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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Dixie, Debbie and Ann for your dedication to keeping this thread going on a daily basis. interesting Days. Very interesting and true quote. i think i will skip the meal. Curry and I do not go well together. The drink and wine look like they would be a hit. I have not been to Australia. i have nothing much planned for today except get the month’s finances in order so that it is not a mad rush before we go away. I am starting to feel the crunch with a number of things to do before we leave. One of the things I have to do is get a lot of old documents together for shredding. Our town is having a free shredding event on October 14 and each household is limited to 2 small boxes of paper. This is good. We used to have these periodically prior to the pandemic and then they stopped. So this is welcome. However, I need to get these sensitive papers together. Then on the 14th get there early because once the trucks are full, they close up. Today is the second anniversary of my DBIL’s passing. He was such a special person and so much a part of our lives for so many years. It was an honor to care for him and it gave me a whole new perspective on special needs persons. I know that DH still misses him. Would you believe that we are still trying to settle the estate? The court is really taking their sweet old time. Prayers for everyone and cheers for those celebrating and cruising. God Bless, Terri
  2. We have a trip planned for next year to the Amazon. the YF vaccine is recommended. We received the vaccine in 2012 when we went to South America. We are now 11 years older and we are both at the point that we do not feel that we want to subject ourselves to this vaccine again. At the time that we received it in 2012 neither DH nor myself had any side effects other than a sore arm for a few days. Terri
  3. This bill goes to the House every year. It never gets any further. I have watched it die in the House year after year. At first I was hopeful. Now i just don’t bother anymore. It is never going to happen. Terri
  4. I’m in the same situation. I get a Civil Service Pension but the Social Security is minimal. It is based on work i did before working for the Federal Gov. I cannot collect spouses benefits and if DH passes first i will not be entitled to widow’s benefits either. Very unfair.
  5. So I am late to the party again. Just can’t get my act together. I have not read the posts but will try to tomorrow morning. Hope everyone had a great day. Prayers for everyone and cheers to those celebrating. God Bless and Good Night. Terri
  6. We are staying in Venice for 5 days and then moving to Florence for another 5 days and then Rome for another 6. Then we are doing a transatlantic back to Miami. So we are staying in Carnareggio (the Ghetto). It’s a very quiet area. We’ve stayed there before and the hotel is very nice. So we need a water taxi. We will have considerable luggage given the length of time of our trip. We will have to get some assistance in Venice. Thanks again for your help. Terri
  7. Thanks for you response. We are on Air France from Atlanta and arriving at 10:20 am and departing at 12:50 pm. So just 2 1/2 hours. I did decide to get assistance for the transit only because we tend to be slow. Air France has something similar to AA's 5 Star service, but much cheaper. I have only been in CDG twice. Once as my final destination and another time to fly from there to Rome. Both times were seamless. Worried about the connection. What did you do for a water taxi? Did you order one ahead of time? Thanks for your help. We have been to Venice a few times, but this time I just feel behind the eight ball. Don't know why. Thanks for your help. Terri
  8. Hi Cruisemom. Just saw this post and it concerns me. We are transiting thru CDG on our way to Venice in a few weeks. Could you tell me what was the delay in CDG? We only have a 2 1/2 hour layover and want to make sure we make our connection. thanks Terri
  9. Good evening. i just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU to all of you who wished us a Happy Anniversary. We went to dinner at a very lovely Italian Restaurant. Dinner was very enjoyable. Since we rarely go out to eat, this was a special treat. it was a lovely day and I appreciate all the well wishes. God Bless, Terri
  10. I thought it was me. I am sitting in the waiting room of the dentist office waiting for Jim and I the internet is slow. So I thought that was it. Terri
  11. @Smmessineo and @AroundWithMAPTravels Welcome to the Daily. Hope you enjoy interacting with us. Terri
  12. A very Good Morning to All. It is beautiful day here, just as it was 42 years ago when DH and I were married. Thank you to all of you for your lovely Anniversary Wishes. Very much appreciated. Thank you to Rich @richwmn for the Daily and Fleet Report. Interesting Days. Although we live on a Golf Course (and have had the broken windows to prove it) we don’t play Golf. A Frappe is always a welcome treat. I like animals, especially friendly ones. Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV for the Cares and Celebration List. Thank you to Debbie @dfish for the recipes, Dixie @summer slope for the cocktail recipe and Ann @cat shepard for the wine explanation. All very welcome. However, Jim and I are going out to dinner tonight. We do not eat out often so tonight will be a special treat. While I have not stopped at Villefranche per se, we have been on cruises that have stopped at Nice, Cannes, Monaco and have toured the area. DH has a dentist appointment at 1 pm so we have to get ourselves over to Hilton Head to get that taken care of. Prayers for all those who are ill and have worries and stresses. Cheers to all who are celebrating and cruising. We have many who are about to embark on cruises as well as those who are presently on the sea. My wish is that all have an enjoyable time. Hope everyone has a great day God Bless, Terri
  13. @JazzyV A very happy birthday to you. And wishes for many more. Terri
  14. Welcome to the Daily. Hope you enjoy interacting with us. Terri
