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Everything posted by Lionesss

  1. Just got done catching up on the thread. Favorite TV show. I must be in the minority. The original DARK SHADOWS. I used to hurry home from school and watch it in the afternoon. Take care
  2. Final chapter: 2006 GTO FOB replacement update. First and foremost I think it is amazing how sometimes the most easiest solution evades me. Now, the cost was anticipated. Who would have thought to just call a locksmith to get a replacement FOB? Not me, but the car repair shop did. So 2 FOB's were easily acquired. The hard part was re-programing them to work on my car. Yes, he had the FOB's But did not have the system to program them So, he consulted another repair shop (my request was first time getting new ones). And after taking the new ones apart, borrowing some techno whatchamacallics from the first ones, he had success. Now, you may wonder why he did not send us with car to locksmith?? Well I guess some of those business have the ability to reporgram. Our hick town USA does not. We would have had to travel to get the job down. Happy today. Now next week will be the second edition of taking the 1966 GTO back to work on the lights and wind shield wipers. New motors are in for these features, but now that we are dwindling into fall, so few car shows and cruise inns happening, and that GTO will be going away for a long awaited beauty treatment. I can only hope that this change in the parts of the car, makes it work. Take care
  3. First and most importantly. Continued prayers for all those affected by Ian. All my thoughts are for your safety.
  4. Maureen McGovern a local artist who had a one song hit: "...There's got to be a morning after..................................................... for the Poseidon movie. Grew up a mere 4 miles from my childhood home and she went to "the other" school (Boardman) just a few miles south of where I went to High School. When I hear that song it reminds me of the day after Hurricane Charlie August the 14th. Post Hurricane. The morning after After a restless night of sleep, even with the weather calming down, we woke up to over cast skies and intermittent light rain. We turned on the local news, and we were informed that Orlando international airport did suffer damage and would be closed for 3 days. So I took a shower at 7am, did my hair and make-up and told the spouse I am going down to check in and having them extend our stay 3 days. Upon arrival (about 7:45am) I waited just a few moments in line. When I made my request, I was informed that the Wilderness Lodge is completely sold out! I was shocked and the disbelief must have showed on my face. Not wanting to burn any bridges I remember exactly saying................. "If the airport is closed, and no one can get in, how are you booked out......" Once she made her response it made sense. She goes................."the locals who have no power, book the resorts to have a safe comfortable place to stay....." Ok, now plan B We were not supposed to leave till the next day, but we wanted to get home. I go back to the room and told the spouse. So he gets on the phone and is on hold with the airlines to get us a flight home out of Tampa, Miami, or where-ever. After 45 min. he was disconnected. Now I am frustrated. Do I have to camp out in the lobby???? So he called again, and got thru and was told there was a flight leaving Tampa with a layover in Atlanta at 6pm. It is yours if you can get to the airport. So I called the rental car place in Disney and got the last rental car. Threw everything in the suitcase and the van picked us up and off to rental car. It was a small compact car, and 3 large suitcases, 3 carryons, and two adults one child squeezed in it. On the road, traffic was very congested, but slowly moving. On the way to Tampa, I was impressed people were actually cordial and letting people in lanes to get to their exits. We saw many homes demolished, and many support teams. Halfway to Tampa, my favorite words "...................I have to P" So we see a rest stop, it was crowded, but found a parking spot. No line to the women's restroom. Why you may ask??? No water, line was disrupted and they could not open, doors were locked. Thank God I only had to P. So back to the car got a towel out of suitcase and as others were seen doing creeped back into the woods my DH held up the towel and I watered a plant. The DD said...................."no way" I said we have no idea when we will find anything else...................reluctantly problem solved. So onward to Tampa. We crawled for 5 hours, I really do not know what the normal time would be. No water, no food.............. About 3pm we knew we would not make the flight. So I get on the phone and all lines are busy to the airlines, they are not even putting you on hold. So I had my vacation packet and in it the phone Number for Eastern airlines in Pittsburgh was listed. I dialed and called Pittsburgh and a breathing person picked up. I told her we had a flight at 6 pm out of Tampa, but are stuck in traffic, we will not make it. I needed her help to get us home. She goes we just put on an additional flight non-stop to Pittsburgh 7 seats left, we took 3 of them leaving at 8pm. At 5:30 we arrived at Tampa, DH dropped us off and turned in rental car. When we arrived we had a little dilemma at TSA. Our travels plans were questioned because we had been listed as having one flight and changing it on the same day just hours apart. We told them our story and we got the "look". Too make matters worse, well you know I am a nurse by trade, and work in a bad section of town so of course when I threw everything in the carryon I had a can of mace and surgical scissors. Um they were big. So it went something like