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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Checking in. Thought I missed Zudie leaving, but apparently not!
  2. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'll salute the cat herders on the Daily. I don't re-gift; usually donate anything unwanted. I told BFF we're cutting back on the excessive gifting we do for each other, since neither of us need much. I'm an occasional tea drinker; coffee is my preference. Interesting quote. I like the meal, although I try to limit pasta (even though I love it). Pass on the drink, but the wine sounds good. I have not been to Saint John, NB. I haven't seen much of Canada yet. I heard you can get another 4 free Covid tests at covid.gov/tests, due to the uptick in cases. It's sleeting/raining here. The temp is now up to 37F, so it should be only rain. The news had school delays scrolling at the bottom of the screen this morning. My mission today is continued straightening up of this untidy house. @kazu I'm glad you made it safely to San Diego. @Seasick Sailor Great picture of you two. @smitty34877 Fingers crossed that you'll get the medical clearance. Continued prayers for Tana. @dfish Thanks for the recipes. Hoping for a safe commute for Sue. Nice photos from Saint John. @StLouisCruisers I'm glad DD is managing ok. Enjoy HMC! @grapau27 I didn't think you got much snow in England, but I guess I was wrong. @summer slope GREAT News! DH is out of Covid jail. @superoma Great light display. @luvteaching It sounds like you've got a good plan for DH to come home. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone in the path of weather.
  3. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'd like to see more good today, energy conservation is important, and I've never had roasted chestnuts (I recall vendors selling them while I was in Germany in the winter). I like the quote. I'd take the latkes without the parsnip, pass on the wine, and yes to the merlot. I haven't been to Aomori. It is partly sunny and 41F. We may get freezing rain tonight and tomorrow, from the storm. This morning I went to the grocery store and got most things I need for holiday dinner and BFF's stay. I will pick up the more perishable stuff next week. I noticed a lot more people wearing masks in the grocery store; I think the soaring flu numbers have something to do with it. Then since it was fairly nice out, I raked up leaves from the sidewalk, and the ones in the street the borough didn't collect since they said they were done last week. They skipped me two weeks in a row! Then just gathered all the recycling; I have a lot of boxes I'm getting rid of, plus the water heater cardboard box. Prayers for all in the path of severe weather. @Sharon in AZ Happy Anniversary! Lovely wedding photo of you two. @summer slope Glad that you are negative, but so sorry to hear DH is still positive. @MISTER 67 Good luck getting those charges reversed; frustrating, no doubt. @GeorgeCharlie It looks like beautiful weather there. You had great photos from glacier alley too. When I was there it was misty and rainy; not great for photos, but still awesome. @grapau27 The snow looks pretty. Being retired I stay in when it snows. It's good to hear you have no pain after the surgery. @Cruzin Terri Good to hear that the cruise is working it's magic to make you feel better. @ger_77 What is the butter tart slice? Can you share the recipe please? @mamaofami It's good to hear that PT is helping your balance. Prayers for no side effects from the booster. @StLouisCruisers I hope the odd noise stays away. I'm glad DD is doing ok after her foot surgery. @ottahand7 Oh no on having to replace the furnace, but as you say it'll be more efficient. Same with my new water heater, replacing the 28 year old one. I sure hope DB goes home today. @kochleffel Thank you for the explanation of Hanukkah foods. @kazu Prayers that all 3 flights go well and no issues making connections. @Cruising-along Beautiful Christmas village! And lots of work, no doubt. @bennybear I hope DS has a mild case, and that you two stay negative. Yay on the new fridge. Lovely photos from Aomori. @AncientWanderer I'm glad you're feeling better and that Pocket is back home with you. @XBGuy That's a great view to have from your home. @marshhawk Sorry to hear about the doctor situation and it taking so long. Could you go to urgent care in the meantime? @smitty34877 I'm glad you were able to be scheduled so soon and hope you can get your medical clearance in time. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  4. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I like cocoa (think I'll make some now), a salute to St. Lucia the martyr, and violins add a lot to orchestras. Lovely quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink, the wine sounds good. I haven't been to Manila. It's sunny but cold here today. I spent the first part of the morning collecting some information, then 2 hours on a Zoom call with my financial planner. I have a lot of stuff to carry down to the basement from the dining room, so I can pull it together for the holidays, but my knee is not very good. I don't think the gel injections have done much, although they said allow 6 weeks for full results. I really need to make up a grocery shopping list for the German Christmas meal I make for BFF and myself. @MISTER 67 Good luck getting your account straightened