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Everything posted by babs135

  1. We sail on the Victoria on the 11th October.
  2. Just checked on My Cunard. We sail on the 11th October and as yet do not have an allocated cabin. Under the Dining Tab all it says is Saver and underneath Main Dining Room. No time is shown. Presumably once we have a cabin number they will then give us a time/or choice.
  3. Is there a website that produces a weather map of ocean weather and is simple to understand?!! Off to Norway in a couple of weeks and it would be nice to get an idea of what to expect from the Seas on our way.
  4. A free upgrade list? First I've heard of this, but as I don't know how they work out who will get an upgrade, maybe this makes sense. Hope we're very high on the list. We sail on the Queen Victoria two weeks today and are still waiting for a cabin.
  5. Thanks Bluemarble. Maybe a faint hope of an upgrade still possible !! 🤣
  6. Are the ships sailing at full capacity? And We are sailing in 18 days time and still don't have a cabin number. Another website shows the Queen Victoria as sold out and, with everyone who intends to sail having paid some time ago, why haven't we been allocated a cabin? If the ship is full it can't be anything to do with potential upgrades (nice as that would be) so what's the hold up? Just curious.
  7. What, if anything, is there to do for a couple of hours? Late to the party re booking tours I've found tickets for the 'arctic train' from Narvik but there is nearly 3 hours before the return train. Stop is Abisko Ostra. Is there somewhere to get something to eat? Thinking it's not worth the hassle
  8. Maybe the problem of hiring only 2 dance hosts lies with the agency and not Cunard?
  9. If people want to pay for what sounds like a very informative tour that's their choice, the same as paying extra to eat in one of the speciality restaurants. DH is of the mind that he's paid for 3 meals a day so why pay extra just to eat in a 'fancier restaurant'. That's his choice, but plenty are prepared to pay the extra cost.
  10. Hallasm, you're right about the spelling. My mistake!! Apart from the train we have no plans yet. Do you have any suggestions? We are there until 1.30am the following day.
  11. I'm looking at booking the Arctic train out of Narvik ending in Abisko but I've discovered that there are 2 stations there. Astra and Turist. Which is the correct one? I am on the Queen Victoria if that makes any difference.
  12. We add some orange juice to our glass of PA which makes it quite drinkable. Funny/rude comments about Pol Aker seem to be a requirement of every Cunarder, but being honest here..isn't it lovely to be welcomed on board with a bottle of wine waiting to greet you. Doesn't happen on every line.
  13. We have only just booked for the Queen Victoria cruise to Northern Norway in October and most of the excursions (or at least the ones that interest us) are sold out. We are particularly keen on doing the Ofoten Railway trip out of Narvik but I have to confess that I don't completely understand the website, in particular the fact that we need to return to Narvik to get back on board the ship!!!!!! Can anyone here help me with the intricacies of booking a train journey on a foreign website?
  14. It is Devon House in Kingston which was the only highlight of a very disappointing shore excursion. Driver was supposed to stop along the route to allow for photos but either didn't or chose non-photogenic points. With hindsight we really should have complained.
  15. Although we already had a cabin we've been upgraded at check-in so I wouldn't worry.
  16. Not that I'm aware of. If someone took it along with their own that would mean no cases were left behind.
  17. This is the only photo I can find of possibly the worst shore excursion we've ever done. Promised lots of photo ops on the tour, there were none and we really should have asked for a refund. You'll probably need some help with this so.....If I say the choices were reggae or water I suspect that will give it away. If you feel that it isn't worthy of inclusion in any lists I'll totally understand!!!
  18. Apparently it's disputed who said it first!! A Sure Cure for Seasickness Is To Sit Under a Tree – Quote Investigator
  19. We nearly always book a guaranteed cabin and over our 12+ cruises have always had a good cabin but for our upcoming cruise on the Queen Victoria to the Canary Islands over Christmas our luck has finally deserted us as we are in Cabin 4008 which is not just forward, it is very forward! I think I may need help to alleviate any possible sea sickness so it's sea bands vs tablets. Do sea bands really work? A quick look on Amazon shows that there is plenty of choice so if anyone has recommendations please share. Or Am I better with tablets? Again, the question is which would you recommend? And most importantly, can I have a drink or two (or three!) if I'm on tablets? Don't want to spend a fortnight completely alcohol-free.
  20. Don't rule out Royal Caribbean. There is so much to do on their ships that you and the family will not be bored. Also, no one seems to have mentioned NCL? It's a good while since we sailed on any of their ships so I'm not up to date with everything, but I'm pretty certain that they cater for families. Have fun choosing!!
  21. Correct. We visited the normally pristine beach not long after a huge cyclone had hit the area and they were still attempting a clean up. Port Douglas itself was very pleasant.
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