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Posts posted by lazey1

  1. I was in Helsinki in 2008 when we celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary. As usual all our photos are in an album and unavailable to post here. Thank you @StLouisCruisersfor posting the photos showing the inside of the rock church. When we were there it was closed and we couldn't get close enough to see the inside.

    For all of us who cruised with Kakalena her wonderful CC meet and greets aboard are sorely missed.



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  2. Update Re Kakalena:

    After reading through todays posts which are for the most part upbeat I really am reluctant to give this update now. I asked Kakalena if she wanted me to post this and she said yes, that she needs all the prayers she can get.  Her lung tumor has increased in size to the point that it  has caused her esophagus to collapse meaning she can not eat any solids and can only take small amounts of liquid nourishment. Hospice has suggested placing a feeding tube permanently in her stomach which she has refused. She told me the life expectancy after placing such a tube is 30 to 60 days and that she was relying on me to notify all her friends on both Cruise Critic and on Facebook when she passes. 


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  3. I don't have a dog to walk so I will pet my cats instead. Quite a bit of wildlife here. I live in a 600+ unit mobile home park within a city of aprox 500K and everyday i have wild rabbits, quail, dove, foxes, squirels, very frequent coyotes and occassional Javelina. I no longer play ards except on the computer but once a week a bunch of us elderly widows get togather and play dominos. (At 80 I am one of the youngest.) The meal and wine look very good, I will give the drink a miss. Way to sweet for me but I would love a Margarita.

    When trying to make the choice for my Alaska Cruise it was difficult to decide whether to cruise from Seattle and see Victoria again or from Vancouver and see the Inland Passage again.

    @StLouisCruisersGlad your surgery went well and I expect you will be back to your normal self in no time. As long as the auditory nerves are not crushed or severed there is hope that Jen will be able to hear again.

    @TbayWhat a frightening thing to happen. I am another one who never heard of this diagnosis.  I hope it doesn't happen again.

    @kazuI am continuing to pray for strength for you and a good life for Marley. I can only pray that it is God's will for Jose to recover.


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  4. Every day around here is Love my Pets Day. Hoody Hoo is not needed in the desert southwest. I will give the Cherry Pie, the meal and the drink of the day all a miss. I would love a piece of Overhead Fred's home made Apple Pie. The wine sounds like one I will try although I usually prefer white wines. Only stopped at one port in Norway and it was Bergen, not Trondheim. 

    @kazuI admire your tenacity in attempting to see Jose.

    @smitty34877Tana is blessed to have you as her caretaker.

    @StLouisCruisersI never say good luck with surgery because I don't want to think that luck has anything to do with it. May you and your surgeon have a blest day.

    @rafinmdThank you for continuing to post both the lists and the inspiring sunrise/sunset photos. Enjoy your cruise.


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  5. @grapau27You make me sooooooo hungry every time you post photos of your lovely meals. Great photos of both you and Pauline also. If the photo of you is current it is impossible to see any scar from your recent surgery.

     I am not an organ donor. Too old and too many medical issues. Never even able to give blood to a critically injured relative because of chronic anemia.

    I delete all my Emails including the spam mail every day. Is that what is meant by cleaning up your computer?  I do have some old photos and  financial records that I would like to get rid of but I am so technically challenged that I don't know how.

    Thank you to all who post photos and meme's. They make my day.


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  6. When we got married I was 17 and just out of high school; Gary was 21 and had just reenlisted in the Air Force. From the beginning we were told our marriage wouldn't last, then when our 2nd son died they said we wouldn't last another year. Our marriage lasted for 57 years until Gary passed. We were hoping that our marriage would last longer than my parents who were married for 67 years when my dad passed. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, Oceansaway17 said:



    My original comment BTW what meant to be a flippy jokey comment. 

    I did not feel I was insulting the OP but apparently some folks are like guard dogs ready to pounce.


    I have been told before that I have no sense of humor. I had no idea that you intended your comment to be a flippy jokey comment. I am sorry that my reply offended you.  I did not intend to come across as a guard dog ready to pounce.

    Can't we all just be friends?


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  8. 6 minutes ago, Oceansaway17 said:

    I can't think of a more awful meal that this one.

    Where do you get your food ideas from.   Go back to pasta.

    To each his own. I like both beans and artichokes and the salad with feta sounds good. I dislike pasta but I don't call it an awful meal. Let's keep this a nice, friendly thread.



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  9. Yesterday the gremlins got to me and I unable to open the Boards for several tries. I finally was able to open the boards so I could read but never was able to sign in.

    The last few days have been sunny but cold for Arizona and quite windy. Today is more of the same however the wind is not as bad which is a good thing as I am having my roof re coated and some general caulking and re painting done.

