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Everything posted by chemmo

  1. Silhouette has become our favourite ship partly because of the additional restaurants. Like you we love Murano but variety is nice, not just in terms of menu but ambiance. Whilst we are not great fans of the Lawn Grill it is nice mid cruise to eat somewhere with a family BBQ feel… We have also experienced having none menu items in Murano on both Equinox and Eclipse. It wasn’t offered on Silhouette (post covid) and we didn’t ask, we thought the staff were busy enough. In suite dining is something we enjoy occasionally too. We quite like some of the standard room service offerings including the chicken noodle soup and the club sandwich…Fine dining is not wanted every meal!
  2. Thank you so much for posting the balcony pictures! They are the best I have seen and give me a real perspective of the space…We are yet to cruise on E class and the Iconic suite is out (too expensive) the villa is out (mobility issues) the RS is out (tiny balcony) so the PH may be our best option…
  3. Thanks, could you look up and see the stars at night or was the overhang too big?
  4. If you get the chance could you please post some pictures and comments about the balcony space…In particular how much sun does it get and can you stargaze?
  5. Celebrity usually offers a tour and airport drop off. We have done this and found it a good option. Your luggage is stored on the coach. There are lots of other options like booking a day room in a hotel or booking a hire car for the day but a tour and drop off is very easy… Cannot advise re storage only options only as we have never done that…Perhaps if you are staying at a hotel pre cruise they would be willing to accommodate you?
  6. One thing we have often noticed (when looking for little gifts to take home) is cruise ships and most ports of call do not have anything for children stocked. When our son was young we traveled with lots of small toys and things like sticker books. Whilst he helped me pack a few favourites in his backpack I would also have a few extra items in the suitcase to add a bit of novelty during the cruise. Sticker/activity books are light to carry and are great to entertain a small child at the dining table when they have had enough to eat and you would like to finish your meal in a more leisurely fashion!
  7. I haven’t cruised Regent so I cannot offer a comparison. However, we feel Celebrity gives us two experiences in one…We have the club like atmosphere of the Retreat areas when we want it but a wide range of other bars, restaurants and entertainment venues too. Service levels throughout the ship are generally very good so no need to simply stay in the Retreat areas. We can have some lively evenings and some quiet ones.
  8. We are opposite to several of the above posters mainly choosing to dine in the speciality restaurants. Whilst we have never had a bad meal in Luminae we do find the choices quite limited. The menu is quite ‘playfully’ written so it can be difficult to actually know what to expect. There have been a few picture reviews done, looking them up could be useful. I would also add that vegetable portions can be more of a garnish than a portion. You can order a side of veggies or a salad to supplement. Luminae is open for breakfast every day, lunch on boarding day and sea days and every evening. Re the speciality restaurants… Murano, our favourite restaurant. Quite classical in style, service and presentation. Several of the dishes have a degree of table side presentation. Murano’s is the busiest speciality on Equinox in our experience and can book up towards the end of the cruise. It is a longer dining experience so we tend to enjoy on a sea day rather than on a day we have had a busy excursion. Tuscan, think a relaxed steak and pasta venue. Fantastic wake views, worth booking for! We tend to dine here on evenings we are leaving a port at about 6pm. We love to watch the port slowly disappear from view as we peruse the menu, the sun begins to set as we enjoy our entrée and darkness descends as we enjoy coffee and cognac. Quite magical! Le Petite Chef. It is fun dining rather than fine dining. To us a ‘once and done experience’. YouTube it to see what you think. Some people really enjoy. Sushi on Five. Does have more than Sushi. We tend to dine there one or two lunchtimes rather than in the evenings. If I was you I would peruse some menus…The shoreside concierge will contact you about two weeks before you cruise. I suggest you pre book a Tuscan and a Murano early in the cruise to try, then do a night or two in Luminae and go from there.
  9. OK…I enjoy the quiz activities… Retired, presently limited mobility and sick of crossword puzzles! I love to see how many questions I know the answer to before reading the ‘information’….We are E + with little chance of getting to Zenith but you never know….we may win the lottery we never enter!
  10. Congratulations on being top cruiser! Nice flowers!
  11. I would think your shopping sums up your characters well! I assume most friends say ‘Yes’ to dinner party invitations…
  12. Sometimes simple things are best… olives and feta veggie bits and a dip a couple of chocolate strawberries as a sweet change Methinks they overthink, try too hard and as a consequence produce the inedible to the incredulous….
  13. Thanks! It looks like the only ingredients I have got in are gin (wrong brand) and egg whites (presently still in shells) and a lemon. Makes you appreciate the mixology skills! Hmmm, do I go shopping or wait until my next cruise? Sincere thanks both to you and Joseph!
  14. If I read correctly the OP was initially upset because she was worried some wire could have been ingested and then secondly the fact that it was not escalated to the management team. She was not looking for compensation or grovelling, she was looking for the incident to be investigated. She wanted the incident investigating in the same way all of us who may fall over a trip hazard would want it investigating to ensure it didn’t happen to others. Having the attitude that ‘mistakes happen’ so don’t worry results in careless procedures and more mistakes happening…
  15. So pleased you are having a wonderful cruise! Next time you are in sushi can you find out what the cocktail I had was…All I can remember is it was based on mango…If you can round up the recipe it would be even better!
  16. The Royal Suite and above technically have laundry twice during the cruise. In our experience it is unlimited. They brought in the phrase ‘twice per cruise’ when one or two guests with extended family were sending in bagfuls! This includes pressing and dry cleaning. Sky Suites and Celebrity Suites do not have this perk. Elite or over have 1 x laundry bag (per Elite guest) per cruise. E+ it is 2 laundry bags per cruise. Zenith level have unlimited laundry.. Cruises often have a bag offer mid cruise. B2B cruisers have occasionally reported a free bag.
  17. No, I have read relatively few, I do not think there have not been that many as yet…. However, I do value the opinion of the OP… In a previous post I did suggest it would be useful if more people reported (from all ship categories) about their recent buffet experiences. Re noise levels, I seem to remember a couple of posts re noise levels in speciality restaurants on Edge class. As yet we have not yet traveled on E class so have no personal views or opinions.
  18. You brought back great memories for us too… Santorini and Valletta must be two of the most striking ports in the world. There is something so refreshing about visiting a port two or more times. First time you almost feel ‘obliged’ to ‘do’ the highlights, second time you feel more free to simply walk the streets, sit and people watch, enjoy the local cuisine or visit one or two of those sites with brief mentions in tour guides.
  19. We have found everything a bit more hit and miss on land…some restaurants/hotels as good as pre covid but others having reduced service, reduced menu options, increased cost or kept cost similar but then certain things that were previously included (breakfast, parking) are now add ons. When we next board Celebrity there are issues I can be tolerant about….a slightly longer wait for service, some issues with certain wines or spirits but I would expect the OV to supply decent potato salad and have fries ready! I would also not expect a piece of wire in my food. For me, I felt a degree of alarm about the reported noise levels. I like noise sometimes but it is the quiet ambiance of areas of the ship that tend to be our go to places…
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