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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. I'll salute sign languages and Teal Day for ovarian cancer awareness. No love notes from me today. Funny quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish) and drink. Yes to the wine. I haven't been to Qaqortoq. Thanks for the photos. Brrrr. It was 43F this AM. I was so cold when I woke up! I turned off the ceiling fan and put the comforter on the bed. At least it's sunny out, but only 56F now. @kazu Prayers for you and your area regarding the nasty weather and Fiona coming your way. Stay safe! @marshhawk Welcome home. @0106 Thanks for doing the Daily meal in @dfish Debbie's absence. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the great photos. @aliaschief I'm glad you're ok. @HAL4NOW I hope you get some rain. Your pictures remain scary to see. @Quartzsite Cruiser Wonderful photos of Qaqortoq. @cunnorl Wow on that wave; good thing it didn't knock you off your feet! @1ANGELCAT Sorry to hear about the Botox; that stinks. @Sharon in AZ I hope the meds will take care of the psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. @Cruising-along Thanks for the great pictures. @kochleffel Let's hope the women who were at the Sisterhood meeting test themselves a few times to prevent any spread of Covid at the holiday. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe and healthy everyone.
  2. A good choice I think. Safe travels and I hope you find the perfect house!
  3. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Happy Fall (at 9PM)! I like hobbit day, being a big Tolkien fan! I did a LOTR tour while in NZ. A salute to business women and I like elephants (and would like to see them in the wild one day). Good quote. I've never had a sopaipillas, but they look good. Pass on the drink and wine. I have been to Anchorage on a Ryndam sea/land package. We took a bus from Seward to Anchorage then the Mckinley Explorer train to DenaIi. I did a seaplane tour in Anchorage and didn't see much of the city. Thanks for the photos. It's cloudy here and only going to be in the upper 60's. Going down to 46 tonight! I'm not sure what happened, but I went to bed just after 10:30 and didn't wake up until 9:30 this AM! Almost 11 hours of sleep. I never do that. I'm going to do more sorting and separating of stuff today. BFF may come over later. I haven't heard from my roofer about a start date, so I need to check into that. Sigh. @dfish The home inspection always seems to find something. And ugh on the windows not getting replaced today. Sorry you lost the house and a pox on that seller! Hoping for good news soon on a house for you and DS. Thanks for the recipes. I only knew of the sweet variety. @kazu You got a lot done yesterday; no wonder you were sore. Stay safe during the storm and hopefully the brunt of it bypasses you! @Cruzin Terri I hope the contractor can get the insurance company to cover all that is needed. Good to hear you slept better. I hope your hip feels better soon. @smitty34877 I'm pleased to hear that Tana's appointment went well. Sorry about DH's treatment not being covered. Can you look into patient assistance? My $6k/month med wasn't covered, but I get it free from the manufacturer; there wasn't even an income requirement, just that it wasn't covered. @HAL4NOW Those pictures you posted of the fire last night look scary! Stay safe. @*Miss G* My condolences to you and DH on the passing of your FIL. I'm glad family was able to be with him as he transitioned. Awful on the flight cancellation and the scramble to try to get another. @kplady Congrats on your upcoming retirement! @StLouisCruisers @grapau27 I've never driven a stick shift; I used to wish I knew how. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe and healthy everyone. A few pics from my Anchorage flyover. Getting up in the air.
