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Everything posted by ONECRUISER

  1. New Dates for Alaska's posted! Looks like Hawaii and Pacific NW also...plus Radiance Panama Canal April 2024
  2. Agree. Did B5B on Jewel this yr, some the best Food and one the cleanest Ships been on in long time
  3. At least 5 times last 4yrs Times changed for my Ships including just last Month. One time Royal even had our Cards printed with wrong time, showed up to MD and we were all 30min early. Seen 515, 530 and 6 in last 7 Months for early seating on the 2 Ships was on, also on these 2 Times changed week to week on my B2B's. All my sailings this yr did have My Time at 6:45
  4. Never can tell. Many times scored at 5pm-8pm EST Tuesday, few yrs back was 3am EST Wed am when I got my Cabin minutes after opening. Then there is many that they postponed for days or weeks and don't tell us til later. Lot sleepless nites for me last dozen yrs all so I can get my B2B in my same favorite Cabin, that makes it 100% worth it to me.
  5. Not Hard as were several years ago..
  6. 20 yrs ago for me no issue. Today, ones enough though like 2 Desserts
  7. "Between 1950 and 2020, 34 named Atlantic Basin storms formed in November, 21 of which became Hurricanes. You can expect one named storm every other November, and one November Hurricane ever 3 years"
  8. Nope, same rules as before. Just got off last Saturday and had carried on 12 pack Dt Dew
  9. Agree, done this couple times though depends where you live and born. Always had extras just in case
  10. I know, sorry. Even 3 other Videos I found these Cabins show them put away
  11. Agree. Have always received a letter showing what I'm to get while still on Ship, this for Quarantine, Isolation and for 2 Flooded Cabins on 2 Different Cruises. Prorated Money and/or FCC received back in 5-10days, not that everyone has same experience. 2 of these resent as last April and May
  12. Reason I started doing B4B, Airline Cost. At one time was doing 4 Cruises a yr at different times, cheaper do all at once. My Kids were younger a couple decades ago it was $1800 for 7niter for 4 of us in an OV. Flying would have added $2000+ so we'd drive 21hrs each way. Gas was about $1 gallon and cost about $80 each way in my Ford Expeditions. Now I don't drive anymore then local always Flying to Ports but always arrive 2 days early...
  13. Yeah with me always traveling SOLO plus Royals Double Points, 4 points a day I earned 108 points just last month alone. Cruise cost for me was $5400 but that was all Aft/Balcony Cabins, Solo 340+ points and inc Panama Canal Cruise. Did score few Cruises this last yr at $60 a Day, Balcony and Solo. Years ago right after 9/11 did a 5niter on Royal, cost $9 each plus $50 ea total $118 for 2 of us
  14. Yeah 20+ yrs ago Royal workers would wheel us right to our Car in the Miami Parking lot, were first group off, all at once and usually about 8-10 of us. Now, not often but been on Cruises many as 25-30 sitting waiting just at that moment. Only taking couple at a time took so long all the rest of passengers were already off before finished
  15. Wow, what is the passenger count? Last 20yrs only done Radiance Class on longer Sailings where we only had 1450-2050. This is lot lower capacity then shorter Cruises and on other Classes that run average over 100%. Did B5B last Spring on Jewel and have to agree, cleanest, friendliest best run I've seen in long time. Even Food in WJ, selection & taste was Great! I almost did this TA but ended up doing Oct Serenade PC instead, my first threw the Canal
  16. Yup, always have! Got to point last couple weeks I walked in stand at end of the Bar and hold up 2 fingers, they'd bring my Drinks right over before a word was spoken...
  17. Agree, app worked fine and easy to track. Just got off B4B with $0.00 showing every time I PU a drink
  18. Been a while but several times over the years passengers trying take Baggage off at a stop and were stopped forced back on the Ship. One of them I heard say "I'm leaving and you can't stop me!"...Wrong!
  19. Wanted to add even WJ this inc Whole Turkey Carving Station
  20. Yup! Done 8 Thanksgivings lots of Thanksgiving Fare inc great Desserts, though was one in 2019 we didnt have multiple Xmas Trees, Deco's up and Holiday Music playing Friday Morning. They put them up the next nite
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