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Ultima Thule

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Posts posted by Ultima Thule

  1. Will be there on the Eurodam in August - plan on shuttle into town - where is the most convenient place to buy a travel ticket - not Helsinki Card - thank in advance - prescottgal @gmail.com


    The shuttle service has nothing to do with Helsinki City Transport. Its some company that provides them for the cruise lines. So trip is paid when entering the bus.


    But if you want to buy a one day Helsinki City Transport card once in downtown then local bus drivers should have them or then go to the HSL main service point, Take this entrance outside and left of the railway station, down the escalator and immediately to the right (before the flower shop).



  2. I've discovered Princess does offer a shuttle to "Erottaja (City Center)". I wonder if that's the same as Erottaja which is a Tram stop near the Theater. That would be great.



    Yes, Erottaja (meaning "the divider") is a short street in downtown at corner Boulevard, Esplanade, Mannerheim road. Many of the shuttle buses stop there. To reach tram 3 stop you go downhill to the corner, turn left and continue a bit on the Boulevard.




    To minimize walking, it looks like we could take the 3B from Erottaja to the central station, switch to the 3T to go to the stone church and then return on the 3T and get off at the market square. Is this correct?


    Correct! Note that you shall change to opposite platform at the railway station and also note trams will change numbers sometimes this summer (3B will become 3 and 3T will become 2)

  3. Which tram 3T stop is better for the rock church? Kauppakorkeakoulut or Sammonkatu?


    The difference is marginal. The northward and southward platforms are located on different blocks but you have to go to the Sammonkatu street corner to reach the platforms. (Note that the blue bus stop markers for Sammonkatu stop on Google maps are a bit wrongly positioned.)

    So coming to the church from downtown Sammonkatu stop is maybe 20 meter shorter walk but then you might have spent 2 minutes extra in the tram waiting at the traffic light. Going back towards the railway station with Sammonkatu might earn a bit more and got less risk the tram will pass you before reching the Kauppakorkeakoulut stop.



  4. To get to the church:

    I will be taking the tram 3T (or tram 3 in August) from the Central station toward the Rock Church, getting off at the Kauppakorkealoulut stop, walking forward to the corner, right on Lutherinkatu Street, and there is the Church.


    Actually 3T becomes 2 and 3B becomes 3.


    Now, both the tram stop and the bus stop has the same name "Kauppakorkeakoulut" (meaning "schools of economics") but the bus stop is on Runeberginkatu while the tram stop is on Arkadiankatu. So from the bus you go forward and turn right once. From the tram you either go forward turning right around a corner twice or circling the block in the other direction turning left once, the distance is about the same.


    Do I simply just go back to the Kauppakorkealoulut stop and take a Tram 3T/3 in the opposite direction? :o


    That's not a bad quess :)

  5. well It seems just because I said that there are no strikes, the bus drivers in Stockholm have gone on a strike.


    From Frihamnen to Vasa either walk or go with Sjovägen,


    I wonder if bus #1 is available from Frihamnen to downtown ?

    In that case it should be bus #1 to Hötorget + T-bana green line Hötorget - Gamla Stan.




    How about the tram (#7) to reach Vasa & Skansen?

    Bus #1 from Frihamnen to Hötorget, go to Sergels torg (3 blocks south) , take the tram?

  6. Thank you very much. Can you please give details when you get a chance. Do we have to take tram to Rock Church or can we walk to the church?


    Also, will it be better/faster to take taxi or shuttle to town.


    Thank you. Your time and help is much appreciated.


    There is no problem going to the Rock Church. The total walking distance for the day, excluding the fortress, would then be some 3.2 miles. I have planned to write a walking route suggestion. But as you said you wanted to do the tram 3 route as well I included the trip to the Rock Church in that tram route as I guessed you might buy as day ticket (ferry to the fortress included).

    After the Rock Church you could either

    - continue the northern tram 3 loop clockwise ending up near the shuttle stop.

    - continue doing both the north (clockwise) and southern (counterclockwise) tram loop ending up a few blocks from the shuttle stop

    - or take the tram back to the market and do the southern loop (clockwise) ending up near the shuttle stop.

    So you see there are lots of options.

    But as you arrive on August 29. it is still plenty of time. ;)

  7. Can you please give us the route for walk along Esplanade Park to Market Square and how to get to Rock Church. We may take the ferry to Fortress after doing the walk and Rock Church. And also tram 3 if time permits.




    The Esplanade Park starts at the back side of the theatre and leads straight to the Market Square. The Northern Esplanade (= left side, lower side) with its stores might be more interesting for a tourist then the Southern Esplanade (= right side, higher side) with its administrative buildings.


    The order you suggest is a bit troublesome as the ferry goes from Market Square while the Rock church is far away. So an idea should be to do it in order Market - Fortress - Orthodox Cathedral - Senate Square - tram 3 to the Rock Church.- then you have different options with the trams, depending on time left, to do either a full or part of the routes or returning to the shuttle stop. I can give details if you want to.

  8. Does the street level photo represent the pin marked F in the other map?


    On Google street view:

    - you rotate the mouse wheel to go to map view.

    - you hold the left mouse button down and move the mouse, or use the arrows on the keyboard, to look around

    - you click on the circle or the arrows to move around

    On Google map view you grab the yellow figure under the compass and move it to a blue line the map (lines coming up once you have grabbed the figure) to go to street view.

  9. Thanks, Desdischado62! The SL planner is telling me to take bus 425 towards Slussen, then metro green line to Gamla Stan, then City tram 7 to Djurgårdsbron. Is this easy to manage? Will it be easy to find all these transfers?


