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Everything posted by alyssamma

  1. I think this is a bit of an exaggeration. Dogs are mainly at the port during embarkation. This is no different than drug sniffing dogs at airports. It's *possible* some of these dogs may at some time be on some ships for some sailings...but again, very different saying they live onboard. Technically true on a very limited scope, but very misleading.
  2. Thanks for this. Kind of upsetting there are different answers but maybe they needed some time to figure out things...
  3. I've sailed carnival a few times and never seen dogs on them. Your claim is carnival has a full time staff to "sniff out" WEED (SKUNK)???
  4. Was the gnome in the vents? If so, impossible to get rid of. Or is this a new YC perk? Free WEED (SKUNK) in the cabins????
  5. Was the WEED (skunk) coming from INSIDE YOUR CABIN???? Was there perhaps a WEED (SKUNK) gnome in there? Please check under the bed and in the closets. When I last sailed Mera we had one in the mini bar behind the Pringles. They are sneaky because they are high on WEED (SKUNK)
  6. You know, said as a joke, but there is so much truth behind that. I have heard this many times in Saudi Arabia
  7. Lol, this is exactly what I meant. Those guys can be brutal. Once past immigration you are good. Again, my experience is all pre covid...seems like a lot has loosened up over there...
  8. Yeah I think the cruise is only 60% or so...and I'm pretty sure they have this next year...
  9. Yeah, I guess I'm not sure how the OP is getting on the ship. I assumed traveling to Jeddah and not embarking there. I don't know post covid but pre you needed a Visa to enter...I'm assuming you still do. The visa process is very detailed so if that is approved the OP should have no problems.
  10. To be clear, UAE is COMPLETELY different from the rest of the middle East. Passport stamps can definitely be a problem depending on the country you go to. But you are correct about the area, in general, being safe. I would worry about going to Iran as a US citizen right now, for example...but the countries the cruises go to are very safe.
  11. They used about 1.19 on the day it was a 1.1 published rate...so about a 10pt spread...1-3 is more common...even 5...but 10 seemed like gouging. Honestly it's a minor thing but it's always something with MSC and it just pissed me off. Let me be clear...in NO way ruining the cruise. I really love this ship and I'm having a *great* time. I just hate the people who own the ship, lol.
  12. Lol I've been trying to get on this cruise for 3 years. My first attempt was a victim of covid. I've been to Iceland but never Greenland...that's the bucket list item. I've only sailed on the big MSC ships before, but I have to say I'm really liking this ship it's weird but for a longer itinerary I prefer this class. It definitely feels more intimate and fun. Just sailed HAL for the first time in May...really loved it. Club Orange was a game.changer for me. Had a TA booked for next April but they changed the ports and it messed up my post cruise plans so had to cancel. Anyway 3yrs will be here sooner than you think..I'm sure you'll love it.
  13. Fantastica, balcony, 8159. This is my first non YC cabin. But, if you've sailed interior YC, the shower is the same size. The room is larger, tho, and has WAY more closet space. Overall the room is adequate, but nothing to brag about. Some other thoughts...wow, just can't say enough about the staff. Completely blown away. The ship is kept pretty spotless...this includes the buffet. Tables are bussed frequently and the floor is kept clean of fallen food. Shows are typical MSC...we don't like them but many do. Entertainment around the ship is average to good. Nothing standout but pleasant enough. Drinks are excellent, but best IMHO at the zebra bar. I'd say they are made near perfect there... alcoholic and non. The announcements in 7 languages has now officially gotten on my nerves. I get it, but ugh. This is really the only thing about the ship I don't like and that is pretty minor. As mentioned, food is typical MSC quality. I will say the pizza here is definitely better than Caribbean sailings...it's more like they USED to be in the Caribbean. That and breakfast are the only standouts. One very annoying thing is that the food is often at room temp instead of hot or even warm. Huge variety at lunch so you'll def find something you like, but you may have to go through a lot of eh things to get to it 😀 haven't done buffet for dinner so can't comment there.
  14. Lol, yeah TV can do that 😀 Like others have said, stamps can be a problem. This is also one of the things I was alluding to when I said government officials. But, again, I believe that to be mainly when traveling by air and not a cruise. Regardless, new passports so you are good there. Also, to clarify, my comment about traveling in an organized tour was really about your comfort level. If you think you can easily use public transportation in foreign countries, then go for it. Some people have problems with that in their home countries 😀 There are also the issues of things like observing proper customs, which is really for any part of the world. Travelling to churches in Rome you would dress a certain way, for example. A tour would make sure you are aware of these things, but also a simple Google search will educate you also.
  15. I think this is a pretty interesting question and not what I expected from the title. As a black man, I get the worry and often research the same.types of questions from a racism perspective. Having travelled to the Middle East, I'd say most issues would be from government officials and not the general population...but that would be if you travelled on your own. However in the case of a cruise, I believe you would be very safe. Sadly, as with most things, living in the US is likely to be your biggest source of problems. And I'm not saying that for political reasons so hopefully this doesn't veer the thread into that direction. But from my *personal* experience, that is the case. Go on the cruise...I think you'll enjoy it. I would recommend ship excursions unless you are well travelled as navigating that part of the world can sometimes be tricky. But whatever path you take I think you'll enjoy it.
  16. My wife made me wait until we get home to cancel...she really wants to take that cruise too 😀 as mentioned, the staff here are amazing...I've really never seen anything like it. Yesterday my wife explained things to the food and beverage manager and he is going to try and do something for us... anything...even a small token...and my wife will make me keep the booking 😀
  17. Lol, well...the food here is very average overall. You won't go hungry but you won't be excited about eating either 😀 that's actually a plus for me as I don't want to gain 20lbs on this trip.
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