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Posts posted by lazey1

  1. I will pass on todays meal and say yes to Roy's alternative. I like peach iced tea but without the vodka please. The wine sounds wonderful. Never tried to skateboard or tried yoga; now I am to old and inflexible to even try.

    We are now officially in our Monsoon season. Wind and the posssibility of rain every day this week. So far we have only had a couple of light sprinkles that left spots on the windows. Right now it is hot, 108 in the shade in my carport, and muggy with dark grey clouds all around. The predicted low for tonight is 84. I believe that whoever says "but it's a dry heat" has never lived through Monsoon season in Arizona. When and If the rain comes it will coll off for a short time.

    @smitty34877I am so sorry that Tana has pneumonia. She is on my prayer list.

    @1ANGELCATKakalena was able to transfer all her OBC and FCC to me before she passed. ( I still had to use all of them before 12/31/22).


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  2. 1 hour ago, ger_77 said:



    2 small boxes vanilla instant pudding mix

    1 3/4 cups milk

    1 can frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed (I like to use pink)

    1 8oz container Cool Whip, thawed

    Graham wafer crust (I cheat and buy them)

    Combine the pudding and milk until well mixed, then stir in the lemonade concentrate until it is spread throughout.  Fold in the Cool whip, then mound into the graham wafer pie shell.  Chill 4 hours.  There's usually a little too much for the pie shell unless you can find a deep dish one, but that's rare around here, so I put the remainder in a dish for DH to snack on till the pie is ready.  LOL



    Gerry this sounds delish and the recipe is so simple that even I can make it. and wouldn't it be a fantastic dessert after todays dinner of fish and chips.  Thank you for sharing




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  3. 1 hour ago, HAL Sailer said:

    @Heartgrove 🙏Our prayers for your family. May you each be sustained and comforted by warm memories.🙏


    @smitty34877 🔥Thank heavens for the gas alarm! So glad your family is safe. Hoping the inconveniences are few and short-term.🔥


    @kazu🎉Hip Hip Hooray! Your return made this Daily-ite's day! Your contributions have been missed!🎉



    I could not have said this better. 


    I can't pull weeds as I get lightheaded any time I bent over. I don't have a sewing machine, such a klutz that I was never able to thread a needle.  I was never allowed in my mothers kitchen and was very much a klutz in my newlywed years. The deer photo's remind me that venison was our primary source of meat when I was growing up. You see a garden nemisis, I see steak and roasts.



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  4. @StLouisCruisersI would be very afraid of getting Covid in the situation you are describing. Unfortunately there are many conditions other than Covid that can cause uncontrollable coughing episodes and I hope that your neighbor has one of those non-contageous conditions.  I have COPD, a combination of bronchiectasis and emphysema; my next door neighbor has pulmonary fibrosis. If the two of us have coughing spells at the same time it sounds terrible.

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  5. 7 hours ago, rafinmd said:

    Thank you for the Saturday Daily, Rich.  I love all 4 days and the quote.  The meal sounds interesting.  My alternative is Chilled Watermelon Gazpacho and Lamb Loin with Mint Chinchurri as served on MS Prinsendam June 11, 2015.  Feeling normal this morning.

    Koningsdan Staff Captain Sabine - Our first female Staff Captain and HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)



    Totally agree with the above, Winner, Winner, Winner. I am glad you are feeling normal.

    Staff Captain Sabine disembarked the Konigsdam in Juneau on May 30th for her vacation.  She didn't say if she would be coming back to the Konigsdam after her vacation is over.


    7 hours ago, rafinmd said:



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  6. Chocolate ice cream was always my favorite as a child but as I mature I now prefer either Moose Trax or Rocky Road.

    Am I the only one here who used to play with June Bugs as a child? I would catch them, tie thread on their back legs then fly them for what seemed like hours. PS our June Bugs were the iridescent green ones.

    The food, drink and wine all sound good however true Carnitas are made with Pork Shoulder and no other kind of meat.

    Thank you for the photos of todays port. I have never been there and it is not on my Bucket List.


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  7. I was on this same cruise and had quite similar embarcation problems. I had ArriveCan done on my home computer beause I could not get the app to open on my cell phoe. (Neither could Best Buy or the tekkie that built my home computer.) Some young lady at the cruise terminal wouldn't accept my ArriveCan printout and insisted that she put the App on my phone which took her over 1/2 hour. Verifly wouldn't work on my cell phone saying that the date of my last vaccination was wrong. It was correct but I didn't know how to fix that problem. I had to show my boarding docs, my passport, my origional vaccination record and my Negative Covid to two different people before I was finally able to board. I know that I am old and basically computer&cell-phone illiterate but this is totally ridiculous. Disembarcation was not a lot better. Guest Services made the appointment for me to get the required Covid test at the airport. I had a Vancouver Highlights tour with airport transfer booked. The bus was almost 45 minutes late arriving, the driver seemed to go out of his way to point out all of the homeless people laying on the sidewawlks covered with newspapers and stated numerous time that they were having bad problems with homelessness and drug trafficking.  Stanley Park was nice.He was going to get us to the airport at 1:30 until I notified him that my Covid test was 1PM. At the airport there were long lines of people getting their Covid tests and it took quite a while. 

