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  1. Thank you, This is the type of information I am looking for. Be safe
  2. LOL This year I will be able to partake in those casino machines 3 different X's. Yup, on three upcoming cruises. Of course, the first cruise falls during the Lenten period, and I do not want to let the Bella-ites down. So, I hope with all other sacrifices, maybe just maybe the Casino Gods, will be generous. FYI. I think I will practice on the cruise before our slot pull. Checking and trying out machines and such. Just saying Be safe
  3. LOL, we have called RCI and that was a waste of time. I have done that, as well as my TA on different days to different reps. We have gotten anywhere from: "I did not know we provided transportation to port" "Look under excursions for information" "There are 3 times, but they could change" "We can book you, but you have to get to the podium to reserve your time.....so I asked where is the podium, and I got "In the airport, at one of the terminals",.......I go which one? she goes, "check at the airport" "Let me transfer you"..........now on hold for 30ish min. after which I hung up. So in essence I am looking for someone who has first hand experience in using this service. Take care
  4. Before we board, we send back to the concierge the days we would like to eat in CK, excluding whatever days we have specialty dining. We include our time. When we board and have some down time we go to CK and ask to see the dinner menus for the week. Their are 2 we are not really fond of. Sometimes the App has the meal days jumbled. Once we determine which days they are then decide if we will go to MDR, or WJ. WJ being a last choice. One of my favorite meals is the turkey dinner in the MDR. As far as breakfast, we usually eat in CK about 3 mornings. And then go to JR or WJ, and occasionally have room service. Which usually happens on Coco Cay or Labadee, where ever the private island stop is. Enjoy Be safe
  5. Good morning Woke upto a dusting of snow on the ground and a brisk 29F. We are anticipating another warm up in the 40's and wet rainy weather over the next few days. On another note. I am so glad I was able to retire. Now being busier than ever, I do not know how I got anything done when I worked. It is our Lenten Season. Now being of that age that fasting is not required--I still try to eat by the guidelines. No meat on Fridays, and only 2 meals a day (depending which recommendation you follow). In addition, we try to start a new way of living, by changing your life style for a healthier start to a new way of life. Some give up alcohol, chocolate, smoking, ............. I really do not drink that much, and I can avoid chocolate, and I do not smoke. But for me, I try to do something for me as well as make someone else happy. In the past I have paid for school meals for children. I have surprised those I know with lunches, beauty shop, pedicure place, friends. The hardest one I ever did was give "up" elevators for lent. I did the stairs. Then at work I was put on the Obstetrical assignment to do epidurals on women in Labor. And although it was only a few floors up, I think everyone in the city had their baby that day. up and down, up and down, up and down. I set the record for most epidurals in one week. The first day I was winded, and my legs hurt. But I persevered. This year is no different. Increasing my walking, delivering homemade lunches. Last night I worked the take out room at our church fish dinner. I was present for prep from 8-10:30am Then returned at 2pm And was on the "line" as the bread girl, placing bread and butter in carry out containers. Was done at 6pm When I got home, Lizzy the cat was my best friend. I smelled like fish (Cod to be exact) Everything is consistently made, nothing goes under warmers, it goes from fryer or oven, to carry out containers as people wait for the fresh fish to go. I stopped working the sit down hall, because of too many volunteers tripping over one another. It never felt so good to shower, and then put my feet up. I was tired. Today hitting a sale at the mall, then mass tonight and out to dinner with friends. Itailen tonight. I think I am in the mood for Chicken Francois. Be safe
  6. Rare 13.8k October 7, 2007 O-H-I-O #1 Posted Thursday at 07:20 AM Looking for input on this service. RCI busing to Galveston port from Bush Airport. Especially where do they meet at the airport? What time are the buses leaving the airport to go to port? What was your experience? Where do they drop you off at port? Thanks I posted this at the Galveston Port site. Hoping someone here has insight on RCI Thank You
