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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Whew. I got a lot of yard work done, and now I'm out of energy. Time to relax and replenish fluids. Thanks for more pictures of Edinburgh. @aliaschief Congrats on making it to Amsterdam with all your luggage! Quite hot there. Enjoy touring around before boarding Rotterdam. @Cruzin Terri Congrats on getting off the steroids. When I started Prednisone for my eyes, I thought it would be for a few weeks and here I am 3 years later and still on it (although a small dose). @bennybear Condolences on the loss of DSIL's DM. @ger_77 Sorry to hear DH tested positive; hopefully his symptoms stay mild and you stay negative!
  2. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily/Fleet Report. Unfortunately it's usually too cloudy here to see the meteor showers, plus light pollution. I drank Kool-Aid as a kid. I still have some vinyl records and a turntable. True quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish). Yes to the drink and wine (if someone buys it for me). I haven't been to South Queensferry. Thanks for the photos. A gorgeous day here! Mid-70's, sunny and low humidity. I'll get out and do trimming of the bushes I think. I hear helicopters and sirens, so the next 2 beams are being delivered for the bridge. I didn't go out to watch today. @kazu Thinking of you at this difficult time with Shadow. Prayers. @richwmn HAPPY BIRTHDAY! @grapau27 Enjoy your time in the Lake District. @mamaofami Hugs to your family on this sad day. @StLouisCruisers Safe travels back to Cincinnati. Prayers for the Care List and a salute to the Celebration List. Take care everyone.
  3. What I do is if Sandi posts the date, I go to my profile and click on see my activity. From there I go back in the pages (initially guessing how far back to go) to find that date among my past posts. Then I highlight the pictures and any text, right click to copy, and paste in my current post.
  4. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Interesting days (not going near Presidential jokes) and quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Sydney. Thanks for the photos @StLouisCruisers @Quartzsite Cruiser@kb4683@Cruising-along Oh, it's lovely here. Sunny, upper 70's, gentle breeze and lower humidity. I was up early getting the donation stuff out on the porch (I don't like to put it out the night before, even though it's fairly safe here). Then I went over a block to the main street to watch the bridge beams go by. It was like a neighborhood party! Lots of folks and their dogs out and about. Very interesting watching them back up for a mile with the huge load. @kazu You are missed. I hope you're doing ok. @grapau27 Nice picture of you. Lunch looks good. Wow, seven cruises! @RedneckBob Funny story. @dfish Safe travels to Michigan, and have fun! @smitty34877 So sorry to hear about Tana's rebound. Prayers for her and you all. Try to get some rest and more help. I heard some discussions that maybe the treatment duration should be longer. @ger_77 Sorry to hear that DS tested positive; hopefully mild. And I hope DH is ok. @StLouisCruisers I'm glad you're having a good time. Oh no on that parksleephotel cancellation! BFF was looking there for our November cruise, although I suspect around Thanksgiving we're going to have trouble finding a spot. Prayers for the Care List and a toast to the Celebration List. Try to stay safe everyone.
  5. Big doings are about to go on nearby. You may recall the bridge by me that fell last Jan 28. At first they said it might take a few years to reconstruct. But with some federal help, it's been progressing much faster and beams are coming in from 90 miles away. They came already to the far side. Now it's my side's turn, and big carriers are going to back down the nearby parkway onramp and then back down the main road (one block over from me) for 1.5 miles to the bridge for the next 4 days. Lots of temporary road closures. I'll be out there to watch the spectacle. They're hoping the bridge will be finished (except for some lights and other trim slowed by supply issues) by year's end.