  15. Good morning to all If I don’t post now, I might end up not posting like yesterday and not posting. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. It is my go to place every day. Thank you to Debbie, Ann, Dixie and Vanessa for your dedication. Today is the only slow day of the week. Yesterday I had another eye doctor appointment and was fitted with new contact lenses. I thought I was doing great. However sometime during the afternoon/evening I lost the left lens. i now have daily lenses so I will have daily replacements. While I had cataract surgery the implanted lenses only corrected the nearsightedness but not the astigmatism. So the contacts does give me the sharpness that I need. I really do prefer them to glasses. Before cataract surgery I wore contacts for about 35 years. I did not realize how expensive the daily lenses are. However they are preferable since you insert a clean lens everyday. Today is a slow day. Tomorrow DH has a dentist appointment to get a permanent crown. Then we will go out to dinner to celebrate our 42nd anniversary. So my DH is my Boyfriend. So I will celebrate Boyfriend Day with him today. Child health is very important and I pray that each child gets the care they need. Renewed prayers for Baby Murphy. I hope we get an update soon. I used to be better at Technology, but not anymore. Just can’t keep up. No longer a Techie. Will pass on the meal. Too much work. I like the wine. Always will go for the Rose. Pass on the drink. Have not been to the port. Interesting quote. What a great day to finally have Germany reunified. Good for New Zealand. Prayers for all on the cares list. Especially those who are hurting and going through troubles. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising and getting ready to cruise. Have a great day everyone. Happy Tuesday. God Bless, Terri
  16. Good afternoon to all. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. Thank you also to Vanessa for keeping up with our cares and celebrations. Words of thanks also to Debbie, Ann and Dixie for keeping us fed and hydrated. The days are interesting. What would I do without my morning coffee? Those around me would run away, I am sure. The elderly. Well, I guess I fall in that category. I have started counting backwards a few years ago. However, it really doesn't help much. Frugal fun sounds good if you are short on funds. However, if you've got the money, go for it and enjoy! i think I i will pass on the food. That would not do my tummy any favors. The wine sounds good, as does the drink. Interesting quote. I have not been to the Seychelles. Yesterday, Jim and I both got our Flu and Covid vaccinations. Today we are both wasted. Just feel like all I want to do is sleep, both arms are sore, and I don't want to do anything. My cleaner is here. She was unable to come yesterday so I have to deal with this today, Not exactly what I had in mind for a Sunday. At least my house will be clean, and I will not have to do it. As I said yesterday, I am having a hard time keeping up with all of you. I find that I don't get to post most days until the nighttime and sometimes have not read the posts. So I am not sure what has happened. i feel so bad when I miss responding to someone asking for prayers or celebrating. i have to do better. Just need to get my act together. Prayers for everyone and cheers for those cruising or about to embark on a cruise. Have a wonderful Sunday. God Bless, Terri
  17. Lenda, Sorry I didn’t post yesterday. This is very good news. I hope your DH continues to improve. Terri
  18. I am trying so hard to keep up with you guys these days and just can’t. I start out in the morning and like a few posts and then all goes haywire. Now it is after 9 pm and I am just getting back here. My cleaning lady didn’t show. She wants to come tomorrow instead. However, I stripped the bed and had to remake it myself so that we had sheets to sleep on tonight. We went to the dump because I finally got Jim to get rid of some of his clutter. Then we went to Krogers pharmacy to get our vaccinations. We got flu and Covid. Pharmacist suggested we wait 10 days to get RSV. Just lots of stuff I’m trying to do and not getting much done. Thought I would be hurting from the Covid shot. Instead the arm with the flu shot is hurting. I am babbling/ Hope everyone is doing well. God Bless. More tomorrow. Terri
  19. @JazzyV i am so sorry I missed you. Prayers and hugs and hope you feel better soon. Terri
  20. Good Friday morning. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report and getting us going today. I like the combination of days. World Maritime Day—Since i love cruising, what’s not to love about this day. Broadway Day—Well, being a former New Yorker(It will always be in my blood) I loved going to Broad way shows. Next year we are doing a cruise that starts in NY. Maybe we will go a day or two early and catch a show. We’ll see where we are at that point. Confucius—wise man. Although I have been to Alaska, i have not been to Anchorage. I like the quote by good old Abe. There are so many people that need our prayers. Baby Murphy is on the top of my list every day. So are her parents who must be going through their own kind of turmoil. @HAL Sailer prayers for your DH and you as you go through this difficult time. i pray that DH recovers and that you make the right decisions regarding his care. I hope you have a support system to help you. @smitty34877 You are in my prayers everyday. You have held up through so much and i admire how you keep going. Prayers that you find another aide for Tana. I am happy you are surrounded by family that is able to help you and support you. @Quartzsite Cruiser glad that DH is well enough to return home today. Glad the surgery went well Prayers for his continued recovery. Safe travels. @marshhawk Thank you for your reflections on caregiving. Having been in a caregiving situation with both my Mom and DBIL for a good part of my life, I understand what you are going through and what you are saying. As for the need for support, it is so important. I also realize that very soon I feel that I will again be in that situation again as it is very apparent that his memory is a problem. As I have no family on either side, I will be alone with caring for DH. Like you, this will be our last big trip and our final trip to Europe. We will do what we can and enjoy every minute together. @rafinmdRoy, enjoy your cruises. Can’t wait to read your blog and keep up with your trip. Make sure to get enough rest. Thank you all for liking my photos of my living room. We just bought the lamps, which perfectly match the other furniture. After reading of so many sad stories here today, my floor problems are a first world problem. I will deal with it. Prayers for everyone and cheers to those celebrating and cruising. God Bless, Terri
  21. @Quartzsite CruiserLenda, i am so glad that all went well today. i am sorry I was not able to post earlier. I hope you and Steve have a good night’s sleep and all will seem better in the morning. God Bless Terri
  22. https://morethangetaways.wordpress.com/2023/09/29/thursday-september-28-2023-amtrak-to-new-york/
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