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Everything posted by sparks1093

  1. That's why we have voire dire, where the attorneys question each potential juror prior to trial to determine their fitness. I don't think anyone would claim that the jury system is a perfect one, too many examples of the flaws out there, but it is the best system we have. (As for the insurance angle, I've never even looked to see if jury service is a covered thing.) I know that in the two times I was called we were asked if we had any things coming up that would possibly interfere with a long trial, so the courts do take that into account. (And I wouldn't be surprised at all that somewhere someone was convicted because juror number 7 had a trip coming up and they only voted guilty so they could get end the process early and make their trip.)
  2. Not sure how things are where you are, but there are laws about many other little things that we are expected to adhere to and if we don't they can be enforced (keeping our property presentable, obeying traffic rules, meeting vehicle inspection requirements, properly disposing of our trash the approved way, etc. etc.). It's the little things that count in society and we are all expected to comply. In a police state they throw you hindend in jail for non-compliance. Here, you may face a fine IF someone in authority decides to make an issue of it. Since I comply with the law I don't have to worry about whether you are on my jury or not. 😉
  3. We had a First Class mess on the USS Eisenhower and we took our food there after going through the regular chow line. We did have some geedunk (snacks) available that was purchased from our dues, as I recall.
  4. Living in a society means that we have laws and sometimes force needs to be used to enforce them. In my state the force applied for not answering a jury duty summons is a fine of up to $200.
  5. If you are able to, without losing a lot, it might be best to just cancel the cruise. I doubt that it will get any better and the only thing that might get their attention is money going out of the door.
  6. Where does AARP hide the gift cards? I searched the site several times with no luck.
  7. The judge told us that the law gave him the authority to send the bailiff out onto the street and impress passerby into jury service if the need arose, which is the end result of enough citizens evading the summons. I heard one comedian say that he felt bad for criminal defendants, because their fate lay in the hands of 12 people not smart enough to get out of jury duty.
  8. Do they sell those all of the time or only part of the time?
  9. We sailed last year with a young lady with gluten allergies and sensitivities to a handful of other foods. DW is allergic to shellfish. They met with the dining staff and the information was put into Menu Mate. At each night's dinner they were able to order their next night's dinner and the waitstaff was able to tell them if it could be made without the offending food or not. A slip was generated with their order for the waitstaff to use. They were also able to order items for sea day brunch and when we were seated they simply informed the waitstaff of their order and they retrieved the slip for it. Our friend was even able to get a gluten free Warm Chocolate Melting Cake.
  10. With great freedom comes great responsibility.
  11. 15 drinks is the limit for everyone, but I think it is a "soft" limit. I've seen bartenders override it on the POS system.
  12. Yes, taste is subjective but the quantity of things is also at issue. Truth be told Carnival has always limited the portions of seafood, one way or another. When we first started sailing them the shrimp in the shrimp cocktail were positively tiny, but as I recall they are at least a more decent size now. It's not like we are sailing on Oceania and paying quadruple or quintuple the fare and the food on Carnival has always passed muster with me.
  13. True. I just saw a post from a local restaurant showing off their seafood Alfredo. Had 3 shrimp and 4 scallops in the picture on top of veggies and pasta, and it had a pile of pasta. Mostly carbs, in other words.
  14. For what I pay for the fare I would be happy with that amount of seafood in that dish, which seems consistent with what I've received in similar dishes from Carnival over the years. If I were paying extra for I would be disappointed.
  15. The only requirement (if using it on a closed loop cruise) is that it be unexpired AFAIK.
  16. Well, it all depends on point of view, I suppose, but some of the responses can be read as being harsh even if they weren't intended that way. Many states will mail the new license even if one goes in person for the renewal and that process can take up to 30 days. Many people forget to check expiry dates when booking their cruise. Why? Because they are human.
  17. Gee, I guess everyone should know everything about everything . One could certainly assume that they are covered, but you know what they say about doing that.
  18. They will put a hold on the card but final charge doesn't happen until after the cruise. If I knew for sure that I'd be using the total amount I would put it on my sail and sign immediately. Any charges would first come off the gift card balance. I don't know if there is a limit of what you can put in your player bank but I'd also put the whole amount on the player bank, cashing it out the last day (assuming there's any left, of course).
  19. OP might have just searched Carnival's site. But the fact remains that the FAQ doesn't have the same clarity for everyone.
  20. But they did look up the answer on their own and it wasn't clear to them. " I did do a search but no results answered my question."
  21. You know that and I know that but not everyone does. Hence the OP's question.
  22. Yes, I know. Doesn't say "mocktail", hence the OP's question. "Non-alcoholic drinks" is too vague a term.
  23. That's a great link and all but it doesn't answer the question since it doesn't mention mocktails. 🙂
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