    I found out too late that if you drive back into the United States you didn't need another Covid test. It is possible to take a bus or shuttle from the Vancouver cruise port to Seattle airport and fly home from there.

    I thought the cruise itself was wonderful. There was not as much choice for meals in the dining room as before but the food was very good. As always the staff was wonderful.

    • Thanks 1
  8. Good afternoon everyone. I arrived home at about midnight last night and am still quite exhausted. The cruise itself was wonderful. Every day, except when we were close to Vancouver, was sunny and warm. (70's) which is quite unusual for Alaska. Vancouver area was coold and foggy.

    I just read today's daily, have not read any of the posts since May 27 so I have a bit of catching up to do.

    @StLouis Cruiser

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  9. Things are looking up a bit for me, still quite anxious about the upcoming cruise. I had the Covid test yesterday and it was negative. Navigator completed and working. Still need to upload my immunization card into ArriveCan so I can get a receipt and still need to get the selfie to upload into VeriFly. Fortunately the tekkie that built my computer is coming over this afternoon to do those things. Other than that I am packed and ready to go except for last minute things such as meds.


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  10. Busy day for me today. Deep Cleaned the Liter Robot, filled one container with liter and the other with dry cat food. Checked and made sure there is enough wet cat food for the time I will be away, Did 1 load of laundry, swept out the utility room and kitchen.

    Then I turned on the news and heard about the horrific shooting in Texas. Killing innocent children, our world has become so evil. Praying for their souls along with the Ukraine and our suffering dailyites.



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  11. 1 hour ago, kazu said:




    I think the worst one I got so far is “well at least you had 5 1/2 months to prepare for this”.  I was livid and retorted back - I was preparing for a nursing home not death.  There was no prognosis of death.


    some people are just a$$hats, sadly.  I just need to grow tougher skin, I guess.  But seriously, so many people have been kind - I can’t let two bad apples spoil the barrel.

    What a terrible thing to say to someone who has lost a loved one. Whether the loss was expected or not makes no difference. It Hurts!!

    You don't need to grow tougher skin; they need to learn how to respect someone who is grieving. 


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  12. 1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:



    Here is a photo of her once they got home.  They have only been in the kitchen so far.  I asked if Sadie was afraid of her new surroundings because it is a very large 3 story house, and that's when she said they'd only played in the kitchen so far.





    My, what a beautiful puppy!


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  13. I am very tired today. Had to pick up the flowers for a memorial service then help serve the food and clean up afterwards. That is okay, it is what I do as a member of the Hearts in Service ministry of church.

    The meal and the wine of the day look very good to me. I have not been to the port so I am enjoying the photos, thank you to all who posted. 

    I am feeling a bit more confident about my cruise next week, got my haircut, have appointment for mani/pedi along with my Covid test next Wed. Still frustrated that I am unable to see what was entered on ArriveCan and I am unable to complete that until 72 hours before the cruise. Then I have to hope that I can get a "receipt" printed as my ancient cell phone would not allow me to download and use the app. Now I find that I need to download another app called Verifly ( if my phone will allow me to)and complete that. Navigator is up to date and working although as of now I can't see the menu's for different days. As soon as this cruise is over I plan to get a new phone.

    I have had to close my Bank of Mangino to family loans as some of my in-laws children believe that I am a millionaire.Does anyone have any recommendations for an easy cell phone for an 80 years old who is basically computer illiterate to learn to use that doesn't cost an arm and a leg? 



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  14. Both the meal and the wine of the day sound so good. Now if I could just find someone to cook for me.

    For once I am right on, I visited my DBIL and DSIL this morning, gave them a copy of my itinerary and confirmed that they will be able to take care of my cats while I am on the cruise.

    No photos of today's port, it must not be a very popular one.

    I am looking forward to see current photos of Baby Camilla and of Pocket.



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  15. LOve, love love the photo's of Kotor, especially the photos of the cats. I believe I saw the photo of the 7 cats (or at least a photo just like it) on facebook some time ago. 

    Thanks for the Roger Miller video. He was and still is one of my all time favorite performers.

    All of my cruises except two have been aboard HAL. One was NCL American 7 day circle Hawaii. Gorgeous itinerary, terrible food and terrible American crew. The other was RCCI Allure of the Seasm maiden voyage from the United States. Extremely crowded and, extremely loud with the exception of Central Park which my husband and I loved however DBIL and DSIL didn't care for Central Park.  Good thing we are all different.


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