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Everything posted by mahdnc

  1. No. When you use up your free 90 minutes, you are not required to purchase additional WiFi.
  2. Suzanne, how did your Hong Kong to Singapore sailing go? I want details!
  3. I didn't say it's the same thing except they are both sad.
  4. Welcome to Cruise Critic, Rooster! Go to the Mediterranean - Eastern & Western Cruise Critic forum for good targeted information on your cruise ports. My personal favorite ports are Italy and Greece, but that is just my opinion. Give serious consideration to hiring a private guide for some or all of your ports--something that you would not typically do on a Caribbean cruise. Whatever your budget allows, It is money well spent. A private guide will save you lots of time and will be a superior experience to a ship excursion. Private guides will often get your admission tickets in advance and will allow you to skip an admission line. Because of your small group size, you will often beat the larger ship tours to the big attractions. The Mediterranean forum (above) will have recommendations for excellent guides. If you don't see a recommendation, then post and ask for one. Then if you find one, book them as soon as possible. The real popular Cruise Critic favorites will get booked up real fast. You definitely need to find the roll call for your sailing (once you decide on a sailing). Here is a link to that forum. If you don't see your sailing, then start the roll call yourself by being the first one to post. Roll calls are where other Cruise Critic members on the same sailing will hang out. It's a great place to exchange information and ideas. It's also a great place to get a small group together and share expenses for a privately guided tour. Finally, you should seriously consider booking at least a couple of nights (more if possible) to stay in Europe before your cruise starts and after your cruise starts. This will allow you to explore those areas much more thoroughly than you will at the ports that your cruise ship will stop at. It will be one of the highlights of your trip. Allocating time on land before and after the cruise also allows you to enjoy things that you can't on a cruise like night time sightseeing (photo) or having dinner at a nice land side restaurant. Night time is cooler and less crowded. Also flying into Europe a few nights ahead of your cruise will allow you time to absorb unforeseen problems without missing your ship (e.g. cancelled flights) or hampering your cruise (waiting for lost luggage to catch up to you before your cruise starts). Good luck.
  5. From the archives, here is an old Millennium deck plan showing the Olympic in Deck 3: Here is the current Deck 3 configuration for Millennium:
  6. Don't disagree either. If we are going to adjust the denominator for visitors, I am sure that Chicago and SF received far more visitors than that (even if you just counted the international visitors alone).
  7. Nice watch! You're cruise sounds fun.
  8. Yeah, that's bad, too. We used to live in the Philadelphia area many years ago (1990's).
  9. I believe that in-cabin babysitting for a fee is provided. We made use of that 25 years ago when our kids were very young. During our Solstice cruise this month, we saw this which was intended for kids that were not old enough to be in the Camp At Sea kids club:
  10. They need to put a bulletin out for my hometown of Chicago. Sadly, we have 23 murders YTD.
  11. I agree that the wording is odd. It is also possible that the wording reflects what they actually will have to do once the change goes into affect. We will see.
  12. You can ignore the announcement as the payment terms are unchanged for your sailing since you booked before Jan 30th. If you look at the first post and read the last italicized sentence: Bookings made prior to the new effective date will be protected by having their final payment terms adjusted to keep their original payment schedule.
  13. Somebody at Celebrity must have had fun when putting this announcement together. The photo that Celebrity used to accompany the announcement is called Kicker Rock. When viewed at the proper angle (like the one in Celebrity's photo), it looks like a shoe. How symbolic. It looked so much nicer when we saw it in Nov (Galapagos).
  14. Important additional benefits are in the eye of the beholder as we are not into espresso-based coffee. On the other hand the increase of free Wi-Fi minutes from 90 to 240 is welcomed by some.
  15. My wife and I also wish you a very Happy Birthday, hcat. Nice way to spend the day.
  16. There are several dive shops that will work for us during our stop at Puerto Vallarta in May when Celebrity Summit stops there. If anyone has any experience to share or a shop to recommend, I would appreciate it. We are interested in reef diving.
  17. Celebrity does publish a daily newsletter called, Celebrity Today. We just completed a sailing on Celebrity Solstice which is an older class of ship compared to Beyond. In case this is of interest, here is a folder with all the Celebrity Today newsletters that were published during our 12 night cruise on Solstice. Even though the class of ship is different, it will give you a pretty good idea of what to expect
  18. That deadline has long passed if the OP purchased the flights on Jan 12.
  19. Yes, this “open jaw” flight itinerary is quite common.
  20. It’s still worth a call. Perhaps FBC will allow you to cancel or cancel with a fee. Otherwise you may have to get use to the idea that you’ve finished with the air planning for this cruise. Good luck.
  21. I was thinking exactly the same thing. However I inferred from the first post that the tickets were purchased on Jan 12.
  22. I agree, call your TA to get it straightened out. I think there is an online option to pay for your tickets immediately when you are booking on Flights By Celebrity’s website. Maybe you did that by mistake? Or maybe it’s their error. So contact your TA.
  23. Thanks, Jim, for the news. W̶h̶a̶t̶'s̶ n̶e̶x̶t̶?̶ R̶e̶q̶u̶i̶r̶i̶n̶g̶ 1̶,0̶0̶0̶ s̶h̶a̶r̶e̶s̶ t̶o̶ g̶e̶t̶ t̶h̶e̶ s̶h̶a̶r̶e̶h̶o̶l̶d̶e̶r̶ b̶e̶n̶e̶f̶i̶t̶?̶?̶
  24. No need to worry! Just remember that a picture = 1,000 words. Hopefully your onboard Wi-Fi will cooperate. Regardless, just make sure you have fun.
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