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Everything posted by Lionesss

  1. @lenquixote66 Prayers for a great visit at your doctors appointment. @h20skibum Mark. Rest up. Hope you feel better soon. @A&L_Ont Love the Lucy’s pictures and updates. And of course all our threads four legged members. Who are thankful for the hooman parents that adopted them For those of you who follow college football. Miami of Ohio earned a spot at the Bahamas Bowl. On Friday December 16. Unfortunately their strength and conditioning coach as well as their number one fan will not be attending. DD due date December 17. She is not allowed to travel. SIL WILL NOT leave her side. She is keeping busy. Getting very uncomfortable. And is cooking her first turkey ever this year. We invited our best man and brother over to our house. His mom passed away last week and we want to provide a Good home made dinner. We usually have him over 2-3 times a month. Enjoy your day. Be safe.
  2. Good Morning and Happy Thanksgiving Day. I enjoyed watching the sun rise this morning as I sat quietly sat saying my prayers. This daily event in life make me very appreciative for everything I am able to enjoy. Simply saying, all the lasting memories I have as well as what the future has in store for me. Yes I know there will be more trying times and challenges to overcome. But just being able to spend quiet time and reflect gives me peace. To all, I wish you only the best that your live has to offer, and when times are rough, just know, I will always have you in my thoughts and prayers. Take care. And as I share once again my signature statement.... " . . . In life remember there is always something old to be sought and enjoyed, always something new to be found treasured and shared. . . Thank you for sharing your life with me. . . " Enjoy the day Sue
  3. Update on whats going on. ALL GOOD NEWS! And it is truly amazing how one phone call can change your life. To begin with it all started in September when I knew it was time to start moving and stop using COVID as an excuse to not walk and become a couch potato. And besides I want to look good for the Bella's cruise. I started walking one lap at the Mall and was major "winded" the first few days. After a week I was upto 2 miles. I currently walk 5 mall miles 5 days a week. And no problems, love it! Then I noticed my hair was falling out. My thick beautiful summer slut blond hair was shedding. So what does one do. Google hair loss. Three choices: --Post COVID side effect --Hereditary --Thyroid dysfunction. ( I already take a prescribed supplement and hoping that was the cause) So it concerned me enough to move up my yearly doctors exam. So after some blood work and minor testing I was major under recommended lab value for thyroid. So increase that med. No problem easy fix. Then I get from the doctor, but their is one thing that really concerns me..... So now the warm rush, and panic rush.......................... He goes on...................... in addition to that I was told I had a significantly elevated Calcium level. Well, that usually means grim and dim. So after many visits to the doctor, and significant testing, I was being prepared for a medical condition as a Parathyroid adenoma, or cancer some where else. These last few weeks have been full of walking and thinking as well as crying when husband was at work. Yup, nurse curse, pulled out the old medical books and well, that was not a good idea. So today, I got all the answers after yet another complete interview as well as review of the whole health picture ( I love my doctor he is very thorough). Seeing him weekly for this and that test, really had my mind spinning. Damn insurance, have to go through a gate keeper to get things done, unless there shows an indication for a quicker approval to have a test done. The testing results, says no cancer, no Parathyroid adenoma..... So what caused the scare with the elevated Calcium. Well, being health conscious I take a daily women's Centrum, and get this, the Calcium amount in there was too much for my body to handle. Not only upsetting the Calcium level, but setting my body and mind into major stress mode. And of course that set off a chain of events that was not psychological, but became pathological. So, I can deal with the increase in thyroid supplement, and it does seem that I am sprouting new hair growth in just a 6 weeks since the increase. And now we are in the works of finding a new supplement with no Calcium (Vitamin D level normal) Just happy when I heard the best words of all from my doctor...."See you in a year, unless you need me" And during all this I am happy to say I am down 25 pounds. More to go, now that I got a good report, more motivated to do even better. Some stress helped me lose some, but more-over walking and improved diet. In closing I just want to say thanks for all the kind thoughts and prayers, I did visit cruise critic, but I think I was so self centered with my own racing mind, that I was too preoccupied to comprehend what is going on in everyone lives. I apologize, because I know I missed a lot, and I am not going back nearly 100 pages to catch up. So, I thought of all my friends here often, and just want you to know I care about you all. Upcoming. I will still be coordinating the slot pull for the Bella cruise and will review that cruise site to look back on some of the suggestions. And in January we can get more input from all who would like to share their ideas to see how this can make it fun for all. Take care. Happy in OHIO
