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Everything posted by Lionesss

  1. Great pictures and love your account of all your adventures. The pool. Is that the only pool? And your pictures of all the loungers, they are close. Is there anywhere you have more space when sun worshiping? The food. Looks awesome. Take care Eagerly following.
  2. Good point I will never use a coffee maker in a cabin and/or any short term get away. I can only shudder at what could be put in one............ So ONE. IF BY LAND -----vacation we take our own electric pot. pack in carrier and easily stow away. TWO. IF BY SEA ---the DH takes a disposable cup carrier, that holds 4 cups--(TY McDonalds) goes to the coffee place of the day, promenade, WJ, starbucks, Suite lounge. Be safe
  3. Best post of the year, so far......... Had to put my full cup of coffee down, did not want to wear it. Take care
  4. Now for the first time in too many years we are going to a home super bowl party. Now, it is not for lack of friends. But when you get up at 04:30 am on a Monday post superbowl, and have to work in a hospital, no amount of coffee will prepare you for the task at hand. Then finally I retired and the spouse said we can go till beginning of 4th quarter. YES!!!!!! Then COVID. Quarantine and social distancing. So this year, yes.......................only the Dolphins aren't playing (No kidding, I could have told someone that in September). Anyway, it should be a socially good evening. I will root for.................................oh, who is playing? Ok, I will root root root for the hometeam. Arizona Cardinals right? Just kidding, who ever I pick in sports loses anyway, so mums the word (remember Dolphins). Take care
  5. When we cruise I make a good attempt to avoid the desserts. My weakness is the carrot cake and plain old vanilla ice cream with chocolate topping. I usually can stay away from all other treats. Most attempts to minimize the treats go out to sea by the third day. That's is when you see me on the walking track after breakfast. However, they do look tempting. My major claim to fame in making a disaster out of eating properly is traditional Lays potato chips. Now, that I am hearing they are removing the snack size packages from the ship, I should be safe. I hope. Be safe
  6. @A&L_Ont Beautiful gift in honor of Lisa's birthday. @dani negreanu Prayers for calmness on the this situation. Prayers that you can rest. Be safe
  7. A news reporter I am not but wanted to let you know what is still going on in our neck of the woods. Namely: The train derailment an estimated 30 miles south of where we live in a town of East Palestine, on the Ohio-Pennsylvania border. The company contracted out to have a controlled burn of the toxic chemicals in 5 box cars 2 days ago, and "they" said it worked. It burned for hours. That evening our county went under a safety advisory for respiratory concern, because the winds changed in our direction. So we got out our N95 masks and the DH was going to wear it to work the next morning, because the hospital is roughly 18 miles from the disaster. Yesterday morning the EPA said there were no harmful gases in our air, and safety alert was cancelled. Then last night the box cars re-ignited and flames were seen again. Now what concerns us is that so few agency s have come up to the plate to offer help. Of course the Usual Red Cross has opened up the high school gym to provide a safe haven. Food and bunks. One local thrift shop has opened up and is giving away clothes to those who evacuated with bare essentials. Another store is giving away personal hygiene items. And a few large farms have offered a safe haven for farm animals. Also, the local animal welfare league will take in your pets and provide shelter. Still looking for a place for reptiles. But in the meantime a lady lost her whole pen of chickens and she does not reside in the zone. And a close by pond has dead fish. We have yet to hear of any reliable organizations that would collect monetary contributions for those affected in the evacuation zone. The railroad company told the victims to save their receipts and they will be reimbursed. One lady stated I do not save my receipts for milk and bread and perishable items........so....you got it no receipt, no money. Now my husband says I read to much. And I do. The only thing I remember is years ago 60 minutes did a story of nuclear waste that was being transported out west to an underground bunker to be stored forever, because its half lives go on forever. These waste products travel during night when their is less traffic on any roads, that intersect with railway crossings. So this has me thinking. Is this derailment have more then toxic chemicals. I hope not. The news conference says every home will be evaluated for chemical hazards before residents can move back in. I am wondering, if they are checking for more than chemicals. My father told me about the disaster that occurred in the late 70's, "Love Canal' Driving to Niagara Falls we saw the old streets from the freeway. Abandoned and a no trespassing area. I hope our disaster is not another event such as that. So, I can only hope for a quick safe resolution for all those affected, so their lives can get back to normal. Be safe You never know what can happen. Mama Lions
