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Host Hattie

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Everything posted by Host Hattie

  1. Laundry prices are in this thread
  2. It was ... I've seen him a few times but this was one of the best.
  3. Sorry to hear about your unwanted souvenir, I hope you're feeling better soon. It's good to hear that the trip was still fantastic.
  4. Great funnel photos both. Thanks again for all the varied opinions!
  5. I've moved the menus to a new thread
  6. Thanks for clarifying @Colin_Cameron
  7. I've moved the Pol Acker discussion to a separate thread ....
  8. Thank you very much for posting, it's good to hear that you enjoyed your crossing. How did the food compare to Oceania? I see they have trademarked "The Best Cuisine at Sea" - a bold claim !
  9. Room service menu is in this thread
  10. Thank you to everyone who took the time to share the ups and downs of your first day. Let's hope tomorrow brings a peaceful sea day with a better dining experience.
  11. BBC reporting that all be revealed a week before.
  12. Looks like a beautiful evening in Southampton, I hope you have a good view of the fireworks.
  13. Oh dear @MylesS, I'm glad you managed to get fed eventually but that's a terrible start. Could you tell if other tables were waiting as well ?
  14. Hope your foot is OK, I would go for dinner in Britannia. I'm sure they'll be understanding.
  15. Cunard have posted this Captain and Crew are ready
  16. Hope embarkation goes smoothly for you all, I guess there are a lot of higher tier guests so priority may not count for much.
  17. Several years ago our formal clothes sent via White Star Luggage didn't catch up to the ship until about Day 4. The ship lent Mr HH clothing, they did have a few evening dresses but nothing that fit me !
  18. Found it on Instagram, not sure if this will work Queen Anne Promenade Deck
  19. I've seen a film of it somewhere but I can't remember where. It's pretty much as expected, a bit narrow in places, blocked by lifeboats in others so possible to do a circuit but not sit on a steamer chair.
  20. Oops, are you still on speaking terms ?
  21. No rule bending, any posts with names or hinting at Travel Agents will be removed.
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