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Everything posted by Lionesss

  1. I know I will be missing this beautiful weather we have had. Hot, sunny. Just thinking about going home in Ohio has me already dreading the snow. One of my friends could not have said it better.
  2. So I persued the lack of lobster tails on the CK menu. The mature D said that corporate is slowly implementing the new system of having the option to order off MDR menu and eating in CK. Not going to happen anymore. 20:24
  3. Now There are very few choices I have to eat during lent. That is why I ordered the lobster tail. I have to be careful. Being allergic to certain creatures that swim in the sea. Could be a hungry evening 18:12
  4. Getting interesting in CK. I was told lobster tails are not going to be served in CK. Came from headquarters. Only the poached fabricated ones. The powers that be are meeting now. I cannot believe when I tried to order I was told only MDR would get. ๐Ÿ˜”
  5. Good afternoon Today we opened CK. Typical breakfast food Then left the ship at 08:45. The waves were white caps. BIG WHITE CAPS. The toy boat ( say that 3 times fast) next to us was rocking and rolling. As we walked on by. The pier workers weโ€™re putting a net underneath the gangway in case someone fell In. Yup I want to get off and pressed for dress your best kinda sorta night crushed between the ship and pier. So now we check in at our excursion light house tour and beach break. We were first in line. So the tour guide shows me his watch and tells us we are 1 hour early. Here he was trying to yank my chain. He told us to come back in 45 min. (My DH new better). so we went to P and came back and now the line was long. We got on a comfy air conditioned bus. And off we went. The first guide was excellent. The second guide said he was learning English. It showed. Now we had to sign the back of our ticket to do this excursion Why? Because the beach we are going to is affected by a massive amount of sea weed and very muddy waters. They wanted us to make sure we knew. But you can go swimming if you LIKE. BUT. Absolutely no mention of a tour not committing to fulfill their part of the deal, we would have option to cancel. YUP I want to swim in a cesspool. Ao now the tour started. Real nothing great to share. Mostly about where he came from and some talk of local housing. They live a boring life. So now the highlight of the tour. THE LIGHTHOUSE. Yup we got a whopping 10 min there. He took a picture of us in front of the sign. Never knew what happened to those pictures. No information on how or when to get them. probably used to ID us if drowning in seaweed. Oh yea. We got a total of 11 min there. I bet that set the schedule off. So now we go to the beach. Found out loungers and camped out. We got two free drinks (beer, Fanta water or coke). The bottles had to be at least 5 ounces(๐Ÿ˜ณ) The beer was regular size. They ran out of Fanta. (๐Ÿ˜”). So now the attack of the vendors. everything from coconuts, bracelets, hats sunglasses to Cuban cigars ( probably made in china). You could order off a menu an pay for food. I pulled out a towel turned on my side and sleep. Time to get up. Go back to ship. Now what a racket. The bus drops you off by a different entrance and you have to walk by every vendor. Bigger and longer than a mall Itโ€™s hot. Iโ€™m cranky. Iโ€™m walking. Iโ€™m sweating. I stink my feet hurt. So as we are approaching the Oasis I looked st the side of the two ships. The newborn and mama ship. As they hit the pier a geiser of water sprays up 6 decks. It was pretty. We entered the ship aft entrance. Walked all the way down deck 14. Went WJ. And back to our cabin. Now nap time. Since the lease is up on my office. I will probably visit โ€œ thee Schooner barโ€ to see how the other half drinks. Ok later. 15:51
  6. Good morning Ship ahoy. ( whatever that means). Getting ready for lighthouse tour and beach. Second sunrise I have experienced in all my years of cruising. (D+).
  7. May I be the first to wish all a safe and happy St Patrickโ€™s day. Now even though he is a saint, he is better known for luck of the Irish. With that in mind, many have stopped at my perch (office) in the casino. Many have sincerely asked how I was doing. Now as I got the old calculator out and counted our assets brought to this cruise. I can honestly say we are in the green. (as in St Patrickโ€™s day green). ( left over money). Win vs. loss. Yup had some great jackpots. Yup donated those back. Overall. I can remain retired. You can only gamble expecting to donate away. Then your done. Iโ€™m done. Quit โ€”โ€”โ€”keeping in mind our June cruise will be here shortly and saved some money to lose there 02:09
  8. Good morning. Ooops We did that already. Time for an update all we so eager to hear about ๐Ÿ˜ณ โ€CANKLESโ€ So if you eat healthy Continue to do your steps Avoid alcohol Avoid salty treats (lol) thatโ€™s funny I mean. The above is not multiple choice. I left out the most important way to reduce cankles. Dehydration. Todays pretty feet ankle picture.