  4. A late good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. We certainly need International Peace and World Gratitude!. Miniature golf is fun, although I haven't played in a long time. Excellent quote. The meal looks good. Pass on the drink and maybe on the wine. I've been to Australia, but not Townsville. I'm late today. I had a dental cleaning appointment this morning (good report) and then did a bit of grocery shopping. It's partly cloudy now and we're expected to have storms later with 60+ mph winds, possible hail and possible tornadic activity. Let's hope it's not that bad. @Crazy For Cats Happy Birthday to Tucker and Jasper. @seagarsmoker Sorry to hear about the cancelled cruise. @kazu Happy to hear that you got your SUV back. Be careful moving the chairs and during the coming storm. @dfish Good news on the dry basement after the rain last night. Fingers crossed for the inspection. Ugh on the Michigan seller; that stinks! @smitty34877 Thank goodness for the neighbors. I hope Tana's appointment goes well. I'm sure it's hard to give up some control. @HAL Sailer Great news about DSIL's scans! Prayers that the chemo is tolerable and effective. @aliaschief That grilled shrimp salad looks good. Shrimp is one of the few seafood things I'll eat. @*Miss G* Sorry to hear of your DH's father's ill health and your father's. Prayers for your family. @Seasick Sailor Yikes on the fire ant bites! It sounds awful. I hope the remedies help with the discomfort. @kochleffel It sounds like junior cat is improving. You're a busy person! @HAL4NOW Prayers for your area, and good to hear that the Bolt Creek Fire has died down some. @cat shepard Enjoying your travelogue. @Cruising-along Sad for the DGSs that Nimbus hasn't been found. @Cruzin Terri Thinking of you and DH during your house ordeal. @Copper10-8 Thanks for the laughs. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe and healthy Everyone.
  5. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Mmmm, my go to pizza is pepperoni. Punch is ok, if not too sweet. Is national get ready day like this being preparedness month? I've ordered a solar generator (due to all my power outages and food loss) and am doing some preparedness things. Great quote. Maybe on the meal, pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Trieste or Venice. Thanks for the photos @Cruising-along. It's sunny here and mid-70's. Then a cold front comes in and 46 Thursday night! I need to think about transplanting that rhodie I want to move. BFF and I are going out to a local restaurant for their Oktoberfest menu. We go yearly. We were to be met by friends, but the one has a head cold, and even though he tested negative, didn't want to expose me, just in case. Very thoughtful. @seagarsmoker Lovely pictures! @dfish Hoping all works out for you. I have some quinoa that I've never been brave enough to use. @kazu I sure hope your vehicle is ready today. @ottahand7 Ugh on the heavy perfume. @aliaschief Great picture. @ger_77 So nice to have had that family visit. @superoma That's a tough one with your Father's eating requirements. @durangoscots Yikes on the dangling smoke alarm. I was just thinking today that I need to call my plumber soon to check my boiler for winter (I have hot water heat). @LocoLoco1 Speedy recovery from the back surgery! Prayers for the Care List and for all those in the path of storms. Cheers to the Celebration List. Stay safe and healthy everyone.
  6. I've just taken a loaf of bread out of the oven; baking therapy, lol. @Cruising-along I'm glad you had a good time with the grandsons, although sorry to hear of missing Nimbus. Thanks for the photos. @durangoscots I recorded Ken Burn's Holocaust program, but will wait a bit to watch it. @Quartzsite Cruiser Fingers crossed for no further roof leaks. @dfish Oh no on the water leak. Deep breaths! At least you found out about it now and can remediate it. And good to have a helpful plumber neighbor! I have some issues with water seeping through the basement wall on one side, and need to get that looked at one day. @cat shepard I'm enjoying reading about your trip, and the pictures.
  7. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I don't talk like a pirate, or like butterscotch pudding or to dance (although I like watching dance). Appropriate quote. I like the meal, drink and wine. I haven't been to Isafjordur, Iceland. Thanks for the photos. It's rainy here. I've been up since 5AM watching the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. The piper at Westminster Abbey got me 😢. Very sad and moving. A tremendous task carried out very well by all involved. I liked seeing the Mounties leading the procession. @grapau27 Thinking of you and Pauline, and all of the UK today. Many in the world are grieving along with you. @dfish Sorry to hear the seller of the Michigan house is being difficult. @StLouisCruisers Wonderful photos! @kazu I hope you get the SUV back today. @mamaofami Happy Anniversary! @Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos. @Cruzin Terri Praying for strength as you go through this crisis with your home. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List.
