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Everything posted by babs135

  1. D&N If I'm being honest with myself he does have legitimate reasons for being cautious, namely cost and health. He doesn't want the commitment of a cruise hanging over us, even if at this stage it would only be the deposit. Secondly is our health. We are both senior citizens and our health is not brilliant and sadly it's not going to improve. I'm never going to change him, not after 50+ years of marriage, but who knows, he may surprise me yet!!
  2. I wish, but DH is steadfast in not booking this far ahead 😭. I'm trying both subtle and unsubtle hints but he won't budge!!!
  3. Would never work. He knows me too well to know that I would never take a holiday (other than a 3 or4 nighter with DD) without him, especially 35 nights!!
  4. babs135

    Pizzas QM2

    in the Lido on the Queen Victoria there is an option to order a made-to-order pizza. Is there anything similar in the King's Court on the QM2 ?
  5. There are a couple of cruises that really appeal but sadly there is absolutely no chance of getting DH to book this early. Completely unmovable.
  6. Sadly I don't think you can eradicate the threat of Covid (or even Noro) completely. DH, adult DD and myself sailed with Cunard to the Canary Islands over Christmas and New Year but it was only towards the end of the cruise did we become aware that Covid was present. In fact, the couple in the cabin next to us had it and were isolating in their balcony cabin. A table companion also mentioned that several cabins on her deck were also isolating. But here's an interesting fact: The 3 of us shared a cabin and were together virtually 24/7. DH is classed as clinically vulnerable and has had 5 jabs, my daughter and myself have had 4. On disembarking we shared (obviously) the car journey home of about 5 hours, arriving back late afternoon. The following morning daughter woke up feeling 'off', took a test and yes, it was positive and remained positive for the next 3 days. We immediately took a test and guess what, both of us were negative and continued to show negative for 3 days. We then stopped for 24 hours before testing again (out of curiosity) and were still negative. So why did she get it and despite being together all the time, why didn't we? There is no answer to the above question but for us we simply came home and have booked 2 further cruises for later in the year!!! One final point for the OP: some people wore masks all the time but the majority, including us, did not. The only time Cunard asked us to mask up was when we used the shuttle buses but even then some people did not bother.
  7. How many deluxe inside Cabins are there ?
  8. We will be in Madeira on New Year's Eve which is a Sunday. Will the shops be open?
  9. We shared a table with a lady who was in one of these Cabins and she was happy with it.
  10. On closer examination of a very small picture of a deck plan and this time using a magnifying glass and holding the page the right way round (!) you are right. Hopefully there will be no noise, apart from DH's snoring 🤣🤣
  11. We have just booked for a repeat cruise to the Canary Islands cruise over Christmas and New year and hope to make Lanzarote (too windy) and Lisbon (no explanation necessary!) as we failed last year. This time we will be in a deluxe inside cabin which will be under the Golden Lion (not much choice as we wanted a sofabed as a 3rd berth for our daughter) so will it be noisy?
  12. This one should be obvious, but on the basis we're accepting Brisbane, maybe this should be classed as 'new'?
  13. Dance hosts don't get paid? Do they have to pay for the cruise or is it discounted?
  14. Looking at a deluxe inside cabin on the Queen Victoria. Is the 3rd berth a 'pull-down' or a sofa bed?
  15. babs135


    Sorry, I'd originally posted in the Cunard forum and admin moved it here so that's why it reads a little disjointed. I am referring to Cunard's 'doing Rome on your own'.
  16. Has anyone heard of an insurance company refusing to pay out because the claim was made in the first year of its inception? Not cruise related but just interested. Gentleman retired to Turkey has had a stroke and is now in a deep coma. Family want to bring him home to be with them but insurance company will not pay out. Switching off his life support machine is not allowed. Sounds odd.
  17. babs135


    The cost of the coach to Rome from the port seems expensive when compared with getting the train, but we're a little nervous about doing this. How easy is it and where in Rome does it stop? I've found a walking tour map which starts at the Colosseum.
  18. babs135

    Why Cunard

    An interesting and somewhat illuminating thread! I chuckled a little about the discussion on fares : our first cruise with P&O was several years ago and we had paid what I thought was a really good price (still do if I'm honest) but we'd barely set foot on the ship when a very strange woman rushed up to us, asked us how much we had paid and before I could even think of a polite reply, she told us what she'd paid - it was over £100 pp less than what we'd paid!!! But why Cunard? Simple really - we enjoy every aspect of every sailing, from the formal nights, the guest speakers, entertainment, food, etc etc. We've sailed on other lines, on the mega ships and have also enjoyed them, but with Cunard there is that almost tangible something extra that draws us back time and time again. BTW, we once followed up a crossing with a short cruise on the NCL Breakaway and when I asked for info on the ship (on CC forum) some people were absolutely horrified that as senior citizens who sail Cunard we would be on a 'fun' ship and some even went as far enough as to suggest that we changed to a smaller and quieter NCL ship!!! Needless to say, we didn't and actually had a great time. DH was particularly taken by a young lady who came into the MDR one night wearing the shortest pair of shorts we've ever seen!! Now that would never happen on a Cunard ship.
  19. Taking into consideration the travelling from and back to the port, what would you say are the Must Sees in Rome? We've never been before and would value any advice.
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