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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Computer weather report says-Humid. That all so far. So the "out the window" report- it's cooler than yesterday, the sun is shining, and my arthritis in my fingers are letting me know, it's humid. I have been worried about my daily friends west of Georgia, I hope that you are all safe in TX. Things at home have not been so great. DH is in a lot of pain, and cant seem to focus on anything-that and his meds, just doing something simple like putting ice on the part that hurts, he forgets to do, and I hear him moaning and just trying to breathe. And then after I get ice on him, and tell him to relax, 20 minutes later he's fine and want to fix dinner, and then he starts and he cant finish. So yesterday was a very long day for me. We got the babies to the vets, and because their updates were done by an assistant, we were not allowed back to be with them as their second round of deworming and weigh ins were being done. I gave the nice lady my camera, and she took pictures of them on the scale. They now all weigh more than a pound and a half. Then we took them home, went and had lunch at a new greek restaurant (food was fantastic, but limited menu) then picked up some necessaries, got home, watched the F3 Race from Sunday, and then at 4 I went to the "second" job, got off at nine, I fixed dinner due to DH's pain, I walked the neighbors dog and sat down to play mahjong on the computer (my only respite these days) and realized it was past midnight. I went to bed, didn't sleep well, so about 5 hours total, and today I get to work the full 8 hours. I did cook extra burgers for dinner tonight so at least I know that dinner is done. Trying to give both campaigns 20 hours as my contract says, so my next day off is Sunday. Anchorage AK! I have been there, our port after Kodiak, which we never made it to due to bad weather. May of 23-and we sailed right into a typhoon. The pool was over flowing, and the ship was leaning, and the wind was incredible. this picture is the curtain not hanging straight down because the ship was listing so badly The captain sailed us behind some mountains, and out of the wind, and the next day we arrived safely in Anchorage. Poor planning on excursions through Holland, as our excursion was cancelled as the tour guide didnt start up for two weeks later in the season, so we did an Anchorage tour. We went out to Earthquake Park, an area destroyed by the earthquake, and no one is allowed to build on the peninsula mow,. A fuzzy picture of our HAL ship, and a view from the park. We then went to the Aviation Museum, something we always try to do if we can, as DH was Air Force Because the tours ended up having two tours arrive 5 minutes apart at the museum, we had a lot of wander time outside before our group could get into the museum. I ended up buying a huge thick book about WWII in Alaska, and am still reading it.. After we were rushed through the museum, we went to a store that sold CANDY, and while it took us 10 days to eat what our BFF had purchased that day, this is what I remember- it was right next to the store. Coming back to the ship- and a few views from the ship- Doesn't anyone proof read anymore?
  2. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Temps on the computers say 68 and sunny. Yesterday before I went off to the store the computer said 70 something, I got in the car, and the car thermometer said 63, and it felt like 63. I did work yesterday, even got a very decent sale-sold premium seats, but the person paid with a split pay, so it didnt show up as a sale. This morning we are taking "the four" (as the vets office refers to the kittens) for their second drs appointment. Very exciting! They now all have names, so they wont be listed as Kitten 1, Kitten 2, etc. I am taking off from one of the jobs today, as there are errands to run after the vet appointment. We did have burgers last night, with bean and vinegar coleslaw. My neighbor did not try the coleslaw. But she did eat the beans. DH ate the coleslaw and didnt eat the beans. I took a little of each, and ate my burger with the bread with a knife and fork, so it all got mixed up together. Pretty good that way. But I bought more ground sirloin than what was needed, so we will have burgers again tonight. Without bread. I have not been to Norfolk. I dont eat tofu. Lucky for me I am allergic to soy products. I got the flea meds on 3 out of 4 cats last night. Bob took one look at what i was doing and went into major hiding. Having had two torn rotator cuffs, with PT no surgery, one broken left elbow and one pinched nerve in the right one, my hands and wrists are going numb. My bones tell me when it is going to rain, and the metal in my right arm tells me when it is too hot or too cold. I guess my purpose in life is to be a walking barometer. Have a wonderful day!
