friend's Mother. I hope your tests went well today. @seagarsmoker Happy Anniversary! Lovely photos. @4966and556 Nice of you to adopt another cat. @kazu Good luck with the packing. Layers should make it easier to accommodate the temps. @StLouisCruisers I hope the dental appointments went well. Thanks for the Ashdod/Jerusalem photos, and for posting Lenda's pictures too. @aliaschief Thanks for the photos. @summer slope Oh my! And I think I'd heard that Yellow Fever vaccine was problematic over a certain age, and also that it's hard to find it. @Quartzsite Cruiser Don't worry about us, take care of yourself and be with DH. @grapau27 Good luck with the x-rays and having the skin lesions taken off. @smitty34877 I hope all went well with DH's stress test. @Seasick Sailor I'm glad you were safe. I saw some photos on the news of that semi truck overturned. @sailingdutchy Great photos. @dfish Congrats! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to all with something to Celebrate. Stay safe everyone.
  9. Thanks for the update. Get some rest. It sounds like it will be a somewhat long road back, and I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.
  10. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Happy Diwali to those who celebrate. A salute to the UN. I occasionally eat ring bologna. I think the quote means a good friend will tell you the truth to your face. I'll take the meal and wine. Pass on the drink. I've been to Australia, but not Darwin. Another sunny and 70's day. Rainy and cooler later in the week. I survived yesterdays GI goings on. So I'll see if it helps my symptoms. On a happier note, the roofer came by and found that piece that blew off was a waste piece that they missed removing. Also got a call today that my re-made glasses are ready for pick up. @Quartzsite Cruiser Praying for DH and you today. Thanks for the Darwin photos. @kazu I'm sure your taking time to visit was appreciated by your friend. @dfish Good luck with the packing. Thanks for the recipes, and no worries on missing a few days. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the photos from Darwin. Awww, what a sweet photo of Ellie and her Daddy. Good luck with the crowns. @Cruzin Terri Safe travels to get your tests. Changes in ownership of my internet company led me to change to a GMail address to keep it unchanging. @ottahand7 Beautiful fall colors in the photos. @Overhead Fred HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a wonderful day! @Heartgrove Thanks for the photos from your cruise. Enjoy! @sailingdutchy Great photos. @Seasick Sailor Happy 31st Anniversary! 🍾 @HAL4NOW Safe travels home to Skykomish. I hope you both test negative soon, and thank goodness for friends who'll shop for you. @Norseh2o It sounds like you're having a wonderful time. Prayers for the Care List and Woohoo to those with something to Celebrate! Stay safe everyone.
  11. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Interesting days. I don't have a MIL. Never had Mole (sauce) but don't like moles (animals) digging in my yard, and never heard of chemistry mole day. I don't watch TV talk shows. Good quote. I like quesadillas, but never made one myself. Pass on the drink and wine. I like Roy's meal. I have not been to Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt. I had some coworkers from Egypt, and even they acknowledged politics made it difficult to visit. It's a lovely day here, 70F and sunny, after a chilly start. Of course lost on me, as I'm inside doing my GI prep. I also need to try to unjam paper from my ancient HP laserjet printer. So far the knee is eh, but I know the gel injections take a while to work. @aliaschief Thanks for the photos from your river cruise. @ShipsAreTheBest Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily! @grapau27 Thank you for Fr. David's sermon. @msmayor I'm sure you enjoyed having Lana and her parents there, as well as Dean. @kazu Sorry to hear of the passing of your friend's brother. @StLouisCruisers How exciting for Ren and Colton to get to play with that older team; great experience. And to get to see DD as well! @smitty34877 Wishing you all some peace and repose from all you are going through. @kochleffel Sorry to hear you were ill and couldn't attend Fran's memorial service. That seems strange of the pastor to speak like that. I hope you are feeling better. @HAL4NOW I hope you and DW are feeling ok. @Quartzsite Cruiser Prayers for DH's surgery tomorrow, his medical team and your travel to the hospital. @Sharon in AZ Safe travels home. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  12. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I will try to make a difference for a neighbor today; fossils are fascinating; I enjoy nuts to eat and for baking. Good quote. I like the meal, drink and wine. I like Roy's meal too. I've never been to Hammerfest or anywhere in Norway. It's a nice, sunny day today, already at 66F. I should be outside, but the leaves seem to have blown elsewhere, for now. I will continue to declutter inside. I had a lot of trouble bending my knee when I woke up, probably due to the gel injection; it's ok now. I deferred my vaccines yesterday and rescheduled for this Thursday. @Cruzin Terri It's good you're getting settled in at the Hilton Head apartment. I hope the contractor and insurance company reach a good settlement for you. @luvteaching I'm glad DH had a good day yesterday in rehab. @richwmn @dfish @Sharon in AZ Welcome back. Safe travels home. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the Hammerfest photos. @kazu Great memes! @0106 Thanks for today's recipes. @marshhawk Good luck to you and DH with quitting smoking; you can do it! @aliaschief It sounds like you're having a fabulous time on your river cruise. @Quartzsite Cruiser Prayers for Monday. So helpful to have family there with you. @ottahand7 Nice that your brother is in good spirits and you had a long visit with him. @bennybear 😮 on that snow! Hopefully it melts away quickly. @Overhead Fred Good to hear you made it home safely. Driving in near blizzard conditions is so scary, at least to me. @grapau27 Welcome home. It sounds like a fitting way to honor Pauline's Mam. Thanks for the photos. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  13. Good evening. