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Everything posted by PORT ROYAL

  1. From personal experience. Obtaining refunds, because of Cunard errors, or having FCDs restored, one is up against the wonderful Cunard Computer System. The recurring nightmare will be when Cunard Customer Services say “COMPUTER SAYS NO”, which the Blob at the end of the telephone will 100% accept even though there is an error. And because COMPUTER SAYS NO, the Blob will hear, but not listen. One has got to be resolute and keep on fighting. Good luck…..
  2. Link to Gold Lounge….. Two Hours of evening Cocktails and hors d’œuvers in the Lounge, plus an excellent breakfast https://www.fairmont-singapore.com/facilities-services/fairmont-gold-lounge/ Enjoy….
  3. La Concha…. Take a front sea view room.
  4. Best suggestion. The beach at Catherine’s Café. Book one’s day/lunch in advance. Taxi e/w $40/50…. Or join the masses at Turners, where there a small easy access point, which is to the very far left, facing the sea, just before the rocks.
  5. Remember “Bin End” selections are available (reduced in price) from Wine List, but the Sommelier may also have a list for some very special bottles being the final ends of Bin End With the assistance from one’s Sommelier, we have savoured some excellent Bin End wines.
  6. Found a night view….
  7. From experience at the Fairmont being a Cunard offered Hotel Cunard makes contracted price deals with Hotels for “freedom of Hotel” aka Junk Rooms. This means your room is only booked 6/8 weeks prior to flight and the hotel will select the room. Rooms confirmed at check in and will probably be worst lowest floor, with no decent view (over the entrance and view of concrete and traffic). Any disputes, the Hotel will refer one back to Cunard, as Cunard made the booking. Cunard charge a Rack Rate per person, but the Hotel charges per room. We had a Fairmont Gold Room bay view (with many benefits) for a few pounds more than Cunard quoted for a “Standard Room” aka Junk. Remember, Cunard charge per person, for two pax the single rate is doubled to equate to a “Room Price” Also, a private car booked via Fairmont from Airport, then to Cruise, was only a little more than a multi-stop with diversions, Cunard 60 seater coach tour. Sign up for Fairmont Membership prior to booking direct, as there may be an upgrade offered on a first visit.. There are NO upgrades allowed, even if payment offered at check in, for Cunard Junk Rooms. Book early for Gold Rooms, because they are the best bang for the Buck. Check out the Fairmont website for the Gold Rooms benefits and the stunning views across the bay, but at night they are truly wonderful. Apologies for a long post, but everything had to be included. Assistance to find Gold Rooms https://www.fairmont.com/reservations/select-room/ Click on Signature Gold Suite Opens Then click on “other rooms” and the Harbour Gold Room will drop down
  8. One will answer the care of wines question. One has all special bottles collected from stateroom. The Sommelier then correctly stores. Wines are selected on sight of the following day’s menu and decanted (red). Never had a condition problem, as Sommeliers are “Masters of Wine”.