  8. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Great days. I like cheeseburgers a lot. Women's friendships can be special. Wives should be appreciated, as should husbands. I will disagree with the quote. I like the meal (although carby) and the drink. Pass on the wine. I have been to Florence, but on a land trip. Thanks for all the photos. It's partly sunny and 80F. I got out and mowed the lawn while much of it was in shade, but was still sweating a lot. It's supposed to rain tomorrow. Now watching the Steeler game. @grapau27 Thank you for Father David's sermon today. @cat shepard @lindaler Welcome home. @1ANGELCAT I hope you're able to go on your cruise. Oh my with the wrangling over payment of your treatment for your hand. How can they expect you to sign about paying if it's not covered, when they don't state the cost? @HAL Sailer Prayers for DSIL as she navigates this process. And for DH too as he suffers from not being able to visit her. @Quartzsite Cruiser I hope the new roof screws solves the leak problem. @kazu Thank goodness for the extended warranty on the freezer. Oh my on the front door alarm. @TiogaCruiser Thanks for the excellent job you did with the daily wine. @kochleffel Yay, it sounds like Junior Cat is doing better. @durangoscots Maybe I should rethink my flu and booster shots together. I don't usually have any issue with the flu shot, but I figured to possibly feel bad all at once! @atexsix Good to see you stopping in Bruno. It's very commendable all you're doing for DD. @Horizon chaser 1957 I'm glad DD is safe; that's scary. @bennybear Woohoo on the good check up with the Oncologist! Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe and healthy everyone. A few pictures from Florence (pre-digital photos scanned so not the best quality) View of Florence from Piazalle Michelangelo Galleria dell'Accademia, Michelangelo's David Duomo of Florence East Doors of Baptistry of San Giovanni Neptune Fountain, Piazza della Signoria Basilica of Santa Croce
  9. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Good days. A salute to citizens of all nations, the Constitution, and Red Pandas (I saw some when I was in China). Great quote. The meal looks good, although I've never had mole. Pass on the drink and maybe on the wine. I've been to Australia, but not Exmouth. It's sunny and mid-70's now. I should get the grass mowed, as we're expecting rain tomorrow evening. I'm just puttering around the house. I need to feed my sourdough starter. I've been measuring electrical draw from some appliances to see what I can power with my solar generator (I'm mainly interested in keeping my fridge and chest freezer going in a power outage). @kazu Cute story! Good news on the restored flight. @grapau27 Nice lunch. @Cruzin Terri I'm glad you were able to find a place to stay that's closer to your house. @dfish Fingers crossed for your home inspection and that the Michigan seller stops dragging his feet. @smitty34877 Good to hear that things are going better in the house and that Tana is able to rest better and likes the home health aide. You need to take care of yourself as you've shouldered so much for so long. @HAL4NOW It's good to hear that the smoke has dissipated some. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe and healthy everyone. Red Pandas in Chongqing Zoo
  10. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. A salute to the American Legion. I've only collected a few rocks from some travels. Step families are bonus families. Interesting quote. Pass on the meal (fish, especially with eyes!)) and drink. Maybe to the wine. I went around Cape Horn and was in the Drake passage on Zaandam on my SA/Antarctica cruise. It's partly sunny and 78F currently. The lower humidity has been great. We are getting some smoke from the western wildfires, but it is high up in the atmosphere and not really any issue. It was very nice yesterday to sit on BFF's deck with friends and enjoy