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Everything posted by Lionesss

  1. So the end of 2023 is quickly approaching. Earlier this year my family doctor reminded me it was time for my 10 year colonoscopy. At that time, I said no problem I would schedule and have it done before the years out. Well it’s time. So, after I had the procedure scheduled for December 11, my daughter put my granddaughters first birthday party on for that Saturday. December 9. Now, to keep the effects of the prep from being a vast explosion of by-products, I start the liquid diet for 2 days instead of 1. So while guest are enjoying chicken stir fry cheesy potatoes pasta and meatballs pepperoni sandwiches nachos with cheese sauce cake ice cream I will be enjoying black decaf coffee and green jello. So once we get home on Sunday afternoon it begins. I already bought a book and as always: It is what it is. I am only asking for prayers for a healthy report. Be safe.
  2. @Sea Dog How frustrated you must be canceling a cruise. But you as well as Linda’s health is a priority, As you well know and acted upon. Here’s hoping when surgeries occur for a quick safe healing rehab phase. Take care.
  3. I unfortunately had shingles after a miscarriage. Working in anesthesia a nerve block would prevent residual effects. My case was diagnosed as the “plates” started to form. I was started on “anti virals” ( was patented for AIDS therapy). And took one Zovirax 5 times a day for 2 weeks. Prevented the further chain of blisters. Lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks due to loss of appetite. I have already received the shingles vaccine in two separate vaccinations. Believe me as others have said. You don’t want shingles. Be safe.
  4. On a girl’s cruise I was the victim of the screaming demons. Attributed to the ice I had in port. Now very careful.
  5. We are somewhere in Michigan. Going to the MAC championshipship game. Tonight. Fans unite at a Marriott. Go Miami of Ohio Redhawks. Breakfast at the Tin Roof by the stadium. Tomorrow. Game at noon. 3 glasses of Merlot tonight. Good night. Sea ya Be safe.
  6. Miami of Ohio vs Mercyhurst Hockey game. Suite Seats and dinner on house. I have no clue what’s going on. But spending time with daughter and her family is great!!!!
  7. HAPPY THANKSGIVING. For those of us watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade……what a disappointment. The first 30 min. Just talk, showed broadway shows, wind update….. then finally showed the parade. Now, interview time. Getting ready to “watch the news” as Radio would say. I want to see the parade!!!!! Be safe.
  8. I agree. It was frustrating when I was a child in celebrating my birthday. (December 15). I remember asking my mom where were the pictures celebrating all my birthday parties. Well I never thought I would hear her say. “ There are none”. “Your birthdays too close to Christmas and you got more gifts”, not parties. And they never gave me one. I am probably the only soon to be 67 year young adult that never had a birthday party. But it is what it is. But it is probably them carrying no the tradition. My dad - December 19 My mom - December 27 But I gave my daughter two birthday parties a year. One on her birthday and a half year birthday. (Christina) December 26. and now our granddaughter (Zoey) December 19. And boy the party for Zoey, well it should be fun. Hey. Gotta be born one day. Our family just waited till the end of the year. Be safe.
  9. So last night instead of driving home from babysitting in Oxford Ohio. My son in law treated me to a field pass with access to everything at the stadium at the Miami of Ohio vs. Buffalo season football game. So I bundled up in my warm clothes and with my daughter Christina and granddaughter Zoey we headed off. Did I say it was cold. Well it was. Now much was on the line and if Miami won they clinched the east conference and are playing for the championship in Detroit in December. Well: Already have our tickets and hotel reservations. Went to bed at 2am. Drove home this morning left there at 4am. Yup. A tad tired after 2 hours sleep. Taking a Power Nap before my 11:00 am. Appointment. Be safe.
  10. Good morning. Some updates. First took the motor home to store in the old mines in Pennsylvania for the winter. And babysitting Miss Zoey is a pure joy. This week I have yet another doctors appointment to schedule my 10 year colonoscopy before the year is out. Hit my deductible so, it is what it is. I will soon have the opposite GI event from the struggles Greg is having post op. And a happy post Election Day. My intent is to not talk politics. But, very great full commercials are done. Here in Ohio the local TV STATIONS were over run with political ads. Glad we have a satellite company to watch shows broadcast without local interference. Now. I think everyone remembers we have had our man cave ( aka garage), for almost 2 years. New back yard lawn, land scraping and such. Well, this summer one of the workers grading the lawn somehow cut into the underground electrical line to garage. Was not hurt. He fixed it. Until—- Last week the security lights that light the night did not work. So, we called our handy dandy electrician and when he (landscaper) spliced the lines to fix well it did not last. So now, new lawn will be dug up (tunneled) to lay a new power line. (Walkway has to be lifted). When all is said and done estimate $1800. What next. Today starting to Christmas clean one room at a time. Today I attack the dining room. Wash all the display cases and contents. Christmas linen and decorations to be placed. As I work. Making wedding soup that can slow cook all day. Hope all are well and safe. Take care. Sue.