this: TSA: So now I am pulled aside and asked is this your suitcase. Me: Yes. (very hot, dehydrated, thirsty, hungry, tired...................) TSA: Can you open it. Me: yes TSA: What are these? Me: Mace and surgical scissors TSA: Where you aware this are on the banned item list? Me: Yes, but I packed in a hurry leaving the Hurricane zone and just want to get home TSA: Well your not going anywhere with these. Me: So as the Buffalo tears started to form in my eyes. He continues TSA: Well we have 2 choices here. a. You can keep them, be arrested or b. See that bin behind you, dispose of the items and proceed, like nothing happened. Me: No brainer, pitched those babies faster than a speeding bullet (guess I should not say bullet). So now problem solved right? Wrong Because I admitted to having banned items and even though I disposed of them, I had to go in addition to the body scan, a pat down. So now I am taken to a private room, and two female TSA agents did a pat down ( I did not have to remove any clothes). When it was done we as a family went on our merry way to Burger King in the Airport. After ordering the super duper large whopper meal, before any of us ate or drank the pop, we were all at the soda machine and each of us drank 3 large glasses of water, we were so dry. Then we ate our meal. Now, if you have every been in Tampa airport, the air conditioner really works, it was cold. The daughter was actually turning blue. So we go to the gift shop and at that time she work a teens size 4. Only adult shirts an long sleeve sweat shirts. Got her a small, it was big, she was happy. So now on the screen the original flight we would not have made, was delayed because the remnants of the storm was over Atlanta and that flight was delayed. At 7:25 we started boarding on our flight and said a prayer when we were seated. Then over the intercom in the plane comes a announcement Them: Will the LIONS family please raise their hands. ME: I look at the spouse and say no ****ing way. ME: he goes they will find us. He raises his hand Them: They go can we see your tickets. Us: We showed them Them: They go you are booked on two flights Us: We go, no, we are booked on this flight, the other one we cancelled. After what seemed an eternity and now I am so overwhelmed and the tears start to break thru, they go Them: Have a safe flight. So the plane ride home, was technically uneventful and it was an experience that made realize how fortunate we were that everything turned out OK. We actually left before that other flight and it was delayed for hours, we saw it on the board when we landed. We always buy insurance for all our vacations: We were reimbursed for: Lost day at Wilderness lodge park tickets estimated food cost hardship. We were not reimbursed for the rental car, because travel insurance would have paid three more days at the Wilderness lodge, had there been a room, so the rental car was our decision. And Once again, I wish for the safest best Outcome for those in the storms path. Look and hope and pray for the best possible outcome All my love and prayers are with you.
  5. My Prayers and concern goes out to all the people living in Florida who have to be safe from the soon to be arriving Hurricane that is impacting where they live. Now mind you we do not live in Florida but we did experience Hurricane Charlie on that August Friday the 13th. We were at Disney at the Wilderness Lodge in one of the suites that face either Bay Lake or Seven Seas,(cannot remember which is which on those lakes). Water is water to me. Our daughter was in the cubs den. And my DH and me were first in line at Artist Point to be seated to celebrate our anniversary dinner. When what to my surprise all of a sudden the National guard arrived and with them were guest from the campgrounds. The immediately closed the line no more seating. My DH went to get our daughter and he quickly returned. I spoke with the manager, and said I understand for safety you must close, but do you have something that I can give to my daughter to eat. My husband and I will be ok. He goes ......................go quickly to the buffet Be quick and gave us 6 carry out containers and 3 sets of silverware. We separated I got the salad and rolls in one container and a ton of pasta and meatballs in another as well as containers of milk in my purse. My husband got the potatoes, crab and shrimp as well as rolls and butter Out DD asked what she should get..............I go get chicken and meat God love her ..............she got 6 prime filets and 4 large chicken breast. We were told to immediately go to our rooms. On the way out the bar was ready to close and my DH asked me if I wanted anything........... Not taking any time to think I got a double rum, with coke. I wanted to not show fear to the DD, and calm my nerves. When we got back to our room there was an emergency pack outside our door. First aid kit and a flash light. We split the food and shared it with the room next to us, and they were very greatful. Of course they had to eat with their fingers, we only got silver ware for us. The next thing you know the National guard was pounding at our door. Bring all your prescription drugs and emergency kit--nothing else we are evacuating you to the tunnels at Magic Kingdom the storm is headed our way...MOVE MOVE we have not time. DD grabbed her stuffed animal and I got our meds. So as we raced up the hallways, his walky talkie went off, and he was told find a safe location, no time to transport. We ended up in a stairwell on the lowest floor with a couple other families. We opened the emergency door and witnessed the side ways rain. It was an experience. I cannot remember how long we were in that stairwell, but the sound, yes one I will never forget. Be safe all Floridians!!!!!!