the outdoors. Unfortunately the visitors had to leave early as they had a problem with their rental car and had to go all the way back to the airport to get a new one. And I left before it got dark due to my vision issues. I should mow the lawn before it warms up more the next few days. @dfish Congrats on your home being under contract! Prayers that all goes smoothly. @kazu Sorry to hear the SUV needs all that, but great on the goodwill gesture from the dealership. Very nice of two CC members to take over the Bon Voyage threads while you're gone. @Cruzin Terri Wishing you strength to get through this house saga. @smitty34877 I am glad to hear that there is a way forward for the family in dealing with what you are all going through. @aliaschief Safe travels and enjoy the grandchildren! @kochleffel Sorry to hear Jr Cat is still not eating. I hope she improves soon. @Cruising-along I'm glad to hear DGS is ok. Enjoy the time with them both! @grapau27 It's been amazing seeing the miles of people patiently waiting to see the Queen lying in state at Westminster Hall. @USN59-79 Good to hear Sara is doing well after her cataract surgery. @Quartzsite Cruiser Sorry about the sprinkler head trouble. Thanks for the recipe (sans olives, lol). Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe and healthy everyone. Copied from Dec 18, 2021 Cape Horn, from the Zaandam, December 26, 2018 Cape Horn Lighthouse Station and Wooden Chapel Albatross Monument, a memorial to sailors who lost their lives rounding Cape Horn Seas getting rougher in the Drake passage
  11. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I've only ever made a knitted hat. A salute to Greenpeace and Caregivers (especially Dailyites). Interesting quote. I like the meal. Pass on the drink and wine. I will be in Belize City on my November Celebrity Cruise; probably going to see some Mayan ruins. Thanks for the photos. It was foggy this AM, but now the sun is coming through. We'll go up to 79. Last evening my right eye started to become light sensitive and was red and painful. So I started the hourly stronger drops. It seems ok now. BFF is having a little get-together this afternoon, with friends in from AZ who we haven't seen since about 2015. @kazu Sorry about the car issues; hopefully the fix isn't too costly. Loved the Queen and corgis meme. @dfish Thanks for the recipes. Wow, you're getting a lot of traffic through the house, which is a good thing. @StLouisCruisers I hope you get to the dental hygienist tomorrow. My turn is next week. @Horizon chaser 1957 Wow, on the hotel closing, but good you found somewhere else. I plan to get my flu shot and bivalent Covid vaccine late October for the late November cruise; maybe I should make an appointment soon. @Cruzin Terri I hope you're feeling better from your fall soon. Good idea to move stuff before the demolition crew does. @smitty34877 Prayers for you and the family. I hope you can make changes that make things less stressful for all. @HAL Sailer Sorry DSIL isn't feeling up to a visit and I'm sure it's hard on DH. Prayers that her scan results won't show anything too invasive. @Seasick Sailor That looks like a good time with "Tina". Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  12. @Cruzin Terri Oh no on the fall; I hope you're ok. And to finding more damage. As you said, you can redesign the bathroom now, if you wish. And great that you like the contractor; a good one is hard to find. And as to your "friend", that's not how one treats true friends. @Dr.Dobro Thanks for the photos and welcome to the Daily! @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks. The doctor's appointment was a routine one. The optician said I need to see the Optometrist again re the prescription, and no openings until mid-October. Then it's wait for a new prescription glasses to be made if she changes the prescription. Sorry about the roof leak, but it sounds like your contractor is up to the task.