out with HAL. @rafinmd Thank you for our lists. @grapau27 The inserts (orthotics?) can take some getting used to; sometimes they suggest starting out with only wearing them a couple of hours at first, then build up the time. Nice to be snug inside, with the snow outside. @kazu Fingers and toes crossed that you get to your destination tomorrow. @Lady Hudson Good luck with shopping. I hope all goes well for DH at the dentist tomorrow. @Seasick Sailor What a beautiful sunrise. And great pictures of you and DH yesterday, as well as the accessible cabin. @mamaofami Good luck with the booster. @kochleffel Interesting stories about St. Lucia Day. Sorry to hear about the fire at the priest's house. @smitty34877 I hope the Ortho doc can offer some relief, if surgery can't be soon. @Cruzin Terri I hope you two get lots of rest and rejuvenation while on your cruise. @StLouisCruisers Prayers for DD's surgery and successful healing. @ottahand7 Oh no on the furnace conking out again! I'm glad it's not too cold there, and hope they have all the parts. You're right to be glad you were home. Good news on DB's potential release. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the Manila photos. @Sharon in AZ I hope the stomach troubles are over and done. @Cruising-along Very cute Hershey's chocolate tree. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  5. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I like seeing decorated gingerbread but haven't done any myself. I haven't had any ambrosia in years. I looked at poinsettias today, but didn't buy one. Often true on the quote. I like the meal (it's lower carb). I'll pass on the drink and the wine is over my budget. I haven't been to Istanbul. It's a cloudy, grey and chilly day today. We aren't getting out of the 30's. No snow in the forecast, unlike a lot of the Dailyites. I ran errands this morning. The final stop was at the big box store; what was I thinking, it was a madhouse! I ran into a friend who mentioned there was a great low price on gas (about 60 cents a gallon cheaper than my usual place), but the lines were long. I took a look after I'd put all my stuff in my car, and it wasn't bad, so I filled up the car. @seagarsmoker Good news that you're feeling better. @rafinmd I'm glad the lips are looking better. @grapau27 I'm glad the procedure went well, and only 1 required excision. That's a good bit of snow you got. @kazu Sorry to hear the storm is moving faster towards you. Fingers crossed you can get out. @StLouisCruisers Thank you for the great Istanbul photos. @smitty34877 I'm pleased to hear of small steps of progress for Tana. @kochleffel The receptions sound nice with your additions to the wine and challah. @HAL4NOW How scary that must have been with DD and her boyfriend at the Turkish airport. @AncientWanderer So sorry to hear about Covid affecting you. @ottahand7 That sounds like a pretty good skin checkup. Sorry to hear your furnace is acting up and hope it's fixed quickly. @Quartzsite Cruiser Excellent Istanbul pictures. @Norseh2o That sounds like a very nice family gathering. @luvteaching Good to hear of DH's steady progress. It's good you were able to talk to the NP and get more information. So nice that DH got to go out and enjoy the Christmas concert; I'm sure it was good for his spirit. Nice Christmas gifts! @sailingdutchy Thanks for the belly dancer pics. @durangoscots Those passes sound scary in good and bad weather. @Cruising-along I'm glad you're feeling better, finally. Another reason I still wear my mask when out and about is trying to avoid the flu, even though I had a flu shot. @Vict0riann I'm glad Pat is getting those looked at. Nice photos. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  6. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Some apps are quite helpful; I'll salute food drives for needy animals and UNICEF day for change. Good quote. I like the meal but too many carbs; also like the drink and wine. I haven't been to Djupivogur. It seems the day got away from me. It's cloudy and cool here. I've been doing some stuff around the house and also researching the area where my house is, trying to find old maps with lots laid out. @grapau27 Thank you for Fr. David's sermon today. I hope your appointments tomorrow and Tuesday go well. @kazu I hope the weather doesn't interfere with your travel plans. @mamaofami Technology came in handy for you for the Bar Mitzvah. @StLouisCruisers Wonderful tree by DD. Prayers for her upcoming foot surgery. @summer slope Good to hear about the negative tests. @smitty34877 Unfortunate you won't be able to join your son for Christmas this year. @ottahand7 Sorry DB won't make the birthday party but hopefully he'll be there for Christmas. @*Miss G* Prayers for you and your family. @Quartzsite Cruiser Good luck finishing the cookies. Pictures? @lindaler How scary about the panic on the dock; that's how people get trampled! I'm glad you two were safe. @0106 Great zoo photos. @Mtn2Sea @Heartgrove Thanks for great the Djupivogur photos. @marshhawk I just watched Love Actually yesterday, for the first time, having heard a lot about it recently. @Cruising-along Good to hear you're feeling better today. @MISTER 67 Welcome home. Sorry to hear the cruise wasn't up to standards. Prayers for the Care List and CHeers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  7. Well, that's it for me. I hope we get better camera angles tomorrow.