  9. Good morning. After a late night.we had no trouble getting up to see the sunrise. But sun slept in. You see whatever time zone you follow gives you a front row seat. Now it is currently 08:32 EST But it is 07:32 DST. But in Roatan it is 05:32 whatever time I think I like the 05:32. Means more time to sleep in. As we sail to Roatan, I will finally see the place that Trainmen (may he rest in peace) held the monkeys. But, I will pass on the monkeys. I mean it is one thing to cause major infections like bats (March 13,2020) ๐Ÿ˜œ So now, I donโ€™t want those non hoooman breathing money makers that everyone cuddles near me. ok 07:32
  10. Iโ€™ve decided that I have bigger shoulders than him. Besides. He is working and probably supporting a. Family. If anything maybe the lack of laughter will cool his jets. I am over it. Moving on Thank you for your insight. I do appreciate it 01:26
  11. Good afternoon. Well I am Not usually a Debbie Downer and put my broom away years ago but I want to share with you a disheartening occurrence. It has me bothered and I am debating how to resolve. At one of my dinner meals which by the way was delicious, as the server was ready to pour water from a carafe I requested as my drink will be bottle of water ( we have refreshment package). He looked at me and I said one more thing โ€œ the way we drink water on board I have noticed in the past my ankles do swell up from a combination of food and tap waterโ€. I wonder if it could be the way it is treated that reverse osmosis technique. Or whatever that fancy Mumbo could be. He got me the bottle of water. And I thanked him. Shortly there after he refills the glasses of water from carafe to the couple next to us and goes in a loud voice. โ€œHereโ€™s some more salt free water.โ€ Now Iโ€™m pissed. But more so embarrassed. How he said it loud enough that I was in total shock. And he looks directly at me. How unprofessional. And the couple kinda did not know how to react as they looked towards me. Now I do not want to report him know how hard it is to get a job and he is working. But Is RCI that desperate to hire rude workers. Ok. I got it off my chest. Thanks for tuning in 13:49 addendum I will probably put his name on the follow up evaluation. I hate conflict and that would probably be the best way since everyone is conscious of getting โ€œ10s.
  12. Good morning. The conciergeโ€™s told us this morning that โ€œstaffโ€ that have ability know about โ€œ Bella cruisersโ€ At breakfast now. Interesting morning. As I awoke. Yes to alarm clock. Got up wash face. Made a quick pit stop (P) that is. Went to flush toilet. No flushy Went upstairs tried that toilet No flush. Thankfully this donation was mot of solid form. As we were getting to leave our cabin. Both toilets at the same time. Insinc flushed themselves. 09:22 Mexico time.
  13. To all Bella cruisers. These last few months have been stressful enough, I wanted to make this slot pull fun for all. If I seemed a bit off, I am running on empty. Have only been able to get 3 hours of sleep. I have no clue what is going on. To all who offered assistance, I was truly impressed. And of course some cruisers were in the right place at the right time. I meant to not ignore anyone , but had to get it moving. I hope all liked their winning gifts. In addition to my donations I must thank both Andrew and John ( Mr. LaLa) for their generosity. The event was worth the wait in โ€œgoldโ€. Finally. I can only hope I can sleep tonight. If I came across as rude. I was just nervous. To all. Thanks again Oh. I think people must think I am someone specialโ€ฆ. When everyone comes up to me or calls my name. Thank you for the popularity. Take care. Iโ€™ll be in my office. Every. evening after dinner. 4 th floor ๐Ÿ˜œ Thanks for making this fun. lionesss 17:16
  14. GOOD MORNING. I will be at casino bar about 12:30 Need to set up and final organization. I did narrow it down to 3 machine. whichever one is available at slot pull time will be the one. If you pre registered on the (BELLA SITE) You know who you are. Welcome. Pullers and cheerleaders At this time. No walk - ins Closed event. If my helpers are available. Try to be there by 12;45. I will need you for; 1. to register and take money. Give sticker. With number. 1. Give raffle entry S1-2-3-4-5โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.. pullers C1-2-3-4. Cheerleaders. then. 2 people for actual pull. One to count 1-2-3-4 the other to log their score. rules are available registration closed at 12:45. Sea you there
  15. Yes it is morning Yes it is a sea day. If the towels speak it must be true. Our present location. ( always shared). Looking out window. Towels already basking in the sun. No hooomans weโ€™re injured in the reporting of this. 09:18
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