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Host Hattie

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Everything posted by Host Hattie

  1. It's pretty clear to me and I will be very disappointed if I find that I am still the only passenger wearing a mask next time I leave my cabin.
  2. Please don't turn this thread into a general debate about Covid. Thank you
  3. We haven't had boosters this year, we didn't qualify for the Spring booster and our appointments for Autumn are the week after we get back.
  4. Prices should be on your My Cunard for your sailing. Sitting was allowed at bars last time I was in one (last Thursday). I don't know if anything will have changed in view of today's announcement.
  5. In the terminal in Gibraltar? Yes, lots of spirits, some port and wine. Prices seemed good and the crew were stocking up!
  6. The wine arrived with my lunch so full marks to the wine line and room service.
  7. I've tried the wine line so fingers crossed. The fog has returned so there are lots of fog horns being sounded. We've usually seen dolphins during the sail away from Gibraltar but we might be out of luck this time!
  8. Captain has just announced that due to an increase in cases masks will need to be worn except when eating and drinking.
  9. I finally got to have my rant at our "Customer Services" contact, he hadn't been in touch with either of us since Saturday despite offering to call every day because their "workload has increased a lot". Make of that what you will .... I have tried to arrange a TV guide for Mr HH and to have the wine we paid for in the restaurant delivered myself so we'll see if I have any more success than he did. They didn't seem particularly difficult requests at the time. I wish people wouldn't offer something you didn't really need in the first place and then fail to deliver. Let's see if I get the other things I have asked for.....
  10. I agree, they shouldn't have done away with the pre-boarding testing. We did test and were asked at the terminal but nobody wanted proof. He's just a bit bunged up, his LFT yesterday was a thicker red line than his original test but he's feeling well enough to be miffed that his breakfast was late this morning. I've been as far as the Duty Free shop in the terminal !
  11. @Pear Carr sorry to hear about your disappointing meal, I keep meaning to see the Folk Duo, I'll try to make the effort today
  12. These are my instructions, I have to have another test tomorrow but I can't eat in the restaurant or drink in a bar (even an outdoor one) until the following day. I've heard the coughing, heard the discussions about bad chests, seen a lady semi collapse in the queue for the tender and her travelling companion tell those who came to help, she's had a cold for a few days. Maybe none of those people have Covid but I bet most of them haven't tested to be sure.
  13. Last night's Rack of lamb, we've just arrived in Gibraltar.
  14. He did it to protect me, if we'd shared a cabin much longer it was much more likely that he would have passed it on to me. As long as your other half doesn't mind the risk or you're travelling alone that's fine. We'd discussed the potential for this situation before we travelled and agreed that if only one of us was positive they would isolate separately. He had Covid last November and after my initial PCR test was negative I was allowed back to work and he isolated at home.
  15. It was pleasant on the balcony for sailaway but it sounds quite windy out there now and the cabin seems to have developed a squeak ! I'm going to have to figure out what it is before bedtime. Rack of lamb was on the menu tonight, it was very good but would have been even better in the dining room warm as opposed to in my cabin cool. The contact from the Pursers Office rang us both for the first 2 days, failed to do either of the things we asked for and has now disappeared off the face of the earth. It's probably just as well as I'm in the mood to tell him what I think about their ridiculous restrictions. I've now taken 4 tests since Friday, all negative which I'm sure is more than most people on this ship but they are free to go about the place. I've got to wear a mask even on the open desks and eat luke warm food in my cabin. For this I pay exactly the same price as if I'd been able to enjoy all the facilities of the ship. There's no FCC any more and my insurance will only pay out for Mr HH's cabin confinement not my half a cruise. The explanation is that they are following CDC guidelines - except these have been withdrawn & we're not sailing anywhere near the US ! Apologies for the rant but I'm not feeling very sunshine and rainbows this evening.
  16. I had a lovely walk round the city and a very nice lunch. The grey early morning had turned into a hazy warm day so I was a bit hot and bothered getting back on the ship. A swim would have been lovely but not very practical in a face mask so I made do with a cool shower instead.
  17. There isn't a Cafe Carinthia on Queen Victoria, as far as I know the Chart Room still serves small plates at lunch time.
  18. Queen Victoria in Cartegena with Spirit of Discovery
  19. He hasn't been tested again since Friday, I've got an LFT to drop off for him when I get back on board.
  20. I've just had the call from the medical centre, their test was negative as well so I can go ashore. Monday seems to be the day that most things are closed here but I didn't look round the city last time we were here so I should make the effort.
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