  8. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. The Dewey Decimal system was useful back in the day, at the library. I'll salute animal rights, and like a good lager. Lovely quote. I like the meal and wine. Pass on the drink. I think I'll have maultaschen (German ravioli of sorts) for dinner, as it's been in the freezer too long. I haven't been to Cozumel. It's cloudy today, and mid-40's. Tidying of the house continues. Also I need to see if I have anything I need to save on an old PC, before I wipe the hard drive prior to donating it. Yesterday at our late lunch, BFF brought up going to Germany in the spring to settle some estate stuff and adding on a Mediterranean cruise to replace the one cancelled in 2020. So some research to do. @Cruising-along Happy Birthday to your DH Henry! Good to hear that you're feeling better today. @summer slope I hope DH is starting to feel better and that you remain negative. @rafinmd Thank you for our lists today. @kazu Enjoy your lunch with BFF and then the girls holiday get-together. I hope the storm won't affect your travel plans. @StLouisCruisers You are in good company. Sorry to hear of all the issues communicating with your travel data site and Shutterfly. @RedneckBob We'll be looking for you at sail-away today. @Seasick Sailor Safe travels. And early Bon Vogage! @Cruzin Terri Bon Voyage! @aliaschief Good to hear you are out of quarantine. Take it easy. @SusieKIslandGirl Nice to hear from you. Enjoy the rest of the cruise. @HAL Sailer Continued prayers for DSIL. I hope she can regain some of her strength. @GTVCRUISER Bon Voyage! @1ANGELCAT I hope Tux and TT are there for good! @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the glimpse of the island. @Overhead Fred Nice photos. @Norseh2o Hugs on this sad anniversary of your sister's passing. @durangoscots Good job on all that baking! Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  9. @marshhawk So sorry to hear about Clay's accident and his requiring an emergency hip replacement. And I hope your DMIL is doing ok. I hope DH is able to go visit to help out some. Enjoy the concert! @Seasick Sailor Good to hear that your house issues will be taken care of. You are fortunate; good contractors are hard to find any more. @USN59-79 That sounds good that it's more a crack than a fracture. @HAL Sailer I pray all went well for DSIL.
  10. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. I only send 1 or 2 Christmas cards any more. I hope people find things they've lost. Genocide prevention is important. Not sure about the quote. The meal sounds good. Yes to the drink and pass on the wine. I like Roy's meal too. I haven't been to Apia, Samoa. The sun is out! It hasn't been seen in days, as it's been cloudy and rainy. And more rain this weekend. BFF and I will go out to a new Indian restaurant near my house, that's been getting rave reviews, for an early dinner. @kazu Great memes today. @kochleffel Good luck with the Hanukkah dinner and concert. @summer slope Sorry to hear DH tested positive; I'm pleased to hear he's starting to feel better. I hope you remain negative. @ger_77 LOL on having to mis-label the butter tart slice! @Seasick Sailor I hope the AC issue is nothing much. @smitty34877 Prayers for Tana to improve and for your mobility. @aliaschief I hope the antibiotics do their thing and your coughing decreases. @Quartzsite Cruiser So sorry to hear of the death of another neighbor. The gingerbread cookies sound good and I'm impressed you make candy. @HAL Sailer Prayers for DSIL today. @USN59-79 Good thing you got your ankle checked out! Good luck with the Ortho appointment today. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe and well everyone.
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