    Bubble gum was fun when I was a youngster,  I am a firm believer that nature abhors a vacuum but I love mushrooms raw, cooked and stuffed with almost anything, crab being my favorite. I will take a miss of the food and the drink of the day. I would love the wine but it is to costly for me. Thank you to all who are posting the cat meme's. They brighten my day.

    @mamaofamiI would be very tempted to write to the Hospital Administrator telling what happened and let him/her know that it could be considered Medical Malpractice to send someone home from the E.R. without a written copy of any medications administered. 

     @kazuI appreciate the meme's that you are posting for us and I hope that posting them is therapeutic for you.

    @luvteaching I am adding your DH to my prayer list. This must be very frustrating for both of you.

    Since this is World Cancer Day I will give a brief update re Kakalena. She is no longer able to drive or get about herself, her cancer is progressing faster than expected.


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  10. On 1/14/2022 at 2:33 PM, DaveOKC said:

    I would try again as this does not make sense.  The only way I can see them denying it is IF you were on a casino offer or something similar.  The Have it All fare is not the issue IMO.



  11. Our church does not celebrate Candlemas, I had to google to find out what it is. Don't care much for ground hogs day and the meal and drink do not appeal to me. On the other hand I love to hear the ukulele and the slack string guitar especially when I am in Hawaii. The wine is good.  Agree with Mark Twain about the good friends and good book, not so much about the sleepy conscious.

    Giving thanks that Jacqui is able to see Jose and that Tana is in rehab room with a nice view.

    Prayers for those on the care list and yippie for the celebrations.



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  12. The things I learn from this thread. Glad to find out that I am not the only one that does not like beer. The drink of the day and the wine both sound delightful, I will skip the meal.

    @StLouisCruisersI am praying for strength for your SIL and God's Will regarding his mother.

    @AncientWanderer You must be an excellent provider and caregiver for your MIL to have progressed so far.

    @rafinmd Kakalena has remained Covid free despite being exposed and she has heard from the movers that her furniture should arrive tomorrow. 2 big celebrations for her.


    There has been a lot of good news here today.



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  13. I like rhubarb and rhubarb/strawberry pie but my favorites are lemon meringue and key lime. Way back in the late 50's when I was a new bride I attempted to make a pie. The crust was so tough that it had to be cut with a butcher knife. Never again. Both the drink and the wine sound good today; the meal not so much although if someone set it in front of me I would eat it.

    Have been to Quebec several times on BHB's, spent 1 night at the Hotel Fontenac; I love that beautiful city. Thank you to all the posters for bringing back fond memories. 

    @kazusorry you have had to cancel your cruise.

    @mamaofamiWishing you the best with the new aide.




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  14. Blondies?, no thanks. I love chocolate Brownies. Both the drink of the day and the wine look interesting. Gnochi and pesto, I don't know having never eaten gnochi. I probably should try it someday. I am wearing a grey sweatshirt with multicolor polka dots and I talk with both of my cats several times a day. I guess that I am answering all their questions as they don't seem to get mad at me.

    @Quartzsite Cruiserthank you for reposting your photos of Nagasaki.

    @ger_77I am sorry you had to cancel your cruise and I pray for a good outcome for your DH.

    @smitty34877does the hospital Tana is in have any family counseling service or even any discharge planners who could suggest a counselor for her son?

    @grapau27you did it again with your food photo. I will be thinking I am starving all day.

    @StLouisCruisersI had a similar experience one time when I went to the hospital to see my husband and when I got to his room I was told , oh he isn't here anymore. I had to call his Doctor to find out that he had been transferred to another facility. It was a very frightening experience. I will be praying for your DSIL's mother.

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  15. Another port I have been to, 3 times if memory serves me correctly. I dearly love popcorn. When I am very tired and/or stressed my go to dinner meal is Popcorn and a glass of White Zinfandel. I will pass on the meal, never been a big fan of pasta although I will eat it occasionally. The drink of the day sounds to spicy for me.

    Continued prayers for Jackie, Jose, Carol and all who need them.

    Kakalena's family, their in-laws and their church all combined to get enough supplies for her to actually get into her new house. There are still a few things not going quite right but everything seems to be looking up.



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  16. 5 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:


    So ( older) Daily-ites, you remember Claudio who did our landscaping and patio etc? Well, while we were gone his guy's came over and cut back our trees, bushes, and shrubs, raked leaves and cleaned out our summer pots as a Christmas gift! Everything looks so nice and clean outside. What a guy.



    Claudio is a real "keeper". It is wonderful to have good help for our landscaping.


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