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Ultima Thule

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Posts posted by Ultima Thule

  1. You briefly mention that there is a shuttle at the dock. My question is where will the shuttle pick up at LMA and where will it drop off in town. Also, do you know the cost of a ticket?


    There is no everyday shuttle service but as far as I know there is a company that arranges buses for every cruise ship that visits the harbor. So if there are several ships in the harbor each ship will have their own buses with signs on the buses which cruise line they serve. Not sure about the cost but from earlier discussions in this forum I think its something like 10 Euros (or 10 dollars?)


    In downtown the shuttle buses will usually stop at Erottajankatu where the Mannerheim road near the corner to Bulevardi .




    Some buses seem to insted stop one block north on Lönnrotinkatu near the corner to Mannerheimintie.



  2. Hi there....


    We will be in Helsinki on May 15 from 9 to 4 on the Pullmantur Empress... And I was wondering if I am able to visit the park with the Stainless steel sculpture and the Rock Church on my own


    If so.... Can you guide me with transportation?



    You seem to dock at the Katajanokka Terminal. Its located some 900 m from the Market Square.




    There are several options of course. I'll assume you'll go to the Sibelius monument immediately from the ship and that you are prepared to walk two blocks extra rather than do complex tram/bus changes.


    There is a tram stop next to the terminal but that one is for tram 4T and that one doesn't seem to fit into your schedule.

    So you you have to somehow find the stop for tram 4 that is some 400m from the ship at corner Linnankatu / Merikasarminkatu / Vyökatu.






    Get off tram 4 at stop "Töölön halli" on Mannerheim road.




    Take the street left of the "ABC!" gas station (Humalistonkatu). Follow it three blocks (the last one going uphill), then a little kink right (Rajasaarentie), over a busy road (Mechelininkatu)- there are traffic lights - and into the park on your left side. (some 600m in total).


    Regarding the route from the monument to the rock church you got several options.

    Easiest option seems to exit the park in the middle and follow Mechelininkatu south, turn left into Sibeliuksenkatu follow it two blocks and turn right into Topeliuksenkatu. There you'll find a stop for buses #14 and #18.


    Or you can go back the way you came follow Mechelininkatu north and then turn right around the corner to the bus stop on Topeliuksenkatu (buses #14 and #18)

    If you are REALLY unsure of yourself you can go all the way back to the team stop and take tram 3T (the platform closer to the gas station).


    Regardless of whether you take a bus or the tram, the stop you want to get off at is named "Kauppakorkeakoulut" near the corner Arkadiankatu /Runeberginkatu. Then circle the block oppside you (the one with a RED brick building behind six trees in a line and some grass) to reach the church. (You can circle either to the left or to the right)



  3. I want to know if we can buy the SL Access Card & get it loaded with a 24-hour pass somewhere at Arlanda Airport when we arrive on a Sunday in June?




    According to this page under headline Sigtuna kommun (Arlanda, Märsta och Sigtuna):

    7-Eleven, domestic terminal Arlanda


    Arlanda airport, all information desks in terminals 2 and 4, all info desks at arrivals hall in terminal 5.


    Pressbyrån, Arlanda News Reguljär Terminal 5

    Pressbyrån, Arlanda Reguljär Terminal 5

    Pressbyrån, Arlanda arrivals/departure hall

    Press Stop, Arlanda Charter Terminal 5.

  4. I understand we now use tram 9, but can you please advise on our return from Seurasaari via bus 24, where can we connect to Tram 9 to return to the ship, please.


    Exit the bus at stop "Lasipalatsi". Walk to the right of the Sokos department store downhill to the railway station. Take tram 9 from the platform closer to the station building (i.e tram will go towards the way you came from and have the sign "Länsiterminaali).

  5. Are cabs available? Is this a cost effective way since there are 4 of us?


    Availability is hard to predict of course but taxis always turn up when a ferry arrives so I guess some taxis will turn up for the cruise ships as well.


    Unlike Stockholm, taxi rates in Helsinki are standardized so that part is no problem. (in this case it should be 5.50 Euro + 1.72 Euro/km):



  6. One last question. If we wanted to begin our day by visiting Sibelius Monument, how would you suggest we get there from Tram 9? The HSL site has me going from Tram 9, get off at Kampintori then walk to Kampii and take bus 41 to the Linnankoskenkatu stop. Sounds complicated! What do you think of this route?


    Well it sounds more complicated that it is. But lets take it step by step:



    First tram 3T

    From stop "Töölön tori" there is a 750m walk to the Sibelius monument while from stop "Töölön halli" two stops further on there is a 600m walk to the monument.