  7. She was in figure roller skating as a single. Some compete in pairs. It is similar to ice skating where you do jumps, spins and athleticism on wheels. All the jumps are like singles and doubles. Skates are precision made and at that time cost around $500. And they grow fast, so it was an investment. You have to have it choreographed and skating costumes made with tons of "bling". Competition is held all over the United States. It is very big in Ohio, and she trained 3-4 times a week. It all started when she went to a birthday party when she was 7 at a rink and wanted to keep doing it. At first we were skeptical, but she had the time of her life. She won many medals and trophies. Then when she grew older Volleyball was her love. Looking back, she learned etiquette, manners, patience and perseverance. When she lost, she tried harder. She actually looks back and admits it was for her one of the best ways to release pent up energy have fun and be with the club girls. I know I write too much Take care
  8. Andrew, I feel for Owen, having to play on a team that has in it concerns we as parents cannot fix, and eventually the frustration will go away as time moves on and bigger and better things happen. When Christina was a Sophomore in high school she went to a private school, where the more $$$ you were known for, the better life was for you in extra-curricular activities. So when the semi final listing for Varsity volleyball came out, and all it meant is you had one more practice to be either Varsity or junior varsity. Christina was listed as captain of Junior Varsity, and the "girls" who were varsity on the sheet, last names could have been a directory for doctors lawyers and other high donors to the school. And some of them had a little clue of what to do, where Christina played club for 4 years. We share our wealth as we can, but they did not consider a respiratory therapist or nurse anesthetist in those ranks. So the final determining factor to decide school teams was a scrimmage at Howland High School. Christina was put as a middle. She blocked Nia Grant who at that time was a senior, and eventually a phenomenal starter and player on the Penn State Volley ball team. She not only blocked her one time, but when all was said and done, 3 times. After the game which our school lost, their coach came up to our coach and said not many people can block Nia once let alone three times.That girl (Christina) for being so short (5'4") has a jump. And a good player, I wish we had her. (She used to roller skate competitively with 10 pounds of skates on each foot) And yes she can jump. When the final team list came out for varsity Christina was on it. She was captain as a senior. And had three school records for hits, blocks and digs. (Yup 5"4") She made first team all North Ohio. Like Owen, they will succeed, but her battles were with players who their name was what determined your playing. Owen has to put up with his team mates for what-ever reason, and sometimes that is so much harder. I pray it gets better for him. Wow Glad that is off my chest.
  9. So we are in the process of getting rid of the old deck. (30 years old) and going with a concrete patio, a driveway to man cave. A concrete area next to garage for if we ever get a motor home, landscaping in back, and new landscaping in front. Oh what the heck let’s extend the roof over new patio. So we contacted a landscaping business this winter and we were put first on his list to be done after snowplowing is done. Well minimal snow this winter. So they started last week. Then the rains came. Hoping all is done by April. I could only find old pics of deck. Partial view old deck. Base for new patio. Mud galore. Hope for a dry period.
  10. So my mom passed away almost 15 years ago. She was able to live with us for about 10 years. We made her room a guest room/storage area since we have 2 guest rooms and the other one is used first. I just usually dusted off the room. Washed the linens from time to time. Today was the day to rut up. Rotate mattress and give the room the old college clean up. Well found between the mattress near the center of the bed. some containers full of her valuables. I think I hit the jackpot. So i transferred the coins/paper money into 4 cool whip containers and just got back from putting them in our safety deposit box. I do not have time to go through them. I thought these were cute. Some paper money. I also found some old political pins. And tons of flat jewelry cases. just starting to open. I am sure some things are of value.