  6. A few more photos from BA. Congreso Nacional El Molino, with windmill Clock and bell with ringers on building top Buildings in the Plaza de Mayo Floralis Genรฉrica is a steel sculpture; the flower opens daily Eva Peron burial site Colorful buildings in Caminito in La Boca El Caminito building with "Pope Francis" on the balcony
  7. Some photos from Buenos Aires Torre Monumental Falklands War Memorial and the Kavanaugh Building Plaza San Martin's Great Gomero Tree Le Doubte (The Doubt) Sculpture, Plaza San Martin Monument to Jose de San Martin The Obelisk Candied fruits in a store window Casa Rosado, May Pyramid (celebrating the May revolution) and Plaza de Mayo Painted kerchiefs representing Mothers of Plaza de Mayo The Metropolitan Cathedral (Pope Francis was Archbishop here 2001-2013), Crypt of San Martin
  8. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Hmmm, not being lazy today. I've never had a s'mores. I like lions. Interesting quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish), take the drink and wine. I have been to Buenos Aries, on my Zaandam SA/Antarctica cruise. So sad about the Koningsdam crewmember who went overboard. It's now sunny and 75F. Humidity is supposed to start dropping this evening. Busy, busy. First I finally found out how to get my address corrected (there were two since at one time my house had an apartment on the second floor) so I can get Informed Delivery. Then I began clearing out a filing cabinet (while looking for something), with lots of tossing and shredding. Also gathering trash and recycling to put out this evening. And gathering stuff to be picked up for donation tomorrow morning. And doing laundry. Whew! So no lazy day for me. @kazu Thinking of you and Shadow. @Seasick Sailor Scary about the grass fire. @grapau27 So sad about Pauline's colleague to pass at such a young age. @RedneckBob Yikes on all that damage from the lightning strike! Thankfully no fire. @Horizon chaser 1957 Oh my, so scary for DD! Prayers for her and the people of Taiwan. Prayers for the Care List and a salute to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  9. Lord Of The Rings - after the movies came out, this became a common notation for the series. ๐Ÿ™‚
  10. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I can appreciate book lovers day; I like real books at home, but ebooks for travel. A salute to int'l indigenous people. Polka is big here due to a large Polish descent population; people always polka at weddings here. Excellent quote. I've never had pho. I'll take a regular pina colada instead, and the wine (although a bit pricey for me). I haven't been to Luanda. Hoping to see some photos. It's a bit cooler today, with some passing rainstorms. I ended up doing edging and then mowing yesterday. I think I wore myself out in the heat, because I slept 9 hours! But as I was falling asleep, I got the dreaded muscle cramp in my thigh, despite having drunk 32 ounces of PowerAde. I recalled some advice from the Daily and got out of bed and walked a bit. It eased up and I was able to fall asleep. Just heard of a data breach of my health system (some employee clicked on a compromising email); I already have years of free "protection" from other data breaches. @kazu I hope you're doing ok. @marshhawk Love the new hairdo! Another LOTR fan here. @smitty34877 Continued prayers for Tana. @StLouisCruisers It sounds like you're having a fun time. @Heartgrove Sorry to hear of Sam's new issues. Good that your brother is holding his own and I hope DSIL can get more help. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  11. Just in and cooling down after yard work. My was it humid! My hair is soaked. Sad news about Olivia Newton John. Also David McCullough died. He was a prolific writer. I met him many years ago. And of course had to read The Path Between the Seas after my Panama Canal cruise. Since he was from here, one of our bridges is named after him. @aliaschief Great photos from your trip. @sailingdutchy Thanks for the wonderful pictures from Indonesia. It looks like a wonderful visit. @grapau27 I'm sure it was a fun dinner with Sarah. And how nice of you to take her food and goodies. @StLouisCruisers I'm glad you made it safely. It's always more fun watching when you know there's the outcome you want! @atexsix Bruno, that's a tough situation you're in. Decisions aren't easy, but I'm sure you'll do what's best for both of you. Hugs.