  3. Currently still procrastinating leaving the house, there was a tornado warning south of us (in Newnan) but they waved that one off. The thunder is right over us, and it is rattling the windows, scared Furnando so much, he fell out of his window sill. But time and tide wait for no man, so off I go.
  4. Good Monday Memorial Day morning Dailyites! It is 73, and the storms have just arrived in the Atlanta area. Heavy rain lightning and thunder. Just in case we lose power, I got up and made coffee. The tv is on, but I can no longer hear it because of the storm. I still need to get going and get to the store, but since it is so dark now I will wait a bit. It is the perfect weather to sleep through, but I fear lack of java, so I got up. @MISTER 67Thank you for letting us know about Grayson Murphy. No matter how great life looks to us, for someone who suffers from depression, it is hard to think outside the pain they are in at the moment, and remember that there can be something better coming. And while alcohol can change the way a person feels, it also feeds depression. I feel sorry for his fiance, and his family. I hope that she will not feel robbed of a future, and can build a new one that will be a happy and solid future. @Cruzin TerriSafe travels today. Good luck at the docs, and enjoy the time spent with old friends. Well I had a nice "race day" yesterday, None of my "guys" won, but at least the INDY was exciting, I never made it through the 600, as Donna came over to see the kittens, and DH was very tired of watching cars going around, and around, and changed the channel to PBS. I didnt want a battle over of my one day of racing, so to be smart, we went to bed after the news, and I never changed it back over. IF I have power after 12, I go to work. 12-6. We are having create your own burger for dinner tonight, and invited Donna over. She told me that she has been eating SPAM for the last week, figure she needs a break.
  5. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! Currently the pre race show is on for F1. Today is my favorite day of the year. F1, Indy and Nascar-9 am to midnight and beyond. I thought I would not have to move from the love seat all day, but I'm such an airhead that I bought all the ingredients last night so that we can have burgers tomorrow night, except, the beef. So I do have to go out. I made a paper airplane last night, so I guess I celebrated early. Instead of wrapping the silverware in a paper napkin, our BBQ place are now placing it in a small long white bag. What to do with the bag....I made a paper airplane. It was not flight worthy. I am currently debating having either a mini bagel or a bowl of leftover spaghetti casserole for breakfast. I'm thinking leftovers, as DH will only eat them once, he does not want leftovers more than one time. But spaghetti? It's always good.
  6. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! I think I understand the quote, because when I have a cruise planned, I dream of the cruise, I investigate each port, and the days just crawl by. When I have nothing to dream of, the days just blend into one long hellish day that can last anywhere between 1 sunset to 300 and I take no notice, its just awful. Its just easier to dream of something better, that is around the corner ..... DH said that he didnt need any more T shirts-truth is he does because he has lost so much weight, so I ordered this one for his upcoming birthday I couldnt stop laughing at this one. I hope that he "gets" it. That has been a problem with him due to his meds, and stress. Two of the kittens have caught on with "food" but the other two are still wary. But this morning instead of the mom cat trying to eat her plate and theirs, she backed off until they started eating, and then she started eating from her plate, then Ollie (the solid black one) will eat with her, but Quiff and Turnip go directly to their food. It's the one that has already been spoken for that is the one not eating, and Munchkin will still nurse her, but the other ones, she pushes away. Well off to watch a zoom meeting, which i put off from yesterday, and then try to watch Qualifying, and then go to work. Oh, and make a spaghetti casserole, while doing all the other stuff. Have a wonderful day!
  7. @MrSnuffleupagus Bon Voyage-have a wonderful cruise!
  8. @ger_77Happy Alternative Birthday-enjoy your day and wine.
  9. Memorial Day weekend-Wow. When I was growing up in NJ we belonged to the Noe Swim Club. This is actually a rather large pond. And every year I couldnt wait until Memorial Day when the Swim Club opened. There were locations that we were not allowed to swim in, unless we passed swimming tests. There was red fish, green fish, blue fish, gold fish, red shark and maroon shark. As you passed each swim test, you received a badge that you had to sew onto your bathing suit. You could not use the diving boards unless you were a gold fish, and I loved diving, so my goal of course was to pass the test for gold fish. I then got to the age where I wanted away from others, so I became a red shark to be able to swim out to the raft. And in order to swim on the other side of the raft, I had to become a maroon shark. So I passed that test. And found out that on the far side of the pond, there were snapping turtles and snakes. I never went out to the raft again. This picture reminds me of Noe.