  11. Looking for input on this service. Especially where do they meet at the airport? What time are the buses leaving the airport to go to port? What was your experience? Where do they drop you off at port? Thanks
  12. So it was an interesting day and it is soon to be over. It started at 7am when Pretty Kitty decided it was time to bring me her trophies to bed. She blessed me with one pipe cleaner, one ball, and one container of fish food, from outside the down stairs aquarium, it was intact. So I got up and got dressed and went to 8:30 mass, only it was not a mass, but a prayer service, received my ashes (yes Catholic, sigh of beginning of fasting for lent). When I left the church it was a combination of rain and freezing rain, and my umbrella would not stay up on the pole, it was at have mast. From their right on the corner is a drop box for gently warn clothes, so I dropped off one bag. Off to Giant Eagle to get salad stuff and gift cards. Only they were out of the gift cards I needed. Bummer. So onward to the dry cleaners, to drop off pants that I just hate ironing. So what the heck for every 3 you drop off on Wednesdays one of them is free, so I dropped off 6 pairs for the cruise. While there the attendant goes do you need a tissue, here I thought I had a bat in the cave, she goes no you have dirt on your forehead.....I go I am Catholic and it is a sign that Lent is starting. She just looked at me. Then to the other side of town near Girard I dropped off our taxes. And the Bank we use is near by, so I did my banking, that you can only do in person. (Since I was there got cash for the trip and for the house sitter when we are gone). Now on my way home, all the trees are beautiful, glazed with ice, yes I drove home on icy roads. Once home, did some wash and realized, I did not have anything to eat for Ash Wednesday,so, darn, had to plan where to go out. So we went to a chain restaurant in our area O'Charlys and we both had fish choices. I had a glass of wine, thought I would practice for the upcoming cruise. Now it is time to find the cat and lay ME down to sleep. Take care Mama Lions
  13. I cannot believe how fast they grow up. To think she was just a babes in arms a little bit ago. And now she has double her weight. I need time to slow down. Latest picture. Lizzy. Oh. Also granddaughter Zoey is 2 months old. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen her (3 days). Miss her so much. Later.
  14. We have experienced modifications in services from RCI, Disney and resort vacations ever since COVID changed some of the ways things were done. And for us it is probably the way of the future in some instances. Now this is what we have personally experienced. Yes, RCI over the years has made cutbacks. Our first cruise out of COVID on Symphony, we did not get those logo ink pens, but were provided with free face masks and hand sanitizer. It did not impact us. Just noted. Also, how they separated seating at some tables and how masks were mandated in some areas. And some events were for vaccinated guest only and you were given a wrist band to display that. When we went to Disney, we were upgraded to the main building at the Grand Floridian, to the "Private" floor that you have to use two elevators to access. This is where they provide service for celebrities so they can be left alone. I guess we were celebrities. If we wanted to have new towels or bed linens we left them out side our door in bags and we found them neatly folded on the desk in the room. We made our own bed. In Gatlinburg we stayed at the tree top resorts for a week. If we wanted fresh linen, towels we drove our car to the service building and an attendant counted our linen and gave us clean replacements. Now mind you, yea it is frustrating when you pay for a vacation and cutbacks occur, but, we love to travel and will plan what and where we want accordingly and still try to make the most of it. Just wondering what will happen next. Take care
  15. A few years back we were hacked on all our accounts credit, debit and savings that we kept at our one local bank. Separate accounts at another bank we untouched. It all started innocently, by me. We were shopping at Dillards at our eastwood mall, and I when it came time to pay I opened up my account and saw I had more than enough in checking, so I used the debit card. The next morning as always the DH checks our accounts on line but does not say anything to me until later. There was a transaction of $.02 removed from savings. He thought it was a fluke. The next day (((((BAM)))))))))) All our savings accounts as well as debit were listed at less than $5. He was the one who found the loss. So the bank opened at 8:30am. He called at 8:31am and they told him to immediately come in. He did. They were able to close what was left of our livelyhood. They said we both must come in at 4:00pm to file for new accounts, credit cards and fill out forms, and bring any records, check book with you. So 4pm We go into the bank and are escorted to a private room. The local Bank president took a history and asked if we did any unusual activity with our credit or debit cards. I go not really. He goes what do you mean. I go well, 2 days ago I was at Dillards and before I paid my bill I checked my checking account. He goes, how did you check. I go, well, I just brought it up. He goes how. I go the mall has free WiFi DING DING DING He proceeds to tell me, the