  13. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I only eat crab as crab cakes and don't like cream-filled donuts. I like quiet at times. I like the quote. Yes to the drink. No to the meal and wine. I've never been to Sihanoukville. Brr. Another chilly start to the day, but up to a nice 78F later. I turned off the ceiling fan in the bedroom before going to sleep last night. I'm off to a doctor's appointment soon, then to the eye doctor's office about my glasses. It was also the day for my biweekly injection; my hands start to hurt again about 2 days before it's due. @dfish Great news about your house! Hoping you hear good news about the Michigan house. It took me about a year to sell my first house (shared driveway, high taxes). I fell in love with this house and after 60 days had to make a decision. So I had 2 mortgages for 10 months. No fun! @kazu Safe trip to your therapy session. @RedneckBob 😃 @smitty34877 Prayers for you all during this trying time. @HAL4NOW Good news that people are getting power back and the fire starting to be contained. @rafinmd @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the photos. Prayers for the Care List. Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  14. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily/Fleet Report. I am not too superstitious; mainly about sports - in playoffs I have "lucky" shirts, lol. I like the fortunes, but not the cookies. I love peanut butter (chunky) and pb cookies, but not eating peanuts themselves. I think that's a true quote. I like the meal (reminds me of German maultaschen). Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Puerto Princesa or anywhere in the Philippines. Thanks for any photos to come. I woke up cold! It was only 52F outside and the house was a bit chilly. Only a high of 69F today. BFF is coming over later to watch more of The Rings of Power. @Cruzin Terri So sorry to hear they are finding more issues, but they all need to be discovered to fix things properly. Hard to believe how much damage was done by that leak! @dfish It sounds like your house get an offer soon! @StLouisCruisers Good luck to DH at the dentist. @smitty34877 Thanks for a picture of the Princess on her "throne"! @Horizon chaser 1957 I'm glad you're not in fire danger, but the smoke sounds awful! Prayers for the Care List and a Salute to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  15. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I used to love chocolate milk shakes and Frostys; haven't had one in years. Not much of a video game person, although I've played games on the PC. We should try to encourage people, especially children. Great quote. I like roasted chicken, although I tend to buy it rather than make it. Growing up, it was my Mother's favorite Sunday dinner; usually in the oven, but sometimes on a rotisserie spit on the grill. I like the drink and wine. I haven't been to Laem Chabang (Bangkok). My roommate from the first 2 years of college is Thai and has wanted me to come there to visit. We haven't seen each other in over 40 years. It's cloudy today, humid, and there are supposed to be thunder storms later. I'm just doing small stuff around the house. @puppycanducruise Happy 85th Birthday to your DM! @marshhawk Bon Voyage! @kazu With all your hard work, the setup for Jose's Celebration of Life looks lovely. I'm glad it was so well attended and that people shared their memories. The food and desserts look wonderful too. I hope it was healing for all. Thanks for sharing your photos. @dfish You deserve a day off, with all the hard work you've been doing on the house. Fingers crossed you get the house in Michigan. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the great Thailand photos. @ottahand7 Good to hear you made it safely home. @HAL4NOW Continued prayers for all those threatened by the Bolt Creek Fire. Good thing you have a generator! Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  16. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. 9-11: Never Forget. I was at work when I heard about a plane striking the WTC. I assumed a small plane, an accident. We turned on the news and I saw the 2nd plane strike in real time. When there was mention of a plane near Pittsburgh, my friends from the UK called to see if I was ok. A terrible day. Then BFF called me from Mexico, where he was for work, and unable to get home for several days. He said people in Mexico were very kind to the Americans there. A salute to Emergency responders. Libraries are important. I sadly never knew any Grandparents. Odd quote. I like the "meal", yes to the drink and wine. I'm one of those pumpkin spice people! I've never been to Brest. Thanks for the photos. It was rainy overnight and this AM. I got about 1.25". I also slept in late today. Not doing much. I am achy and think it's due to cholesterol meds; I'll have to talk to the Cardiologist. @grapau27 Thanks for Father David's sermon; just what I needed to hear. I hope he had a good vacation. Welcome home from your cruise. and thanks for the photos. @rafinmd Thank you for the special 9-11 list. @smitty34877 Such a cute picture of Miss Camilla yesterday. @marshhawk Safe travels. @aliaschief I'm glad to hear your foot feels better. @HAL4NOW Scary times where you are. Bless you for all you're doing to help. @Vict0riann Bon Voyage! Have a great time. @kazu Thanks for checking in. (((Hugs))). Although yesterday's life celebration went well, I'm sure it was hard. Please share pictures when you're up to it. @cruzn single Prayers for peace for you. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. A picture from Shanksville, PA, site of the downing of Flight 93. This is before any of the current memorial was built. Initially just a chain link fence where people left tributes. All that was on the fence is now inside the museum building.