  10. @Heartgrove Jack- have a very Awesome Birthday!
  11. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! My day off! It's 8 am and 70 degrees, and cloudy. DH wants to finally buy a new phone today. He tried to do this at Christmas time, and the man selling him the phone, was trying to get the old phone number into a new phone, with a new company and for some reason he couldnt do it. He got the number out, but then couldnt load it into the new phone. DH gave up after an hour, asked for his old phone back, which he got, but now he had no number attached to it. I guess the next person who came in, got it, and used the phone for two month, never paid the bill, and DH started getting bills from a company that he never had a phone with. But this time, he is staying with his old company. He just needs a new phone, and will buy it and add the info with his company phone service over the phone. I know that story was rather convoluted, but it ended up with a bill collector harassing him about an outstanding bill, which he didn't owe. He does get confused, and the bill collector was confusing him, I tried to talk with her and she said she didn't care if I was his wife, he had to handle it himself. She couldn't nor wouldn't talk with me. Put it this way, no Verizon on our Horizon. So, its walk the dog, go to the store, visit a museum, come home, watch F1 and cook dinner. I do have a video for my training (after two sales)I need to watch before I start back up tomorrow,. Which will bring me up to almost 40 hours this week. And the next several weeks until 6/14 I am expected to work 40 hours a week. Which means, good, I can pay for the October vacation! And it looks like I will have a job until next March. If I had a tiara I would wear it. Along with my headset. HA! I hope everyone has an absolutely wonderful day, and be safe -between the wonky weather and the ditzy drivers on the road, it is getting hard to survive a normal day.
  12. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! It's 70 degrees with low dark clouds to the west, and the sun rising over the hill in the east. And it will be in the high 80's today. I've been pondering the quote, does Plato mean that we shouldnt take life too seriously? That we should play? Or to let life be understood as a play. Act one, childhood, act two adulthood, old age for act 3, and then the curtain goes down. Did they have curtains? Probably shouldnt think too hard on that one. I have not been to the port of day, IF the port of day is ever Walmart or our pharmacy, I will have photos. Another Formula 1 weekend this weekend, Today is just practice , and I usually dont watch that due to time restrictions. Well even though the kittens live on a screened in porch, I have only seen one this morning, so I need to go check on them. The fans are all on, as we dont have the filters for the air conditioner ordered yet. Not sure why DH hasnt done that yet, because once received, we get the air conditioner's annual inspection and then we can turn it on, thinking we will need it this year. I hope everyone has a great and safe day-I have albums, nice old albums, but the speakers on my dad's stereo which i now own, dont work. My neighbor gave us her parents old turntable with speakers, and they dont work either. I worked for a radio station in college, and received a lot of albums as gifts ( I wrote a lot of reviews) I even have some of my dads old 78's of Ella Fitzgerald but the house is mostly quite now. I also have a wall of CD's trying to replace the albums I cant listen to, and even CD players are becoming obsolete. I ordered two this past winter and we have music on when we work, and listen to the sound of rain while we go to sleep. When I went out this morning to feed the stray cats, I noticed that my gardenia that I bought in 2020 to plant , but then broke my arm and it never went into the ground is blooming! Nothing smells better than a gardenia to me.
  13. @smitty34877Something on my computer is not allowing me to find those cute little cats wishing Tana a Happy Birthday- so please pass on Happy Birthday to Tana from the gnomes!