only thing free WiFi is good for is the weather channel. So now the process begins. He goes, all your accounts are federally insured, and your credit card has protection, but before we can replace your assets we must go through a process. To start after we listed what checks we wrote and were still pending, those would go through on the old account. Anything that we do not list would not. Then they closed it. The credit card did not have any hacked charges on it, so it was just cancelled. The Bank account was closed. Then we got a sermon about using free WiFi, and did I not know better??? Finally we had to fill out the traditional forms to get credit cards, debit, open new savings account and they provided free checks. I go please do not issue the checks starting at number -1- I go, no one will accept them at that beginning number and besides on our last checking account we were over number 14,000. The president said OK (YUP, they came in at #100). Then we had to change all our passwords, and I was sad about that, because they were my favorites, now I had to really come up with some doozies. So after all was said and done and now it is well after time to cook dinner (so carry out night) and I thought we would be on our Merry way. NOPE. The president goes, one last form. This is a disclosure form, that we dealt with the loss of funds, and our insurance will replace everything to your accounts within 3 business days, you will receive new credit and debit cards. And finally. When you sign this you will not have access or receive any information on the followup to recover funds. Thus for you this process ends. You will not be notified of who hacked your accounts. And in the future you will only use the ***** Bank App to access it. Everything returned to normal like he said in 3 business days. EXCEPT I forgot one check to list that we did write well before this happened. So, now we are at church a few weeks later, and after mass, father asks us to meet with him. So we go to the office and on his desk is our check for our commitment to the capital fund, with a bank slip that said "Inadequate funds" He sincerely asked us if we hit on hard times, and wanted to know if the church could help. Now, after moments of explanation, he had heard stories of people being hacked at the mall, but it is usually by some type of system that can obtain your credit card information through your wallet or purse. (This was new to me at that time). He then gave ME the sermon of free WiFi and not using it. The bank and priest must stick together. Oh we wrote him a new check, gotta keep the powers that be happy. Now thinking back I could have put the blame on my spouse and let him think what he did, but good wifey, I owned up to it. Best of luck with resolution. It really taught us a lesson. Were not in Kansas anymore (Nothing bad intended Sea Dog). Be safe Mama Lions
  16. And know 2 quick comments on going to concerts. 1. Jackson Brown played at Kent State University as the first concert in the new gym after the Kent State shootings in 1970. His concert was around 1978. There were long lines to get into the gym, you had to pass security, where they inspected all, girls to one side boys to other. It was a very lets say thorough "Pat Down" and I soon realized why I was separated from my date. 🙄 Lets just say, it patted down all bodily areas from stem to stern and then some. Now as the concert progressed and the song "Running on Empty" started, my then date pulled out a joint, now mind you after the pat down I had and now wondering how he got that joint into the concert and was thought provoking, and I did not partake. God only knows where it had visited. Being a nurse I was never ever going to put my license on the line, and never in my life tried any illegal substance. After that concert, a few weeks down the road, we kinda went separate ways. 2. I was a groupie to one person, and that was Harry Chapin. I was able to see him in concerts In Akron, Cleveland. He even came to our hometown Stambaugh Auditorium 3 hours late because of a snow storm and he played well into the night. After that I went on vacation to Denver Colorado and saw him in concert. He commented on how he never missed a concert may have been late but "even in snowstorms" he eventually showed. I shouted out "Youngstown" He goes "Who said that" I stood up, and waved. Next thing you know security escorted me on stage, and he shook my hand, gave me a guitar pick and sang a song as I watch on. It was a moment I will never forget. I miss his gift of music May he RIP Take care Sue
  17. Lenny Just had time to catch up on the thread. My condolences on the loss of your friend. All my love in thoughts and prayers. Sue
  18. As Sue and Mark have shared, it is so unfortunate what the citizens of East Palestine are going through. Yesterday one of the most powerful local attorneys (D. Betras) offered a free open question forum for all citizens who were impacted by this disaster (No strings attached, but, a tactful way to advertise). He is a very gifted attorney and has represented some very media attention getting cases in our area. I personally met him on a number of occasions (In my first life, used to date his brother...shhhhhh) But all that aside, the citizens of this area are still questioning their safety. So many questions and so few answers by the powers that be. The national news just provides a brief summation of the hardship that is happening. The local news really spends time with more information. But, then again, the news tells you selective information....... and then .how much is not shared. One thing that came out of attorney Betras meeting was, and I will paraphrase...... "I would be concerned if I lived in a 30 mile radius of East Palestine" Well, our little home town is a mere 35 miles from East Palestine. Just praying for safety for all. Take care
