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Everything posted by Ex-Airbalancer

  1. We have grandkids , so we have enough art to decorate our walls already 😉🤣
  2. That is just crazy ! I don’t understand why people would buy this kind of thing on a cruise
  3. I could not find anything about age in the fine print best to phone Captain Club https://www.celebritycruises.com/captains-club/enroll#Terms
  4. We paid for an ov cabin one time, than there was a price drop, we got an upgrade to Balcony for the same price , only got point for OV Celebrity will probably say it was a special price and you get the original CC points
  5. On Celebrity they do show movies , sometimes in the theatre, sometimes outside , and Celebrity Central on S class ships
  6. If you have a lot port days just get a EU SIM card and use that
  7. There is usually a group of us that meet up TAs , for over 10 years now , so too busy BSing instead of reading 😁
  8. Everyone on the zip tired thread complaining about reclining your seat on an airplane
  9. We are over 12 TAs and l have never had time to finish reading a book 🤣
  10. More like First World Problems , I don’t think many people in 3rd are cruising 😉😁
  11. A Pringle can placed on your tray table , will stop seat from moving reclining noticed that by accident on flight 😁
  12. The cologne / perfume is a big thing ! I have had to leave the theatre and lounges because of people swimming in perfume
  13. Maybe ,never noticed anyone wearing a pin only time I wear a pin is in November for Remembrance Day
  14. It works the same way on all Celebrity ships , Flora maybe different
  15. The only difference is if you see your zip ties missing you know someone been in your bag right away With TSA lock you don’t know until you see something missing
  16. That is because Royal perk is not unlimited while Celebrity is unlimited for 2 hours
  17. A search is helpful https://www.celebritycruises.com/captains-club/tiers-and-benefits#power-up-points
  18. Apex Inaugural: April 2020, so next year is 5 years , so it needs to go into dry dock for inspection
  19. Remember Celebrity does offer sales on drink packages and wifi or book with Almost all inclusive for about $60 a day
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