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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Thanks to all of you that expressed your condolences for my neighbor. i will pass it on to her family. As I said previously, her husband passed away in 2019 and one of her sons passed away in July 2021. May she Rest In Peace. Terri
  2. I just found out that my neighbor who, who was on hospice, passed away last night. Thank you all for your prayers and concern. May she Rest In Peace. Terri
  3. Terry, That seems to be a result of Covid. I am still struggling with eating. I just do not have a good appetite anymore. I always enjoyed my food, Now I eat because I have to. The thing is, I really have not lost a lot of weight. I guess it takes a while. Terri
  4. @RedneckBob All I can say is 👍👍 I’ve eaten at Seasons 52 in Jacksonville. Very nice restaurant. Terri
  5. Good morning to all, Thank you for the Fleet Report and the Daily. I like poetry, but prefer good poems rather than bad, serendipity sounds good and a helium filled balloon is always nice, I like the quote and the truth needs to win out. Not sure about the meal, but always enjoy Riesling wine. A Pina Colada is always welcome Have not been to the port. Posting early as we have an appointment to get our fourth vaccinations (second booster) this morning. Praying for all on the cares list and happy for those who are celebrating and cruising. Have a great day and as always, God Bless, Terri
  6. Tonight’s sunset. While not spectacular, it is the best we have had in a while. Sweet dreams everyone. Terri
  7. Good afternoon. Thank you Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. Nice collection of days. We donate a lot to Thrift shops. Don’t have a black cat or any cat for that matter. Tonight we will stay home and not deal with any neighbors. I like the quote and the meal. We have been to Punta Arenas on the Veendam in 2012 repositioning cruise. We changed our tour at the last minute when we missed the call at the Falkland Islands. So we took the ship tour to see the penguins at the Isla Magdalena. it was a great day. If I can get some photos I will post them. I was very tired today and did not do much. Not much sleep last night. Thanks to all for the prayers for my neighbor. @kazu Jacqui, i am sorry about how things happened with Shadow. @smitty34877Glad you’re doing better and I am sure your neighbors will be happy with the lasagne. Hope everyone is having a great day. God Bless, Terri
  8. Thank you for the prayers and condolences on the passing of your neighbor. Terri
  9. Good evening all, I just found out that one of my neighbors is on hospice. She only became ill one month ago and is now in stage 4 cancer. She had uterine cancer although she had a hysterectomy the cancer had already metastasized. She is on hospice. Would appreciate your prayers for her. it appears that she does not have very long. She recently lost her husband and son. Terri
  10. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich for the Fleet Report and Daily. I am not a fan of Roller Coasters. My Mom instilled a fear of them when I was a kid and I have yet to get over it. DH took me on one once in Great Adventure in New Jersey and I was crying when we got off. He felt so bad. Never again! I am not good at telling jokes but am always happy to enjoy a good joke. Will pass on the food and drink. I am making tomato sauce from scratch today and there will be enough to freeze for the future. A nice bottle of Chianti to go with it. That’s on today’s agenda. Thank you Roy for today’s lists. Prayers for all on the cares list and cheers for those celebrating and cruising. Hope everyone is having a good day. God Bless. Terri
  11. @marshhawkRoyal Palms closed in 2020. A victim of Covid. That’s what my research turned up. Also, I don’t know if you want to get a day pass when your ship leaves at 3:30. that means you should be back at the tender area by 2pm at the latest. That does not give you much time. My thought is stay in Georgetown. If it is still there, there is a great Italian Restaurant I loved run by Italians. It is called Casanova. You will love it. Right on the waterfront. That would be my choice. Not a long walk from the tender port. Terri
  12. There is no dock in Amalfi. You will dock in Rome. Terri
  13. Cayman was probably the last island to open to tourists.They were very cautious. I will tell you that what i know is dated. The last time we were there was 2015 when our timeshare least was over. We loved going there. I know there is a place on the beach that caters to cruisers. I don’t know if it is still there. I am trying to remember the name of it. i am thinking it is called Royal Palms or something like that. They rent chairs and umbrellas and have a restaurant as well. i am just not sure of the name. i will see if I can find out the name and let you know. Then you can take a taxi there (not very far up 7 mile beach) and then get a taxi back. I’ll get back to you with the name. Terri
  14. @marshhawk Here is some info on the buses in Grand Cayman: https://www.cruisehabit.com/grand-caymans-public-buses-unexpectedly-easy-way-get-around They are small vans and often crowded. I am not sure this is what you want given the current situation with Covid. i hope it helps. Terri
  15. Do you want to go to a beach? Contact the Westin and see if they offer a Day Pass. it is a really nice beach there and you could get lunch and then they will call a taxi when you are ready to return to the ship. If you don’t want to buy a day pass, there is a path next to the hotel where you can get on to the beach. Just bring your towels and sit on the sand. Have a nice lunch at the Westin. Give me a bit of time to think,. I may come up with some other suggestions. When are you going? Terri
  16. @StLouisCruisers I agree with you. It is easier to post early. You don’t have to spend very long reading through all the posts before posting. You can read the ones that come after you at your leisure. Terri
  17. Hi Ann. I used to own a timeshare in Grand Cayman so I think I can answer this question fairly accurately. There is bus service, it doesn’t run on any schedule. Unless things have changed in the last few years, the buses consist of vans that stop along the road and pick you up. I would not count on them. I would take a taxi to where you want to go and then either have the taxi come to pick you up when you are done, or have the establishment call one for you. We always rented a car when we were there so I am not familiar with taxi rates. But I do know that the bus service is sporadic. When you get off the tender there will be plenty of taxis that will be willing to take you where you want to go. I also suggest going to the Ports section of CC to get more info on Grand Cayman. If you have a specific place where you want to go, send me an email, I may be able to help. Terri
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