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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good morning. It is 62 and sunny right now on Hilton Head. Rain is expected later today. I am waiting to hear whether Service Masters will be at our house today to move in our furniture. They have a meeting at 9 am each morning where they receive their assignments. A lot is dependent on whether they have any emergencies to deal with. A bit of good news is that the insurance company will pay for Service Masters to help us unpack the boxes. That is a big deal for us. I think if they just left them at the house we would be looking at them all taped up for the rest of our lives. I don’t think we have the wherewithal to do that job ourselves. Prayers for all that need them and cheers to all that are celebrating and cruising. Special shoutout to those beginning the World Cruise. God Bless, Terri
  2. Bon voyage Rich. Enjoy every minute of your Around the World Adventure. Terri
  3. @dfishThank you for all your wonderful recipes. I have saved many of them. When we finally get back in our home I am going to try them. It is hard cooking complicated meals in a small kitchen. Just don’t have the room and equipment. I do appreciate all the work you put into providing all these great recipes each day. Terri
  4. Good morning to all. Thank you to Roy @rafinmd for all you are doing for this thread. You are doing double duty and we all appreciate it. Prayers for all on the cares lists—especially for Damar Hamlin. He is a young man with his whole life ahead of him. We pray that he makes a full recovery with no lasting effects from the cardiac arrest. Cheers to those who are beginning the World Cruise—especially our own @richwmn. I hope it is everything you hope it will be. Enjoy every minute of it. Bon Voyage! Today we are taking a day off from going to our house. It is expected that the baseboards will be painted again. They do not need us in their way. Tomorrow we wil be back and I will hopefully be able to direct the movers as to where the furniture belongs. On another note. Our new Living Room furniture arrives on January 12. The Ottoman is on back order so that will come later. So that is all the news I have for today. I have enough to do around here so I will busy with those things. Have a great day. God Bless, Terri
  5. I have a recipe. Send me your email and I will send it to you. However, you will have to wait until I get back to my house. I don’t have it on my computer. Terri
  6. I’m sorry for such a late reply. I just found this post. Zaccios will get you flying fish and it will be good. It’s a restaurant I have gone to frequently. Make sure you order a side of Macaroni Pie, It is not your typical Mac and Cheese. Delicious! Terri
  7. We went to Zaccios on the West Coast. We were then able to rent chairs and umbrellas and use the beach right there. Another really great Bajan Restaurant closer to the port, is Brown Sugar. if you go there, you will not have dinner that night. They have a wonderful lunch buffet every day. it is right near the Hilton and Carlisle Bay. You can then go there and use the beach. Nice calm water. If you want more suggestions, email me. Sorry for not answering sooner. Terri
  8. Hello everyone, So here’s the story. Last Friday, while at my house, I took off my ROSE-COLORED GLASSES. In doing so, I realized that after the flooring was put down, no one cleaned it. i found soda can rings and soda spills and lots of dust. i took out the Swifter and went to work. I also noticed that the baseboards needed touching up. There were marks all over them in every room. The Service Master People, who were moving in the furniture said that they could not continue if these things were not corrected. So they left. So I have a mattress, but no bed frame. A dining room table, but no chairs. No kitchen table, etc. You get the picture. A call to the Contractor did not go well. He insisted that the floor guy cleaned the floor and that the AC ducts were dirty and I needed to get them cleaned. I insisted that was not the case. it only got worse. Then we had the weekend. On Saturday the floor guy came and cleaned the floors after I cleaned them. Today the painter was supposed to come, but did not show. However, the contractor showed. We had a long talk. He changed the AC filter for me and apologized for the meltdown on Friday. So tomorrow the painter will show up to do the baseboards. The Service Master will be here on Wednesday to continue to move in the furniture. So maybe we can begin to move in by the weekend? Who knows. I will still need to find linens, etc. before we can do that. Do not ask me about DH. He is a bit old than me and he is having a hard time with all this and most of all of this is falling on my shoulders. You people do not know how much of a support you have been. I really appreciate your prayers and comments. It means more than you’ll ever know. So that is the state of affairs with the house right now. Will keep you posted. Terri
  9. Good morning, Just a quick hello before we have breakfast and showers and run off to our house to see what surprises await us today. Baseboards need to be touched up and hopefully they will resume replacing the furniture in our home again. Story too long as to why they stopped on Friday.. New Living Room Furniture scheduled to come on Jan. 12. Gotta go. God Bless, Terri
  10. Greetings from Hilton Head where it is rainy and foggy. Happy New Year everyone. Sorry for being absent for a few days. They have been busy ones. A few glitches, but things are moving along and we should be living in our house soon. Hope everyone has a happy and healthy 2023. @Cat in my lap Happy 46th Anniversary. Terri
  11. Last is the middle bedroom. Note, right now there is a lot of furniture int he kitchen so I am omitting that. I will again post picture when the furniture is back in the house.