  8. Top news stories. The 2 weather balloons, and I hope they are just that, amazing how 2 can venture off their intended paths. Praying that they do not contain biological or chemical warfare (I read to much). And The train derailment in Ohio, is just a mere 30 ish, miles from where we live. The news broke last night when our friends shared on The other social media site that something BIG was going on, with the Police evacuating them from their homes. Guess if you read the stories 50 cars derailed carrying some "contaminate." Rescue squads and first responders were removed from clean up because of the possibility of toxic fumes. Train cars were exploding..... Praying for safety in all that could cause harm. Be safe
  9. So, after months of dealing with signing on and staying on CC it is finally I hope resolved. First, I could not log on. Then I could not post or my post were Lost in Space. Then every time I to go on CC I had to re-enter my Email and then my password. It had no where to to access a site to keep logged on. Then today, on the top of my screen where you log on it had a yellow box and asked if I would like CC to remember my password. Praise all creation. Finally Resolution Now I realize it is no biggie. But, Happy. Take care Mama Lions
  10. When we were there last year we did a tour of the island and the attendant on her dialogue of the island gave an excellent summation of the services at the new hospital. When it was being built and it was time to hire the personal department sent out recruitment advertisements to the "mother land" as well as other countries offering 6 month contracts at premium pay for positions not filled from the old hospital. Now it was not desperate for skilled help, but they needed to increase personal with increased services. However almost every position was filled by candidates requesting full time positions (not contracted, but people who wanted to move here) from lab, nursing, hospitalist from those 6 month contracts. Every position was filled just weeks before its opening. Most were re locating to the island. Many locals were thrilled to be hired on as ancillary help from housekeeping to dietary and such, because it was a much bigger facility. The hospital provides all services from Obstetrics/Pediatrics to Vascular to dialysis, to Cancer treatment. The only service not provided is open heart surgery. In a devastating injury that extensive treatment or long term acute care would be needed, the patient would be flown out.......................I cannot remember where they would be transferred out to. That was one of the few things I enjoyed from the island tour. Besides the beach with the overhanging rock formation, it was nap time for me. The caves, and the desert was well a cave and a desert. Take care
  11. Good morning Took me 2 cups of coffee and 1 hour to catch up on the 19 pages I was behind while I was away. So, here goes. @firefly333 My sincere condolences on the loss of your mom. My prayers. @aussielozzie18 You continue to post great pictures. Thank you for taking the time to share. @dani negreanu Your grandkids are the cutest!!! @Jimbo Glad you are feeling better. Love the pictures you shared of your remodeling. Just lovely and well planned out. @Momof3gurlz Safe travels Thanks for posting pictures @oceanboy Glad you are posting from your sailing on the Harmony. The new ship looks great. Stay safe. @h20skibum Hey neighbor, grand kids look great. And love the pretty kitty. @grapau27 Food porn, yummy! How is the Mrs. doing.......... Continued prayers for her healing @Ozark_Kid Followed your duel review and you did a great job @brillohead Following your thread. Enjoyed reading your documentary and loved the pictures. Great job. @BonTexasNY The weather channel real is showing the grim and dim, be safe. @Sunshine3601 Beautiful pictures, thanks for taking the time to post. @HBE4 Love the beach pictures, great views. @treeskier802 If I found the right (@) enjoying your posts of the cruise. Be safe These are my quick summation, and if I missed anyones post and great content, I apologize. Catch you later. Mama Lions
  12. I have a lot of catching up to do but I just wanted to post a little on my getaway to see Zoey, Christina and Brandon. Monday morning drove down through freezing rain that quickly built up on the car. But the road department was a head of the storm and had a lot of white stuff on the road that it was wet and drivable. Had a great visit. Shopping, dining out and just being together. I was even able to kick Christina out of the house to go to the gym and I was trusted both days to babysit. The dogs as well as Zoey behaved. And it brought back great memories. They had the guest room completely cleaned up and called it “ my room”. I cried when I saw the special touches. Pictures on the walls from the wedding. Picture of me holding Zoey for the first time. I know it did not just happen. There was dust on the frames. But with 2 German