    Then the buses. Here is a map of the bus lines:




    As you can see its quite a complex system. Therefore, instead look at this map of the Kamppi area:




    First note that the map is turned so that north is in lower left corner. The grey buildings in the middle are the main bus station plus subway entrance & shopping mall but that is of no concern in this case.

    The tram lines are not indicated on this map but Tram 9 will enter from right (where you see the text 21V 65A) and follow Malminrine-Urho Kekkosen katu - Simoninkatu and to the railway station. Tram 3T will go in the opposite direction from the railroad station and after

    Urho Kekkosenkatu turn into Fredrikinkatu and continue to the left bottom corner of the map.

    3T will stop where the subway "M" symbol at Kamppi is on the map. A bit of the right of that you see the text "14 18 18N" Tram 9 will stop where that "18N" is on the map. So if you want to change trams you have to walk

    the short distance between "18N and M" on the map. (in case you miss the stop Both 3T and 9 trams will stop also at Simoninkatu , where is says Taksi on the map and in front of the railway station- in that case you should take tram 3T.

    that goes in opposite direction from tram 9)


    Then the buses.


    First there is bus 24 that will pass close to the monument. Exit #9 tram at the railway station. Walk back 1 1/2 block along kaivokatu and enter at bus top on Mannerheim Road in front of the Sokos department store.

    (You can see the stop "24" on the map surrounded by blue lines just under the text "Asema-Aukio - Stationsplatsen")

    Exit at stop " Rajasaarentie". Then some 150m walk back along "Mechelininkatu" to the monument. But that bus goes only with long intervals and takes a long route so I don't recommend that one.


    To the left of the "M" you see the text "14 18 18N 39 39B 39N". You can take buses 14, 18, 29 or 39B from here and get off at stop "Töölön kirjasto" (thats Töölö library). From it there is a 300m walk west along

    "Humalistonkatu" to the monument.

    To the right of the text "taksi" you can see "41 42 45 205". Its a one floor glass subway entrance building and buses tops in front of it. You can take buses 41, 42 or 45. They take the same way but in this case the

    stop is one block further north and named "Linnankoskenkatu". Again the distance is 300m along "Mechelininkatu" to the monument.


    Well, that was the theoretical part. :D Now lets make it into some simple instructions:


    - Exit tram 9 at "Kampintori"

    - Uphill to corner.

    - Take direction towards white building (Finnkino/Museum) and/or McDonalds.


    On left side of the street:

    After some 100 feet around next corner, buses 41, 42, 45. Exit: "Linnankoskenkatu". Southwards along "Mechelininkatu", into park (300m).


    On right side of the street:

    After some 100 feet stop for tram 3T (red artistic thing). Exit: "Töölön tori" - Topeliuksenkatu northwards, Sibeliuksenkatu westwards & Mechelinkatu northwards. (750m) or exit "Töölön halli" - Eino Leinon katu & Humalistonkatu westwards, and into park (600m)


    On right side of the street 100 feet further on:

    Stop for buses 14, 18, 39, 39B. Exit: "Töölön kirjasto". Humalistonkatu westwards, cross "Mechelininkatu", into park (300m). (Thats the option I would use myself)

  7. We're going to be at LHC Hernsaari, so that's good for our plan.


    We're going to be at LHC Hernsaari, so that's good for our plan.


    Fine. Its a rather long walk then but quite straightforward. The first section in the harbor along "Hernesaarenranta" is a bit boring. When when reaching the modern houses circle them to the right along "Eiranranta" and then turn left and follow "Telakkakatu". Avoid the Hylkeenpyytäjänkatu-Munkkisaarenkatu way. Apart from the last mentioned all steet combinations you might select will be along decent streets.


    I can suggest three ways:


    1) Instead of turning into "Telakkakatu" continue along "Eiraanranta" and the parks along the small boat harbor. Then "cut the southeast corner" along "Puistokatu" and then north along "Laivasillankatu".

    Thats a bit longer than the other options but a nice walk on hot sunny days.


    2) Easest to find way: Telakkakatu past the shipyard. Then along the Boulevard and the Esplanade park.


    3) For those confident in map reading: Tehtaankatu-Sepänkatu-Laivurinkatu-Laivurinrinne-Annankatu-Iso Roobrtinkatu-Erottajankatu (the shuttle buses stops here), then throught the esplanade park.

  8. Here is a newer map of the area (I gave the link to an older one in an previous post):




    Quay LMA is indicated as "Melkinlaituri". Tram stop in indicated in green. Tram 9 coming from north will make a loop in front of the West Terminal (Länsiterminaali) and then stop before continuing north. There are further two stops further north along Tyynenmerenkatu that are not indicated on this map.


    Pedestrian ways are indicated by blue dots.


    This plan of the West terminal indicates there is a machine for Helsinki traffic (HSL) outside the terminal.




