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Everything posted by Cruisercl

  1. So, do you have any experience with calling about this, which is what my question was?
  2. Great pictures of Sitka! Loved the SE; will look for it next I cruise AK.
  3. Do you know if you can call in advance to see if it is available? TIA. 😊
  4. That is true because other countries and even our Federal Government do not recognize it as legal. The states are doing their own thing without Fed government approval. It is a weird situation that affects the monetary issues that surround MJ. No banks can be involved in the money handling.
  5. Good Saturday everyone! Happy to hear some are having good things happen this week and should be celebrated. I like good news! I like bacon, do not like lamb so won't be making the recipes from @dfish though they look good, and do not have a beard. @Quartzsite Cruiser very happy anniversary! Your time married is amazing. @RMLincoln very happy happy birthday to you! Enjoy your day. @smitty34877 not offended by the medical marijuana; if it helps that would be great. Lots of anecdotal use say that it does help. More research I am sure is in the process. It is legal here (MN) for medical and recreational use. The recreational use, when it gets to be too much, is when there are problems. IMHO. The state hasn't regulated the use of it well, so we will see what happens, recreational use was just put into law Aug 1st. Medical has been approved for a few years. @Cruzin Terri a belated happy birthday to you! I hope you get to go out and enjoy your birthday dinner this evening. Maybe you should try the medical marijuana, they say it helps! Too many obstacles for you lately and you deserve a break. πŸ˜‰ We are having ANOTHER heat bubble here for 4 days - temps 98-101F. I am over all of the heat this Summer! (whining). Hope all that are traveling have safe and smooth travels. Prayers for all in need and everyone else, we all could use some prayers at times. Celebrate the all joys in your life. Thanks to all contributors here on this great thread. 😎 Take care and have a great rest of the Holiday WE. Caron
  6. Really enjoyed your glacier SE pics! Alaska is rainy alot during cruise season, no matter what time you go. Continue to enjoy and thanks for bringing us along. Good pictorial of it all. 😎
  7. Very sad to hear about baby Murphy's status. Continued prayers for her, her parents and the family. πŸ™πŸ™
  8. Hi Greg, Following along. Glad your travels to Anchorage went well including getting your luggage. The AirBNB looks great! Nice pics of your tour of Anchorage. Love Alaska, enjoy! 😎
  9. Thanks, that is all great isn't it? It is a very good deal. One of my favorite things to do on a cruise is have a nice glass of wine and sit on deck and watch the sea go by. It is very calming and enjoyable for me. So with easy access to a nice glass of wine, I am tempted to relax and enjoy, which will be alot on this cruise.😊 I'll be fine.... I also can't wait for the cruise, very excited!!!
  10. Hi everyone, good Saturday afternoon, Busy week here but enjoyed all of the posts. I like all of the days but like @rafinmd said 'where would we be without TP'...made me LOL. Zsa Zsa was certainly her own person and did well with it; I like the quote. I do like shrimp scampi but have never had zucchini noodles. Today's dinner will be pork loin and roasted veggies. I also plan to bake a bluberry banana bread to use up some bluberries I have before they go bad. Yummy! Do like a good Semillon wine. The weather this past week was just awful; we had the heat bubble over us so temps over 100F and HI up to 114F. All kinds of weather records broken. Too much. The MN State Fair started this week. It is a big 12-day event here and is quite the spectacle. Lots to do, lots to see, lots to eat (on a stick..lol). It is always fun, though I am not sure if I will make there this year. I have been to Copenhagen once on a Baltic cruise; loved the city and would like to go back on a land vacation. @cat shepard, on the dog scale I am a 6...πŸ˜‰ Safe travels to all traveling now and in the near future.Have some fun too! This just popped up on my screen....Bob Barker of Price is Right fame died; he was 99yo. RIP. Continued prayers for all struggling with health and life issues; we all have them at one time or another. Prayers for all of us as we could all use them at times too. Cheers to all celebrating something no matter what it is or how small it may seem. All celebrations are needed and useful to lift our spiritts. On the GV AUS/NZ RC the big talk is that on a GV HAL is now offering a Signature Beverage Package. I think it has never been offered before on the long voyages, WC or GV. The cost is pretty reasonable but it seem like a big amount to put down for drinks; it seems like alot to drink...lol, though it is for 94 days. I don't usually drink everyday except when on vacation. Now will I be drinking everyday? I don't think my body could handle that but I purchased it anyways!! We'll see. 😎 My thanks to all of the contributors that keep this thread a great place. Take care all! Caron
  11. Yay!!! and big congrats.....πŸŽ‰πŸ₯‚πŸ˜ŠπŸΉπŸ‘“πŸŽ“πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  12. IMO, the cruiselines set up what looks to work out, on paper. However there are several variables that affect that; cruisers that do not follow directions given on the ship and then, the big one, the Customs and Immigrations systems set up on shore. The cruiselines have no control over C&I so timing of things is out of the cruiselines hands. The self-assist lines do get long on some cruises, this is probably what you saw with lots of people in line with their luggage. It can be awful when that happens, it becomes a bump and shove crowd. There seems to be alot of anxiety with some when disembarking so some people get crabby, I have seen this quite a bit. YMMV. 😊
  13. @Cruising-along, Carolyn, I just checked and I am on the same SE in Broome; I labled it Broome Panaramic Town tour in my calendar. So dinosauer prints included...😊