  17. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. A salute to the Chinese Moon festival. Sewing machines are important, although I just do basic stuff with mine. Just had to fix the rod panel on my bedroom lace curtains after washing them. I have my DM's fancy one in its own cabinet and her very old Singer Featherweight machine. Swapping ideas is good and we do some of that here on the Daily. Odd quote. I like the meal with sausage and peppers, altho carby and the drink and wine. I haven't been to Tadine. Looking forward to any photos. It's mid-70's and sunny here. Maybe rain later and tomorrow morning. I managed to get the lawn mowed as the sun was going down yesterday. So today is laundry and a bit of relaxation. My friends in England who visit every year (except the last 2 years) to watch our NHL team (Penguins) have over the years sent me memorabilia of Royal events. I'll have to take a look at my collection. @Cruzin Terri I'm glad to hear you got much nicer accommodations while your house is being fixed. @kazu Thinking of you today as you have Jose's Celebration of Life. @aliaschief Sorry to hear of the foot pain; when I had a stress fracture I could barely put weight on it (I got it walking about 12 miles in NYC). I hope you get the dishwasher installed soon. @marshhawk Thanks for the info about the Chinese Moon festival. @dfish Fingers and toes crossed for you getting that house! @ger_77 Wish we had that curbside swap here. Usually I just put things out in my alley, in front of my garage, and they're gone in a day or two. Understandable that the service for Melodie was so hard for you; I'm sure the family was grateful for you and DH for doing it. @smitty34877 Congrats to Tana's son on making the JV football team! @Vict0riann Have a great cruise. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  18. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I like Teddy bears, like some wonderful weirdos, and I've tried Sudoku (it's hard!), but prefer crossword puzzles. Funny quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish/sardines), pass on the drink and yes to the wine (but it's above my budget). I haven't been to Agios Nikolaos. It's in the 70's now after 50's this AM, and sunny, after a very foggy start. I had a good first night's sleep on the new bed, although that may have been helped by the ibuprofen. I have bursitis in my hips and a lot of back muscle pain; I infrequently take anything but after all the recent furniture moving I decided to last night. I have been out doing all the lawn edging. That took about 2-1/2 hours. Now I'm in resting and drinking fluids. I'd like to mow later. The new glasses aren't cutting it for distance. Things are blurry. I'll go back next week to complain. Moving speech by King Charles III. I was out in the yard, but found it online when I came in. @marshhawk Happy Anniversary! Enjoy the upcoming cruise. @kazu Hoping everything goes well this weekend for Jose's celebration of life. @superoma Prayers that DH's cataract surgery went well. @jodi58 Kind of you to foster a dog. @ottahand7 Safe travels home. @bennybear I've seen that funny clip about the Queen; it's delightful. Thanks for the photos. @Vict0riann Thanks for the lovely photos of Agios Nikolaos. @grapau27 Thanks for sharing your meals aboard ship. @Sharon in AZ We're usually overrun by squirrels, but they've been scarce this year. Reportedly there are hawks around, so I don't know if they ran off or were meals for the hawks. Prayers for the Care List and a Salute to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  19. I was at the grocery store and a woman came up to me and told me the Queen had passed. The store was abuzz with the news. May Queen Elizabeth II rest in peace. The world has lost a great lady. King Charles has a lot to live up to.