  14. Long day today-the kittens played all day, and are now sound asleep. Turnip sleeps on the wicker sofa, two are now sleeping in the cat barrel and Jersey sleeps with her momma. I worked 3 hours with the California campaign, got a sale within the first hour, and another in the second hour, and close but no banana for the third hour. I took an hour off, and then put in my 5 hours with the Ohio campaign, and got two sales so for me, not a bad day. But thankful for not having to work for commission, as it pays low for both campaigns. Same hours for tomorrow and then I will be off on Friday! We are going to either go to a museum or a walk in the park. Come home and make spaghetti with italian sausage, but I have no idea what we will eat tomorrow. My old schedule would have allowed me time to make a decent meal, tonight i made some veggie nachos, and gelato. I was hoping to make shrimp curry with veggies tomorrow...Guess that will be a Saturday meal, and yes I am working on Memorial Day, and yes, people told me to call them on Memorial Day.
  15. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! If you read my post last night you will know that my life, hours and work changed quite a bit. But I'm OK, I like selling much more than fundraising. Its just that I will miss that time during the day to have a nice cooked lunch with my DH, and dinner will be eaten at my desk again. The kittens now seem to know how to eat food, they are bouncing around every where. I also learned yesterday how to take a picture with my phone, I really dont want to be tech savvy. But DH was tired of doing it for me, when the boss asks for a screen shot, they want to know the error on the screen, so DH told me how to do it. @ger_77Best wishes and get well hugs to Maurice are being sent your way. I hope that today is successful and that Maurice's health and strength get better each day. @kazuI hope that a resolution is found for your foot. OMG! on that dog attacking Ivan. But a vicious dog probably has an idiot owner, so talking wont help. I hope Ivan is OK, and if you can file a complaint with the police, that might be helpful in the future. Yesterday was tea day. I did not make coffee for the second shift of work, I told myself I would make tea later in my shift. That didnt work. I ended up making iced coffee with the last of the coffee in the pot, and when I got done with taking the trash down to the street, walking the dog, eating my dinner, sending the end of day reports, it was 11 pm, and by then while I wanted tea, it was not in the cards. Guess I will try again today-I did have a sale last night, not a big one, but a sale. So today, I will really consider the tea.
  16. Today did not stay as planned, Dh was fudging around when I needed to leave to get to the pharmacy, so we got to the store when the pharmacy was closed. When we were leaving they reopened from lunch, but then there were 8 people in line, and lets be honest, I did not want my gelato to melt, we got home, and i steamed some asparagus, had it with left over baked potatoes that I made into potato salad, and left over meatloaf. We were watching the Jocalyn 's post race review, and my cell phone rang, it was my boss from a job i was going to start when the opera ended-He wanted to know why I wasnt working with him yet-I explained that with the two campaigns i was on, I couldnt work more than 8 hours a week for him, i had sent him a text, he scrolled through the texts and found it and said -NO! You are contracted to work the opera, but you are to give me the rest of your hours! What about Mike? He knows, and he should have told you and let you go. And if he has a problem with letting you go, then tell him to call me. I said good bye to Mike, and he said he didnt know they were going to steal me. THEN the director of operations called me, and asked me what campaigns I was working, told him about the immediate change, and he said, that I was very popular, and all the BIG bosses wanted me. When we were a small office that handled the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, I was the assistant manager. To the man who is now the Director of Operations. I was well trained, and they pay the employees in Georgia much less than employees in California and New York. And there are no raises. I think that is why I am in such high demand. But now except for dog walking, my mornings are free, so it is time to take up walking again. I miss the woods. @RMLincolnWhen I was last in the office, I sold subscriptions to the NJ Symphony, take advantage of that bus service, and enjoy! I know I need a vacation, Instead of typing in the word Password, I keep in typing Passport. If not for the kittens and you guys, I would be a very sad person. Only 6 more months of work insanity until my north Florida vacation. One of my favorite series to read is the End of Times, there are signs, but then again, there are always signs. I might be left behind, but I like to live on the wild side...NOT!