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I try not to babble, I have my Mother's button tin but have never counted them, and I like nachos! Sadly true quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish) and drink. Maybe on the wine. I haven't been to Salvador da Bahia, Brazil. It's been a busy day for me. There was a nice increase in the temperature to 62F and it has been sunny. I think my throat being sore on one side was related to a sore gum area, as I had a negative antigen test yesterday and today. I went to the Orthopedics doctor today. He ended up doing a combination injection - a stronger steroid and the first of 3 hyaluronic acid gel shots. Hopefully this all helps some. Then it was do a few errands, ending up with a stop at the grocery store; a larger than usual order for me, as I'm starting to get things for the Christmas holidays while I can find them. The ugh of the day is that GI wants me to do a colonoscopy prep (without the colonoscopy), which I guess I'll do on Sunday. @kazu How can HAL do that with the price? Not right! @StLouisCruisers A nice way to celebrate your late Mother's birthday. Thanks for the great photos. @aliaschief Thanks for checking in. @Seasick Sailor It sounds like you had a great time with your sister. How nice of your Mahjongg friends to do that. @ottahand7 I can't believe DB's surgeon made all those errors! I'm glad he's feeling better. @Lady Hudson Happy Birthday to you and your twin! @XBGuy Haha, Night and Day! @cunnorl I'm glad DD is able to use the pool and that the staff is attentive. @sailingdutchy Thanks for the photos of crew from the Oosterdam, as well as you and Martha. @grapau27 Nice dinner photos, and to see smiling Pauline! @Quartzsite Cruiser Good you don't have to leave before dawn for DH's surgery on Monday. Also that DSIL can help with the morning preparation. Thanks for the Brazil photos. @ger_77 I'm glad you got a better flight. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  14. @Cruzin Terri I'm glad you made it home safely. Oh my on that first apartment with all those stairs! I'm glad you finally got something much more suitable. @marshhawk I hope you feel better. I've developed a scratchy throat this afternoon and have a bit of a headache (but had to turn my glasses in to get the new ones, so I think my eyes are strained). I just did an at home antigen test which was negative. I may repeat in the AM since I have a doctor's appointment, and may postpone my flu and bivalent vaccines tomorrow.
  15. We don't have early voting here. I have a mail-in ballot, a hold over from when Covid was bad. I'll be glad when the election is done, if only to be rid of the awful name-calling commercials on TV 24/7! @grapau27 You look very handsome in your suit! And the meal looks good too 😉. We don't get to see Pauline's smiling face?
  16. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. When I was growing up a friend of my Mother always put a jar of brandied peaches in my Christmas stocking; I felt very grown up! A salute to Chefs and Waiters. Fun and true quote! The meal is ok, sans liver. I will pass on the drink and wine. I like Roy's meal. I haven't been to Hualien. Brrrrr. It was about 33F this AM. We're up to a balmy 45F now and it's sunny, but there's a wind chill making it feel like 36F. I'm just doing stuff around the house; my house is a mess from my ebay activities. Tomorrow I see the Ortho doc, then flu and bivalent vaccines in the afternoon. My area is busy today, as Biden will be here to look at the progress on the fallen bridge; we're all delighted that it may be finished by year's end, rather than the 3 year original estimate. @HAL4NOW Sorry to hear about the positive Covid test; good that DW is negative. @Vict0riann Condolences on the loss of Pat's cousin and sorry to hear the cousin in CA is failing. @Quartzsite Cruiser Good to hear DH did no damage with the fall, and that family is coming to help until the next surgery. It sounds like it was quite the challenge getting to the hospital. @aliaschief Bon Voyage! Wow on that food market. @Overhead Fred Safe travels home. @kazu It's always something! A piece blew off my roof, so now I'm waiting for the roofer to come back and fix it. @smitty34877 Good to hear Fred is ok. Thanks, I wondered about the RA med, but when mentioned to the Rheum PA, she accurately recalled that I had issues preceding its use. So far I just have the elevated liver tests (?due to meds) and some fatty infiltration of the pancreas (which can be treated with diet, weight loss and exercise, which I need to do anyway). She thinks maybe irritable bowel. I still need to submit a "sample". @Sharon in AZ I've heard of B52 drinks but never had one. I'll have to try it! @luvteaching Sorry to hear about DH's fall, infection and broken bone. I hope rehab will get him feeling and moving better. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Extra prayers for those in Ukraine who have no utilities from the bombings, as winter sets in. Stay safe everyone. The fall color is outstanding this year. This is a picture from this morning by a local photographer, Dave DiCello.
  17. The best news! Enjoy your freedom to move about the ship and enjoy the rest of the trip.
  18. Thanks Graham. In the past steroid injections worked very well. I hadn't had one since 2019. I had one in late July as I was having pain, but it no longer seems to work. It only helped a couple of days, then the pain was back. I am seeing the Orthopedic doctor on Friday, and want to get the hyaluronan gel injection. I want to avoid knee replacement if I can.
  19. Since tomorrow is garbage/recycling day, I've been breaking down some boxes I had stored. I save every box, which is convenient if I'm reselling some small appliance on ebay, but is ridiculous for large items. So out they go, with another garbage can full of styrofoam, which can't be recycled. Fortunately my eye seems to have settled down rather quickly. @aliaschief Wow, what a fancy hotel! @BrandelynCon Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily! @Quartzsite Cruiser I'm sorry to hear how complicated things have gotten since DH's surgery. It sounds like being an inpatient is best, given his mobility issues. And inpatient rehab after the second surgery. Feel free to vent here! Thanks for the Puerto Vallarta photos. @grapau27 Nice meal, and nice environment 😉! @summer slope That art in the form of hearts is so nice. @kochleffel I'm glad to hear your test has remained negative. I went to Arches and Canyonlands in September of 2015 when BFF and I did the first of 2 National Park road trips. I loved Arches! @ottahand7 Prayers for your DB that his knee issues get taken care of. That scares me as I'm told I need a knee replacement.
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