    That cannot be correct. :eek:


    If you plan to use bus-subway-tram then you shall NOT get off the subway at Gamla Stan BUT at T-Centralen (2nd stop from Slussen). And it doesnt matter if you take the green or red line from Slussen as long as it goes towards north. The Slussen station is built so that all trains going north starts from (both sides of) one platform, and those going south from another platform so you can just select first train that comes to the platform.


    Exiting the train at T-Centralen turn LEFT, up the escalators towards Sergels Torg. Locate the Sergel Fountain with the high pillar. Locate the Malmskillnadsgatan bridge behind the fountain. The tram will start under the bridge.





  10. Re: where I found the walking route. I am having difficulty posting the link, but it is on the www(dot)visithelsinki(dot)fi website. There is a link to "Helsinki Welcomes Cruise Visitors" that has a description of places to visit and also a map with key attractions to visit and a walking route outlined. Sorry I can't put in the exact link but it is easy to find on the website.


    This one?




    In that case the dotted line is the subway, not a walking route. :confused:

  11. Is it possible to walk from Hernasaari to Market Square? I downloaded a Helsinki brochure from the tourist bureau and they show a walking route. We are "good walkers" but would appreciate advice. Thanks.


    Its 1.7 miles from quay LHB, 2.1 miles from quay LHC. No technical difficulties but the first part might be a bit boring, especially from LHC where you go almost one kilometer along the harbour.


    Do you have a link to the brochure you downloaded? I would like to have a look the suggested route.

  12. Norweigan star 27 June? Thats quay LHC. This journey planner did not support that date yet so I filled it in with 20 June. Anyway, you'll have to use a combination of bus 14 and bus 24 getting off bus 14 at stop "Kirjailijan puisto" and the go back to the corner, over the street and to the bus 24 stop at Linnankoskenkatu. Better you copy the whole bus stop list from the route details.



    With bus 24 you can the get back to downtown without any need to change.




    bus 24 stop:


  13. I can't seem to find anything about the 24 hour pass on the HSL website. Where do I purchase it and is it good for the ferry?


    Its called day ticket, in this case a 1 day ticket. Bus drivers should have them. Not sure about trams. Not sure if there is a ticket machine in the Hernesaari harbour. Yes, the day ticket is good for the HSL ferry. 8 Euro adults, 4 Euro for children 7-16.






  14. Good plan?


    If you arrive as early as 6 am it should be OK even if I rather recommend using bus 14 and do the walking along the Esplande park rather than walking in the harbor. If you use the tram hopefully it will be able to provide you with a day ticket. That would be valid to the Suomenlinna ferry as well.


    Note 1A:s timetable. That last tram #1A in the morning goes at 9.24. A. M. After that its a long interval until 3.01 P.M!! Tram #1 will NOT go to Eira.




    Read post #428 in this thread for details of other ways to get to the market from the harbour:


  15. Thanks for the reply... I do have a couple questions...

    Market Square is where we go to get the ferry to Suomenlinna Island?F




    and there is an outdoor market on Market Square - correct? What is the indoor market all about - don't have notes on this one.


    The old indoor market built in 1889 is next to the square, but as said its under repairs in 2013.




  16. We'll be coming from the Emeral Princess and How far is tram 9 from the dock West Harbor?



    Is that Emerald Princess that's at Helsinki on 31 May? In that case you dock at quay LHC on east side of West Harbor (Hernesaari) and cannot use tram 9 but shall use bus 14. See post #428 about details when to get off the bus.


    We plan to go to market square first then to rock church. How far is the walk from from market square to rock church? Or you have take a tram?.


    About 1.1 miles and you can see most of downtown on the way. Apart from the last section up to the church (it has to be done by foot anyway even if you take a tram) its a very easy walk with no hills.


    How do we get back to the ship?



    There is a stop near the rock church for bus 14 that will take you back to the ship. Down to bottom of the hill along Fredrik street, (200 yards) turn right into Arkadia street after having first crossed the corner and then a bit forward (110 yards).

  17. Ok, the easy way out is just to take the shuttle bus into the city center and then stroll along the Esplanade Park to the Market Square, Senate Square and visit the Lutheran and the Orthodox cathedrals.

    Walking distance would be 1.5 - 2 miles.


    Most will add the Rock Church as well. This can be done by foot passing the main shopping area, the Railway Station and the Parlament House on the way. The total route would then be around 3.2 miles.

    (I can write a detailed route draft if anyone is interested)


    The Sibelius the Olympic Stadium are further north and half a mile apart for each other. Visiting both adds another 2.3 miles to the route. So most would prefer to use bus or tram for that. In that case buying a

    one day ticket is a good idea.


    It is also popular to do a tour with the #3 tram that makes an "8" around the city. It takes about an hour to make a complete lap. Again the day ticket might come handy.


    The more adventurous of you like to use the region transport for the trip to and from the ship as well, saving the costs of the shuttle.


    Some will also visit the sea fortress. The day ticket is also valid for the ferry from the market. You need at least 2 hours to do that one. There are also harbour tours starting from the market.


    Hope that helps a bit.





  18. Addition to text above:


    The 14th stop is "Kauppakorkeakoulut". Get off here for visiting the rock church. Opposite the street, stop for tram 3T to Railway Station, Senate Square and Market Square.


    The 15th stop at "Apollonkatu" is also an option to get to the rock church.

    One block further on platform for tram 3T in opposite direction, to railway Station, Senate Square and Market Square.

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