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Everything posted by PORT ROYAL

  1. As an observer, suggest one contacts the US Embassy as a web chat answer may not be correct.
  2. Just for the hell of it, we (along with friends) have met up for Sunday lunch in Le Touquet (Loups), stopping quickly at Carrefour on the round-a-bout just outside on our return. A “why not” thought?
  3. So one checks, up/down, both sides, opening all the privacy closures, looking for a unoccupied box, finding one complete with drinks, believing it’s reserved, demanding all table items removed, when the guests are possibly visiting friends in an adjacent box, or taking a comfort break.
  4. Agree to day trip. As an aside… Now the worst of COVID has hopefully passed, we are to resume our Lunch and Wine and Cheese etc day trips. And if anyone wishes to replicate, traditionally we take lunch at https://www.lasirene-capgrisnez.com Their Price Fix and service being very good, plus the cheese board is excellent, being very local. Not forgetting the special direct sea views from one’s table. Then off to La Maison of Wine and Cheese, followed by Cité Europe etc and a train back. Yes, one does exceed the posted allowances
  5. Even though many other boxes were available? One’s mindset is understood.
  6. First come could leave Ice Bucket, fizz, glasses, possibly nibbles, chairs parked and entrance shut.
  7. Never seen the ability to book pre-cruise. The easiest method, if not in Grills, is to ask one’s MD who will be happy telephone the appropriate person and book on one’s behalf.
  8. It may have changed (drinks). But a little tip. The boxes were attended by a drinks wait team, who were pleased for one’s regular box drinks orders. Have a discreet word, plus an appreciation, for the “reservation” of a particular box on non-Gala nights, then there should will be no need for a vary early pre-show rush and grab. Up stairway, along floor, no space, back, up, repeat. On these evenings boxes appeared to be popular with those wishing not to follow the published dress code, entering the Theatre box unobserved via the deck 1 “rat runs”. The stairways to the entrances of boxes, on multiple levels, are a tad steep and narrowish, so people with mobility issues should be aware.
  9. Have taken excellent Bin Ends home as gifts, so one’s stateroom consumption should not be a problem. The full price list price is paid, plus the usual 15% fee Ask one’s Sommelier for the best buys on the Bin End Wine List….They know 😉
  10. Just out of interest to assist, one Googled and found a Utube video of 7 minutes showing a tour of the stateroom with the actual setup for 3 pax, which may help.
  11. An additional USA benefit, not available to UK bookers, this is being able to “reprice” if the fare reduces.
  12. First, one, along with others, are posting and exchanging on a code, not a rule. To assist, the best example one can give of a code is when a Lady arrives at, or leaves, a dining table where one is seated. One stands or makes a positive action/gesture to stand. This gesture is a code, not a rule.
  13. Participated. Thanks to the excellent suggestion by @D&N one will also dress “Formal” on the penultimate evening.
  14. Totally agree, but also in the eye with the physical presence.
  15. One can never be “overdressed” on Cunard. Consider a full round trip Crossing Voyage on QM, as there is an unofficial dress code (regardless of published) being “Formal” every evening except for the embarkation and pre disembarkation evenings. Think one would love this. Book onboard?
  16. https://www.portstmaartenwebcam.com
  17. Link to one’s suggestion and exchanges. Just a nice place to stay and they value one’s custom. They also can offer a day pass for a post cruise pre-flight stay. A short taxi ride from airport and cruise terminal
  18. Last chance saloon…Has one visited Karibuni or Yellow Beach and found Seaweed? Both are on Pinel and reached by a very short ferry ride. Space is limited on both so best to book in advance.
  19. The actual date/month has nothing to do with the appearance of seaweed. It is due solely to storms and very heavy swells offshore. But if wishing to avoid Orient in April, then there is always Rainbow on Grand Case. It will not disappoint any discerning guest.
  20. Many enjoy Little Divi Beach/Hotel…. Short Cab ride there… Beds approx $20 per set and use facilities if buying drinks etc.. link to discussion….
  21. For something different? Then it has to be…. https://adventureantigua.com/activities/the-xtreme-circumnav/ Adrenaline rush, sights, swim, lunch, drinks etc.. The best tour. Limited space, book early.
  22. 4 years ago it was North of $200 pp, but work on $250 pp now. Recommend Catherine’s cafe for a great beach day. If not wishing a beach then Sheer Rocks. Both excellent and give a more personal service and memorable day.
  23. One has been told, If it rains, then for 4/5 days after, the sewage outfall and or overflow, will pump out the effluent. This then takes 7/14 days to dissipate by tidal flow. But some items are more dense and will loiter longer. For peace of mind, go to another beach. One recommendation is Coco on Orient or Rainbow on Grand Case.
  24. @little britain Had an afterthought. This may assist if on a budget. Previously heard this Hotel offered an Airport Shuttle and is actually within walking distance to the Cruise Terminal https://www.piraeuscityhotel.com
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