  4. @Jimbo Sorry for your loss. When you have a little buddy that is part of the family, it takes a toll when they are gone. Last night I was able to turn my thinking cap off and got a great night sleep, For me 6 hours is a treat. After getting up at 5 am, an doing my wifely duties I headed off to the mall. Before I knew it I had done 5 miles. Must have said many prayers and had my thinking cap turned on. I know all of us have times that things throw a curve in what otherwise would be a routine day, but sometimes life is not fair and post challenges. Our job is to deal with it and get resolution. Worrying accomplishes nothing. I am very lucky to be in an awesome marriage and have other family and friends that are my support system. Keep me in your thoughts, and I will check back and post when I am back on CC more. Once a nurse, always a nurse and been also busy with nursy duties to friends. Just did a quickie speed read and hope I did not miss anything or anyone needs. You are in my thoughts. Take care
  5. Just a quick request. If anyone has any extra prayers or kind thoughts can you send them my way. Just having some stressors added to my life this week. Thankfully daughter is fine at 35 weeks. Stay safe.
  6. Good morning from this cold snowy day in Oxford Ohio. Second snow for us this fall. First one was back home. Very light. Doubt it will accumulate. Last night was a great visit with daughter and son in law. Today. Besides trying to stay warm, shopping and walking. Take care stay warm.
  7. Good morning @A&L_Ont Your posting of the tribute made me think so If I may in the states.......... I would like to pay Tribute to all the Veterans who not only fought and gave their lives for our country, but for all the men/women in the military who carry the patriotism in their heart for representing our country in any way shape or form, on a daily basis. Having lost one Aunt and a Father-in-law in separate plane crashes it hits close to home. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. On a separate note today is a busy day for us So neither rain (thank you Nicole), wind, dark of night or upcoming snow will hinder us from a 4 1/2 hour drive to Oxford Ohio to visit this weekend with the 34 week pregnant DD and SIL. They were blessed with many generous gifts to make their baby to be well stock with clothes to diapers to strollers to crib.......... But we will complete what she did not get. One very important item is ....................are you ready. They did not get one "Binky" (Pacifier) among a few minor items. So a Target run and then shopping for anything else on her list. So we are packed and ready to hit the road of course stopping for one of our favorite breakfast places. Be safe Also today was one of the few days I can log on to CC without too much difficulty
  8. At our voting center there is posted a sign that if you need assistance and have difficulty with mobility, one of the poll workers will come to your car, provide you with a ballot, pen and clipboard to fill out in your car, then turn it in to be processed. Only one problem. No number listed to call the poll center to request this service. So You must have to ask another voter to let them know inside you need assistance, and they notify the workers inside. Tonight Survivor, then Amazing race. Lately this is only one of the 2 nights I watch TV. The other night we watch our pre-recorded American Horror Story. Take care
  9. I set the alarm for 5:10 am to look at the eclipse, it went off and I turned over. But up at 6 am. We had voted early and when I drove by our polling place it was packed. We booked RCI round trip transportation for our June Allure cruise out of Galveston. We are arriving a day before the cruise and spending the night near airport. Then taking shuttle from hotel back to airport to catch RCI transportation. Beautiful morning today, cool and crispy, Walked 3 1/2 miles and it was refreshing. Take care
  10. Good Sunday Morning. So, Friday I received the Shingles and Flu vaccine. Yesterday was an interesting day. Now the injections sites were not inflamed or red. But on that arm my elbow hurt like the dickens. Also, I felt achy and laid around most of the day till we went to mass at 4:30pm Today, just some lower back achyness but over all good. Since I started re walking a month ago, I already wore out the support in my sneakers. So off to Grove city outlets with 20% off coupon I got online. (Sketchers) So we will walk up and down all the store rows and hope to hit our 10,000 steps. One day I will be at the level of Mark and Susan. Also time to use the extra Coach coupon $20 off. Then go to Bath and Beyond and use their coupon. Damn, I hope things are not marked up to get the benefit of the coupons. Then home and chill the rest of the day. Hope all are well. Take care.