  14. Good Saturday afternoon everyone, Busy week for me and here on the thread. I love chow mein, I have a recipe from my Mom that I will have to dig out. This is a good reminder. I think the wine looks good. I like potatoes of any shape or form - solid and liquid (I like a good vodka cocktail). πŸ˜‰ I have 3 family members that are commercial pilots so aviation is popular here. Looking forward to visiting Broome on the GV Aus next year as @Cruising-along said, @Quartzsite Cruiser and @StLouisCruisers thanks for the pictures and information. I am also taking a tour but I don't think it has dinosauer footprints in it, I'll have to recheck. There have been so many SE on the GV that they all blend together. LOL. It is concerning that so many people are affected by natural disasters lately; it seems we get a new one every few days!. Those that live in the SW USA please take care and stay safe. Continued prayers for all having health issues and struggles including sweet baby Murphy, though happy to hear she is improving, @smitty34877 DH struggling with eating and @marshhawk DH. Hope all of the current travelers continue to enjoy their vacations and stay safe. @DeniseT good luck with your thesis presentation on Monday....you will do great!!! Weather here is back to hot this week; 90-108F heat indexes with heat warnings and air quality alerts. Hard to keep them all straight, they vary from day to day. Still dry. My thanks to all of the contributors to this thread no matter what the topic. Prayers for all of us because we can all use them on some level, IMO. Lots of prayers of gratitude here though. Please take good care all! Caron
  15. I received my old passport back this week so about 2 weeks after I received my new one. FYI. ☺️
  16. Good Monday Everyone, Hope your WEs were enjotable. I haven't had a creamsicle since I was a kid but did like them; IMO I need to be very financially aware because of the consequenses if I am not; we played wiffle ball as kids, we were always playing some game outside in our neighborhood. @Denise Tgood luck with putting together your slide for your doctoral thesis. You got this! @cruising sister thank you for the update on baby Murphy; prayers that she comtinues to improve. Your GC are adorable! Gotta love a girl with a superhero dress on...very cute. LOL. @dfish and @StLouisCruisers, great pictures of your travels! Stay safe. As @Cruising-along said we will be going to Noumea on our GV next year. The pictures of it are beautiful, thanks to those that contibuted them! Another place to look forward to. πŸ™‚ Loving all of the LOL memes today!! I got my 1st Shingrex Vacc last Saturday and I have been feeling crummy for the last 2 days. Dull headache and muscle aches; all of these could be side effects, I read. Advil does take care of it but I am ready to be done with it. I hope the 2nd one isn't as bad. Poor me.....😏 The news from Lahina continues to be sad and I suspect will be for a long time. Very sad about the house explosion in PA; the news said it wasn't caused by gas a leak. Wow. My thanks to all contributors here; appreciate them all. It is a good place to discuss things. There is always someone here to help out. Continued prayers for those with health issues. Celebrate all of the joys in your life. Take care, Caron
  17. Hello Everyone, This week has been tough and disheartening for the US, IMO. The Lahina tragedy is unspeakable. All I have to offer is prayers and a donation to the Red Cross. Love Lahina; I was last there for a Holiday Cruise in Dec 2019. Just wow. It has been a busy week for those here too; @smitty34877 hope your husband continues to improve and hope sweet baby Murphy is improving. I know there are others with health issues that I also hope and pray improve. Continued prayers for all. I am a middle child. Not left handed. I remember the nuns in grade school torchering the kids that were left handed. Very sad. Not a garage sale fan but my sister is! Here we do not have garage sales on Sundays usually. I have never been to Mazatlan though I have been to many places in Mexico. Not much happening for me this week except for cleaning out some closets with stuff I not longer want and need. It is cathartic and freeing. I have more to go; I call it my dejunking. I know others here have done that before a move so I now get how much work it is and how much stuff I have. I saw the Barbie movie this week 😜....it was cute, sends a good message actually, the sets and costumes were good IMO. My thanks to all contributors here on the Daily. Prayers for all of us, celebrate the joys in your life. Take care. Caron
  18. Oh no! That is scary, I hope they are safe. I heard on the news that the tree is gone and so are the shops and art galleries on front street, the main tourist street.
  19. When I applied for renewal in June 2023, I put my actual travel date, Dec 2023. I sent it in expedited and recived it back 5 weeks later. Not sure if this helps. πŸ™‚
  20. @smitty34877 a darling picture of beautiful Camilla! Happy to see her growing-up nicely. 😊 @Cruising-along, I am also really looking forward to the GV AUS/NZ! I am still organizing things, probably too much. LOL I tend to overplan... A much better countdown number than when we first started. Have a good evening everyone. Caron
  21. I just saw a story on the news too. It showed the Mendenhall river coming from the Mendenhall glacier where the home fell into the river. I don't believe it is close to the port, IIRC. I did a river rafting SE once on the Mendenhall river and it took at bit to get there from the port. Hopefully somone will correct me if I am wrong. Quite awful to see that beautiful home lost, the river was very high and turbulent.
  22. Hi Rich, This is good to know. Question, do you know if it is cheaper to purchase the internt package pre-cruise? I can't remember if I ever saw a definative answer. TIA.
  23. Good Saturday everyone! My thanks to everyone who posts here, all are good contributions and add to the good space that this thread is for us. Underwear - yes please! Beer- can't. I have an allergy to yeast so no beer for me. Oysters - no thank you... As usual beautiful port and garden pictures and great laugh out loud memes. 😊 Brings me joy. @dfish and @StLouisCruisers looks like a great time on the cruise. Continue to enjoy the nice long time on vacation. @cruising sister thank you for the updates on sweet baby Murphy; continued many prayers for her health and her family. @Denise T congrats on the almost completion of your doctorate! It is commendable and I am sure you have earned it. It is a ton of work! @Mr. Boston big congrats on your retirement; it is a good thing but does take some getting used to a different daily routine. Not much going on here except the day to day Summer stuff in a very hot week. Prayers for all of us, especially the families and the people who have health challenges. It is exhausting at times and difficult to maintain some normalcy. Oh the luxury of normalcy... Hope everyone is having a good day and will continue to have a good weekend. Take good care! Caron 😎
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