  20. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Literacy is important. I like the ampersand & date nut bread (homemade). True quote. Hmmm, sauce? Maybe on chicken. I like the drink and will pass on the wine. I haven't been to Boracay. Thanks for any pictures. Prayers for Queen Elizabeth II; her health news is very concerning. Some online speculation that she has passed, although not from any credible sources. It's cloudy and warm here, but no rain expected. The grass is getting tall from all our rain. I need to edge and mow. I was up early as the bed delivery was today. They put on masks when they saw me with mine. They had a struggle getting the box spring down the stairs (there's a landing and there are stairs above that limit the height somewhat), and the adjustable base upstairs, but got it done. They don't take the old frame, but I got it out to the garage to give away. @marshhawk I hope DH's appointment with the pain doctor is productive. @StLouisCruisers I hope Linda has made it to rehab. And that the dog has been picked up. @kochleffel I hope you're ok. Did you test yourself again? @Seasick Sailor Good to hear DH is feeling fine, and getting medical details tidied up. @Cruzin Terri Sorry to hear how bad things are in your house. It's unconscionable that your insurance agent is so hard to get ahold of. I hope you can stay in a hotel. @smitty34877 Thanks for the insight. I'd brought half my dinner home, and put it in the air fryer last night to reheat it. I ate it and no issues. So I don't know. I don't ever deep fry at home, and will limit it when eating out. @Cruising-along Condolences on the passing of DSIL's DGM. @fieldsofclover Welcome to the Daily! Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  21. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/updated-covid-19-booster-shots-are-now-available-heres-what-you-need-to-know Per this pbs report, the initial bivalent vaccines were targeted against the original virus and BA1. They were rejected by the FDA, who asked them to target BA4 and BA5. It's my understanding that both vaccines do target the new variants.
  22. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I like good salami, but don't eat it often. A salute to the mail carriers. I do like beer, although I don't drink it that often. A wonderful bible quote, often said at weddings. The meal is interesting. Pass on the drink and wine. I think I sailed from Port Canaveral on a 2007 Disney Cruise which followed a stay at Disney World. I'd like to visit the Space Center. It's cooler and humid here today. I had to go back and read yesterday's Daily as well as today's. I spent a good part of yesterday with continued deep cleaning of my bedroom. Then BFF wanted to go out to eat, then come back here to watch the Lord of the Rings prime video episodes. Again I felt unwell after eating out. I had something fried, and wonder if it's my gallbladder, although no pain. The meal just goes right through me (trying to be delicate, lol). At least we ate outside on their patio. I spent this AM moving the mattress and box spring so that I could vacuum under the bed. I have a wool aubusson rug, and there was enough wool shedding vacuumed up to make a small cat! New bed comes tomorrow. @StLouisCruisers Happy Anniversary a day late! @grapau27 All your food looks wonderful. Sadie looks very cute, especially after the grooming. @1ANGELCAT I can't believe how long it's taking to get things moving regarding your hand treatment. @dfish I hear no clutter is the way to go when selling your house. I'm glad you are almost done painting. @Quartzsite Cruiser Cute memes. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  23. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Happy Labor Day! I've nothing to be late for today, and I'm usually early for things any way. I'll be having cheese pizza later (with pepperoni on it). We should all try to be charitable. Interesting quote. I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. I haven't been to Icoaraci. It's raining off and on here and in the low 70's. I've been busy this morning, trying to do a bit of deep cleaning of my bedroom in preparation for the new bed coming on Thursday. Next I think I may take the lace curtains down in there and wash them. The insurance claims person is working even though it's a holiday; she called and they only want to pay for replacing some shingles. Well, I hadn't even planned to try to put in a claim due to the age of the roof. So I'll just take anything they give me, to help offset the cost of replacing it. They'll also pay for the plaster repairs inside. @Seasick Sailor Joy, continued prayers for Allen. @luvteaching Enjoy the Eurodam cruise. @Cruzin Terri Oh no on the toilet issue and flooding at your house! Sorry to hear so much will need to be replaced. @ger_77 Awful what happened with the stabbings. I'm glad you're safe, but certainly understand your unease. @marshhawk I'm glad Jesse is home, and sorry how tough it is for his wife. @kazu I don't blame you for getting someone to detail the SUV; that's a lot of work! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  24. Prayers for Allen. Probably a good thing he was at the VA when it happened. I hope the tests can help so that any further issues can be prevented. @bennybear Great pictures of the aurora, "Steve" and the shooting stars.
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