  11. Good morning For a few days I was affected by the login issues of RCI To fix it I finally have access to CC using our other internet carrier. (Chrome) To begin yesterday I received my first of two Shingles vaccines, as well as the flu vaccine. Now I was told the site would become red and inflamed as well as arm soreness and possible body aches. The only side effects were body aches and my elbow hurt. Even with the shots given in upper arm. I do not know if I lucked out or if Ibuprofen worked its wonders. Went to bed at 11pm, woke up at 9am. Still feel tired. Mass today, and chill enjoying the time change. I had already had the curse of Shingles when I had a miscarriage years ago. And never want that to happen again. Even though I could read everyone's post on all our threads, I was unable to comment on any.....so, I just want everyone to know that you are and have been in my thoughts. Time for a nap Take care
  12. Good evening First of all on Septic tanks. When we were building our house the DH took pictures of every phase of the build. From digging the hole, to wiring, to plumbing to septic leach bed. He knows where everything is. And, we just had the tanks pumped and stones flushed for a mere $435. Last time we had it done was 2018. Eye doctors appointment went pretty good for not going in 2 years. Dry eyes family curse, gotta start on OTC treatment to prevent corneal abrasions. Glaucoma check still shows an elevation but on high end of safe range. No treatment at this time needed. Vision test. 20/20 vision......DAMN I could always see distant objects with no issues. But saying that My reading vision got worse. So I do not need glasses to drive, but I am not going to put them on/off.. ...on/off..on/off So it is recommended that I continue to wear the glasses with correction just for reading, (progressive). And I guess as I age so do my eyes. I have the start of peripheral cataracts, which in the scheme of things is that if you are going to have cataracts these are the ones to get, because they have little impact on your vision. Just another thing to watch. And finally as I was leaving I got the sermon about not waiting so long again to visit. My glaucoma for safety needs to be monitored every 6 months. Guess the excuse of COVID, is no longer acceptable. Appointment made for May. So I ventured into their optometrist office there just to scope it out, and I once again realized why I do not purchase my glasses their..Two reasons, one the cost is very high for old fashioned eye wear, as well as limited selection of glasses I would choose. So I went to Lens Crafters and purchased 2 pairs of glasses I really like. Buy one get second frame half off, plus extra $50 off. Tomorrow, visiting a home bound friend and then a Sams club run. Take care
  13. I don't know if you remember but about a week ago I asked for help with signing on, and having to logg on everytime I leave CC. Still happening, but at least I can get on from all devices. See there is a "green bar" on top of the page addressing the problem. Be safe
  14. Good morning. We went to Sams club and bought 3 large boxes of the 48 pack M & M’s. We opened 2 boxes and when all was said and done we had 3 packs left. So we had 93 trick or treaters. Our street is a dead end street and the local place to go. The township ambulance parks at one end. And a police cruiser at the other. They do not stay all that time. But when they leave they use their lights and intermittent sirens. Checked my power ball tickets. First time I won on it. Mind you I usually do not buy them with the odds of winning unimaginable. So later today I will go and turn it in for my $4. Net loss $16. Today Lizzy has a follow up visit to get one more vaccination. As well as get her pedicure. Damn those talons are dangerous. Then I have to return some items I borrowed for shower. Not done yet. Going for eye doctor appointment to get yearly exam. Yes. New glasses time. But I have appointments every 6 months to monitor my eye pressure. It is close to be called glaucoma. But just a tad under the limits for treatment with the drops. My mom was monitored for 30 years and never needed treatment. My day continues. Then heading to Lens Crafters to get my new glasses ordered. I picked out my frames last month. And so ready for new ones. Now. With all this running around, I will not have time to slave over a hot stove (😜), so I will just have to order takeout at one of the local watering holes. “ Up a Creek”. Lets just say it’s easier than even asking the DH to plan and cook dinner. And I’m not in the mood for sams club chicken which he would go for. Tonight besides Jeopardy, there is nothing great for me on TV. I did start watching that mini series Archive 81 and it does have my attention. Bizarre, but interesting. Have a safe day.
