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Host Hattie

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Everything posted by Host Hattie

  1. Where are you going? I thought this was a Norwegian cruise? If you end up in the North Atlantic someone is lost.
  2. Another view (maybe) of a seen port
  3. That's an impressive amount of luggage, I hope you enjoy your experience, I look forward to reading about it.
  4. Easiest thing is to do the test then you can answer yes when you're asked the question.
  5. It's not required but it's highly recommended.
  6. Enjoy your swim and thanks for your reports.
  7. I'm sure I've had them the same day before Covid! I'll give it another couple of days and then I'll have to let Cunard have my feedback another way ......
  8. I wouldn't order an extra course just because someone at my table did. I find 3 courses plenty. Generally staff will bring all the main courses together so anyone having an extra starter is making the others wait. That's why I never share a table at breakfast in Britannia (not that I get there very often), far too many combinations on offer !
  9. Thank you, it's good to know that you had a good time. The weather on the last 2 days certainly helped to improve my mood ! Have you had a questionnaire yet?
  10. This thread might help, it's only just been introduced
  11. This latest one looks similar to what we had on Queen Victoria last cruise, only 2 NZ Sauvignon Blanc though, no Cloudy Bay.
  12. Thanks for reporting back, I hope you enjoyed your Anniversary dinner ?
  13. The only thing I can suggest is if you want something ask for it. They can only say no but usually if you give notice they won't.
  14. Thanks for reporting back, have a great time
  15. Thanks for the update, enjoy the rest of your stay and the sail home.
  16. He's fine thank you, he was feeling pretty much back to normal by Wednesday and he's been out with his chainsaw today. He was much worse when he had Covid last year.
  17. Thanks for reporting back, can you tell how it's working? Are there queues?
  18. I didn't notice anyone that's why I am puzzled why people are claiming that they weren't mandatory. Anyone who heard the Captain's announcements and read the letter would have understood that it was an instruction not a suggestion. At this stage I had to wear a mask outside my cabin any way. I did see someone wearing a face visor with a sunflower lanyard saying he was exempt.
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