    And here is information about #9 tram route:



    Bus drivers should have one day tickets but I cannot guarantee that tram drivers will have them. But the ticket machine should be able to support them.


    Also remember that there are (almost always as far as I know) shuttle buses between downtown and the cruise ships.

  9. Now I'm really confused. ... I really don't mean to be obtuse but I've heard contradictory things here.


    Regarding the quay location, the same thing was discussed earlier in posts 1049 and 1050 and this map shows the exact location:




    SobayCruser. I came to same conclusion regarding the bus stop as you. (Of course the side of the street for buses going southwards i.e the platform next to the building)




  10. Ultima Thule,


    Is there a way to find out if there will be a ferry disembarking at a certain time on a certain day, in order to avoid the chaos of Tram 9? We are not arriving in Helsinki until August 24 and then not until 10am in that morning. Websites I can search for, for each ferry company? or the Helsinki port site?


    Sadly, from your point of view, there is a LOT of ferry traffic going on daily. :( Tallink will use three ferries (star, SuperStar and Europa) to Estonia this summer and Eckerö Line one (Finlandia). Add to that the ferry (Princess Maria) to St. Petersburg.







  11. There is one person who posts here, "Ultima Thule" who I know is familiar with this port and may have a better answer.


    Sorry, no. I have never been to that part of Värtan either.


    But I guess its worth clarify that cruise ships uses Värtahamnen quay 523 and that is NOT the harbor basin usually associated with Värtahamnen. That one is occupied by the ferries to Finland and Estonia. Quay 523 is further south, on this map about in the middle between the texts "Siljaterminalen" and "Frihamsterminalen" with "Fjärde Bassängvägen" being ther closest road.



  12. We will be coming in early June and arriving at the West dock. We walk a lot and wonder if it would be too far to walk to Market Square from the dock. If it's under 3k and there aren't difficulties of route, we would do that just to enjoy the walk.


    It depends a bit on the dock. if it is dock LHB , #2 on this map:




    then the distance (shorest way) is a bit less than 3km walk with no traffic issues. Dock LHC (#1) is the same way but further away so the distance will be some 3.5 km. Bus 14 is here an option.


    For quays LH7 and LMA on the north side the distance will be even longer (some 3.8 km). In this case you first have to find your waty to the west temonal (Länsiterminaali) see map:




    from there tram #9 is an option (but read the warning in post 283). There is a pedestrian road to the end of the bay (the dotted line near the water on the map). It passes on a platform the seaside of of two magazines and personally I don't really like that section (feeling kind of trapped between a wall and a grid).


    Would it be worth it to buy a daily transit pass or just the ferry ride plus walking?/quote]


    Ferry ticket alone is 5 Euro, a one day ticket (including the ferry) is 8 Euro. I think the latter would be worth it.

  13. . I understand that Tram 9 will take us to the area near the Market Square. What destination will be on the Tram?

    Do we take the same tram to return to West Harbour?


    No, but tram 9 wil pass the railway station. From there you can either continue with tram 3T going in the SAME directon (i.e from the same platform) to the Market Square or take a walk through downtown (0.55 miles).

    Tram 9 going away from the harbor will be marked "Pasilan asema / Böle Station", the one going to the harbor "Länsiterminaalin / Västra terminalen"




    But I have to give a warning about tram 9. Be prepared that when a ferry arrives from or leaves for Estonia at the West Terminal the tram will be completly filled up with passengers and I mean FILLED UP, many of them with heavy trunks and boxes with beer. Add to that 20-30 foreigners (Russians etc.) who try to buy tram tickets using rudimental English and for them an unfamiliar currency and you got the idea.


    Where is the stop for Tram 3A/3B located in respect to Market Square?

    The tram 3T stops are near the fountain on the west side of the market. The tram going south stops on the south side of the fountain with the tram pointing towards the market, the one going north/west (towards the railway station) stops on the east side of the fountain with the tram pointing towards the white catedral.

  14. You then go back half a block, over the street, turn left and then you'll find bus 14 stop a bit forward. (You'll not find a picture of that stop on Google maps as it is quite new)

    Clarification/correction (as I guess you try to find it all on a map):


    The bus 24 stop where you get off is on Eteläinen Rautatienkatu between Fredrikinkatu and Jaakonkatu.


    The 14 stop is then on Fredrikinkatu, just south of the Salomoninkatu corner (one block further SE than I said earlier) and the bus stop should be on the west side of the street (i.e bus going southwards). Name of bus stop is Kamppi. The stop can actually be seen on Google (in the background just to the left of bus)




    When we exit the 14 bus we will find the Tram 3B stop on the same side as the Eira Hospital. Questions: when we exit the 14 bus do we turn left or right to head to the Tram 3B

    and is the tram stop on the same side of the street where the bus lets us off or across the street; what is the name of the tram stop?