  15. Welcome to the newest member of our thread Ricky Ricardo. May he have many full years of "Purrs" ahead. Beautiful kitty. Lizzy says (((((((((MEOW)))))))))))
  16. Today we celebrated Christina and Brandon with a Halloween themed baby shower honoring their baby girl to be. The outpouring of friendship and gifts was so special , there was not an empty seat to be had. In addition all the baby gifts sent to their house, they are taking home two full trucks. (Ram and Silverado). Along with 2 dogs. The food and venue was was top notch. So excited for them. Due date December 17. But. If she comes early on December 15 it would be the perfect birthday gift for me.
  17. So after I was done on the computer Lizzy must have figured out she would be in her room as she initially watched us get ready. So what does she do. Yup. Hide. Calling her name did not work. Going to her favorite hiding spots. Nope. So finally I look up. And see the vulture. Now you think she would have learned to not take risks after her flying lesson a few weeks back. And, yes she landed on her paws. So a little bribing with kitty treats and she is safely in her room till we get home.
  18. This is one of our upcoming power packed weekends. To begin with we traveled to Lordstown Ohio (The area know for the old GM plant and now the maker of a battery fueled truck), to visit the annual Halloween event called FEAR FOREST. It is a hayride through the cornfields on a tractor pulled people carrier modified from old school buses. They had other stuff you could do, like the corn walk, (scary) or the Haunted mansion. We arrived when the ticket sales began and it cost $12 per person for the 30 min. scare. We sat up front of about 12 rows on each side and I told the DH he could have the seat closest to the window. I would take the aisle seat. We both had our fair share of monsters screaming from all angles. It was cold, I wore my Parka, gloves, insulated socks. It was done well, Every monster to movie villain was acting at different locations through out the event. From Jason, to clowns, to Jigsaw to cemetery's, to almost being crushed between to locomotive trains. When we left the parking lot was almost full. 4 police cars were directing traffic. And the line to get tickets as well as get on the ride was wrapped around the snaking line, just like those wait lines at Disney. I could not believe the new building had indoor restrooms as well as port a potties. Lol, there was only one room with one toilet each for men, and women. That line was also very very long. I am glad I did not have to make a donation. TODAY We travel to the big city Akron to see Miami of Ohio play Akron University in a football match. We will meet the Daughter there and hook up with the SIL after the game when he is done coaching. SUNDAY The baby shower. Daughter wanted a Halloween themed event, and her colors are black and purple. Mom took care of the rest with throwing some pink in............well more than just some. Pictures will be shared later. Take care.
  19. Regarding SS. I opted to retire at age 62 1/2. By choice. I had enough. My DH is still in the work force, so health insurance was not a problem. However when I was in the work force, business and pay was exceptional, and by opting to pick up extra as well as being mandated when the a crisis occurred really made the pay check great.......at that time. (Yes, 401K, IRA.....) Planned well. So, last year when I went on Medicare A, they looked at my earnings to determine how much I would pay if I selected medicare B. Well, surprise, surprise, surprise.......they would take out almost $600.00 from my Medicare A social security for me to pay for Medicare B. Thank God, I am on my DH plan. Eye opener. I inquired And was told it was based on your income over recent years I at that time did not get the definition of"recent Years'" and forgot to ask. I can only hope when the DH retires I now stay below the SS deduction plan limits since my income shall we say is nominal, but I am sure they will figure out a new way to get more out of me. Like cashing out savings bonds for first time home buyers and college tuition.....boy did we get screwed on that one. Take care
  20. I can access CC. The public sites BUT if I want to post or visit member sites I must log in. if I leave and log off the computer The next time I come back. I can access the basic but once again cannot go to member sites. once I re log in. I can see them. ty
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