  12. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Cats are loved on the Daily; I've never had one (or a dog). I like to watch Olympic Opening and Closing ceremonies. In years gone by when I had abundant zucchini, I would sneak some onto neighbors' porches. True quote. The meal sounds good, although I rarely make stir fry. Yes to the drink and wine. I haven't been to Semarang. Looking forward to any pictures. Another hot and humid day here. With the recent rains, the grass is growing quickly. I'm trying to wait until the cooler end of the week to mow, plus we're still having scattered thunderstorms. I may do some edging and trimming sooner if it's not too hot. Ugh, what it going on here?; several shootings over the weekend. @kazu Thinking of you. @Tbay I hope all in your household are recovering nicely. @marshhawk Good to hear you had some relaxing time yesterday. Sorry to hear DH's mouth pain is back. @MISTER 67 Have a great time on the cruise. @smitty34877 Good news that appetites are back at your house. @StLouisCruisers Safe travels to Ann Arbor. @durangoscots Oh no on the roof leak at the shelter! Nice that Monty is getting the routine down. @ktbraun Happy Birthday to DGD. And congrats on booking the cruise. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  13. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Friendships are important. Forgiveness is something to strive for. I like to photograph lighthouses on my travels. Hmmm on the quote! I'll pass on the meal (fish) and drink. Yes to the wine. I've been to Portugal, but not Ponta Delgada. Thanks for the photos. Hot and humid continues. Supposedly on Thursday we'll get some cooler, drier air from Canada! Last night around 10 my eye became red and light sensitive. I've never had a uveitis flare occur at night, and there wasn't a lot of time to put in drops before I needed to sleep. I did the best I could. Fortunately, it seems to have cleared by this AM. @kazu Thinking of you. @Paw13 Thank you for Father David's sermon. @Lady Hudson Lots going on with you; thanks for checking in. @smitty34877 I hope you are all improving. @StLouisCruisers It sounds like good family times in Cincy. @ottahand7 I'm glad you're feeling better. I've been having some palpitations, but my thyroid numbers were off, so hopefully lowering the dose of medication fixes it. @Overhead Fred I'm glad you made it there safely. @Mr. Boston Sorry to hear the appliance gremlin got you. @HAL Sailer Thank you for sharing that wonderful story of forgiveness. @mamaofami Prayers for DD, DGS and all in Israel to stay safe! @Quartzsite Cruiser Amazing photos as usual. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone. Europa Point Trinity Lighthouse, Gibralter
  14. Great news! Woohoo! Have a great trip. That sounds like a wonderful trip.
  15. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Remembering those lost at Hiroshima. I like some blues music and certainly appreciate farmworkers. Funny quote. Maybe on the meal. Pass on the drink and wine (too pricey for me). I've been to Germany, but not Berlin. Thanks in advance for any photos. We had a good bit of rain yesterday, with some local flooding of roads and some unfortunate folks with feet of water in their basements. I'm glad I got that roof patching! I also got the quote for a new roof and eek! We're supposed to get rain off and on for the next few days. Shaking my head at a news story. The police are looking for a grandmother. A 10 month old GC she was watching had a drug overdose, and a 3 and 9 year old tested positive for cocaine and fentanyl. She took off as EMT's were treating the baby with Naloxone. They found drugs, syringes, and other drug paraphernalia in the home. No mention of where the parents are. @aliaschief Thanks for the great Scotland pics. @MISTER 67 Good luck with the tests and Bon Voyage! @rafinmd I like the new avatar! @Tbay Happy Birthday! Also to DGS. @kb4683 Happy Birthday to your DH! @cat shepard Good luck with getting that VeriFly account set up. @smitty34877 It sounds like it will take a bit to get your stamina back; baby steps. Woohoo on Tana testing negative and feeling a bit better! @Heartgrove It sounds like a lovely train trip. @1ANGELCAT I heard about that awful fire on the news. Good thoughts for Fluff and Ninja. @ottahand7 Good going on the fish catches. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the picture of Sadie. @bennybear Thank you for the Hiroshima photos. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  16. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I enjoy a good darker beer occasionally, but none on hand. Underwear is important, lol. No to oysters for me. Good quote. Pass on the meal (fish is a no generally), drink and wine ($$$). I'll take Roy's meal. I have not been to Le Verdon. Thanks for the pictures @Quartzsite Cruiser @smitty34877 It's warm and muggy here. Storms later and flood warnings. I was dripping wet just out doing some watering. I think I'll do more decluttering in the basement this afternoon. Our community level of Covid-19 was raised to high yesterday. As usual, I wore my mask going to the PO and grocery store this morning, and saw more people also doing the same. @kazu Sorry to hear about the fridge situation. Take time for yourself; we'll be here. And it sounds like Shadow is coming along nicely. @StLouisCruisers Safe travels today. @Sharon in AZ Enjoy the family dinner tonight and celebrating DGD's birthday. @dfish I'm glad Donna is getting the antiviral treatment. Funny on the beer while mowing! @Quartzsite Cruiser Good luck with DH's appointment and safe travels. @cunnorl Happy Anniversary! ๐Ÿพ @smitty34877 I'm glad you are all testing negative and pray Tana does too in the near future. @ger_77 That dinner out tonight sounds like a fun time. @Tbay Wow, lots going on in your house. It's so hard here to find people who will show up and do a good job. I need some painting done and dread finding a painter. Years ago I would have done it myself. Sorry to hear of DH's positive test and I hope you stay negative. Early Happy Birthday! Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  17. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Valentine's Day/Daughter's Day sounds like a good thing. I'm a fan of chocolate chip cookies. A salute to the USCG for all they do. Don't agree with the quote. I hear air fryer steak is good. I'll pass on the drink and take the wine if someone buys it for me. I haven't been to Otaru. Thanks for the pictures @bennybear. It's going to be very hot here today and humid, with thunderstorms later. Wow, all the Benadryl I took for my shot yesterday knocked me out. I slept 11 hours and it was 9:30 when I woke up this morning! Late lunch was good with BFF; we were the only patrons in the restaurant, until someone came in to sit at the bar. I'm headed to see the Eye doctor shortly, as my glasses I got last year don't seem to work and gave me headaches so I stopped wearing them. I may also get my labwork done, since I'm still fasting, instead of tomorrow. @dfish Good news on HAL at least looking for the right thing. I'm glad you and Sue are still testing negative, and hope Donna is feeling ok. @Heartgrove Thanks for your service! @aliaschief Great photos. Thank you for sharing the trip. @RedneckBob Thanks for the story. @StLouisCruisers Safe travels tomorrow and enjoy the visit with family. @grapau27 I love shepherd's pie. @Cruzin Terri Good luck with your appointment. Safe trip home. @smitty34877 Good to hear that DH is doing better as are the rest of you all. Prayers for Tana and that the hospice nurse can help. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  18. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I like nuts and will snack on almonds. My floors are clean, so not today. People with Cloves Syndrome can have a tough time of it. Excellent quote. The meal sounds good. I like the drink. I'll pass on the white wine. I haven't been to Japan. It's due to be really hot here today and cooling centers are opening. I am soooo sleepy! I've been fighting with Windows 11 on my PC; the last couple of updates wouldn't install. I saw others with issues when I searched, and tried a few things that didn't work. I didn't want to get too technical, but last night decided to reinstall Windows from an ISO. Of course I started at 11, so I was up until 1AM to watch things. That got one update in there. This AM I did a manual update rather than using the PC Windows Update and woohoo, all is good! The hand is less sore and the lump is smaller. I still can't figure out how it happened. I took Benadryl this AM in addition to being up too late, as it's shot day. I could use a nap! I think it works better than the non-sedating stuff. BFF wants to go out to a late lunch later. It's too hot to sit outside, so hopefully the restaurant won't be too busy when we go. @kazu I agree with what others said yesterday; up to you to choose your path during this time, and friends should be supportive. Thanks for the pictures of Shadow. Interesting info on the names and how they sound. @Cruzin Terri Safe travels and I hope your injections today help. @marshhawk I hope the new Dermatologist is to your liking. @grapau27 Thanks for the info on Cloves Syndrome. @dfish Sorry to hear that Donna tested positive; I hope you and Sue stay negative. Thanks for the recipes! @1ANGELCAT Thanks for the hand specialist update. Interesting on the BOTOX. Good luck! @aliaschief Great photos. Thanks for taking us along. @RedneckBob Welcome to the Daily! @Overhead Fred Safe travels to the cabin and have a great time. @smitty34877 I'm glad some are somewhat better, but sorry to hear DH and Tana are having those symptoms. Prayers for your family. @Mtn2Sea Bon Voyage! Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  19. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. All good days. My porch light will be on (always is) for National Night Out; no neighborhood gathering usually. CAD is important. I haven't had an ice cream sandwich in a while. I like the quote. I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. I've been to Portugal, but not Horta. Thanks for the pictures. Today's our last nice day before it gets very hot again with some storms. Fortunately the bad storms missed me yesterday. I seem to get weird stuff. My left palm has been hurting since Sunday, and now I notice a lump and black and blue area (hematoma). How'd I do that? Anyway, I've spent the morning doing some sorting for donations and putting on the bay. @Rowsby Congrats on your trip. I do understand the hesitancy, as I have it too given my health issues. @dfish It does often take time to adjust after travel. I hope Sue's bag is found soon. Oh no on the mess at the airport and what happened to Donna's feet! @kazu It sounds like you're making progress with Shadow (Little). Great flowers too. @StLouisCruisers Wonderful pictures, as usual. After shoulder surgery and for my knee I've had TENS done at PT; interesting sensations ๐Ÿคจ. @marshhawk Having a day for yourself is not selfish, it's self care! Oh no on the brownouts yesterday and no water today! I hope it's fixed soon. We have a lot of water main breaks around here. Sorry to hear of the loss suffered by your neighbor. @cruzn single I understand your issues, especially as a single traveler. @smitty34877 So good to hear you're all starting to feel better! Prayers answered. @Quartzsite Cruiser Nice photos. @aliaschief Some challenges, but your guide seems up to the task. Great photos. @Cruising-along Good you got an appointment quickly and I hope they can figure out your arm pain. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Try to stay safe everyone.
  20. Some tornado warnings around, but thankfully to the south of me. The local weather stays on during these, so no Jeopardy (I'm just grateful I'm not under the warning). @Cruising-along Thanks for the Gaspe photos. @aliaschief Thanks for sharing Scotland with us. @Quartzsite Cruiser I'm glad to hear that DH will be getting seen on Friday, to get the ball rolling. And thanks for the Chicken Parm air-fryer recipe you use. @smitty34877 So sorry to hear how some of you are laid low. So wonderful to have neighbors to help you guys out. Just rest and recover. @dfish Welcome home! I hope Sue gets her bag back soon. @Vict0riann Enjoy the remainder of your cruise. @StLouisCruisers I'm glad you're getting some answers about your leg. And enjoy that upcoming family visit! @kplady Congrats on passing your tests! Bon Voyage on Wednesday.
  21. Trying a copy and paste, since my original post is still hidden. Good morning. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit. Girlfriends are important for support and socializing. I haven't played Mahjong in ages. No mountain climbing for me. Excellent quote. I like the meal. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Gaspe. Thanks for any forthcoming pictures. It's cloudy and not too hot so far today. Storms around evening rush hour. I'm glad the roof is patched. Well, I don't think the steroid shot is as effective this time; not bad, but I still have some pain. I'll wait a while and see how it goes. I may have to try the gel soon. @grapau27 Nice picture. @Paw13 Welcome to the Daily! @marshhawk It sounds like giving up the dog walking is a good idea. @HAL4NOW Great pictures. @kazu Great that Liz was able to help with Shadow. Pretty flowers. @ottahand7 Congrats on the fishing and seeing the loons. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the update on Ren; I was going to ask about him today. I'm sorry you both are still having leg issues. @smitty34877 Continued prayers for your family. @Overhead Fred Love the picture! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  22. When I click on my name on this site, then pick profile, there's a small picture icon next to my current profile picture. If I click on that, I can upload a new photo for my profile picture. ETA: You can just click on your avatar to get to your profile as well.
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