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Everything posted by Lionesss

  1. Good morning Wishing safe travels to soon to be on a cruise Of course a big congratulations to those soon to be grandparents. Our pretty kitty after breakfast play’s hockey with her left over food. Below is a picture of her setting up for her un-assisted goal. Food dish removed by parental unit that washes the floor. Will be returned when her game over, and cat becomes a nuisance for food. You may remember Lizzy is on a diet. And let’s not talk about that because she can be very persistent when hungry. Be safe.
  2. New Year’s Eve dinner was the pork (ribs). But today was my favorite. Turkey Mashed potatoes Stuffing Pan drippings gravy Green bean casserole Cherry jello Dinner rolls Yummy Be safe.
  3. HAPPY NEW YEAR. Like others have shared I can only wish for a safe healthy year ahead. I saw a post that said New week New month New Year New beginnings. I always like to look for the good things life has to offer. When I have a “bump” in the road that cause me to alter my course, I just deal with it. Well, yesterday a “ bump” to end the year. Recently I posted the issues with my iPhone. How it was finally fixed by removing the old “guts” and giving me new inside. Well, now I wonder if they just said they did. The same problems resumed yesterday. This is what I tried to forward. But the phone said. “funny lady”. Not gonna happen. You have no friends. So I have an appointment in Cleveland tomorrow. And it gets better. I have no technical support—the spouse has to go to work. So. Once again. Think of me when I go to the big city.
  4. Good afternoon. The last 26 hours with out a iPhone was very interesting. To start the last couple weeks it has been doing weird things. Namely: It could be on charger with no one near it and call someone. Attempting to send a picture was a joke. All my contacts disappeared and when you hit airdrop to send to person next to you could not find them. Yess their phone was on. Sending a text was hit or miss. Sometimes it would open messenger and others by touching it did nothing. So not being smart phone savvy I took pictures of my phone screen when it acted up. So off to the Apple Store in the big city (Cleveland). And at first when I told the apple man what was going on I got. “The look”. I told him. Here’s pictures. So he pushes many buttons on his I phone which was now linked to his and goes it works fine. Now, totally frustrated. I go let me show you. So I attempt to send a picture to Rick. And airdrop would not work. Then I tried to text a message to my daughter and the friends bar was greyed out. He goes. Simple fix. Completely shuts phone down by the apple way. Then he goes that will fix it. Uh. Nope. Still not working. Then he re links it to his computer and and does a program search. He goes it checks out fine. Try it now. Funny man. Frustrated man. Unable to fix it. Then he calls over the main rocket scientist. He does the same things already done. Not working. Next thing you know he calls the technician from the service room out. Yup. Nada. Nothing works. 90 minutes later …,, So thank heavens we purchased Apple care. Our phones are 12 months old. So the kept the camera and shell case and replace the internal brains of an iPhone. So my iPhone camped out last night at the store and we were there as the store opened. So they bring out my phone and we were unable to check it because new phone, new SIM card. not activated by phone carrier. Screen protector removed. So bought new screen protector. If I did not pre purchase Apple care I would have had to pay $569 for a repair I did not know if it worked. Off to AT&T. New SIM card Memory restored from all Apps to pictures to things I forgot. So now I attempt to send a text. OMG!!! It worked. Able to send pictures. Happy in Ohio AKA Sue.
  5. Just reading some of the post about the world cruise made me think of another contest. It could be either the biggest looser ( weight) or the biggest gainer. I can only imagine the discipline I would need to control my eating habits. And of course all those drinks, well calories add up. They should provide a shopping excursion on the last few weeks of the cruise to provide the opportunity to buy new clothes in a larger size. I am sure we will be hearing comments about weight gain. or The pictures will be of facial profiles. Nothing below the neck to be included. But I am glad reading all about it. Be safe.
  6. Actually the outfit is for Miss Zoey and cost $5.38 after all the discounts. But I like your thought more!! Be safe.
  7. So yesterday we traveled to our mall to do some after Christmas shopping. I specifically needed some picture frames and as always get a few candles. Well one thing led to another and ended up buying clothes for Miss Zoey. Soon the local media came up to us as well as many others and asked about our outing and took our picture. We watched as they traveled and talked to many others as well as take numerous photos. I joked to my husband. “Watch us be in the newspaper “. Yup. Front page in small town USA.