  6. Prayers for rest and pain control. Praying for a safe journey. Take care
  7. Thought I would share this for those who have posted pain management treatments. Update on pain management services for those on some Medicare plans If you are on Medicare and are a pain management patient for nerve blocks the powers that be have modified the interval in which you can receive services. They are Pain management office visit, every 13 weeks and no more than 4 injections a year.. My best friend who receives injections just went for her appointment and they informed her. So considered your options and read the finest print. I do not know the current rules for private insurance, I am old. Take care
  8. I may have dodged a storm and bullet at the same time. We have our computer in our upstairs office. We both share, but have our own separate log-ins. Unfortunately for the other half (spouse). He cannot log into CC with out booting me off and then it will not delete the password for attempts on end. His password comes up and CC says information wrong. So the kind hearted great wonderful man he is, says and I quote "......I will let you have CC, I'm to busy right now to go on it......." Joint commission must be coming to the hospital. Be safe
  9. When you investigate the whole house for hours on end, it’s best to take a cat nap. Well. Recharging for last 2 hours.
  10. Well it has finally happened. I must now take the time to share with you some upsetting changes that only affects me. I realized a long time ago that one day it would happen. Everyday that passed was a new fresh day. But that has now changed. I have been reflecting upon the recent news and have taken the time to think about the impact it has. Today, as I was making lunch it occurred. I could not believe it. When the spouse told me about it. I was shocked. But tried to hide my disbelief. He meant well. But I know he does not realize the modifications I must make. Okay. Guys my spouse rejoined Cruise Critic! What does it mean? No more spouse stories. No more spouse bashing. Only stories about how he is the most talented, mechanically, and Jack of all trades husband a great wife could only ask for. This has clipped my wings. So when we meet you can share how much I praise his hidden talents. After 31 years of marriage I am thankful for him everyday. I am so glad he asked me to spend his life with me. Anyone who can tolerate my moodiness and at times obsessive behavior deserves more than medals. He earned his spot in my heart long time ago. PS. I will bash more the week Joint Commission does an on site visit. He will be to busy to visit CC. Take care. Be safe.
  11. To all my Friends who celebrate Blessed and safe Rosh Hashanah ESPECIALLY DANI @A&L_Ont Andrew, I am sure it was a tad disappointing that Owen did not make the team, but at least he has his family and friends to encourage him as he takes on more endeavors. You are blessed with an awesome child, (health, academic achievement, and sports) and the parental upbringing has everything to do with that. I have always looked forward to your updates not only on Owen, but your mom, family, and of course Miss Lucy ((((((((((MEOW)))))))))). It is going to be a great cruise come March when we finally get to put real, walking, talking, breathing people to CC thread people. And Finally Today is the big day. Miss Lizzy gets full reign of the house (except the basement utility side) (I told the DH it is time to tidy up his work area...............................not), but she can have the downstairs family room. I was afraid to let her go up and down the staircase, with all the open areas between the railings. So far she has been a VULTURE staring over the balcony...................and of course doing ZOOMIES up and down those stairs. She ran into a wall once and purred to talk about it. Today became an indoor working day. Expected to rain most of the day. But, we also have many football games to watch on Direct TV sports package. Keeps the DH happy To all Be safe Take care
  12. That place is awesome When we did our Alaskan cruise on the Explorer a few years back, one of our fellow thread members volunteers there. He sent us 4 free tickets to go. Now we only used 2 and gave 2 away. It is an awesome experience. The moon landing recreation was there when we went. I also Highly recommend. Take care
  13. Last night we got a call from the shop that works on our old cars. And some GREAT NEWS or The beginning of a new saga The FOB's for my car were located and had been ordered and had arrived. My car is due to get them programmed next Thursday. (Due to my schedule I can only get there that day). Oh it gets better They were able to find the problem with my DH car (remember; lights on---lights off, windshield wipers on------------windshield wipers off) Not aliens. But some type of engine mini motor that only worked part time They found the 1966 parts So his car will be going back, but we could not go on the same day due to his schedule. So we will be driving back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and finally back and forth. Hopefully 4 round trips will cover it. Yes, he will follow me to take my car He will bring me home He will take me back to get my car (I am not sitting there when I could be doing something) and bring me home Then a few days later I will follow him to take his car and bring him home, and Then I will take him back to get his car And For any reason it once again (Awe you know it) does not work, I will decide if I will bring him home. Husband that is. Take care
  14. In the last couple months I have gotten in the habit of using waze to travel in my car whether near or far. Today as I got in my car to come home my screen showed this picture. I think it is a message from the powers that be. Oh. My spouse texted as I was trying to navigate my journey. In other words I need a cruise.