  19. Definitely was a concern for me until I realized what was going on. I had severely swollen ankles so bad once that by day 3 of the cruise I could only wear my sandals. Now, I hydrate with Water. Walk the trak Be very very selective in what I attempt to eat. Yes I will have pizza, but the rest of the day will eat low carb, low salt, rabbit kinda food. (My doctor put it best, if it grows above the ground, is normal portions, will be best). Of course he also gave me a prescription for a diuretic if needed. I showed him a picture of my feet, and he says the pill will help by doing its job, you have to do your part and eat properly. Last 2 cruises, had to take the water pill 3 out of 8 days, other days I did great. Be safe
  20. I do not know if anyone else noticed this but we must be in a dry spell for some RCI LIVE THREADS. Now there have been a few, but not many lately. If it were not for Ozark and Brillo, whose thread I totally enjoyed, I do not know what I would have done. Also, Ocean Boy kept me going with his sharing of post and dialogue of his recent adventure. I really need something to tie me over till the March cruise. But, I am sure something fun will be happening soon. Take care
  21. Sue and Lisa. Happy birthday. What a great day to be born on. Hope you both have a fun, safe enjoyable day. Best wishes for many many more celebrations in your future. Take care
  22. Ever since my DH has been taking his CoQ10, his lab values drastically reduced and he has no limitations. I had to have the shuffle of pills due to arm weakness and finally no more difficulty with arm strength. Ozark kid, hope it gets bettter. Blindone.........thanks for sharing
  23. @Ocean Boy Glad to hear you are on the mend, and Jade who is not only a beautiful cat, but so snuggly by being by your side. Now, this talk about sailing out of Galveston really has my attention. Having spent some quality time in the Casino during 2022 on our cruises, and having received an invitation to get a "free" cruise from their point system, we took them up on their offer and since the Allure is our favorite ship, we said what the Hades, lets book her out of Galveston. So after him-hawing around for days and nagging the DH, sad face, and telling how hard he works and he really needs a break. (His response is we already have 2 cruises booked), but I go, its free??? So after a few days of thought provoking on his part, and ( sadder face on my part) off to the TA to book the cruise. Now, the cabin selection was quite vast since it was so early in booking process (Oct. 2022) our choices were kinda nice. But, those sadder eyes of mine won him over and yup, we upgraded to our favorite deck 17. But since then the prices on cabins have really soared. Flights from Cleveland via a non-stop went to G. Bush airport. We fly in a day early and got a hotel near this airport. We are going back to airport to use RCI transportation the day of cruise. We have not read too much about this RCI busing, but hope it is not to painful. So, in the event I do a live thread, I will delve some time to this transfer business. But for now, focusing on the Bella cruise. The countdown has been on. Today, air out the suitcases. Kinda pick clothes, but you know how it goes, always room for more shopping. Some thoughts on the Super bowl. Went to a house party with 5 other couples. We took a pasta salad and a banana/nut bundt cake with cream cheese frosting, all home made. We had sliders, pizza, wings, munchies, old fashioned lawsons chip dip. And some drinks. The drinks of choice were white wine and lemon martinis. I am not a favorite of either. So I was cool with water. The DH said the Martinis were good. The women stayed in the kitchen perched around the island, doing what women do, and talked and the boys settled around the TV. I was able to snag a chair in the mens domain 20 seconds before the half time show. Well, talk about disappointment. Yes, she is a very talented singer, but the show did nothing for me. Back to the kitchen. What I took from the Superbowl. Not much. I did not see one commercial. And we were home to see the last 5 min of the game, in which we enjoyed. Other exciting news. Do you know how hard it is to get in to see a new dentist??? Our dentist retired in 2022 We knew we had to find another, but when you feel good, the last thing on your mind is finding a dentist especially since you were traumatized as child and gave them up. ((((((((BAM)))))))))) Tooth pain. Dang it, cruise coming up in 4 weeks. So at our church we found out one of our fellow parishioners has a practice in Brookfield Ohio, which is on the way to Mark and Susan's neck of the woods (@H20Skibums) and I have the honor of going to the dentist this Thursday. (😔). Better now then having trouble on the cruise. So, major anticipation, till then. Ok, off to start getting some organizing done. Take care catch you later. Mama Lions. aka, boo boo tooth.
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