  11. @Sea Dog I know it is obvious you are a KC football fan. Well I recently spent time at a college football game with the parents of your backup quarterback ( Gabbert). His brother is/was a great quarterback for Miami of Ohio. Well he sustained a fractured tibia in Saturdays game. Out for season. Surgery in Cincinnati. Will need physical therapy. The parents are the nicest down to earth people you ever met. Congratulations on KC. Win. Have a fun safe cruise (((((hiccup))))))) Sue.
  12. Good morning. Loved doing the water taxi, when we were in FLL. We were lucky to have the captain of our boat give a description of famous houses. We rode it as the waters were calm and abundant with other vessels. Cannot wait till next year to do it again. Have fun. Be safe P.S. this will be the time and place to stay hydrated. Buy their water and pop. Save the alcohol for dry land.
  13. @Sea Dog HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you and the Mrs. Enjoy. Have a fun safe time. I am sure you will do at least one ”SLOT PULL” and of course win BIG. I’ll send good luck your way. Eagerly following, we are in a cruise dry spell till April. So desperately need your talents at this thread ….. you are gifted. Take care.
  14. These last few days have been so busy but I would not have wished it any other way. Rick and myself had the opportunity of babysitting Miss ZZZZZOEY. It was truly an experience from me driving up from Oxford Ohio alone with 💤oey, and yes of course forgetting toys——to watching her excited to do anything. Namely: 1. Went to vote with us. 2. Having lunch at Panera. 3. Shopping at one of our exclusive stores “Le Walmarte” and getting some toys. 4. Ankles being run into by a roaming child in a walker. 5. Going to mass. 6. A bath full of toys. 7. Trying to catch the cat. Did not succeed. 8. The laugh and girly giggles of a soon to be 10 month old —— that would melt your heart. 9. Watching her sleep making sure she is still breathing. What will I take from this: “ All the joy and love a baby girl could bring” I was surprised I did not call her Christina after her mother our daughter……but…… a few times got called Lizzy after the cat. 💕
  15. @Sea Dog I hope these next few days before your cruise hold no more surprises. I can only hope that you and your wife get to sail, and leave your worry’s behind. Prayers for your brother in law. Also. Could you be a teeth grinder?? I guess the majority of grinders or teeth clenched do it at night. For me I also clench up as I drive. And these last few months with traveling to babysit I have been going to town. Literally so much do I am on my second tooth guard. Yup. Mine is in many many hours. Take care.
  16. Dani I pray constantly for this terrible suffering you and all of Israel are going through. I really do not know what to say. ❤️
  17. Hello everyone. When I retired a few years ago some of my friends said I would be bored. I am glad that is not the case. Once again I am so far behind on the threads. Although I have skimmed the threads and did a random post , I feel so out of the loop But. First off. Prayers to all involved in the plight of Israel. So scary. Second. Congratulations to all who are/have celebrated special occasions. And. To those on need of my prayers. You got them. All my love. Sue Be safe.
  18. Been a wild and crazy time since I was able to post live on our Alaskan cruise. Where to begin. Well, I am so far behind on the threads I follow, yes I visited them randomly, and posted a little but I must apologize because I know so little of what is happening in our friendly circle. But moving forward, I will just say when you have a major health scare and after many tests —almost all the results are normal. Well. After you thank God for answering your prayers, you savor every moment. Dealing currently with some non life threatening issues as well as be the best you can be in helping others. Life goes on and I am truly appreciative that I am a part of it. In addition to my already hectic life I will be baking for 2 upcoming weddings. But, I was honored to be selected to be on out parish church council and was nominated and unanimously elected to role of recording secretary. I was humbled, the job is usually delegated to a returning member. Ok, enough for now. Gotta go type up those minutes from our first meeting. Thanks for listening. Happy and thankful for each moment Sue
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