    The #14 bus will turn left at the corner after the stop but you will continue forward over the street. Then the stop is on the RIGHT side of the street seen from you. The same side as the old Art Nouveau building with towers and stone walls (thats the hospital) The tram stop is called "Eiran Sairaala" and after the name on the platform roof you can see the code number "0443". (There is one stop opposite with the same name but with code "0442", for trams going in the other direction - DON'T take that one).




    (If you miss to get off the correct bus stop, don't panic. Get off at a later stop on Fredrikinkatu and in that case locate a tram stop for a tram that goes in opposite direction of what the bus did)


    To catch Bus 24 we go to the Erottaja bus stop on

    Mannerheimintie near the Stockmann Department Store. Questions: is the closest Tram stop to the Erottaja bus stop Aleksanterinkatu?

    If so, where are both the Tram and Bus stops in relation to the Stockmann clock?


    The stop is in front of the Swedish Theatre (white building south of the Stockmann department store - the Stockmann clock is on the north side of the department store).

    You got three possibilities:

    1) walk along the Esplanade park from the Market area to the Swedish Theatre (that's the best solution in my mind).


    2) Take the 3T tram southwards from the Market all the way around the south part of the city and jump off in front of the Stockmann department store (that's the west side of the building), stop is called "Erottaja" and tram has changed

    name to 3B during the way. Then walk half a block south to the bus stop.


    3) You can take tram 3T northwards to the railway station (stop: "Rautatieasema"), then walk forward another 1 1/2 block, turn right and little bit further on you'll find another bus 24 stop (name: "Lasipalatsi) on Mannerheim road in front of the Sokos department store (two blocks north of Stockmann department store)




    When we return from Seurasaari via Bus 24 we will get off at the Erottaja stop. From there we will take the 3T Tram to the Kamppi stop where we will transfer to Bus 14 to take us back to the ship.


    If you plan to go straight from Seurasaari to the ship then ignore the tram and change directly from bus 24 to bus 14. You get off bus 14 at stop "Fredrikinkatu". You'll actually now be on "Eteläinen Rautatiekatu"

    (in front of a a former gas station).




    You then go back half a block, over the street, turn left and then youll find bus 14 stop a bit forward. (You'll not find a picture of that stop on Google maps as it is quite new)


    Do the drivers on the buses and trams announce the upcoming stops?


    There is a digital boards that first will show name of destination and then change to show name of next stop in Finnish and Swedish, alternating between the languages. Of course there is always

    a small chance that the board will get of the step (that happened to me at Stockholm once) so its better to keep a map handy and follow where you are.


    How do you indicate you wish to exit at a stop-are there pull cords or do you just walk to the front of the vehicle and tell the driver you wish to get off the next stop?


    There are red buttons on most vertical rods (hand grips) and also blue buttoms for longer stops (baby carrage etc.) next to the doors.


    Do the buses and trams stop at Every stop?


    Trams stops at every stop. Buses will slow down a bit to see if there is anyone waiting at the stop. Put out your right hand and give it a wave.

  16. I have been trying to research if the ferry from Slussen, goes to the Vasa museum. Do you know the name of both ferry terminals, or is there a ferry map that someone has a website for, or a ferry timetable. thank you


    The Djurgården ferry goes between Slussen (Räntmästartrappan) and a street named "Allmänna gränd" on Djurgården. From there it is some 0.4 miles walk to the Vasa museum along Falkenbergsgatan and the small boat harbor.








    I've utilized street view on google maps...fabulous tool for visuals.


    Indeed it is. Great for simulating the planned trips at home before traveling as you can actually "walk" on the map. Highly recommended.



    Bus 76 from Frihamen to get to Djurgardsbron....I would get the bus going in the direction of Katalina Sofia?

    Bus 76 from Djurgardsbron to Gamla Stan (the Slottsbacken stop) for the Nobel Museum...I would get the bus 76 in the same direction (Katalina Sofia), yes?


    And finally, back to Frihamen port from the Slottsbacken stop, I would get bus 76 in the Ropsten T-bana direction?


    Just wanted to make notes for the proper direction on my map.


    You got the directions completely right but note that for what you call direction "Katalina-Sofia" (actually its Katarina with a "r") the sign on the bus will say "N. Hammarby hamnen"


    Winter table:


  18. Please recommend botanical gardens in Helsinki. We are going in the middle of July. How is the weather at that time?


    University of Helsinki Botanical Garden






    In downtown, half a mile north of the market along Union Street. (500 yards north of the



    Reached by tram 3B , stop "varsapuistikko" + 200 yards walk northwards along the street.


    Weather in July should be the best of the year. Typically sunny with a bit cloudy with short showers about every third day.

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