shepherds there was no hair to be found. Today I got on the road early to beat Dayton, Columbus and Akron traffic. Put “Home” in my Wazes and off I went. I could not believe the time I was making … until I realized I was headed to Erie and not Warren. Hmmmmmm I mean we just got our new phones and the salesman said everything transfers to the IPhone 14 but your user ID and password. And those were done right. Rick did it. So I pull off the road flashers on and look at the Waze map. Here it has me going to the Apple Store in Cleveland on Chagrin. I guess that is the only “home” it knows. So I use Onstar and get directions to my home home. I am over 30 min extra away. Now I’m upset and call Rick. At first he goes try to get back on 71. I cry. He goes just get your EZ pass out and come home via the turnpike. I did. Now how in creation do they let a SUV ride on the turnpike with plastic containers bungee corded to the roof. Finally at my exit. What A truck is blocking one exit and everyone EZ pass and ticket payers are in the only lane to get at booth for the 5 bypass. So after waiting eternity.( 3 min). I was on my way. Home. The least I can do after leaving the Spouse for 2 -1/2 days is have a nice meal. So I called him and he is bringing home Monkey salad chicken parmigiana rolls GOOD HUSBAND. Ok. Gotta set the table. The least I can do. I really should right a book. OH!!!! I was gifted my honorary name in the grandmother’s role. And Christina said everyone always knew you as Mama Lions. First a beautiful kind daughter. And now a granddaughter. So Mama Lions it is.
  13. Not a predictor, but to us it seems the earlier CK times fill up quick. Later times seem to be a possibility to eat in CK. We usually request 6pm and get it and have had to wait for a table from those who are seated at opening if all the tables are filled, which is ok. As we are finishing, there have been tables that have been empty for some time. But too many variables The ship your sailing The number of Pinns The number of suite guest that use the lounge. Port or sea day Good luck on getting to eat here. Take care
  14. Our check in was this past Wednesday. The site on the App opened up at 12:04am.EST (Ohio) Did just enough to get the 10:30 am check in (wellness check), finished the next day. Take care
  15. How excited you guys must be, so close to being on your scheduled cruises. I wish you safe travels. Take care Write updates if you can. Be safe
  16. So last night after dinner, I fell asleep on the couch before Jeopardy started. Woke up after 8pm very warm. Sweaty, and started to chill. Removed the cat from my neck, got up and drank 2 tall glasses of ice cold water. Dunno why I was so thirsty and craved a cool drink. When I make wedding soup I do not use any salt and use no salt bone broth. Sat on the couch, and started watching a new series on Net I think its "1899" or something around that time. Probably have to re watch the first episode, I was still dozing. Went to bed a tad after 9pm Slept in till around 8, and the only reason I got out of bed was I had to "P" Today just have a little sore arm where the vaccine was administered, other than that, just taking it easy and watching the snow fall. It just changed to hail outside, hitting against the window screen. Be safe
  17. Well after 17 years the old water tank is just but a memory. So after 7 hours with a three man crew. Out with the old and in with the new. I had gotten my second shingles vaccine yesterday. So I stayed out of the way on the couch under a blanket. Lizzy locked in a bedroom with food water litter box toys. Gas line turned off for 1 1/2 hours. Water off for 3 hours. The new system temp is set at 125 degrees F. They cleaned up. Swept. Very impressed with their work. 15 year warranty for inside works. $5,000. Total cost. Yup. There goes “ let’s not use the credit card”. Soaked in jacuzzi. Still chilling from vaccine. But blanket, cat , and wedding soup is just what I needed. Catch you later.
  18. Watching the weather channel and the news story is about a tornado on the ground in Houston. They are telling viewers to take shelter from your car in Bucees (sp). Only one problem. If your watching your probably not driving. Preparing for our upcoming snow event tomorrow. Be safe.
  19. Yes. Do to the original pre development of Magic Kingdom, and working on a swamp, tons of whatever (I cannot remember what the guide said) was brought in to make the area less likely to sink. They kept adding whatever and raised it well above a level they anticipated could sink and would last for years. The basement underground as you mentioned is not underground for the area, but "Under" the Magic Kingdom. So it is really the first and second level, and everything else is above. That is why if you recall you walk up hill after the security check bag area and are on a higher level to go through the finger/band entrance (Or paper ticket). I miss Disney in Florida, but the prices are really going to new heights. We probably will not go back till next year. Thanks for sharing your post. Take care Mama Lions
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