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Everything posted by sparks1093

  1. Here's what Carnival's contract says about travel documents: Proper travel documentation and eligibility to travel is required at embarkation and throughout the cruise. In addition to immigration and customs requirements, the U.S. government and others place restrictions on the carriage of Guests whose names appear on government watch lists or who are deemed legally ineligible to travel. It is the Guest’s sole responsibility to ensure his/her legal eligibility to travel and to bring and have available at all times all required travel documents. Guests are advised to check with their travel agent and with the appropriate government authorities to determine the necessary documents and travel eligibility requirements for their particular cruise destinations, including the port of embarkation. Carnival assumes no responsibility for advising Guest of what travel documents are required for the requested itinerary and it is recommended that Guest travel with a valid government issued passport at all times. Carnival may cancel the booking of any Guest who is or becomes ineligible to travel for any reason, or who is traveling without proper documentation. In short, passenger's responsibility. Their FAQ does give details about the documentation required for different itineraries.
  2. Yes and the contract usually doesn't go into specifics about travel documents. Just says it's the passenger's responsibility. Since Royals website says passports "must have 6 months validity " that is what I would personally go with.
  3. The learner's permit is issued by a government entity. The question has been answered.
  4. And that's exactly what I advised- go to the source, which is the website (even quoted the website). Every cruise line's terms and conditions includes a provision about documentation and specify boarding will be denied if the passengers documentation is not sufficient and it is up to the passenger to ensure they have the correct documentation. They aren't going to let CS muddy the waters by saying anything the website does not.
  5. Yes, there are, but they don't control the narrative and those that have a different opinion about said beloved cruise line are allowed to post it. The Cruise Critic moderators do a fantastic job and there aren't enough positive posts about this group of volunteers.
  6. It's a bummer for sure but I know that I would be one of those that wouldn't eat the bread bowl so I can totally understand. I love bread and will eat my share, and I also hate to waste food, but eating the bowl is just not typically my thing (and the same would go for a taco shell bowl). I would eat a little of it but I probably wouldn't finish it. And people being people the only way having it as an option might work would be to charge more for an order with the bread bowl.
  7. As long as it is issued by a government entity, local, state, federal, it will work as a photo ID.
  8. The cruise line has it in writing already on their website and that is all one is going to get. You can call CS all day long and all you will get is a stock answer that is in keeping with what is there. The CS reps are not trained to be documentation experts and will not answer specific questions for those "one off" situations. If one goes to Royal's FAQ it does say that they strongly recommend that everyone use a passport and then it says, "The passport must be valid for six months after the day your cruise ends." Now, there may be something else somewhere on the website that qualifies that, but that statement sounds pretty conclusive- "must be". That doesn't read like a suggestion or a recommendation. So, if I were traveling on Royal I would make sure that my passport had 6 months left on it, even though I know that this isn't required by the US or any of the countries being visited.
  9. 7. So this time next week instead of not being able to sleep at home because of excitement I will be in a hotel in Cocoa Beach not being able to sleep because of excitement with check in only a few short hours away. This is going to be a long week.
  10. You got us to 8 days to go, so thank you! So looking forward to boarding now!
  11. In the overall scheme of things, it doesn't. If you don't want to answer, don't. I figured maybe there was something that wasn't clear to you or for some reason you felt you didn't get a complete answer, so I asked to try to draw that out to see if there was anything else that anyone could do to help you.
  12. Why the bump? Your question has been answered. 🙂
  13. There's a lot to this. It seems that some people are always seeking perfection in everything and they are looking for the perfect vacation. They try to plan everything meticulously so that everything is "just so". But when it comes to cruising how often does that happen? We all know that ship happens, so being flexible is a good thing. One of the lessons that we learned early on in life was to make plans loosely and be adaptable to a changing environment and that has served us well in the cruising world.
  14. It's for each person with red status or above, so if you are cruising with someone on their first cruise you would receive it and they wouldn't.
  15. Sure, it can be overwhelming, but at the same time the amount of control one has over the cruise have increased as well. Granted, there are some for whom it's best if everything is done for them so they don't have to decide, but for those of us who don't need that having so many options is a good thing. And now we have places like Cruise Critic where people can turn for help if they need it. Yes, sometimes the "old timers" on here forget what it was like when they started cruising and can be somewhat gruff in their responses, but overall CC is a wealth of information (and one can learn a lot just by browsing existing threads with no real need to post).
  16. Sounds like red, but you can sign into your Carnival account, go to your profile and click on "my benefits". That will show you what your VIFP level is.
  17. Your Sail and Sign card is color coded to reflect your status. As long as it is not blue you are entitled to this perk. When they scan your card it will show them this also and whether or not you have already claimed it.
  18. We were on Legend to Montego Bay. Since I was ill and confined to my cabin that day I can't give any direct thoughts of the port, but those I was cruising with had a great time ashore (they toured a haunted plantation). Legend is an older ship but is in good repair and is easy enough to navigate. My signature has a link to my review of a previous trip on Legend.
  19. I was actually confusing Amber Cove with Half Moon Cay. Our first trip to Amber Cove is coming up. But it does raise a good point that Amber Cove is simply a private area within a country versus being an actual private island, so it would also make sense that Sail and Signs wouldn't work at all.
  20. That is correct. You might have to go to a bar to obtain it (something that might be left over from COVID days). I'll know in 10 days if that has changed 🙂.
  21. The main reason (as I understand it, anyway) is the 15 day limit. The POS used on Amber Cove does get uploaded to the ship's system, but that takes time. If they had the connectivity so the system on the island communicated directly to the ship instantly then that wouldn't be an issue. I know that changing the 15 day limit would be no cost, I have no idea how much it would cost to upgrade the systems, but I don't think it would be little. That said, this isn't a problem to CCL and while some customers may take exception to it most have found a way to adapt.
  22. The reason Cheers doesn't work is a connectivity issue between the island and the ship, it isn't instant. So, it might change at some point when they upgrade the system. I am not holding my breath, though.
  23. One of their biggest recruitment incentives.
  24. Plenty of free water onboard and it tastes just fine. We only use bottled water for shore excursions and stopped buying the cases when we started buying Cheers.
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