  12. Hello everyone, Well, we arrived at our house. The pod is still in the driveway and there is no furniture in the house. it is all painted and the floor is down. It looks beautiful but empty. I put a call in to Service Masters to find out when they will start the pack in. Will have the answer tomorrow morning. Here are some photos of the empty house: Living Room
  13. Good morning from Jacksonville, We are just finishing up breakfast. Will pack the car and then head to Bluffton to see what surprises await us. Can’t wait. Will have to hang around until it is time to pick up our mail at the post office. Just waiting for DH to finish up with his breakfast. The fact that I am posting means that I have finished mine. I miss my cappuccino this morning! Anyway, we have our February cruise to look forward to. Hope everyone has a nice day. Hope to post later with some pictures of our house. Terri.
  14. Good evening from the Courtyard Hotel in Jacksonville. We did not go home for a number of reasons, the primary being that we were tired and did not feel like driving for @ three hours late this afternoon. The other, and equally important, was that I needed one more night to get my Suite Night Awards for 2023 with Marriott. I put a call in to the Contractor after I got to Jacksonville, but was unable to reach him. I have a feeling that the work in the house may be finished, but the “pack in” is not done. That means that the furniture and other stuff has not made it back into the house yet. We will see tomorrow. I am expecting that it will take about two weeks for us to be able to move back in. Maybe i will be surprised tomorrow. Who knows! We enjoyed our cruise and I am sorry for not posting very often. While the internet is free on Oceania, it is shameful. I just found it hard to post, getting knocked off often. Finally I just decided to give up. This is the ship that does the World Cruise. I wonder how those people will feel about the pathetic internet service they will have during their journey. We did not do much during the first part of the cruise. The first 7 days were the Mexican ports. We were tired and really had no interest in getting off the ship and sightseeing. On the second cruise, we did do a private tour in Antigua and in Barbados went to lunch at a local Bajan Restaurant enjoying flying fish—the national dish, and macaroni pie. Afterwards we spent time at the beach. it was a beautiful day. In Martinique, we walked to the covered market mingling with the locals. Then paid a visit to St. Louis Cathedral. After DH hurt his leg, we get off at any other port. We skipped St. Barts because of high sea swells, we attempted instead to dock in Sint Maarten but the sea swells prohibited us from doing that as well. We did get the opportunity to rest, and that was one thing we needed. It was nice to be able to celebrate Christmas in a joyous setting. I don’t think that would have happened had we stayed home. Hope everyone had a great day. God Bless. Terri
  15. We are staying in Jacksonville tonight. We have no idea if the furniture is back in the house yet. I don’t expect to stay there for a few more days or even a week or two. The only thing I know is that the work is done. Not sure of anything else. Will let you know when I know. Not before tomorrow. Terri
  16. Good morning, or at least what is left of it. Our room is finally being serviced. I had hoped to be mostly packed by this time and then be able to enjoy the rest of our last day of the cruise. C’est la vie! So we are in Barista’s drinking coffee instead. Jim’s leg is looking good and the swelling has gone down in his foot., So we are in good shape. Hoping that our flight will be on time tomorrow and we have minimal problems at the Miami airport. Hope everyone is doing well and not suffering too much from the cold spell. God Bless and stay safe. Terri
  17. Thank you all for your prayers and cares. It is hard to respond, except when the internet is working. I appreciate all. Terri
  18. We are on the Insignia right now and we had special meals in both Polo and Toscana on Christmas Eve (goose) and Toscana (Turkey) on Christmas Day. Guess it depends on the ship. Terri
  19. Good Afternoon from Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. We have chosen to stay on the ship today. On Christmas Eve, DH had a “small accident” and cut his leg on the edge of a cocktail table in the Ship’s Library. That was the day we were supposed to dock at first in St. Bart’s and when that didn’t work, we tried St. Maarten. That didn’t work either due to rough seas that continued all day. While up in the Library, the ship moved unexpectedly and DH bumped into the table, cutting his leg. That prompted a trip to the Medical Center because of lots of bleeding. Thankfully, they stopped the bleeding and took an X-ray to make sure his leg was not broken. After bandaging up his leg, he was told to keep it elevated. Interestingly, they administered a breathalyzer test. Since he had no alcohol as of that time, he passed with flying colors! So yesterday our plans to go to Mass at the Cathedral in Old San Juan were dashed. We did watch Mass on TV instead. Sadly, Oceania does not have a priest on board. Today, when we woke up, his foot was somewhat swollen and that brought us back down to the Medical Center. They removed the wrapped bandage saying that we were told to remove it before retiring last night. We did not. Again he was told to keep the leg elevated to reduced the swelling. So we did not leave the ship today as well. Tomorrow is a sea day. So we will pack up. Basically, we have done all the ports we are going to do. Jim will be all right. The cut is superficial and it is clean and not infected. I will keep an eye on it. Disembarkation is Wednesday morning. This is the first time that we decided to fly to and from Miami. I am sorry we decided to do so. Think we should have driven. So that is the update for now. Will post when i can. God Bless everyone. Terri
  20. This is not exactly my style of handling things. Thanks anyway.
  21. Rich, I’m late to the game, but wish you a Bon Voyage. I am looking forward to following your thread. Hope you have a wonderful time. Terri
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