    Buy rum

    90% of Liquor Stores around the port will stock this basic entry level, high seller, commercial rum.
  10. From experience…To get the best from both fort tours, allow 2 hours for EM, then 1 hour for LF, with 15 minutes in between. But one must take a guide, otherwise so much of interest will be missed.
  11. To assist, S.H.T. found on the most popular beaches, being the shortest distance from the ship, discovered either sitting hot and sweaty on the sand, or floating in the sea.
  12. If unsure, then ask one’s Hotel Concierge to arrange a Taxi, or if preferred a Limo, from Hotel to Port prior to arrival. This is just one of the many functions of a Concierge. No angst…
  13. Don’t know of any Hotel free shuttles from Southampton Airport then to Port. Airport Taxis are plentiful and reasonably priced. Best to book one’s Hotel/Port Taxi advance as best (most agreeable) times are booked first.
  14. Consider contacting Tours by Locals, as many tour operators will offer what 99% of visitors want, this being the inclusion a beach stop with food/bar. TBL will be able to offer exactly what one requires, albeit food, history etc.
  15. Never considered this specific option, so better to direct this question to the Marriott. Personally, one thinks that having access to all the Hotel’s day facilities, whether they are used or not, could require payment. But one’s thoughts could be proven incorrect.
  16. BIL had the identical angst. However, they were pleased with the resulting upgrade. Not saying there is an upgrade in the pipeline, but one never knows…. Know of a couple who received their stateroom 7 days prior to boarding, again with an upgrade. No need to panic “yet”. If really concerned then give Cunard a call.
  17. Think they issued bands for the last three years, because there were dishonest people thinking they could enter and stay without payment, not being discovered. Security would have enthusiastically completed the robust removal of the infestation. Not 100% sure if bands are still in operation. But, who cares, so long as the knowledge of, plus usage of bands does deter and keeps these reprobates away.
  18. TTE Protocol is to rock up, flash cash, don’t tell them one is from Carnival (lie), take lift, press down, set up a bar tab, enjoy.
  19. Can recommend Good Local Cuisine Sweetfield Manor https://sweetfieldmanor.com/dining/ https://sweetfieldmanor.com/our-menus/ Fine Dining (Gourmet quality) https://champersrestaurant.com https://narubarbados.com/about-us/ Pan Asian (With a gentle Twist) https://narubarbados.com/about-us/ https://narubarbados.com/menu/#concept Just a thought. If looking for a little different type Hotel for a night stay, then consider Sweetfield Manor Hotel. Then no taxi to take to dine. Also close to Airport and Cruise Terminal. They also offered “day rooms” for a post cruise, pre-flight stay. https://sweetfieldmanor.com
  20. The Marriott is the place for discerning and genteel Cruisers and Holidaymakers. Great ambience, service, food and drinks. Totally secure and T’erd free. Book direct or rock up with the TTE Protocol. Information Links. https://www.marriott.com/en-us/hotels/skbrb-st-kitts-marriott-resort-and-the-royal-beach-casino/overview/ https://www.google.co.uk/travel/hotels/entity/CgsI6pnSt4qt6YC3ARAB/lightbox/CAESU2h0dHBzOi8vaW1hZ2VzLnRydmwtbWVkaWEuY29tL2hvdGVscy80MDAwMDAwLzM5ODAwMDAvMzk3NjQwMC8zOTc2Mzc0LzdjODU5ZWVkX3ouanBn?g2lb=2502548%2C2503771%2C2503781%2C4258168%2C4270442%2C4284970%2C4291517%2C4306835%2C4308226%2C4597339%2C4718358%2C4723331%2C4731329%2C4757164%2C4814050%2C4861688%2C4864715%2C4874190%2C4879519%2C4886082%2C4886480%2C4893075%2C4902277%2C4903082%2C4904256%2C4905351%2C4905599%2C4906050%2C4920622%2C4926165&hl=en-GB&gl=uk&ssta=1&grf=EmQKLAgOEigSJnIkKiIKBwjnDxACGAcSBwjnDxACGAkgADAeQMoCSgcI5w8QARgHCjQIDBIwEi6yASsSKQonCiUweDhjMTIxYTRhZDQ2NmJiNjM6MHhiNzAxYTU2OGE2ZjQ4Y2Vh&rp=EOqZ0reKremAtwEQ6pnSt4qt6YC3ATgCQABIAcABAg&ictx=1&sa=X&ved=0CAAQ5JsGahcKEwjgqYyVxbb8AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw&utm_campaign=sharing&utm_medium=link&utm_source=htls
  21. Probably the problem is within the new and improved wonderful Cunard Website. Best to give Cunard a call
  22. Suggestion. Best speak immediately with one’s Bank and/or Mortgage Holder, explain the situation. But do feel the Bank/Mortgage will offer to support one during the ongoing saga of this particular case.
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