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Everything posted by Ex-Airbalancer

  1. Why would want to watch a NFL game while on a cruise 🤔
  2. I don’t drink coffee , so it is ok as a shareholder not to waste money by putting a coffee marker in every cabins where they will be broken in a couple of months 😉😁
  3. Got an email from Costco with a $50 coupon to order on line with instant cart , the closest Costco is 45 mins away, ordering online Costco has higher prices so I thought the $50 discount would cover the difference Go to check out than a screen comes up for a tip ,with a statement that $0 tip your order would be delayed I canceled the complete order , screw instant cart , I am paying more per item already , stuff on Costco online that is not delivered by instant cart doesnt not ask for a tip 🤬
  4. The only time I felt bad was on our first TA , and it was between Lisbon and Madera it wasn’t rough just big rounding waves, and just 3 days before we went skirted a Hurricane on the Med, on deck 8, forward people had water coming into the cabin, and I felt fine 🤔 Have been about 14 TAs since than with a lot rougher seas without a problem
  5. What works better is to order a lot of Dark and Stormy 🥃😉😋😁
  6. The most important question I can really think that needs to answer is Is Parkwest taking over any part of the ship 🤔😁🤣
  7. He did write that cruise in next month , so it could be hot and seas like glass 😁
  8. Following along as we doing our first Caribbean cruise on the Silhouette repositioning in April , 10 night FLL to NYC looking to read what you are going to do in the islands We doing a Concierge cabin to push us over to Elite + , at a group price of $2785 for 2 with drinks and wifi , taxes in , add in flights , hotel and parking up to $3500 waiting for Black Friday to upgrade to Premium drink package
  9. Great area , down one flight to the sunset bar, and OVC ,
  10. What you call touristy streetcars is what the locals use for daily transportation, and the tourist screw it for them 😉😁
  11. I wonder if the raised the non sale by 35% first 🤔🤣
  12. Which is probably a good thing , never found them to be tasty
  13. On Unexiting Tuesday sale, our Equinox November TA has shown up https://creative.rccl.com/Sales/Celebrity/Exciting_Deals/CEL_Exciting_Deals.pdf a balcony is $980USD plus $137 tax & port fees , We book the end of last October for $1200 USD including taxes &port fees for 2 so it usually better to book early
  14. Having a lot of Elites on repositioning cruises in common for a long time That was the reason they started to have coupons for drinks during HH 😁
  15. £7 is about $12.40 CAD , £5 = $9CAD , so about the same as in Canada , still to rich for me 😉😁
  16. No, you cannot bring your own kettle you probably can order some hot water to you room in the morning
  17. You can’t really compare price in a store to Celebrity , you should be comparing it to a restaurant or sport stadium I believe it over $15 CAD to buy a can of beer at the Toronto Baseball stadium, so that is in line with Celebrity What is the cost at a stadium in England or in restaurants in England ?
  18. Is an inside available on deck 11 ? we had one one a Suez Canal one time , I thought it was a great location
  19. We are on that cruise , we booked airfare last week on FBC
  20. Don’t feel bad , we been in a balcony and had ***** service at the Elite Breakfast, it was on a 26 night b2b , we went early in the 1st cruise, and it was empty and we were basically ignored Never went back , we had a drink package so we went to Bacio for coffee We see what happens in November on the Equinox TA, we don’t have the don’t have the drink package
  21. Maybe they writing about the Corinth Canal or Welland Canal 😉😁
  22. We are back to this thread 😉 https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/3015459-short-caribbean-cruises-not-selling/
  23. Like the Reflection, not a fan of Caribbean cruise or cruises under 10 days 😉😁
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