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Everything posted by Cruisercl

  1. Thanks so much for the great review as I tagged along. Welcome home!! πŸ™‚
  2. Good evening everyone, I dropped my LF luggage at the local UPS store without incident. I was notified it was on its way shortly after. Easy peasy. I was out for the day and did not want the luggage sitting on my front step for possibly 6 hours. Paranoid or being cautious not sure...... The funny part for me was that I was sure each piece of luggage was at least 50lbs but no, each was only 39lbs each. I could have packed more!!!! 😁 Glad everyone else getting their luggage picked up went well so far. I met with friends for a Christmas cheer and lunch today, great fun as I had not seen them for a bit. They are all good, we are blessed indeed. Hope everyone had a good day and has a good sleep tonight. 😴 Caron
  3. @Cruising-along and @durangoscots, my luggage goes out tomorrow too. Very exciting to me that I finally got that part done! I clicked on the link that said I will bring my luggage to my local UPS store. That way I don't have to wait all day for them. I will be out during the times and with all of the porch pirates now, I felt it was the best decision for me. We have not had issues in my neighborhood but don't want to be the first! My horror would be getting to San Diego with no luggage! My pick up times were from 1-5pm. I only have 2 pieces of luggage for PU, so no issues for the drop off. Our weather is supposed to be good to. Have a good evening all. Hope all sleep well tonight. 😴 Caron
  4. Bon voyage! Also new follower here. Looking forward to it, your good review reputation precedes you...lol.😎 Relax and enjoy. 😊
  5. I second this.....😊😎 Safe travels, relax and enjoy! πŸ₯‚πŸΉπŸŒž
  6. Welcome home! Thanks for taking us along on your cruise and the great review. Safe travels to your own home.....😊
  7. This works for me too, yay! 😎 See you all then, safe travels. Thx Rich.
  8. Good evening everyone! It is time for me to jump in here and say hi to everyone. I do read the Daily, daily, but posting seems to get lost in time. I certainly get more out of this than I contribute. I need to work on that, I now have an assignment for myself. I continue to thank everyone who are the mainstay contributors here; your diligence for us all is commendable and greatly appreciated. Actually, I want to thank anyone and everyone who contributes to this thread, no matter what the topic or discussion. It is addicting and enjoyable to read this thread daily with lots of laughter, sharing, new knowledge and jealously following the travelers on their journeys. Prayers for those having health issues that are irritatingly persistent; I sometimes ask myself how you all are so patient. I am not sure I would handle things with such grace; I am thinking of you @JazzyV@marshhawk and @Cruzin Terri. I am happy to hear there have been good health stories too; all worth celebrating.😊 I am also struggling with putting together everything for the GV AUS/NZ cruise coming up fast. @Cruising-along, @cruising sister, @durangoscots, I am also making due with what I bring; I no longer have formal wear but do have a few dressy things. I have not yet received my LF tags yet, supposed to be here on Monday. We will see. Not impressed with the delayed service so far. Is anyone meeting on the ship for a get together of the Dailyites? If so, can I join in, would love to meet you all. I know someone had previously mentioned getting together. If not should we set up a meet? @cunnorl Baby Maeve Grace is beautiful! It is always refreshing to have a new family member of the Dailyites no matter what their age is. Happy to read Baby Murphy is progressing even with a couple of bumps along the way. She is a strong and formidable girl. No crossword puzzles done here, just not good at it; love brownies, have been to Greece but not Rhodes, it looks lovely. No salmon for me so no daily meal. No drink or wine either because of allergies. I sometimes live a sad limited life... Continued Prayers for all of us and our world. It is difficult time. Celebrate your joys. Everyone please take care and have a good evening. Caron 😎 (See this is what happens when I don't post that often, I come up with long excrutiating posts...bleah!) 😜
  9. Good evening everyone! Hope all are relaxing and enjoying the evening. @cruising sister thank you and thanks to your family for sharing sweet Baby Murphy's picture and success; I agree she is a miracle and we are blessed to have her be a part of our daily family. She is looking great! I giggled when I saw her pictures. IMO she will now grow up into her own person as babies do; I am praying she will outgrow some of her current health challenges. That can happen with babies. She is strong and IMO it is the red hair...lol. I have redheads in my family and they are strong people. Continued prayers for her as she grows and your family. @rafinmd, oh my gosh, I hope you are ok to travel home. Please be gentle with yourself and ask for help if needed. So sorry this happened but very happy the hospital was able to help. Rest when you get home. Prayers for all of us as we can all use them in the world we live in now and especially those who are suffering with illness. @dfish, again I am disappointed in our medical community with putting you off when it came to your CT results. You are more patient than I would be with them, I am so glad you sent a complaint. You shouldn't have to babysit the healthcare industry to get good care. Everyone, celebrate your joys! My thanks for all who have posted any contributions here; lots of learning and big laughs for me. It is a great addition to my day. Safe and fun travels to all who are traveling. Take care all and be safe, Caron
  10. @TxTeach79 thanks for taking us along. Enjoyed it! Safe travels home. 😎
  11. Yay, it is cruise day for you all; Bon Voyage and smooth sailings!! Cheers....πŸ₯‚
  12. Thanks for the great review Roy! Continued safe travels.....😊😎
  13. Good evening everyone! I wish everyone a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving (US) however you choose to spend it. Gratitude and thankfulness are important even though we are challenged in life. I am making 3 pies for our Thankgiving dinner tomorrow; pecan, apple and french silk. Someone else is bringing the pumpkin. We like to have pie options! Lol. We eat the classic Thanksgiving dinner which my sister is making. Prayers for all of us, for those struggling and prayers in gratitude to celebrate our good things. Take care all, have a wonderful holiday and weekend. Caron
  14. Oh my goodness, you get to go again so soon! I am very jealous...πŸ˜‹ Have a great trip and safe travels. Will be following along, again. LOL.
  15. @Saint Greg thanks for the great review! Lots of great pics. I also would not like my name on the stateroom door. Also wouldn't like having to say my cabin number out loud at a bar. IMO. Glad you made it home ok. 😊
  16. @TxTeach79 and @BohJang the day is finally here! Enjoy embarkation day. Bon voyage and safe travels. β›΄πŸΈπŸ˜ŽπŸΉ I will be following along...😊
  17. Oops me too!! Happy birthday @Crazy For Cats, hope you had a great day. 😊πŸ₯‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽπŸ˜Ž
  18. Yeah, they took the chairs and sofas out of the Standard Balconies a few years back as a cost cutting measure. Lots of discussion about it on the Princess boards. Looks weird without a chair at least, IMO.
  19. Hey, just found this! Bon voyage...will be following along. Been on Princess, curious to see your take on it. 😎
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