  8. MERRY CHRISTMAS! A few weeks ago I was asked to go with my daughter and her husband for my granddaughters first birthday photo shoot. Well. He did a great job. And I cannot believe how awesome his work is. As we were done I turned around to get my coat and I saw a mirror in his “prop” area. I thought to myself…..I wonder……. So I asked if he would take a picture of her holding the mirror. He did. Another great memory. The best gift ever. Well being a part of Zoeys life with them living over 4 hours away and seeing her weekly babysitting is very special. Sue 💕
  9. Merry Christmas Eve to all who share their lives here on the best thread. A special thanks for letting me post my story times now and then. Be safe. Take care.
  10. We got a mere 2 inches of snow. It will all be melted in next few days. Temperature in the 50’s Christmas Day. Be safe.
  11. Light rain here. We are going under a Winter Weather advisory at 1 pm. Cold and snow. We are in the zone to get up to 6 inches. No wait 4 inches. Um. Really 2 inches. It really depends which TV channel you listen to on the weather prediction . Love the consistency. ( Not) Be safe whatever happens.
  12. We are currently on the front end of that weather event that is coming up from the south. Wind advisory to start soon. Rain is to be ongoing most of day. Off to cemeteries to place wreathes and candles in their glass votives. Umbrella and babuska in tow. 😃
  13. Great to be back. I’ll be a full time wife for 4 weeks. Then back to traveling and being a part time wife and part time babysitter for Miss Zoey. 💕
  14. Tonight we will be hosting a dinner for our church family. Monthly as a group we all dine at a local restaurant. We will prepare the main course. Eye of Round in its own Au Jus, and slow cooked chicken mushroom and dried onion casserole. Our guest will provide the side dishes. Potato casserole. Vegetable Pepper poppers. Salad Dinner rolls. Chocolate treats The dessert will be all my home made cookies. I will be sending home with each household a mini cookie tray. Our dining room table and kitchen table are both set up the same. The overview of my cookie table. The back has the cookie trays to go home. Next are nut keiffel and kolachi Next are Cookie Bark, lady fingers, Apricot kolachi. And sugar cookies Next are Almont melt away. Should be a relaxing evening. Be safe.
  15. Good morning. Well it’s official. Today I completed 67 orbits around the sun. I am thrilled for everyday waking up healthy wealthy ( kinda sorta) and wise. As I grow older I really do appreciate what life has to offer and take nothing for granted. Also I am honored to be part of a great home family as well as all my new found friends here on the best thread Cruise Critic has to offer. So for now. For many reasons. Too many to list. Thank you for being you. All my love. Sue AKA the Birthday Girl.
  16. Good morning. Mark and Susan glad to see your sharing your travels and excited to follow. Safe travels.
  17. Thank you for sharing. We did not know. Happy 2 cruises out of there next year! Ty once again.
  18. Well I would like to thank everyone for their kind thoughts and prayers for me as I had my colonoscopy today. It became reality yesterday at 5 pm when I made my cocktail of 6 ounces of magnesium citrate in Powerade lemon aid. It was tolerable and after the mix of 34 ounces I had to drink 32 ounces of water in 60 min. I started the timer for 2 reasons. To make sure I drank all that in time limit and to see when nature calls. I then floated to the guest bathroom - phone, charger, book and preparation H and preparation H wipes. Pre treated outflow area with preparation H. At the 14 min mark. It work. and worked and worked. If you get my drift for 90 min. Not painful. No cramps. Took a shower. Had my supper. Lime jello. Watched Kansas City play Buffalo (sorry Seadog). Went to bed. Got up at 4am. Second verse same as the first. Got a phone call they had a couple cancellations. Asked if I could come in early. So out through the door. Arrived early. Whisked off to Preop. Quickly admitted. One of the Anesthesiologists started the IV. My best friend who could have been my sister if I would have been so blessed gave me a sedative. Yup. versed. Great drug. Off to the endoscopy room Monitors on. Doctor said goodnight. I had great dreams. Propofol great drug. If I could remember them I would tell you. Test done. Doctor spoke to my spouse CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH!!!!! Pictures perfect. Prep worked. Next colonoscopy 10 years. Um. When you are a request case. You get ((((Drugged))))))) Besides being a cheap date. I got the top shelf of sedation and survived the bonus token fentanyl. I eventually went home. Had broccoli cheese soup. Baked 2 batches of cookies. Now off to Christina s MIL house. We will have Miss Zoey for the week. Miami of Ohio going to the “ Cure bowl” in Orlando. So Brandon and Christina are on an all expense vacation leaving tomorrow. Ok. Interstate 76 is now a Blue light special. Damn. Locals, sheriffs and highway patrol. Thanks again for thinking of me. Sue 💕
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