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Everything posted by Cruisercl

  1. I am a day late but....Bon Voyage and safe travels! Your pics are great. Question: can you recommend the car service you used and can I get the name? Looking for a good for an upcoming cruise? Thx. Will be jealously following along. 😁
  2. Beautiful sail in by Westie!!! Just happen to catch this thread....thanks! 😊
  3. @1ANGELCAT so sorry to hear about your sweetie fur baby Houdini. I am sure he lived a good life with you as his Mama. Hugs to you.😔
  4. Air medical transports from a cruise ship are not that unusual. I have seen it many times over the years. Mostly in the Caribbean but also on a TA near Spain. The air transport people are well trained and do an excellent job. Very impressive. I have also seen the US Coast Guard do rescues, in addition to the AF.
  5. Hey @Cruising-along Carolyn & Henry, that is great! It was a nice cabin home for the long cruise....my pleasure to offer a 'tour'. 😊 Wonderful that they let you know so far in advance. Hi to everyone on the Daily! Life has been pretty busy but have been following along as best I can. Things have started to settle down. I am good though. Starting to plan some vacations for this Summer, Fall and next Winter! My calendar is filling up...😎 It has been raining here almost daily for the last 4 weeks, we are soggy but no bad storms like some of the states. That is just awful that is has been almost a daily event for them. @JazzyV Vanessa, happy for you that your surgery has helped your pain and you seem to be recovering well. But, OMG about your BFF breaking his leg! When does the tough times ever end for you guys? You have my prayers and thoughts for things to settle down for you and your BFF. You are now entitled to normal and a bit boring in your life, just sayin'. @cruising sister Lorraine, that is so sad about your friend's family tragedies. Wow. Lots of prayers for them. I hope you are doing well. I enjoy the messages from all of the vacationers and the cruisers because I always want to be on a cruise! Now that I have been home for ~ a month, I am ready to go again. I believe my addiction is getting worse! 😜 My big news from the GVAUS cruise is that I went from a 2* Mariner at the start and am now 5 points away from a 4* Mariner. A person can move along status quickly on those big cruises because of days and $$ spent. LOL!! Again, my thanks to all contributors here; loving the memes and the knowlegde shared. Prayers for all of us and extra prayers for those struggling with things, no matter what it is. Lets all celebrate the joys and good things in our lives; we all deserve the good. Take good care everyone, Caron
  6. @kazu thanks so much for the live review! Enjoyed it. Happy for you your trip was fun....😊
  7. Good Sunday afternoon everyone! @JazzyV, Vanessa, prayers and good thoughts for your surgery tomorrow. May it be successful and pain free. @Cruising-along, Carolyn, so sorry to hear about Amber's setback. More prayers for her. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Take good care, Caron
  8. All Visas and their rules are government rules not any transportation companies responsibilities. Keeping up with each individual country requirement would be daunting and costly for the cruise lines. They do change. The onus is always on the traveler. No airline would let you board without the correct ID or passport which are all government documents. The airlines do not help you get your ID or passport. Pretty much the same thing.
  9. Good Friday evening everyone! I finally received my Luggage Forward luggage today from the AUS GV. The past week has been busy with re-entry into reality. Not for the weak hearted! Though I would be ready to cruise again as soon as things are sorted. 😎 I will open the luggage tomorrow to start the task of laundry. Don't want to rush into these things.... I also got my taxes done and they were accepted pretty quickly. Lots of other little tasks needed to be done too, as you can imagine. I also have been sleeping about 9-10 hours a night. More tired than I thought. I haven't had the 'off the ship' motion feeling at all, even when in bed. I usually do. Prayers for all of us and our world. We do need them. Celebrate the joys in your life no matter how small. Hope everyone is having a good day. Cheers to a good weekend!! Caron
  10. Thanks so much to everyone here for the warm welcome home! The GV AUS was a great cruise and a good time! 😎 Caron
  11. Hi from the Volendam, at sea today, on our way to Nuku'alofa, Tonga. It is a beautiful day at sea. @cruising sister, sweet baby Murphy looks great! So glad to see she is progressing nicely. @richwmn, my thanks for creating this great thread. Happy anniversary! Safe travels to all traveling. Take care all, Caron
  12. Hello everyone! On the Volendam currently on our way to a 2 day POC in Auckland, NZ. All is good. @Nickelpenny very sad to hear about your sweet Martina. Hugs to you.😥 @smitty34877 thank you for the pic of sweet Camilla! She is perfect and beautiful. Such a big girl now. 😊 Celebrate the day all as we were given another. Prayers for us all too. Take care, Caron
  13. Yes! Welcome to this nice people thread....from a fellow Tribe poster. I don't post often on either but post occasionally which makes me a lurker on both. 😜 Both are pretty fun too. ☺
  14. Hey everyone! @StLouisCruisers I just want this to be a safe place for all. Perceptions of comments can vary so it may be challenging at times as others have expressed. Take care all. 🙂 Caron
  15. I miss @Crazy For Cats and his memes too! Always funny, never inappropriate IMO, though others here called him out. Hope he returns. Hope we will continue to be a safe space. Great news on our cutie Baby Murphy! Continuing to have great fun on the AUS/NZ GV😊 Prayers for us all, celebrate your joys. Take care all. Caron
  16. When I had a cruise booked and was summoned for jury duty I told them I would be out of the country that week. I requested to be deferred to a month I knew I would be in town and told them that. No problem.
  17. @cruising sister, Sweet Murphy looks great! Love her cutie smile and crinkled nose with it...and......so cute!!! Wonderful to see her growing up nicely. 😊❤
  18. Not what the OP was describing. I agree it is a crime but was answering to the person who believed it wasn't. Lots of laws are based on ethics principles. Lawyers are usually obligated to follow..lol. We are on the same page. 🙂🌴
  19. Nope. Just because it isn't a law doesn't mean it is not stealing. As a lawyer you should know ethics.
  20. Happy Valentines Day to all on the other side of the International Date line! ❤ And...hello from the Volendam. We are at sea today on our way to Perth (Fremantle) AUS. Nice weather today. We were in Exmouth yesterday. It was hot but not unbearable. Went on a wonderful glass bottom boat SE to see the Ningalooo reef. Pretty impressive. Prayers for all of us and the world. We need them now more than ever. Prayers for everyone observing Ash Wednesday. It is a solemn day of reverence in the Catholic church. Hope everyone is having a good day. Take care all, Caron 😎
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