  15. @h20skibum Happy birthday to the Grandson. I am sure his day was awesome. Like you posted it got cold quick. Just got down running around the house spraying all the vents with lysol, just in case the furnace kicks on tonight. We just turned our air off this morning. Stay safe and warm.
  16. Love it, but my DH would not. On a side note when I was pregnant I was one of those mom to be that had cravings---------------- Heath Blizzards to be exact. And after many visits my DH was on a first name basis with all the workers. In fact once during this time he went there and when they saw his truck pull in the lot they just started making his order and it was almost ready when he got to the window. He was not happy. After that, he would not make any more visits. I was cool with that. So I said fair game is fair game. I just did not make supper anymore. Well, take a mans prepared delicious meals away and the Blizzard deliveries resumed. Um, I was pregnant from March to December. He was safe as he would put it for the summer the DQ is only 1 1/4 miles from our house. But once fall came he had to drive to the next city a mere 7 miles to get me to my happy place, and him to his happy plate. It all balances out. Take care
  17. Just a few updates. Our weather radar is showing storms between 6-10. I hope there wrong. Now some pictures of Lizzy When she is done eating she takes one pellet of food in her paw and plays with it till it goes under the pantry door. I threw away 11 today. Now to resolve this behavior. Sue. 1 Lizzy. 0. Be safe.
  18. So yesterday I had my yearly physical. A few bumps in the road, but over all my progress is doing quite well. Our doctor is very pro-active, and listens when you talk. We are new to his practice since our previous doctor retired after 35+ years of practice And this was our second time seeing him. My 15 min. block turned into one hour due to my questions and a minor adjustment in meds. To begin with he is very cost conscious. And I am due for routine maintenance...... blood work, colonoscopy, mammogram, old ladies bone scan. Some this year and the biggies next year. He said to just schedule everything early January, but no later than February and this way you will meet your deductible for next year, since this year is coming to a close. I am impressed----- his father and brother are also doctors, and his dad is soon to retire. Being in the health care system, (spouse) still is, you can evaluate the performance and decide who you want to manage your care. We hope to grow old with him. I am one of those people with what they call "white coat syndrome" When I first get to the office and they check my BP it has been known to attract much attention. Well yesterday I did not disappoint them. It was 178/94. Yup, I was not going anywhere. When my appointment was coming to a finish a re-check was performed of my BP How does 134/84 sound. Now he too is a believer. The BP was just my of showing him how thrilled I was to be there. But I do trak my BP's at home Ok have a safe day Big bad storms are predicted to be headed our way, and power is already out in parts of Trumbull county.........................cannot figure that one out, it must be a dry run for the storms later, it has just been a light rain so far.
  19. We stayed at the Embassy Suites in Fll two times recently in May and August. In May we were on the upper floor (I think it was 14 or 15). The suites were clean, but the bathroom was old. Clean but old. In August we were on the second floor. Room very clean, updated bathroom. Well kinda. The new toilet would have been perfect for a toddler. It was like a new way of sitting to make a deposit. It had to be at least 6 inches lower than the standard height of a toilet. The first time that I lowered the back side down, I thought someone pulled the chair out from under me. I kept going down, and (((((((((THUD)))))))))) Found the throne. It was a new way to sit, to shall we ,------------do it. Take care
  20. Happy anniversary, Thanks for sharing your travels. Brings back great memories. Be safe.
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