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Everything posted by mfs2k

  1. You're a grandgeezer. Maybe your greatgrandparents lived without electricty. And the whole city of Jackson, Mississippi has lived for a week without running water. I bet a millenial would have a tougher time going a week without internet. Internet is a utility in 2022. It's not a luxury.
  2. If I want to taste mixers I drink vodka. If I want the taste of Whiskey I drink bourbon. (I don't like the smoky taste of Scotch)
  3. Pricing will go down when guests decide to complain vocally across social media platforms, elect to vacation with competitors with cheaper internet, or refuse to purchase the service. Unfortunately social media is not very influential for cruise bookings. There are not many competitors and they all charge a lot for internet service People need internet in 2022 just like they need water and electricity on board a ship. Hotels finally stopped charging for internet when people wrote nasty reviews on TripAdv***r and moved their business to hotels with free internet service. We're still a captive audience on cruise ships and this is likely a huge revenue center for them. The new Apple phones announced today have emergency SOS calling via Satellite. Maybe in 5 years most cell phones will be SatPhones and we wont be held hostage by cruise lines for service.
  4. i suspect the caribbean sailings will be closer to full occupancy.
  5. We each pack one 50 pound suitcase and a carry on. If I run out of clothes I send out a load
  6. I'll be in a suite on Beyond in 2 months. Will I have premium WIFI using the latest/greatest Starlink system? or is this a new tier for Wifi I'll have to pay for if I want it??
  7. I "met" a woman from Canada on in May 1995 on Compuserve's chat platform called "CB Simulator." We chatted online for 6 months. Between dialup and compuserve fees it was expensive. I finally met her in person in December 1995. In Ocober 1996 she moved to NY and moved in with me. We got married in 1999 in St Thomas while on a Carnival cruise. We've cruised about 10 times together We celebrated our 23rd anniversary in March and we're sailing on Beyond in October.
  8. Cruise Captain vacations are typically 3 months long so I'd assume BugNaked, her cat, goes home with her.
  9. My heart breaks for fhose poor souls like me, traveling to Bermuda, who still have to take proctored or official tests........
  10. I have a camping table which is light weight and rolls up into an easy carrying bag. I might pack it.
  11. My wife and I are sailing on Beyond's 9 night repositioning cruise from Bayonne to the Caribbean and Fort Lauderdale on 10/26/22. We sailed with the Captain on Equinox in 2019 and she added positivity to our cruise. We'd like to sail with her again. Will we still have a great time if she's not the Captain? Absolutely (I hope. Unless we sail into a hurricane or get grounded somewhere. That wouldn't be great, but at least we'd have stories to post on CruiseCritic) PS: Don't you think there should be a separate section called "Cruise Critical" where you can criticize everything you don't like? Haha I just thought of that.
  12. Captain Kate McCue on Beyond released a TikTok story answering follower questions. Q: "Is this my last cruise before I go on vacation? A: "Yep" Q: Will I be sticking around Italy? A: "Si" Q: "Is my husband coming to pick me up?" A: "Yes!" A few more questions about what she plans to do in Italy....(Eat, Drink, be Merry) Last Question: Q: "Am I going to come back to this ship a lot sooner than everyone expects?" A: "Maybe" I know many of you want to comment "WHO CARES?" I promise some people care. She actually has 4.5 million TikTok followers now. Crazy, right? Quote
  13. It's clear there are no hard and fast rules on this. It seems apparent Moveup is available based on the sailing and occupancy. If customer service quotes 21 days, maybe it's because that's what they're trained to say to keep guests from breathing down their necks.
  14. Dear Shoreside Concierge: Please stock 'Beyond' in October with Bulleit bourbon and Basil Hayden's bourbon please. kthxbye
  15. i got moveup offers over 60 days out for our Beyond sailing in Opctober. I'm assuming timing depends on the cabin category you're booked in, availability, and when the person in charge decides to flip the switch.
  16. I thought the main advantage of Concierge class is the cabins are in bit better location, and they add other little perks to give you more value. I wouldn't spend a lot more for Concierge, but if I got a free upgrate from an IV, I'd take it. Aqua Class gives you a much better perk (Blu access) in my opinion, but the cabin locations are less desirable.
  17. My average age keeps increasing too.
  18. Enjoy your cruise and beautiful balcony and view. Breathe. You’ll have an amazing trip.
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