  17. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! @cat shepard I too have two keypads for my work computer, as one is built into the laptop, but Furnando ripped off the D and the shift key . When that happened it was impossible to work if notes were needed, so the company sent me another keyboard. So my desk looks alot like that picture. Even though my neighbor is home this morning, she wants me to walk the dog, so it's make breakfast, walk dog, go to work for 3 hours, fix lunch, go to the store, and then go back to work. Two of the kittens are now eating real food, but it's not their first choice. Eating her food, and their food is Munchkins choice. Bob, my big orange cat sits at the screen and growls at them all, guess he knows what is coming next. Soon, in a week, or so, they must be introduced, guess that will happen after next Tuesday which is their next vet appointment. I love the quote. I think too many people feel that they will never pass on, but in a way I think they procrastinate living. My old boss, Lisa, is so over educated that she is finding it very hard to get a job. So, ingenious as she is, she and her mother are creating digital art with Bible verses. She is selling on etsy, and asked if I knew people who like digital art to share for you. I'm not sure if I like the art, but I loved her as a boss, and I miss her. So DH and I will buy something to help them out. https://llgifts101.etsy.com . If you like digital art, please check her page out. And yes, her mom is in her late 80's and was working for the company, and doing what I do. So as long as I can keep my mind, I will probably work for another 10 years.... Regarding the fish dish And now to cook breakfast! Have a wonderful day every one!
  18. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! @Denise T I love your picture today, it's exactly how I feel. @StLouisCruisersthe cakes look marvelous. On our last Carnival cruise they had a Cake day, but the ones that looked the most tempting were all non sugar cakes, and I do have an allergy to artificial sugar. I hope you got to taste them all and can give us an idea of which was the best. ( For future knowledge) Yes I love the quote, I love Camus. The salads look good, I buy spring salad in a bag all year long (guess it's always spring somewhere) @HeartgroveI am sorry to read that Sam fell down the stairs. How can this be? The mom cat is in heat again, and the "boys" are now showing up for some action. We need to find out how soon we can get her spayed. Guess we cant do it if she is still nursing, so those younguns need to learn how to eat. Two of the kittens have learned to use the litter box. Pictures will follow later today. @grapau27Thank you for Father Davids address yesterday, and all the information that you bring us every day. I went out Saturday night and on the way home bought some Reeces. They are still in the fridge. I told the man at the counter that it was Reeces day, he asked why. Was it the anniversary of the peanut butter cup? I have no idea I said, just that my friends told me it was. @Norseh2oI know I am late -but Happy anniversary. I just couldnt get it together this weekend, but did find out yesterday morning, that I am not working on Saturday. Or Monday for one of my campaigns. But the other campaign wants us to call on Memorial Day. If DH has Monday off, (which I think we both should) I will take it off, but I just cant think that a holiday is a good sales day. A holiday that is about being with family, friends, and the Memory of those that served. @NickelpennyI am glad that even though there were complications, you are managing so well after your surgery. Dont over do it! Take care of yourself! @kazuNice to see you posting again, you too must take it easy. I hope the foot gets better each day. @JazzyVI too am glad to read about your sleeping more. Good luck this week with your BFF. @smitty34877I am glad that you have a serenity place park by the river. I hope you get a chance to go there often. Love to you all!
  19. @cat shepard I thought it was the line from O HOly NIght, = Fall on your knees and hear the angels's voices....
  20. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! I wish I could say I have had a great three days, but they have been challenging to say the least. The high light of the weekend so far is that Quiffy -the actual runt, used the litter box for the first time, and she is starting to eat crunchies with her mom. Again, the mom cat beats up the babies, and the other three just have not caught on, with the litter box and eating. DH decided to work yesterday, which put the hold on grocery shopping, so that will be today. Neighbor Donna ended up having to play in a pool tournament, so I walked and fed the dog yesterday evening. We went out to dinner late, and we were the last ones to leave the restaurant. And that was at 9. The staff was singing and dancing about the fact that they could go home. I was trying to rush DH, but he was totally not going to be rushed while eating his cobbler and ice cream. My computer is stuck on a news article and the little post for weather just showed up, 65 and light rain, but noaa says it will get up into the low 80's, way too humid. The race is going to be on in 30 minutes, so back to try to walk DH up, as the rest of the day will be watching the F2 and F3 and Porche series. And this morning is french toast , made with Italian bread, and Canadian Syrup- (an international breakfast) I hope everyone has a great day! I loved the quote yesterday, and I love the one today. Hugs!
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