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Everything posted by LEESRE

  1. Riviera facilites are far better than Insignia, they have both a sauna and steam room which was FOC
  2. Someone has recently said that Ross is going back to Encore sometime in September.
  3. It was someone who is sailing on Vista and said that you have to be Concierge or above to use the spa free of charge. I just wonder if they mean the outside deck with the pool. Perhaps when you cruise on Riviera you can please confirm Thanks
  4. Has Oceania stopped the free sauna and steam on Riviera and Marina, some one has said that unless you now have concierge staterooms or above then you cannot use this facility unless you pay. On all our sailings on Riviera we have never paid for the sauna or steam rooms. I wonder if this is because of their new ship Vista.
  5. Don't think Celebrity have any, I have never come across one, the only Male Therapist I have seen is on Seabourn Encore last year.
  6. I have done both, must say that the OLD Seabourn was better than the Celebrity Retreat. But now I am not so sure. The Restaurant for the Retreat was very good and we loved the Lounge area. Only thing they did not do and this is also Seabourn of late, it get meals served HOT.
  7. Thanks for your update, would be interesting to hear more as we join Encore in September. Is John Barron on for a while?
  8. Taken on six bottles recently and no problem.
  9. On Silhouette last July and it was the same as the video, will be sailing in two weeks so will check it out.
  10. Not just yet comes into force for certain countries in November of this year.
  11. Just hope he is still on in April. Thanks
  12. Does anyone who has recently been on Silhouette know if a waiter called Kadek is still on board or has he left for a vacation.
  13. Sailed on her in July 2022 and they still had the free sauna. Sailing again in April so will soon see if they have changed it since then.
  14. Anyone sailing on Silhouette cruises 6th or 10th April, 2023. Have anyone had a MoveUp offer accepted. If so from what to what?? Cheers
  15. We are doing a B2B on Silhouette and we will have different cabins for each cruise. How do Celebrity handle this, do they service the second cabin early so that you can move your stuff over. Also can you just leave things on hangers.
  16. Yes you can do MoveUp as a UK resident, they will send you an email re the Move Up offers.
  17. Silhouette does not sail on the 13th but the 10th if that is the cruise from Miami
  18. Also Encore in September has disappeared although booked, also I have not been able to get into Flight Ease.
  19. Sailed on QV pre Christmas cruise and we had no problems, even had the same waiter and table for 11 nights of the 12 night cruise. Would do it again. We also noticed that the tables around us the same people sat there most of the time, we pre-booked at 7.45pm each evening.
  20. We found it no darker than other cabins we have had. Sorry I did not take a photo. The only thing to remember is that you have a lifeboat to your right as you go out the balcony door but this did not obscure the view. It was covered with the other balcony above for a short way then it was open to the sky for the rest of the balcony. We would have this room again.
  21. Just had deck four cabin 4053 great balcony
  22. Have sent you an email for you to see how it works.
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